Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sand and Stars

Draco rose up from the shallows behind Faith, crystal clear water dripping out of his hair as he swam towards the sand bar at the edge of the island, the narrow strip of sand that separated the resort from the open ocean. His princess was far ahead, already easing herself upon the edge of the sand, partially in the water, long legs outstretched in front of her, leaning back with the sun shimmering across her wet skin. She looked like some form of goddess or mythical siren, calling out to him.

And he did answer her siren's call if slowly, slipping through the water smoothly towards her. Water shifted around Draco while he swam calmly, barely disturbing the water. His fingers reached out, touching Faith's feet as he neared the sand bar. Draco grinned widely, "Mhmmm, don't you look like a temptress." His voice honeyed and sweet, but his intentions much more mischievous. "What am I gonna do with you, huh ner ahiraor?" His fingers danced along her leg while his mind wondered whether he would be willing to accept a truce and stop playing and rough housing around with her. He supposed she might be able to convince him peacefully, if she laid on the charm and seduction. But he could do that as well.

Draco crawled up the sand, easing himself forward until he was on all fours in front of her. One hand stuck in the sand, the other sliding along her leg, rubbing her glistening skin gently finding its grip on her upper thigh. His head leaned close to her, hovering just inches away, his voice dropping to almost a whisper. "I've got something in mind." His grin widened. "Do you wanna know what it is?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

She gave him a devilish grin with a bit of laughter as he asked what was he going to do with her, "grapes and feathers" She was teasing of course she felt his fingers teasingly touched her feet letting her know she was caught.

Oh the roguish grin he had coupled with smoldering steel gray eyes for so long now the storm had settled there only to reveal the man made of tempered beskar. He was her rock. She couldn't help but notice how the water traveled the curves and dips of his shoulders and arms as he slowly stalked her.

After all their years of marriage she still craved and needed him to touch her and whisper the words of seduction in her ears. He was gorgeous to her in every way the way he looked at her, the sound of his voice calling out to her, the feel of his arms around her, his humor, his loyality, the way he loved their children, and these were just a few things that kept the fires burning in the marriage. As she thought of all this warmth pooled in her belly as she watched him and heard that deep timbre of his voice. She pushed up slight so that she could look deeply into his eyes.

"What do you have in my ner drahr?" He might do any number of things he was like that, just like her. So....she was going to expect almost anything.
Draco grinned at Faith, slipping his hand around her waist as he leaned in. His grey eyes locked with her pools of soft amber, his voice deep and whispered. "Could be something like that." His eyes almost closed, Draco seemed to be moving in to press his lips to hers and fall into an embrace on the sand. There was a part of him that could have fallen upon her, rolling with Faith in the sand and water. But those were plans for midnight, in the dark of night, for now he had other more playful plans.

Faith was good to him, and good for him. She was dedicated to her people, always working to ensure they lived peacefully and prospered yet still found time to be a mother to their children and wife to her husband who cherished her more than anything else. She kept him grounded and stable, in return he kept her down to earth; she gave him something to look forward to and he made sacrifices to ensure they could spend every day together. Yes he wanted to leave everything else behind and just the two of them, their children coming and going as they pleased, wander and adventure together. See new and exciting places, meet and discover new civilizations, and get into trouble. But who didn't look forward to retirement? For now, this island on this tropical planet would suffice. There was plenty of things to explore for themselves, to see for the first time. They loved the water as well, with many fond memories beginning at the water's edge.

"Nah." His voice suddenly back to normal and his grip turning from one with sensual intentions to wrapping around her stomach so the big lumbering giant could lift her from the sand and into his embrace. The rapscallion pulled at Faith to lift her up and off her feet, taking a step back into the water. "I think you need a splash!"

[member="Faith Organa"]
[SIZE=14pt]Oh she knew that look and what he planned, splashing her foot it would be more like him dunking her. She lifted her right hand as if she were going to stroke his cheek.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]She smiled the whole time hoping his guard was down…she then flicked what water she had on her fingers tips onto his face. “You look flush Drahr perhaps you need some cooling off” He was lifting her up by now and she couldn’t help but reach out to hold on.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]“We’ve done this before” She smiled she wasn’t in a position where she could shift their weight and they could fall, also it was shallow they could get hurt.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]She looked around she just couldn’t play the damsel in distress with him, she kicked her feet as she laughed but she was enjoying this game that they were playing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]She leaned forward then and kissed him softly inching slowly towards his ear, “if you’re going to dunk me you best do it quick” She kissed his ear and pulled back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]In the water they would be equal, she would be able to dunk him and splash him so her advantage was to get into the water.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt][member="Draco Vereen"][/SIZE]
Draco grinned, pulling Faith against his chest to feel her warmth against his skin, a sharp contrast to the cool water wrapping around his body. "Maybe you need to cool off?" He retorted, backing further into the water so they could play without worrying about hurting each other. Not so much him hurting her, but her accidentally hurting him in her inevitable, but likely adorable, retaliation.

The Mandalorian kept moving, until he was wading in the bright blue water up to his waist when she pulled herself close, planting her lips on his. Now she was playing his game, using his weakness against him like only she could. Draco's blood heated up, heart picking up pace as his brain sent his body that familiar signal, Faith teasing him. His princess whispered playfully in his ear, her breath teasing against her dragon's ear. Her lips pressed against his skin once more, probably tasting the slight salty taste from the sea water covering him.

He grinned broadly as she pulled away, one eyebrow cocked upwards in amusement. "If you keep teasing me I might just spank you out here to teach you a lesson." He was kidding for the most part, but she might just call his bluff and making him come through with such a threat. But for now it was time for her to get her wish. Draco began leaning backwards slowly.

[member="Faith Organa"]
It was like old times Faith ran her fingers through Dracos hair gone the long dark tresses from their courtship. No he was older a tad Gray but still the virile man she loved.

Tender kisses planted softly to her skin caused her to wiggle gently in his arms. She struggled playfully, "cool off. But Drahr I thought you liked me all warm and cuddly" She teased him. He knew it.

The azure waters rose up to his waist. She leaned against him with all her weight . This was like their first swim in the cool waters of the lake watching the falls as they reveled in the newness of their relationship.

They were a physical couple always had been. Would always be. She dipped her head to kids the hollow of his throat trailing kisses to his shoulder then laying her head down. She wanted him to drop his guard some.

"Drahr. Do you remember the lake?" She picked her head up looking into his eyes. She knew his memory was long. But did he remember that day? Those long nights. Breakfast. Lunch.

The salt on the air filled her senses this felt so good and nothing or anyone would interfere with their time.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"I do like you all warm and cuddly, ner ahiraor." Draco grinned at his princess, rubbing his stubbled chin against the perfectly smooth skin on her bare shoulder. With a wink, he finished "Don't you think that would warm you up?" He knew that it would, for both of them but now wasn't the time for such activities. At least not yet. Nevertheless, his hands held her tight around the small of her back, gripping his princess as though she might slip away should he let go.

The older warrior reveled in Faith's affections, relaxing slightly while she planted kisses along his neck and shoulder. She knew exactly how to get to him, she knew she was the only one that could get to him. That could batter down his defenses and get past all the layers of armor he wore over his soul. She had always seemed to have a key to break through to him, almost effortlessly on her part. She whispered to him, her amber eyes staring into his stormy grey ones, piercing his guard and calming the storm within him with only a look.

"Yes I remember the lake," he whispered, his face dropping into an image of one reflecting on a fond memory. He remembered everything about the lake, the waterfall, the cave. Discovering each other, both of them so wounded and alone until that night. She had lost her husband and son, and he had attached himself to several that he had in turn lost throughout his life. Yet, his loss was never as harsh as Faith's. She had loved someone with all of her being and then lost them. Draco on the other hand had simply lost touch with everyone, with reality. She called him back, became his center, the one constant in his ever changing universe. And he became someone she could find love in once again. Those memories were good, some of his favorites to revel in while he was relaxed.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith could see from the look on Draco's face that he was thinking of the lake. She was softer now allowing him to drain away all her tensions with a simple touch and holding her dearly to him.

"It was beautiful time for us Drahr, all those hours one to interfere responsibilities." She caressed his cheek softly feeling the stubble rough against her fingers. She sighed softly, "do you remember that shortly after that we were blessed with two little lives to care for" Of course he remembered he couldn't help it she had pulled him along and immediately drowned him in all the family she could showing him how much life could be for them.

She started to sway just a little trying to get him to dance with her in the water just the two of them..."I love you Drahr I'd be lost without you." She knew she would he was the one she reached for when her heart hurt, when emotions overwhelmed her, and when she needed reminding of who she was. She was not just the Queen of Alderaan, Head of the Coalition, she was his wife, and mother to their children.

Her eyes stayed on his conveying to him all the love she felt and wanted to express. She was glad he thought of doing this for them. Not just her, but them..they needed this. They needed to be Faith and Draco in love.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Yes it was." Draco said softly, closing his eyes. He let out a stifled chuckle and a slight grin, "Yeah, the twins were my fault." Not that he would trade them for anything in the galaxy, but the timing had certainly been his fault out at the Lake House on Alderaan. "But they turned out alright. Took after their mother." They had very quickly become a family unit, at first it had been just the two of them struggling to be together through all the many obstacles, and then the four of them making a life for themselves.

"I know you would." Draco grinned widely again pausing for a second to see if she reacted, "Kidding, kidding. I don't like thinking about that stuff. I couldn't imagine myself without you, and I'd like to keep it a mystery." He kept backing into the water, deeper and deeper until it was up to his navel, moving towards their cabin suspended on columns over the crystal clear water still a ways off. In truth, he never dwelt on such thoughts for long. Draco had sacrificed so much across his life, lost so many loved ones and friends that losing the person closest to him, his soulmate, was unthinkable. He could not imagine a life without Faith in it with him, he refused to even attempt to.

In an effort to change the subject to something a bit more light-hearted, the big man pinched Faith's bottom. "You temptress, distracting me with all your affection and memories." Faith was truly the owner of his soul, not him. His burly arms hefted her upwards to hold her up higher so she would have to look down at him. "What am I going to do with you, hmmm?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Yes they were your fault completely because I had nothing to do with all" she said in her most sarcastic voice as she looked into those storm cloud grey eyes. He would know she was teasing him. "Oh yeah...good thing they all got my looks because that crooked nose of yours well my perfect children couldn't live with that" She smiled.

They were moving backwards slowly step by step she could see the water slowly rising up she laughed, "Yes I am the sea goddess Faith Vereen, and you are my minion" She shook her head allowing her hair to fall back, then she gave him a leering look.

Then a devilish little grin caressed her lips, "Yes...I have been distracting all this time while waiting for you to get out here deep" she hugged him tighter, "allow me to take all kinds of advantage of you." She wiggled faking trying to struggle away when she was quite content where she was.

She loved the water and being out here just like this with Draco took all the anguish of the day away, she nuzzled his neck as she buried her nose into his neck. Then she began to sway...back and forth......"feel the waves Drahr!!" back and forth...again and again a leaf on the wind enjoying the soft breezes, smell of salt on the winds, and absorbing as much of the sun as she could.
"Well it was never much of a secret I was your minion." Draco nuzzled his head against Faith's chest with a smile, they had a decent give and take between each other, both of them with responsibilities at one time, now him relaxing in retirement while she continued to rule with all the stress that entailed.

"All kinds of advantage of me?" He played shocked with a gasp while he held her playful struggling against his chest. "Well, for that you could have just asked you know." His head leaned back, looking up into her face with a grin, letting her swaying push him backwards into the water until he was on his back, Faith laying against his chest using him like a float. His arms released her, spreading wide to help keep the two of them afloat and guide them towards the beach.

Her swaying caused ripples in the water near them, his chest sinking beneath the water and sea foam to bubble around them, rocking them both through the gentle waves. Her movements enticed his imagination, got his blood pumping like always. Keeping his grin, Draco reached from the water and took a hold of Faith's rear, whispering "My Booty," as he squeezed her with quite a bit of satisfaction. "So, are you going to sing me a little siren's song?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
"I can sing you a little song" she assured him as she laid there relaxed upon his chest while they moved about rising and falling with the gentle ways, "let me think...what would be a good song for you.."

She thought of one that she had sung to Laira one day she started off singing quietly, "I'd like to be under the sea In an octopus' garden in the shade He'd let us in, knows where we've been In his octopus' garden in the shade I'd ask my friends to come and see An octopus'' garden with me I'd like to be under the sea In an octopus' garden in the shade" She laughed wondering what he would think.

The birds over head screeched Draco and Faith were invading their territory and their feeding time. She put her chin on Draco's chest, his hand still resting on her bottom. "Yes Drahr your booty" Usually his treasure when they were alone his booty and she knew why.

"So do you ears hurt yet?" She referred to her singing voice it wasn't sweet and alluring at times but she knew how to tantalize her husband with soft tones.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco closed his eyes, resting in the water as the pair of them listed lazily towards the shore. Somewhere on their little stretch of beach there should be a hammock or a couple of beach chairs if they decided they wanted to sit out in the sun, or the sand was always an option for Faith and Draco. Faith's singing voice wasn't that of an opera singer, but it was as sweet and as alluring as any mythical siren could have managed as far as Draco was concerned. While her song wasn't one of love or battle, it was still comforting to him just hearing it in the voice of his beloved, his princess.

He grinned devilishly when Faith put her chin on his chest, affirming his claim on her bottom. "Yes, they bleed." He said with a smile and a sarcastic tone. "Your voice is like the sweetest honey to my ears. All I can muster for song is off key drunken tunes. And we haven't drank enough to attempt that yet." Draco chuckled, his stomach rising quickly beneath Faith's perch.

His voice dropped low, and he began singing softly out of key, "How can I tell you babe, my back's against the wall. I need you by my side to tell me its alright, cause I don't think I can take much more." When he made it to the chorus, his tone rose a bit and he attempted to add a little out of tone tenor to his deep timber, "Is this love that I'm feeling! Is this the Love that I've been searching For! Is this love, or am I dreaming? This must be love, cause its really got a hold on ME!" Finishing his short attempt with bouts of laughter as he could no longer compose himself.

"See? Even the birds are squawking at me. Terrible unless I get drunk, then I am a classic." The Dragon winked, and his hands finally released her to go back to pulling them through the water gently towards the beach, the water starting to get shallow beneath the pair. He yawned contendedly, very comfortable with his situation beneath his Princess and floating through calm waters on a remote island resort. They needed time together like this as much as their people needed them to lead, as much as their children needed them to support them. "So, are you feeling up to socialize and go get drinks, or are you thinking about having them delivered to us?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"I don't mind your drunken tones my love if I did I would make certain all the alcohol was locked up." She laid there looking up at the blue sky such a perfect day really aside from a few birds making it known they were there Faith couldn't imagine better. The water soaked up all of her anxiety taking it out with the waves. She listened to Draco croon his love song to her.

He always made sure she knew he needed her. She couldn't help but adore him it was hard to tease him when he was such a loving man. Least to her and the children. God forbid anyone fall under his wrath for he was still formidable. They both laughed as he hit his big finish.

"I'm turning into a prune Drahr let's go soak up some sun and have some drinks with the paper umbrellas...and maybe..some...finger foods...I feel like a snack" She was hungry a lot lately. Course she was hungry all the time anyhow. "I spend a lot time around people talking, smiling nodding. This being our first, let it just be us...I can handle that."

She had faced many things as of late and now she understood why her mother sent her to the Senate but there was no Senate to send Laira to. was she to see her daughter had the tools to rule? And what of Theo the boy seemed always lost. Ugh..

She squeezed Draco for a moment needing his calm. Yes drinks sounded good right now..
"Well, maybe we should have locked it up a little tighter when the twins were teenagers." He'd never caught either of them sneaking drinks, but he'd been young once and was certain they had. Draco and Faith were fairly lax with their restrictions on the twins, rather them know they can turn to their parents if they got in trouble than fear getting caught so much that they put themselves in danger trying to hide their mischief. Draco had been much the same way in his youth and so was understanding, and Faith understood the pressures that royalty and nobility placed on them in a way Draco simply could not.

When Faith exclaimed she wished to sit out in the sun and dry off, perhaps tan and nap for a while, Draco groan with feinted reluctance. "Very well then ner runi, but I will request that it be you go get the comlink so I can watch you walk away." He shifted, pushing his legs down towards the shallow sea floor beneath them until they found purchase so he could stand up and out of the water. Draco had considered carrying Faith to the beach chairs and parasol on their little section of sand, but had decided on something a little different.

"When you get back, perhaps a massage would put you at ease. You can lay flat on the chair and I'll work my magic." Faith enjoyed his massages, and the Mandalorian loved being able to provide her with one of the luxuries in life. It only further benefited them that it made the both of them a little more hot and bothered for each other in the process.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Faith walked slowly out of the water tendrils of water slid effortlessly down her skin returning to the pool. Her dark hair hung in wet ringlets around her face curving slightly behind her ears. She smiled over to Draco who offered all he had to her, "I'll get the comm and maybe a massage would be nice. Those magic fingers of yours always manage to put me to sleep"

She teased he knew what those massages did to her. He knew everything there was about her how to make her smile, get her mad and to show her how much she was loved. That is what happens with long years of marriage.

How long had she been Queen now, 19 years? She shook her head as her toes dug into the sand pushing off towards the house, "you wait in our spot and I'll be don't run off" He wouldn't. There were lots of things he would do, run wasn't one of them.

She looked back to see him one more time tall dark handsome and everything that a woman could desire. Even when he wouldn't remember to pick up his socks. She laughed to herself.

"What do you want me to order for you?" Room service or island service was on speed dial she imagined.
Draco scoffed about putting her to sleep, grinning cheekily at Faith while she fetched the comlink. His eyes followed her, his legs moving him very slowly towards a beach chair and parasol sitting in the sand just above the tide line. Beautiful white sand dusted the beach, blowing up into tropical trees with each cool summer breeze that blew off the saltwater waves.

He collapsed onto the beach chair, laying back comfortably on the wicker weaving when Faith called out what he wanted. "Uhmm, something tropical." He mused to himself for a moment, "Oh, oh. Maitai's for me, several of them. Pineapple slices too. Maybe some of those little barbeque sausages and a cheese plate." Draco was a glutton for a couple of things, Faith was certainly chiefest among his vices by far. Food was a lesser vice to be sure, but a weakness of his nonetheless.

The big man squirmed a little bit, trying to get comfortable on the little wicker chair leaned all the way flat before giving up. It was not that the chair was particularly disagreeable or intolerable, only that his previous position had been perfect. Wrapped up by his adoring wife as tiny waves lapped over them both, holding her against him; her warm tanned skin against his stomach, each breath she took her abdominal muscles pressed against his own, each beat of her heart resounding through him. Plus he had had a pretty good hold on her rear, which he practically worshiped.

He waited only a moment before sitting back up, holding his arms out in Faith's direction, "Cooome baaack..." his voice trailed off, his tone needy and clingy just for her. Sometimes he took the act of being too clingy past the limits of her humor, but probably not today. "I miisssss you!"

[member="Faith Organa"]
Food yep he needed his finger foods. She had learned over time that anything he could eat with his bare hands, fingers he enjoyed the most. Formal dinners with visiting dignitaries certainly were interesting to say the very least watching him try to maneuver around a plate while maintaining conversation gave her more laughs than anything else in the palace.

How many nights had she watched him try to eat while nodding like a bobble head at the wife of a noble. She swore he had learned to talk and nod with his eyes open. "Maitais it is and all the other things" She disappeared inside and found the phone, communicator whatever they called it today.

She could hear Draco, was he caterwauling? She looked out while she spoke to the service. His outstretched arms, the creaky pitiful voice...yes he was. Food would arrive soon.

She headed back out standing there looking over at him in the chair looking all dejected. He was so cute wasn't he. "They said they are out of pineapple and tiny hot dogs." She was teasing, "but they'd try to get something out to us soon. Will you be ok with that?" She slowly walked towards him after descending the steps. The sand was so warm and welcoming she sank into it with each step reminding her she was on vacation..

She smiled...waiting.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Out of pineapple?" He shrugged his shoulders with an over-exaggerated frown on his bearded face. Black and grey whiskers protruded from his face, droplets of sea water entangled in his short beard and hair. His long dark locks that Faith loved so much had turned to have streaks of grey at his temples and sparse salt scattered through his once black mane. It was a sign of his age, one of the few he bore proudly. He worked hard to keep his physique and preen himself so that he was still in many ways the young stallion Faith had fallen in love with, but some things shone through despite all the effort he went through.

"I guess I'll live, so long as you keep me company." His arms stretched out to claim his princess as she sauntered through the sand towards him, sun shining off the water that still clung to her perfectly tanned skin. While age was slowly catching up to him, a product of his time steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, it had not caught up with his breathtaking princess. She was still every bit the icon of perfection she had been when he first laid eyes upon her above Obroa-skai. But more than that, she was his and he was hers. She was playful, loving, and kind. She was the woman who gave him his children, and raised them, giving him the confidence to be the father they had needed despite his fears. Faith pushed back the darkness and gave him hope where all else had failed. "Come on, lay down with me. Let me work some magic on you while we wait for our drinks."

His body shifted around on the beach chair, making space for Faith to lay down in the center of the chair. "Where would you like me to start ner ahiraor? Feet and legs, shoulders and back, or elsewhere?" Draco's knuckles cracked at his direction.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Draco never looked old to her he just looked more distinguished as the strands of silver began to appear in his hair and beard. It was the way of life everyone aged. She would too. She had to ask her father about that again. "Keep you company? Draco Vereen the Dragon of Mandalore needs company?" She winked at him as she drew closer.

At one time he probably would have huffed and said something like that's right. But that was long ago almost a lifetime it was most certainly a different life. Draco had become part of her life leaving behind the warrior culture that had given him strength to move forward. She had to admit she hadn't been sure of him, and admitted Sith and all the baggage that went with it. It was history that made him so. She changed history and the reward was a lifetime with him.

She laid the com down just in case they wanted something else and slid into the chaise with him. She snuggled against him for a moment to feel the warmth of life and the steady beat of his heart. She smiled and then rolled over, "Back please...all the other places tend to make your fingers wander..." She laid her head down and looked up at him.

"Are we celebrating anything this week?" She laid still as her mind began to wander through the things for them to talk about now that they were far from the pressures of the palace.

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