Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Ruusan Accords

OOC: Please post along with your fellow reps. Posting order will be decided simply by whomever posts first. Feel free to draft your posts beforehand, but please wait until the rest of another party has finished posting before you do. If a writer fails to post for 48 hours without explanation, they will be passed over in the posting order.



The record seemed to hiss as its performance drew to a close. The cacophony of sound with which it had entirely polluted the cave was slowly starting to ebb away; replaced with a silence that allowed little more than a base understanding of the record's core purpose. The sound itself had been of a delirious sort; what had played could scarcely be called music, yet it was obviously a mortal creation. The record in question was a simple holodisk attached to small holoemitter. The emitter was far louder than something of its size had any right to be; the message it expressed was similarly unpleasant.

The faint sound of flowing water bubbled up through the cavern as the silence dinned. The river would not have stopped moving - it seemed the record possessed some capacity for limiting sound along with its other perks.

Cedric scowled at the thing.

"I'm no seer." The youth mumbled under his breath. The record's contents had proven to be disorienting, but was otherwise entirely illegible. He felt the air around him grow pregnant with a foreboding sense of malice, yet nothing ever came of it. Though frustrated, Cedric toggled the record's power button one more time.

The cavern filled with the record's thrumming music almost instantly. At first, all was as it had been; Cedric grimaced and prepared to return the record to its cell. Then the voices spoke, and the words were crisp enough to raise goosebumps along his arms. They spoke in raspy tenors that should have been difficult to pick out amidst all the cacophonous sound, yet it seemed to rise to the fore of the musical parody. Something turned in Cedric's stomach, and he began to feel his eyes start to water at the corners.

The malignancy had grown to encompass the entire chamber. It felt as if the underground sections of the Graywall had been whisked away from Ruusan to some far off hellish realm, and Cedric had been left as the sole prisoner within it. In this chamber, Cedric Grayson was utterly alone: the force was entirely deafened by the power of the record.

"Explain this," his voice was a quiet whisper, yet it bounced off the cavern walls as if he had shouted. The corners of his vision darkened with a violent crimson filter the color of fresh vitae, and with it came a blast of cold air that made him pull his furs tight about him.

The cavern shook as a guttural voice spoke.

"The end."

The record's holographic projection flickered twice before solidifying into the image of a singular reptilian eye. It peered down at Cedric in the way a god might regard any mortal curiosity. The eye spoke, though the words were whispered into his mind in a far softer manner than forms of communication used previously. It was deceptively kind.

"I know you. Your ancestors locked me away ages ago," a noise that sounded like a large creature licking its lips smacked through Cedric's psyche. The youth grimaced at the overpowering sensation. "Why do you come to me now?"

Words were difficult to grasp when one's sense of self had vanished. His name and identity were lost to him, but the answers were dredged from the back of his shattered musings with little trouble.

"Curiosity. My ancestors built this place, and I wanted to see what they left behind."

The presence shook the boy's skull with laughter. "Curiosity is often the end of the courageous and the foolhardy. I am the one who watches, and I will show you that which will come to pass. Your force is out of balance. The veil between life and death has been lifted. Reality and the ethereal have blended in such a way as to make this reality ephemeral. I will show you."

Cedric parted his lips to speak, but even his words were lost to the ego death that this spirit brought about. Tears spilled down the youth's cheeks as he collapsed onto the damp cavern floor, the demon's voice echoing from around and within him.

"The death of worlds."

Portals expanded far beyond their original dimensions to encompass entire systems. The realm of death and that of reality were joined in a violent copulation that split the very heavens themselves. Trillions of souls were extinguished instantly as their worlds passed into the twilight that followed the union of physical and ethereal. Their deaths served to fuel the expansion of this twilight realm in a process that began to consume the galaxy at large.

Memories beyond measure were destroyed as the lives that carried them were snuffed out. Stars burst from the stress of such an unnatural change, creating galactic phenomena never recorded in sentient history. Different realities bled into one another; time ceased to have any sense of meaning.

There was a reason this world and the netherworld of the force had been kept separate. There was a reason that Netherworld Portals were a new phenomena. There was a reason more war had been waged in the past fifty years than had been in the twenty thousand before it.

"One of many futures. One that may not come to pass. One I crave," the spirit chuckled. "You understand the cause?"

The boy did not answer. His knees were pulled close to his chest; his expression was that of stone. He had become entirely aware of just how insignificant he was to the galactic plan. No matter what he built or what he destroyed, all would continue to follow the cycle that it had been following since the beginning of time. The Sith would rise. Empires would fall. The Republic would reform and then it would collapse once again.

Nothing mattered. None of their efforts could accomplish anything. He was little more than a child thrown into the role of leader because of his bloodline. There was nothing he deserved, nothing he could truly cling to while his mind lay scattered in shattered pieces along the cavern floor.

"Have I lost you?"

He drew in a deep breath. Exhaled. The Jedi Code could be heard rebounding off the walls as he mumbled to himself. Finally, the boy spoke. "If we put efforts toward closing the portals and slowing the death, balance may be restored?"

"Perhaps. I truly do not know; this is all unprecedented. Whatever actions you take are your own: I have only shown you the true nature of your situation."

On the final consonant of the last word, the spirit vanished. Its malignant presence faded from the cavern as if it were little more than a show cloth to be yanked away when required. There was nothing in the cavern, save for Cedric's sobbing form left to wither on the cavern floor.




He was in no position to make a proper call, but one had to be made anyway. Recent stories of war crimes committed on the SJO's part during the battle of Mirial had prompted the idea. While Cedric seriously doubted the claims of a single master possibly being able to wipe out a city block on her own, he knew the Sith propaganda machine well. The story was likely another tool in a long game of Sith lies that had started long before Cedric was even a thought.

The mentioning of these crimes had merged with the revelations presented to him just a few days earlier. When thrown together, Cedric had begun to understand their purpose.

The draft had been a simple write up with the help of [member="Kei Raxis"]. It wasn't meant to be complicated, only to bring in representatives from the galaxy's great powers. If all went well, it would be expanded upon. If not, then he supposed the draft wasn't going to matter much anyway.

It was only his former position that truly gave him any speaking weight. Most knew of the Dominion; many had been its enemy. Much like his progenitors, Cedric had little love for standing down when faced with adversaries. Such an attitude had expanded to his people, whom had busied themselves with the war at the edge of the stars while their worlds were occupied.

In the end, the war they had fought was far more important than the one they had left behind. Cedric had no regrets about his choice to accompany the military expedition during their campaign against the great enemy, but he still felt a sharp sadness when recalling the fall of his people. Many of them had died for a galaxy that would never understand the sacrifice they had made.

"Perhaps they will now," Cedric lifted himself from his seat at the table. The room was empty, save for one of the Graywall's many servant droids. The protocol droid looked at him with confusion; Cedric simply waved him off as he poured himself a glass of wine. "Ignore me. I'm anxious," he offered the automaton a smile, which got him a bow in return. Then the droid was gone, and Cedric was alone once more.

The room he had chosen was stationed at the top of the Graywall. Miles of Ruusan's hill pocked surface could be seen from its high windows. The table itself was a large slab of obsidian engraved with various runes that represented Essonian origins. A number of extra chairs had been arrayed around the meeting table for any guests those present might have brought along with them.

The outer courtyards of the Graywall were already filled with denizens from each of the great powers. Some had created camps at the castle's base for their military personnel. Others had arrived early and chosen to take one of the many guest suites within the castle. The halls were patrolled by loyal men of the 501st, whom had served House Grayson since the death of [member="Darth Arcis"]. They no longer wore their traditional stormtrooper war gear, favoring simple security uniforms to provide the visitors with a better sense of comfort.

Weapons were not permitted in the meeting chamber by any parties. Hopefully the representatives would abide by that choice.

Cedric had clad himself in his father's furs. He'd chosen to remove the armored portions of the garments, leaving him with a black fur cloak and heavy leathers as his sole means of protection. His lightsaber had been left with one of the guards outside.

Members of the press were waiting at the castle gates to be let inside. If all went well, they would be allowed inside. As things were, they were only going to serve as a distraction during the talks. With a quiet sigh, Cedric ran a hand over his shaven skull and peered down into the courtyard. It was from here that the representatives would enter.
"We managed to pull in someone from almost every nation," the youth mused to himself, "Now we just have to convince them to listen."

Kei would be on his way shortly, as would the others. The doors slid open as soon as Cedric finished the thought. Surprised, Cedric whirled about on his heel and offered whoever happened to be coming through first a friendly smile.

"Good morning, allow me to welcome you to the Graywall. I am Cedric Grayson," a hand had already been offered: the words were spoken on instinct before Cedric could register just who or what had stepped through the door.

Approved Guests


The Galactic Empire

  • [member="Vilhelm Balfour"]
  • [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Commenor Systems Alliance

  • [member="Veiere Arenais"]
  • [member="Lady Kay"]

Order of The Silver Jedi

  • [member="Stephanie Swail"]
  • [member="Valae Kitra"]
  • (Extra) [member="Sko'saht"]

The Galactic Alliance

  • [member="Jaius Sovv"]
  • [member="Ryan Korr"]

The First Order

  • [member="Natasi Fortan"]
  • [member="Valessia Creed"]

The Confederacy of Independent Systems

  • [member="Darth Metus"]
  • [member="Idaren Verd"]

The Outer Rim Coalition

  • [member="Jorus Merrill"]
The Metal Lords
  • [member="HK-36"]
  • [member="Lord Mettallum"]
The Sith Empire
  • [member="Darth Vesper"]
  • [member="Darth Saarai"]
  • [member="Vitor Avendahl"] (Undefined)
  • [member="Katarina Vox"] (Extra)

Vilhelm Balfour

Moff Balfour took his cigarra and pressed it an ash tray at his side, before standing to address the rest of the congregation.

“The Galactic Empire thanks the efforts of [member="Cedric Grayson"] and the members of this council to come together and establish a precedent going forward for the conduct of battle, the treatment of prisoners of war, and the treatment of civilians caught up in the crossfire. The Empire has many concerns about the current draft of the proposed accords, but is confident that through rigorous mediation and debate we shall come to a solution that will prevent tragedies like the Jedi Bombardment of the capital of Mirial just months ago.” Balfour declared, and was met with cheers, boos, skepticism, and delight at various points along his opening statements. This would be a long day, but perhaps it would be one for the Empire to profit from.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Jaius Sovv"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Valessia Creed"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Idaren Verd"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Lord Mettallum"] [member="Darth Vesper"] [member="Darth Saarai"] [member="Vitor Avendahl"] [member="Katarina Vox"]
OOC: The link to the google docs in question is here, I haven't a clue if it's editable or not. It shouldn't be.
Edit: I may of messed up the posting order because I started the post before the GE post was started. Ah well, next post should be [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
851 ABY
[member="Cedric Grayson"]
It had all gone well.

The invitations had all been sent out and everyone had recieved them. The original draft of the Ruusan accords were written and ready to be adapted. Cedric Grayson was preparing to address the masses and the representatives were all on their way to turn up and debate. He knew that both friends and enemies would be coming together, both light and dark together in one room to try and make the galaxy less dangerous.

Or more dangerous.

Or they just wouldn't discuss anything.

Kei looked into the mirror once more. He was donning a formal tunic. He decided against his regular gear and the Jedi robes. He wanted to look somewhat formal while not showing alligence to anyone. He needed the accords to work, the civilians around the galaxy needed the accords to work. He cracked his knuckles casually, glaring at himself in the mirror once more. He run his fingers through his hair, tying it up with one quick movement.

He stepped from the makeshift quarters that he'd been given access to. He almost hoped that people had turned up otherwise it would be extremely awkward. He stepped besides Cedric, patting him on the shoulder slowly. They had spent time on the draft, on setting these accords up. This needed to work.
Korr entered, clad in simple earth hued robes that marked him as a Jedi. A lightsaber hung from his belt, thin, silver, and scuffed with use.

No sooner did the doors open, than Grayson rushed over to greet him, thrusting a hand toward him.

Ryan raised a brow, face impassive, and shook Cedric's hand. "Hello again, Grayson. This should be an interesting affair."

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
Underneath the table where she sat, the Force Spinner went around and around in her fingers to stem the anxiety she felt in the presence of so many key figures in the galaxy. Some good, some bad, all different.

She was here, however, as a representative of her Master [member="Valae Kitra"] and the Silver Jedi Order as a whole as they worked on the transition from Voss to Kashyyyk. It was her time to prove herself as a diplomat, a fair thinker and an ambassador for the Light.

The members of the Galactic Empire spoke their views, and as they were closest to her, she nodded to them both and decided to take her turn. Swiftly pocketing the spinner discreetly, the Hapan Padawan stood, swept back a few loose locks of brown hair and pulled back her shawl from the Hapan robes she wore so everyone could see her face.

"Thank you. And thank you, again, to the powers that be for bringing us together in this rather difficult and testing times. But, Mr Balfour, I can assure you there was no bombardment of Mirial by the Jedi. As one who managed to escape a horde of un-dead zombies while attempting to help frightened citizens off world, I was there on the battlefield and would advise you not to believe everything you see and hear coming from external sources and media propaganda. That will not help you see clearly through these proceedings."

Be confident. Be proud. Be you.

"Please. I speak for the Silver Jedi Order and Grandmaster Valae Kitra as her apprentice and closest aide. She extends her apologies to each of you for her not being able to join us, but the people of Voss and Kashyyyk, as well as our Order, need her guidance and support in our transition."

She looked around at the faces. A shiver ran up her spine as she felt the Dark Side presence in the room.

"I may be young, but I am here to work with you all to reach the best outcome we can. Not just for ourselves as representatives of our Orders, Empires and Governments, but for all our people and the people of the galaxy who have been affected by what we do, and how we do it." She looked between the reps. "All of us are as guilty as the other for this."

If there was one thing Stephanie was aware of, it was the label being drawn on the Silver Jedi. It was a label she intended to cut off.

"These are challenging times for us all. Let's all carefully think on choices made today and the outcome it will have on the galaxy, for that is why we are here today. Not just to benefit ourselves and score points. Thank you."

Her throat was dry, and she sat, taking a sip of water from the frosted glass before her. Palms sweaty, heart racing. She had done her best.

[member="Vilhelm Balfour"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Jaius Sovv"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Idaren Verd"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Lord Mettallum"] | [member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"] | [member="Katarina Vox"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
On such an occasion it might be proper for Kay and her husband [member="Veiere Arenais"] to arrive to Ruusan together. But given recent events it was wiser for them to travel in different ships. The fact that Veiere split his time between Commenor and the Jedi Order contributed to it as well.

The Free Lady touched down on the landing pad that was designated for it. There were other ships parked nearby, most that she didn't recognize, but the insignias on them were known to her. Would this be like the other two similar meetings that Veiere and herself were a part of? More than likely. But she had hope that it could be different.

Kay had gone over the bare bones document that was sent with the invitation. There were some parts of it that she had to question and get clarification on, most importantly the use of occupation as a means of punishment. That sat well with her the least. It was punishing innocents for the acts of a few, which did nothing to write the wrongs committed. There were better ways of doing it and she had hoped to express them in time.

As it was, the Commenor Systems Alliance wasn't a warring government, unlike most. It was neutral, consisting of peoples from all over the spectrum. Their focus was on trade and keeping the routes open instead of butting their noses in where it didn't belong. There was a purpose behind that and it had done well for them so far. Now was the chance to see just how conflicting the other governments were towards eachother. No doubt both Veiere and herself would end up just sitting back while the others argued over their ideologies. could be different.

Kay approached the doors, dressed in a loose Royal robe of grey and blue, befitting of her station, yet comfortable enough for the pregnant lady to be unhindered. She was just past the halfway mark of her pregancy, the baby bump clearly visable, but she made no special request to be treated differently, other than not to be given alcohol. Her Force Signature was shrunken down to that of a small tree nut as usual and the guards would find no weapons on her person, not even her hold-out pistol. Her protection was her husband.

She took the hand of [member="Cedric Grayson"] and gave it a firm shake. "Thank you for the invitation." Whether or not Veiere would show was anyone's guess. It was common for other priorities getting in the way. Politics wasn't something that he enjoyed anyways. It was more or less something that he tolerated.

Kay let go of the lad's hand and took the seat that was designated to her, bowing her head to those that met her gaze, yet not speaking up just yet. The time for introductions was when everyone was assembled.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Kei Raxis"],

HK and his Greycloak guards would enter next as part of the delegation from Droid Space, although if Cedric would have greet them like he was greeting [member="Ryan Korr"], the machine would not respond to him, just pausing to stare at him for a second with the cold glow of his crimson photoreceptors washing over the man before moving away towards the table or designated booth they were going to occupy for the rest of the meeting without shaking his hand. Perhaps Cedric would have been too occupied dealing with greeting the GA reps to pay attention to the Metal Lord's arrival.

By the time he would settle in a chair, negotiations would already start to kick off with a bit of an argument between [member="Vilhelm Balfour"] and [member="Stephanie Swail"]. The droid and his guards were clad in what seemed to be black fleshy substance with dark chitinous armored plate creating an additional layer of battle armor around their thin skeletal bodies, with heavy cloaks draped over them, black one on HK and grey on the Greycloaks. Although the Greycloak guards were carrying Firemane-forged Phrik tower shields. or at least tried to bring them inside with an argument that a shield was just an extension of armor, not a weapon. However that would not be all, as within the hidden confines and compartments of their bodies there were lightsabers, one for each of them, and disassembled parts shared between them which, when put together, would be able to make one functional magnetic revolver. The droid was not planning on using, or ordering to use, the weapons, being one of the few followers of ancient codes of chivalry and honor, but he did not expect for other attendees to have as much respect towards the old ways of honoring trust between guests and hosts as he did. Plus he had little faith in the soldiers of the 501st being able to protect him and other guest.

"I have been to enough of these meetings to know that when the pointing of fingers and slinging of blame starts it all falls apart. Like the Young Jedi said, we all could be blamed for something, and we all could be considered criminals somewhere. I suggest we hold off with mud slinging until after the Accords are put together."

With that the machine would pull out a datapad and a holodisk, setting them on the table in front of him as he prepared the points he wanted to touch upon and hopefully include within the Accords, waiting for the actual negotiation and talks to kick off. While he prepared he would give a nod to [member="Lady Kay"], recognizing her from the few times they met and talked.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Unlike [member="HK-36"] If [member="Cedric Grayson"] was to greet Lord Mettallum he would happily shake Cedric's hand and say "I Lord Mettallum thank you for inviting me to this lovely meeting and I Lord Mettallum hope we can make this work for everyone, Organics and Droids"
Lord Mettallum prefered to stand at the table rather than test if the chairs could hold his droid frame. Lord Mettallum's guards stood behind him with Lord Mettallum nor his guards having visible weapons but people who know Lord Mettallum know that he has hidden compartments in his body for weapons.
"Something I Lord Mettallum need to know is the classification of droids in the accords"

[member="Vilhelm Balfour"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Stephanie Swail"]
[member="Ryan Korr"]
[member="Kei Raxis"]
The Outer Rim Coalition delegates comprised Jorus Merrill - one of the Judges - and the silverback Wookiee General Beyyr. Two unarmed Thul Housecarls stood behind them, on loan from Duchess Elaine. Beyyr had shined his baldric and Jorus had put on a clean shirt. Downright dapper.

"For once in my life I agree with the Empire." He glanced at Moff Balfour. "I've got specific concerns, but there's reasonable grounds for optimism here. Uh, Jorus Merrill."

"Urrsssaaa," said the Wookiee.

A tiny translation droid floated beside him. "General Beyyr echoes Captain Merrill's sentiments and offers his hope for continued discourse at these auspicious engagements."
Due to their complicated schedules, Tmoxin Temi and [member="Derek Dib"] had not arrived at the Graywall early, but had reconvened first on Siskeen where they traveled together in the Hapan’s luxury yacht, the Sovereign Stingray. Accompanied by her Mirari bodyguard droids, the pair entered the room quietly as the debate was already underway, though she and the Viceroyal had missed some of the initial formalities. The red-haired Hapan felt no need to disguise her Force signature, nor the darkness which radiated from her aura. The Confederacy was a loose conglomeration of independent worlds run by their own government with help of politicians like Derek Dib. There was peace and prosperity up and down the Corellian Run, and she intended it to stay that way.

The first thing she noticed was just how young Mr. Grayson was. Then brown eyes rimmed with smoky kohl scanned the representatives so far - Galactic Empire, The Silver Jedi Order - Swail’s Hapan robe noted and filed away for reference. There was also Lady Kay, a close acquaintance of Tmoxin’s as well as The Metal Lords and the Outer Rim Coalition designees.

Tmoxin wore an understated, grey and white gown from a Hapan boutique in Ta'a Chume'Dan. The high-necked, long sleeved dress served another purpose as well - it hid the recent scarification that had occurred from the Mandragora ritual she’d taken part in on Ryloth not too long ago. She and Derek had not spoken about what transpired, though he might be able to tell there was some instability lingering in the darksider from its effects. Still she seemed as focused as ever, her gaze landing briefly on the refreshments and then back up to the delegation.

She did not recognize everyone so a brief introduction was in order. “Good day Gentlebeings. I’m Tmoxin Temi and this is Derek Dib, Viceroyal of Siskeen. We represent the Confederacy of Independent Systems." She looked over at the Kiffar knight to see if he had anything else to add before more diplomats and even perhaps even dictators filed in.
Standing next to the red headed Hapan, Derek stood silently. When he boarded the Sting Ray earlier he methodically went over the offered accords as well as the guest list set to arrive. A who's who of political power were set to arrive and as he read the gathered dossiers supplied by the Intelligence branch of the Confederacy he pondered at the potential futility and risk that the meeting represented. And yet if these proceedings were successful the galactic stage would be altered in an unimagined and never before seen way. The possibility was to tempting to pass up.

As he looked over those already gathered he furrowed his brow slightly. With the varied personalities and alignments that were to be gathered here he mused silently about the wisdom of coming unarmed. However he had the Force as his ally. And with the formidable Tmoxin with him he knew the two could handle themselves if events deteriorated into a war zone, as many of his advisors in the Hall of Wisdom upon Olanet had warned.

With Lady Temi's opening statement and introduction he didn't feel the need to bandy ineffectual words of greeting. A slight nod to the general audience was his opening statement. A wise man listened with his ears, observed with his eyes, interpreted the spoken and unspoken before offering up his own voice. Today he would listen to the initial introductions and discussions to see if the accords were viable and had enough support to make his effort worthy of his time.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs

What the Sith had come to do was known already. It was obvious, as obvious as anything could be. How could the lords of warfare come to make peace? How could the architects of genocide, whose empires always were built on the backs of slaves, come in good faith? To these people, life was a coin spent cheaply to further ambition and personal power, who devalued slaves because their citizens were of little better status, who called themselves: gods, kings, emperors, lords and ladies, praetors, valkyries, even monster, but never dreamed or deigned of embracing mortality. Those who welcome the mingling of life and death, who profited from the Galaxy cracked in half, who measured joy in despair, and loved in hatred, and were pure only in corruption.

The question, then, that followed them, was what they would do. How would they mock the process, how they would disrupt it, when the truth would be revealed and they would claim offense to storm out, how they would try to turn these people against one another.

Let them savor that question. They'll know in time.

The first to enter, draped in a Zeyd-Cloth robe of simple design, was a testament to bad taste. Around his neck wound a loosely draped cord of songsteel, and threads of shadowsilk were woven into his hair, and his fingers dripped with rings, wine-red corusca gems and inky, smooth pieces of obsidian or jet. Following attentively, a slave, the twenty-something man dressed in a loose-fitting outfit and a well-polished, decorative collar who reeked of perfume, scattered flower petals where his master walked. His hair was cut short, his eyes glazed over in some sort of drug-haze.

For this was the first emissary to the Ruusan Accords from the Empire: a man who had been sentenced to death by the same one who called the Accords to order, a man who had danced on the ashes of Cedric's home the day it fell, who robbed books from the library of Lorrd and trafficked with servants of the Dark Gods that he had vowed to drive out of the Galaxy.

"Representing the Sith Empire," he said silkily, inflecting a slight bow, "The Lord of Avarice, Darth Vesper, and the Lord of Truth, Darth Saarai. We have nothing but the highest of hopes for the negotiations." He flashed a winning smile, expecting no handshake as he proceeded to the negotiating table, his chained and collared attendant grinning dreamily at Cedric - at everything he turned about to look around at - as he continued the procession, taking his place behind the Sith Lord, who crossed one leg as he draped himself in the simple chair as though it were a throne.

[member="Darth Saarai"], [member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Derek Dib"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Lord Mettallum"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Kei Raxis"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay glanced over to [member="HK-36"] as he walked in with some guards of his own. Strange that he would find himself needing them, but perhaps it was just for appearances' sake. She took out her datapad and set it on the table, surprised that a notification was on there already. A brow was raised as she unlocked the message and read it, followed by a hint of a frown. Veiere wasn't coming. Her eyes closed for a moment while [member="Lord Mettallum"] spoke, a wave of slight disappointment washed over her. She was going to handle this alone. Maybe it was better that way, for her husband despised politics. There was going to be arguments here, she was sure of it. And whether or not she'd be listened to remained to be seen.

Her eyes opened once more, her thoughts tucked away while she closed the message and opened up the rough draft of the Accords. [member="Jorus Merrill"] , @Tmoxin Tami , [member="Derek Dib"] stepped in next. It made her wonder who else was left? [member="Stephanie Swail"] was there, as was [member="Ryan Korr"] , [member="Kei Raxis"] and others.

And then [member="Darth Vesper"] walked in. Even with her Force signature hidden, she could almost see the Darkside dripping from him. The way he dressed, the slave that he brought with him, all of it disgusted her. Slavery was something she tried hard to end, as futile as it was, and it had been many years since she had encountered it. Her thoughts on it would never change, the desire to break the chains of those forced to serve. Yet this was not the time nor the place. And given that the Sith had very little to do with her sector of space, she didn't need to paint a target on the backs of her people.

Kay sat there quietly. She had yet to introduce herself as some of the others already had. Perhaps they'd see that as being rude? With a light clearing of her throat, she spoke up. "I too have high hopes that we could come to some kind of compromise today. My name is Kay Arenais and I represent the Commenor System's Alliance." Not everyone would've heard of them, she knew. But thatdidn't really matter to her anyways. The point was that she was there.
[member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Derek Dib"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Lord Mettallum"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kei Raxis"]

The refusal of the Silver Jedi's representative to admit to culpability for the Mirial slaughter had been relayed to Lord Fa prior to entering the room a few steps behind Vesper.

Typical Jedi.

Running counter to the blatant display of hedonism from Vesper the Thirriken was clad in simple robes.

Crimson, silver, obsidian, accents that accented rather than try to dominate. But Lord Saarai was not to judge... much and today it was the Lord of Avarice, Truth and Avendahl himself that could be considered true allies within this gathering. He settled himself down after Vesper's announcement and studied every attendant for a brief moment. Most of the nations were already here, some were hold-outs and others had spoken their commitment and had yet to arrive.

Quite interesting.

"Oh, I am equally uninterested in mudslinging." Lord Saarai finally said, his first words in the wake of Kay's expression of hope. Attention shifting from Grayson to Stephanie. "Rather, I am quite interested in the truth. After all... if all a nation has to do is swear on their pretty hazel eyes to avoid consequences for actions executed... then what true weight do these accords truly have?"

Oh, Lord Saarai was peeved.

But he stayed calm.

Emotions would have no place here, they would only serve to distract.

"Mirial is but an example of why this meeting was conveyed, so I will not let the Empire's grievances dominate today, but for anyone interested in truth rather than pretty, honeyed words? I have conclusive proof I am willing to share once this meeting is over."

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
The faces and voices of all those around here were noted and stored away; important key figures in the political powers across the galaxy. Some seemed intimidating, others seemed placid. A couple seemed tactical, some seemed careful. It was more than she could wish to be here among them all.

Stephanie nodded here and there, looking around to meet the eyes of others as comments were made and thoughts shared. It came to the representative of the Sith Empire and it was his remark that seemed to have a strange effect on the Padawan.

She felt there and then she wasn’t a Padawan or Jedi, but what she had been created to be originally – a defender and protector of the Light and thus the hopes and dreams of the galaxy’s people. To be one to unite others, to stand tall against adversity and be proud of the passion within and evoke confidence and calm.

All she could do for now was look at the Sith, and when he finished, she lowered her head in respect and splayed her fingertips on the desk, leaning in a little to be in sight of all.

"Truth. One of my core beliefs that we all need in order to make progress. I will hereby lead the way. Lord Saarai, esteemed representatives of the galactic factions, there will be no honeying of words from my tongue. It is true that the Silver Jedi Order took an offensive stand against the might of the Sith Empire, an Empire creeping to the borders of Voss and taking one planet at a time in its wake. It is true that when we saw a threat to the stability and freedom of others, we acted."

She looked around the room.

"As you all know, and can’t fail to deny, is that when good and innocent people are caught up in a war between two parties, the effect is crushing. is difficult to admit that casualties were created on both sides, but also those in the middle. While we acted not to conquer or acquire, we acted to repel and liberate people who wanted to be free. For each loss of life, the Silver Jedi feels them all in the Force and it is something we will never ignore. Any and all operating under the Silver Jedi Order who act out of our code and ethics are held accountable and punishment is and will always be carried out, be it exile, rehabilitation or imprisonment. "

Her heart pounded as she faced the Sith Lord.

"Truth. Let us remember that word."

She held her gaze for a second with those hazel eyes the Lord had mentioned.

"Lord Saarai, I do not wish to ruffle your feathers so to speak, but surely you can’t retroactively punish and hold others to rights for prior events as of this accord today? However, if you do see this accord being called for events like Mirial, where the Jedi took stance against a Dark Side force and to which I regretfully but truthfully admit we participated in, then cast your mind back. In fact, let’s all cast our minds back. "

Her head cocked slightly.

"The slaughter of innocent people on Deneba and children being used as…as suicide bombers. A brutal assault on Midvinter and its people in retaliation for their standing against the Dark Side. Charros IV – a united attack between parties in this very room against a single planet with bombardment of fleets in a relentless show of force. A covert and brutal attack on Ossus by so called Sith warriors surrounding the Silver Jedi worlds, Sith who have also made attacks on neutral Je’daii followers."

Stephanie lowered her head and took a breath. The flashbacks of the Sith warrior on Mirial and on Korriban sprang into her mind; the fear she felt and the close proximity to death she had touched.

"Nearly every suspected Lord and leader within your ranks, Lord Saarai, have committed crimes against the people of this galaxy for nothing but the desire to control and to conquer with no regard to life on any planet or peoples that stand in your way. Coldblooded murderers and dictators lead your ranks today, so you can see why we, the Silver Jedi, wanted to stand against your amassing forces towards our peaceful worlds and the independent worlds cowering in your wake. We will not condone what happened to these planets happen anymore!"

The world resumed around her, and she remembered where she was. Stephanie swallowed and leant back.

"Forgive me. But we are here for truth. Do not make us out be something we are not with evidence doctored to your own gain. Like I said, I barely escaped Mirial after one of your own nearly destroyed every living innocent being with a wave of Dark Side energy. Who knows that you will simply pin that attack of your own side onto one of ours while your warrior goes unpunished, and probably praised. These are the reasons this accord needs to be drawn out today going forward. For truth. For prevention of more of these…these crimes we have committed in the eyes of each other. And to stop the war criminals themselves from committing them. We, the Silver Jedi Order, are with you all in this process. Are with you ALL."

Her body went ice cold. She sat down, mouth dry, and gripped the side of her thighs tight to stop her legs shaking.

[member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Derek Dib"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Lord Mettallum"] | [member=HK-36] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kei Raxis"]
[member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Derek Dib"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Lord Mettallum"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kei Raxis"]

Hope it isn't a problem I made a quick response with Saarai's reply. It made a lot of sense to keep the conversation going.

Lord Saarai listened patiently.

Lord Saarai listened calmly.

Lord Saarai listened serenely.

But Lord Saarai was not amused in the slightest. The low-form quip about his species and feather-deck was pointedly ignored, but inward the Thirriken was once again reassured of his opinion on the common humanoid. They always resorted to that which separated themselves and those they considered lesser. It was no different here, but Tai let it go.

Smile, always smile when these humans make their jokes and laugh their laughs. One day it would only be him smiling.

"You misunderstand, Padawan Swail." Tai finally said kindly in the wake of her passionate rhetoric. She was still young and it made him wonder why the Silver Jedi had chosen her as their representative. It seemed unfair to her, to carry this much weight at a meeting this important. "I do not aim to seek retribution or justice for Mirial in this meeting." Which implied that there would be retribution at some point in the future, yet, it was not said. Neither did Tai point out that Mirial had invited the Sith Empire to help them in their time of need... when no one else would.

All this rhetoric had no place here, after all.

"I merely pointed out that it, and as you say many other regretful acts in the past, have led us to this meeting here." A smile now, patient, understanding, he had already underlined that he was not interested in throwing mud one way or another.

"This is why I did not present any proof right away or elaborate further, I did not wish to hijack this meeting after all."

Which she had done herself just now.

An inclination of the beak followed (perhaps in respect or something else entirely). Before his attention shifted back to Grayson and Raxis, dismissing the Padawan for now. This was the duo's show, the accords were of their making. It made Tai wonder what had prompted them to do this. It was no secret that Grayson was of the old Dominion regime.

Who had also housed Sith, as well as Jedi and Mandalorians. An unique situation, as far as Tai knew.

"I think all of us are quite interested to hear what you have to say, Grayson."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Derek Dib"],

As [member="Darth Vesper"] said his piece, introducing himself, HK would turn to look at [member="Lord Mettallum"] standing next to him, indicating the obvious Sith Lord with a slight nod of his head as he sent an encrypted direct compact data message to the other droid silently,

What a d-bag.

It was probably going to be the first of many comments like that the old droid would send to his companion, perhaps Mettallum would share his stance, perhaps not. Either way, he would listen to [member="Lady Kay"] say her piece and was about to go next. In fact the machine stood up to introduce himself, barely straightening up as his introductions were cut in the bud by sudden argument rising up between [member="Stephanie Swail"] and [member="Darth Saarai"]. Slowly the droid would lower down to his seat by the vocal exchange between the two orders,

"Well that did not take long."

He would mutter to Mettallum and probably Kay, or anyone else who would have been able to sit within the ear shot of his whispers and mutterings. As he scanned Saarkai and Swail while the two spoke the machine would come to a realization which caused him to spoke out,

"Wait is that not that weird pet the Queen of Naboo brought to a wedding one time?"

Asking himself rather than anyone else. HK would refer to the time he and Saarai actually met, during a wedding they both attend where HK was invited to actually be one of the bridesmaids, although obviously introductions were not exchanged as at the time he thought the secret Sith was just that- a pet. Although in truth he still probably had the same opinion of the bird.

Either way, hopefully [member="Cedric Grayson"] would manage to put them all back on track.
@HK-36 [member="Darth Saarai"] [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darth Vesper"] [member="Derek Dib"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Lord Mettallum"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Vilhelm Balfour"]

Jorus burped gently.

"Swail, you're grandstanding. Saarai, you're trolling her into grandstanding. HK, that's beneath you. Grayson, start talking."

Vilhelm Balfour

Balfour didn't bother disagreeing with [member="Stephanie Swail"]. Her speeches were obviously rehearsed, as no one burst out into multiple paragraph explanations unless they weren't interested in letting the other speak. This was a room of politicians, not the uninformed or the unintelligent. Everyone would here would know exactly what she was doing.

[member="Darth Saarai"] didn't stand for it. The "Lord of Truth" as Vesper had introduced him wasn't going to let the Silver Jedi shape the entire narrative, but didn't dig in. DIdn't bite in. Impressive. Swail countered again, with rehearsed speeches and long diatribes in the middle of which Balfour could have sworn he heard a pun.

"Ruffle your feathers." The Silver Jedi said.

What insensitive and humanocentric bantha poodoo. Once Saarai said his piece Balfour stood and addressed the issue.

"I'd like to take a moment and address something. Though this council is primarily human in representation it cannot be humanocentric in belief if we wish to accomplish anything of value, let alone ensure the safe treatment of prisoners of war or civilians. Just because you tell a reptomammal joke to your reptomammal friends does not make it appropriate for this meeting, let alone respectful to the galaxy at large. If we are to determine how civilians are to be treated in war we will need to discover and declare what rights of a sapient are given by virtue of sapience rather than given by government." Afterwards Balfour took back to his seat and took another puff of his Cigarra. Shortly after [member="Jorus Merrill"] called for [member="Gray Raxis"] to get them on track.

While he sat one of the diplomats whispered in his ear that some new information had surfaced and [member="Tanomas Graf"] was recalling Balfour and his security force, though his diplomat had given him a little leeway. If Balfour wished to stay he could, but the Grand Moff would ensure no Imperial Resources were dedicated to his security or extraction in the event of danger. It was a risk, but one Balfour could take. He dismissed his assistants and security, leaving him only a small shuttle to pilot home.

Hopefully nothing physically dramatic happened.

[member="Darth Vesper"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Lord Mettallum"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Derek Dib"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Natasi Fortan"]
Beside Jorus, General Beyyr yowled.


The translator droid ascended by a few self-important inches. "General Beyyr commends the Honorable Moff for his comments. This assembly has devolved to humanocentric language several times this evening."


"The General notes that such expressions jeopardise the unity and dignity of the occasion."

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