Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Ruder You Are, The Luckier You Are? That Works?! (Rima)

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty was, as usual, doing maintenance on his bike. Every single race presented its own set of problems. Dirt, sand, and grass always got caught in weird spots. It was annoying as hell. Standing up from the work for a second, the redheaded swoop jockey took a sip of his partially frozen coffee. As much as this was annoying, it didn't explain the odd feeling he had.

Something strange was going to happen today. Without a doubt.

[member='Rima Filenko']
The plan was simple, but sound enough. Get into the swoop garage disguised as a die-hard fan of the racer in question. Wait until they're completely alone. Capture the racer dead or alive (preferably alive), and then use the rear ventilation shafts to escape unnoticed. Rima liked a simple plan every once in a while.​
She pulled out her V.I.P. pass, put on her cutest smile, and walked up to one of the mercs guarding the entrance to the garages.​
"Hi! My name's Til. I'm here to meet the racer with the eye-patch? I saw him racing the other day, and I just had to meet him!"
Rima held up the pass for the guard to see.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
The guard in question was a bit of a bum. He was half-asleep, and barely opened his eyes enough to see the girl's pass before letting her in and pointing to Celty's box. The fairly obvious noises of the redhead loudly muttering about the grit that had gotten stuck in the flaps of the bike. A few clanging noises could probably be heard over the sound of swearing and engines, as well as the slurping sound of Celty drinking his coffee.

Celty looked up, sensing somebody coming closer. The person felt oddly familiar, but he pushed that aside. He could feel the person coming closer, and closer...

[member="Rima Filenko"]
Rima peeked inside the racer's workspace, smiling as cute and innocent as ever.​
"H-hi! I have a.... VIP pass to meet you. U-um..... Is it alright if I watch you work?" She asked, as sweetly as a little kid would ask for ice cream.​
Good acting skills made jobs a little easier. But you can't get a target with acting alone.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty didn't spare more than a glance in the girl's direction. He simply tried to keep working. He couldn't help but feel that something was off, though. He nudged his hammer towards his hand with the Force, making it a bit easier to get at if he felt any aggression directed at him. Finally, he stood up and smiled at the shinyness of his clean, red, bike.

Over his shoulder, he called out to the girl, "What did you want, again?"

[member='Rima Filenko']
Rima walked into the box and watched the racer do whatever he was doing to his bike. It was actually pretty fascinating to watch him work. She stopped about five paces behind him and continued to watch intently. Before he stood up, Rima checked behind her to make sure no one else would be able to hear them.​
As he stood and spoke to her, she pulled out Star and pointed it at the back of his head.​
"Alright. I want you to put both of your hands up and turn around nice and slow."
She dropped the cute tone completely, replacing it with a harsh and cold one. Her other hand rested on Moon, ready to draw in case she should need the both of them.​
"Oh, and don't think I won't shoot you if I have to..."
[member="Celty Ikon"]

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty felt himself blink. He almost laughed, except he felt a great deal of aggression coming his way. So, he put his hands up. As he did, he wiggled his fingers at his hammer, and it came closer. He turned, wondering all the while why that person aiming the gun at his head felt so familiar. He looked at the person - a girl probably no older than him - and his eye narrowed as he asked, "Have we met before?"

Of course, it didn't really matter. The question was a distraction so that he could... call his hammer to his hand. The weapon came flying up... And hit him in the face as he grabbed it. He collapsed to the ground, revealing his bike as he did.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow."

[member="Rima Filenko"]
((OOC: Smooth move, me hardy! XDDDDDDD))​
Either this guy was doing this as a purposeful distraction, or he was the literal definition of stupid. Rima cocked a single unimpressed eyebrow at the now incapacitated racer. Seriously, how did he even manage to build this bike, let alone race it?​
For a moment her eyes drifted to the bike. Hm. About the same as any other, only red. But then she saw the insignia on the back. A skull with crossed swords, in a ball of fire..... She'd seen this before. But only on one other bike.​
Rima squatted down in front of the racer and leaned in a little bit, staring very intently at his face. Could he be....?​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty looked up from the face of his hammer and thanked whatever gave him his luck that it had hit him on his blind side. So, he could see this girl's face perfectly well when she came up to him. He looked into her eyes, and much like the hammer had, the realization hit him in the face... "Hey, Filly... That's you, ain't it?"

[member="Rima Filenko"]
Rima's eyes grew very wide, and her jaw dropped slightly. No way. NO. WAY!! This couldn't be Celty Ikon! No chance! He was too....... Attractive, and tall and.... Well, he was always stupid, so nothing really changed there.​
"C-celty? Is it.... You're really here?"
There was a moment in which Rima completely lost her composure. She looked as if she were about to cry. She suddenly leaned in and hugged Celty tightly, too shocked to think about what she was doing.​
"Oh my God, I thought I'd never see you again! I-"
Just as quickly as she'd lost it, she got it back again. Rima quickly released Celty and stood up, brushing off her knees and clearing her throat.​
"Er, right. It's um... It's nice to see you again, Celty. You look..... Healthy."
[member="Celty Ikon"]

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty was more than a little confused, mostly for obvious reasons. First of all, Rima looked almost disturbingly attractive... And she was carrying guns... And well, she'd always been overconfident, but now it looked really good on her. Secondly, she'd never hugged him like that when they were on Zeltros. She'd always been so... detached.

And then, before he could even decide whether to hug her back, she pushed herself away and stood up. That confused him a little bit more. He tried to regain his normal relaxed facade, but he just ended up grinning at Rima, "Well, Filly... I can't say I ever expected to see you under this kind of circumstance. And you look... um... taller."

He looked down at his feet, and the head of the hammer resting between them, before whispering almost inaudibly, "I do wish you'd came and hunted me down sooner, though."

[member="Rima Filenko"]
Rima didn't quite hear that last bit, but she didn't care. She slid Moon & Star back into their holsters.​
"You look even taller. I remember a time when we were the same height. And you had a bowl haircut."
She held out a hand so Celty could pull himself up. It wasn't strange to see him tweaking his swoopbike. But the scarf? And not to mention the eyepatch... It seemed a little bit excessive.
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty let Rima pull him up. Damn, she was strong. And she was looking at his clothes with a weird expression. Almost like... exasperation. He grinned at her and shrugged, "Well... I remember when I could see out of both eyes and we used to play 'Catch the Moron'. That used to be fun."

[member="Rima Filenko"]
"Especially because you were always the moron," Rima chuckled. She nudged the end of the hammer with her shoe.​
"You weren't actually planning to hit me with that, were you? I mean, your coordination seems a bit off..."
Who knew how big that bruise was going to be later.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty sighed at Rima, and demonstrated his ability to actually call the hammer to his hand by making it spin until he caught the handle and the hammer stood upright in his hand. The redhead would've given her his usual crooked smile, but trying to made his face hurt. And he was bleeding. He took off his now-soaked eyepatch, revealing his scarred and blinded right eye. As he set about looking for a bandage, he replied, "You just saw how that move's normally supposed to work. I've never done it while my hands were above my head, before."

[member="Rima Filenko"]
Hm. So he wasn't a complete klutz with that thing. Rima couldn't help but stare a bit when he revealed his scarred eye. A lot must of happened while she was gone...​
"So, um.... You probably need to get something for that."
She said, pointing to the gash left behind by Celty's hammer. She'd offer him some of her bacta spray, but there was so little left in the can that it wouldn't do much good.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
"Meh," he replied as he found a bandage and put it over the gash. It wasn't really all that bad. If his hammer had been on, he would've been dead. He'd seen what energy hammers, and his in particular, did to bones and muscle. He never wanted to be on the receiving end of that. As he turned away from the chest that had all the random mechanical bits and stuff in it, he noticed Rima staring at him a little bit and grinned, saying, "I know I look good, Rima. You'll have plenty of opportunities to look at me for as long as you want later."

[member="Rima Filenko"]
Rima rolled her eyes.​
"Looks like your self-love hasn't changed at all."
She looked at her wrist-worn holo-screen and sighed deeply. Well, so much for the 5,000 credits she was gonna use for the month. Obviously this bounty was off the table for her. She just hoped that it was worth it. Oh crap! Was that seriously the time? She'd have to get going if she wanted to get to the transport station early.​
"Well, it was great seeing you again, Hammerhead. Call me sometime."
Rima said quickly, starting back toward the exit.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty smiled a little bit sadly, and then set about cleaning his wound up a little as he saw Rima check her watch. And then he realized if he didn't follow her, he'd be all alone again. That would've been fine before he realized that she was actually out there for him to see. But now... "Hey, Rima... Wait a second... Um..."

He was trying to find a way to say it that didn't make him sound like a crazy guy who'd just found his best friend and wanted to never let her go... And he sort of did, "Do you mind if I come with you? I need off of Dantooine... And, well... You wouldn't mind having me around, right?"

[member="Rima Filenko"]

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