Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Return (PM for Invite)

It had been months since any word was heard out of the planet Effekt. What had been a planet of great attention and wealth, helped by the actions of its ruler, had suddenly gone dark. No one knew why ad the fear of looking as though for an attempt of invasion, no one had investigated into the matter. Not to mention the galaxy’s attention was, at the time, preoccupied when all hell had broken lose during the “Netherworld Event”. For now Effekt was a silent rock in space.
What they did not know was that the planet had erupted into a civil war. It had started with small attempts at uprising over the “blasphemous empress” ad her attempts to open relations with the rest of the galaxy. Many of the traditionalists of Effekt had feared what would come from allowing “foreign creatures” onto their planet. Not everyone agreed, thinking new relations meant new means of technology that could benefit their people. Of course tensions rose and rose until things became chaotic; to say the least.
And so the war began, with the Empress and her loyal followers on one side and the “freedom fighters” on the other. The battle had lasted longer than both side had wanted, and the causalities were too numerous. The empress, angered by the actions of these rebels, had wasted nothing if it meant wiping them out. In the end the empress had taken more drastic measures, even to where she herself entered into the fray of battle and used her skills she’d learned from the force users and magic wielders she trained with in order to overcome the enemy. It pained her greatly to have to cut down her own people, but drastic times and all.
After what seemed like a year the war had ended and Effekt was dealing with the aftermath of all the fighting and death and destruction. Some cities were I need of repair; both for the buildings and the populace. But all had followed their Empress’ lead and charge as she helped her people through the turmoil, just as she had in battle. Now, after so long, Effekt was ready to open its arms back into the galaxy; unaware of the events that took place.
The capital of Halaban was given a more elegant makeover, a perfect example to set for the guests of the planet’s empress. Some faces would be new, others familiar. Invitations had been sent out to nearly everyone, Empress Stormborn’s attempt to re-open relations. At the landing platform just outside the city would be carriages and/or speeders awaiting to transport the guests to the palace within the city where the empress would await them.
Once they would arrive in the palace they would walk into a grand hall with a dark green carpet, everything bearing the craftsmanship of the Effektian people. A mix of future and ancient design. Long tables were set with all manner of food and in the corner a band was playing a melody to sooth any and all who entered. The only thing missing was the hostess herself, Empress Nimue Stormborn.
[member="Hans Vaiden"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Empress Mar'Dikan"]​
Well, if Effekt was one thing, it was pretty good at throwing parties. It had gone dark with no indication of what had happened, and Joshua had not returned since his situation with the Empress before. Since the ordeal, Joshua had gone back to his Jedi roots, re-learned the lessons that he had lost from his time away from civilization, and took his job seriously once again. There would be no pheromones or drinks getting to him now, he was what he used to be, once again.

That was apparent in his expression as he would walk into the party. It seemed besides a few nobles, he was one of the first to arrive. He was in his robes this time, with his suit under it this time should anyone ask.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
When the Empress arrived on Effekt, her first thought was how of how hot the planet was compared to Vullain.
Luckily, her usual method of bearing as much skin as possible worked to her advantage here.
As she entered the palace, she took a deep breath and smiled.
It would be nice to get away from her planet's civil war and the Grey Plague, if only for a short while.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Nimue Stormson"]
As more of the guests of the empress made thier way into the palace, the question of where Nimue herself was still rolled off some tounges in the room. Of course the Empress was known for making entrances but they'd thought her attitude and antics might have changed after the grand civil war on Effekt. Apparently not. Some of the more higher bor guests of Effekt had to keep the guests occupied long enough until Nimue could show herself. Even to where they ordered the servants to bring more food and play more songs in the hopes of easing guests until her arrival.
Almost an hour went by before Nimue had finally revealed herself. A horn sound and a servant stood at the enrance to the side of the main hall.
"Announcing her royal highness. The sorverign of Effekt. Daughter of Storms. Liberator of the people. Champion of the..." A sudden loud tap from the other end of the door had startled the man, to where he just skipped to "Empress Nimue Stormborn."
The doors swung open slowly before the reveal of Empress Nimue. As per usual she was dressed in elegant robes of green and garnet. Her hair hung down with golden decorations tangled within. In her hand she held a scepter with a sharp point, a sign of power and authority on Effekt. Upon her head was her more iconic helmet with two long horns; another symbol among the Effektian people. Her smile was bright while hidding a colder underling, and her emerald eyes panned aroud the hall as she made her way to her throne in the center.​
Once she was in front of her throne Nimue had addresses her guests with "Friends. It is lovely to see so may new and old faces. Effekt's arms are glad to welcome the galaxy back into it's life. These past few motnhs have been dark, and unforgiving. But today we are here to celebrate the rebirth and rebuilding of our friendship." She rasied her scepter while saying "Let this day be remembered, for those who gave thier lives to see it through. Hail the victorious dead!" A unison of "Hail" errupted from some of the guests. After that Nimue had finished with "Now let us celebrate and be merry. For today Effekt has offically returned."
As many guests cheered some knew that when she said "Effekt" she really meant herself being the one to return. Either way they stayed quiet about it. Nimue took her place at her throne while a line began to form of those wishing to speak with her. She would address them one at a time, of course. But given some of the faces she'd seen she knew she was about to rekindle with a few old friends. Possibly make a few new ones along the way.​
[member="Empress Mar'Dikan"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Hans Vaiden"]​
Mar'Kidan approached the throne, and gave a small curtsy.

"Greetings, Your Highness." She said kindly. "I am Empress Mar'Kidan of the Zhornee Empire, and it is a pleasure and honor to meet you."

On the inside, she was beaming. This right here. . .was what she was made for. The dance of politics was one she was familiar with, and one she took especial pleasure in performing.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Upon seeing the pale empress at the base of her throne Nimue's eyes perked. She could already tell this was a woman of power, like her. Her manner of dress indicated it as well; especially given nimue's own Empress attire. Her air was familiar as well. Comannding yet diplomatic. A leader in one sense or another. A perfect sort of equal she could speak with. Nimue's eyes examined for a moment, her fingers trailing with her nails clicking against her staff, before she smirked and leaned foward.
"It is an honor and pleasure for myself as well, your grace." she said, her free hand touching her chest above her heart. "I'll admit I'm not familiar with your Zhornee Empire, but it must be great to have a leader so....relatable." She giggled in her throat, thinking [member="Empress Mar'Dikan"] would know what she meant. "Tell me, dpes your empire span your entire planet as mine? Or do you control more that just a system?"
The Empress shook her head.

"My Empire only encompasses my own planet, Vullain; we only recently developed starships, and we are currently in the middle of a civil war as well as a plague."
The Zhornee sighed and rubbed her forehead.
"As such, we can only focus on maintaining control of our own holdings; after that, then we'll expand into the stars."

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
The blonde listened to Nimue's speech, and then it was finally time to approach her. To be honest, he wasn't quite sure if it was a good idea to greet her. He wasn't sure if she was still sour on what happened... Well, the last time they had met. But at the same time, it would be very rude to attend this party without greeting its host. So, he supposed it was best to just... Bite the blaster, and hope that all could be forgiven.

As the Jedi Master made his way over, he noticed another familiar face. [member="Empress Mar'Dikan"]. He had met her during another diplomatic event, albeit for a short period. He couldn't remember if they had ever had their drinking contest that they had arranged... If they had indeed had it, she had likely won, and he'd been too drunk, despite his workings to improve himself in that venture after the... Situation with [member="Nimue Stormson"]. He wouldn't interrupt them though, but did give Empress Mar'Dikan a warm smile in greeting.
Hearing of the plights that [member="Empress Mar'Dikan"] had to deal with on her planet, especially with the civil war, had made imue sympathize with her even more. Being what she'd recently gone through on her planet a war was bad enough, but dealing with a plauge as well must have been crippling. And yet she still took time to attend this little ball Nimue had arranged. How noble of her.
"You have my deepest sympathies." Nimue said, leanig foward ad giving a little bow from her seat. "I too have had to deal with the hardsips of war. And needing to maintain an emprie while this sort of rebellion hinders things can be very uncompriomising. If there's anything that you need, the Effektian Empire will gladly offer a freidly hand. Think of it as a sign of friendship and possible unity between our two powers in the future."
She sat back and smiled, hearing out the Empress' response. Her atention, however, was caught when she'd seen [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] nearby. She tensed a little but calmed, only to shy away and look back to the empress. In her mind she wanted to address him but, needing to keep her composure, she said or did nothing. She only listned to the Empress and awaited his turn in line.
Mar'Kidan curtsied, and sensed that [member="Nimue Stormson"] was waiting for the next in line.

"I appreciate that, Your Majesty. I will allow you to attend to your other guests."
She stepped out of line, and noticed [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] behind her, giving him a smile as she then searched for a drink.
Oh schieese, they ended their conversation earlier then he'd banked on. He would give [member="Empress Mar'Dikan"] a warm smile as he passed, offering a hand to her to shake briefly. Whether this was accepted or not, he would still make his way toward [member="Nimue Stormson"] afterword, taking a deep breath as he stared into her eyes. Eyes he could now see clearly in his thoughts that had... Gah.

"A pleasure to see you again, Your Grace" He would greet calmly, with a polite bow. "I hadn't heard there was a civil war going on in Effekt until recently. I hope your people have a swift and graceful recovery in what should be a time of healing and peace" He would speak with a smile. He tried not to let their past get to him... He'd been in the beginnings of his normal-to-Jedi mode transition. He was a different man now.
When [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] had approched Nimue kept the same composure as before, only brielfy breaking it in order to give a friendly gesture towards [member="Empress Mar'Dikan"] when she moved away. She said nothing and did nothing. She only sat and listened as Master DragonsFlame had greeted her and told how he felt about her civil war issue. She nodded a little when he mentioned talk of swift peace and healing, something she was glad to see actually happening. Though it was clear by her body-language that she still felt awkward.
"It's nice to see you again as well, Jedi Master DragonsFlame." she fially began. "After all I've been through it's nice to see...friendly faces." After that she cleared her throat a little before saying "I trust your dealings in the Jedi order and keepig the peace throughout the galaxy have been productive."
By her body language, it was... Pretty obvious she still felt awkward. He felt the same, but wouldn't let it interfere with the party. It would be impolite, after all. He would listen to her carefully, and nod in response before speaking again. 'Friendly faces' indeed.

"They have been, albeit not in the way I envisioned, Milady" He would speak calmly, with the collectiveness you would expect from a Jedi Master. If [member="Empress Mar'Dikan"] would listen, she might note that he was... More formal toward Empress Effekt then he had been toward her during their meeting. He had his reasons for this, of course, being that he felt that a new empire that had no knowledge of the galaxy around and was likely treading carefully would be much more comfortable should he take a friendlier, more relatable and comfortable approach rather then being a stiff. "The Ession Reformation, which I was representing when we last met, Your Highness, has fallen in your absence. For the moment, I'm loosely affiliated with the Silver Jedi Order, though to which how long this engagement will last... Well, quite frankly it's anybody's guess" He would remark with a sad smile and a casual shrug. "I do hope it ends up as prosperous as I hope your rebuilding has been. Although.." He trailed off, before he suddenly stared at her with the faintest traces of a smirk crossing his lips. A joke incoming, perhaps?

"You know... Next time there's a civil war going on, please don't hesitate to call me. You have my number, as I found out. And diplomacy and peacefully solving major issues is sort of my thing. If I can get the two biggest egos in the galaxy, The Galactic Republic, and The Fringe, to sit down, shut the kark up, and stop trying to kill one another... A civil war should be well within my specialties" He would half-joke with a chuckle. "And if things go sour... Well, people always underestimate the joking man until he starts wiping out their armies" He would add with a smile. Josh was proud of his accomplishments, even if he didn't care for them much, didn't speak of them much, and usually when he did he was joking around. But... He couldn't resist being proud of the fact he'd made a difference in this galaxy. It was something he had wanted to do for his entire life, and getting to do that made him happy.

"In all seriousness though, what I'm trying to say is... Despite our... Past... I guess you could say.. I wouldn't have minded if you had called me and asked for assistance. I would have been there within the week and stayed until the civil war was over" Josh would reveal, taking a more serious tone. "I mean... I'm glad it all worked out. But do keep me in mind for the future. I really don't mind stepping in, if there's a chance to reduce bloodshed" The blonde haired Jedi Master would add. While he might have been quite direct about it, the offer he hoped would calm Nimue a bit. He was serious about offering his aid should it be needed.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
As [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] explained how things had been for him Nimue only sat and listned, not showing any real signs of how his news may or may not have effected her. Not that she wasn't interested but mainly because she didn't want people second-guessing or askig questions about the "familiar" tone the Jedi had towards her. She still had apperances to keep after all. Even when he mentioned calling if she'd needed help Nimue she flinched a little. It wasn't any better when he made it sound even more persoal the next time, Nimue looking around and makig sure no one had heard. Thankfully not a lot to worry did.​
Finally she responded with "The affaris of Effekt and it's people were my responisbility. And mine alone. While the offer is admirable the Jedi were not needed. And I suggest, Master DragonsFlame, you watch that familiar tone around an Empress."
After that she leaned back into her throne and looked at him, seemingly mad about something with him. However she did give him something of a hidden message. She would quickly glance over to a side door into the main hall before looking back to him. She was trying to point it out to him and hoped that he was catching on.​
He had to admit, the "familiar, joking" tone that he had taken for a moment during their conversation, even while speaking of the civil war, probably wasn't the best idea in public. Granted, there was good intent behind it. I mean, it was likely an event that had deeply effected her, and he didn't exactly want to come off as saying 'You could have saved more lives if you had just forgotten about what happened and called me' either when really he just wanted to offer his aid should something like this happen again. The civil war was likely a tough subject for her to cover, and breaking his serious tone for a more friendly one for a moment while shooting a joke or two was his way of keeping the mood upbeat and light, instead of ruining the Empresses mood during her own party. Still, everyone had their preferences, and he studied her face as he spoke. He wasn't sure if he'd done the right thing, despite his intent.

Her words confirmed it. Great. That didn't work well. He frowned for a moment, though took the hidden message when she pointed it out. He would nod in response. "The offer was not on behalf of the Jedi, your Highness, it was on mine, and mine alone" He would correct calmly, before he would bow respectfully. "Good day, Empress" He would add, back to the formal, serious tone he'd taken to begin with. He would turn and leave immediately, heading into the side door that had been pointed out.

It seemed that he had caught on.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
The Empress seemed to have her nose turned up as [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] walked away. She only let her eyes follow before seeing him make for the entrance she wanted him to go through. After that she turned back and apologized to the next guest before addressing them. For the next ten minutes or so she dealt with one more guest after another, all going through the same motions as per usual as grand gallas like these. After that she'd stood and turned to one of her men who stood gaurd near the throne.
"Attend, please. I need to find a restroom. Sitting on this thing for so long can be exhausting."
She handed him her scepter as a sign to any other guests. If they needed to speak with her or send a message or the like they would need to leave it with the gaurd in question or wait until her return. Nimue still kept a very upright and promiant composure as she walked towards the enreance, nodding and greeting a few more guests as she did. Once she finally walked out she made sure the doors were closed behind her before looking around for the Jedi master.
Upon finally seeing him she steadly walked over and reached her hands up. They removed her golden horned crown from her head, which she dropped onto a nearby table. After that she wasted no time. Her arms were out and they wrapped around Joshua. her hands clasped the side of his head before she passionatly kissed him over and over, now that she could break her ficade away from anyone who would judge or comment. The way she did seemed like such a relief to her.
When she stopped she only hugged him while saying in his ear "I'm sorry. I wanted you to come back but....I just couldn't."
The blonde haired Jedi Master heavily considered just why she had him here. Had he offended her by his tone? Perhaps, was there a plan in place to have him apprehended and locked up to cover up what had happened before? His fingers traced the lightsaber on his belt. The whole thing felt... Ominous. Like a fight was set to rage on. Josh hadn't been in a big fight in quite some time, and honestly, he didn't want to do so here. But he would defend himself if need be.

But he stayed where she had asked him to be. Perhaps she had just sent him there to keep him out of the party the whole time? He considered just leaving, her tone toward him certainly wasn't welcoming. He had no wish to be an inconvenience to her. Actually, perhaps him coming here at all was a bad idea. He was starting to remember their prior encounter a little more now... He was pretty sure she didn't want to see him again. While his offer was business, not personal, he had forgotten that little bit.

The young (To many, too young) Jedi Master would take the lightsaber off his belt and spin it around a bit on his finger. He tried to relax himself, deciding he would wait a little while longer, and if he felt he was no longer needed, he would leave. But eventually.... He would hear someone enter, and looking over, it seemed that the Empress had decided to come see him after all. He would click his lightsaber back onto his belt as he would watch her warily, unsure of her reactions after their conversation before she had sent him into the hallway. Would she yell at him for taking that familiar tone? For coming back? Would she send for guards? He wasn't sure.

The last thing he expected, was for Nimue to put down her crown and promptly wrap her arms around him before kissing him like she did. His eyes widened, absolutely stunned. "Mmmmf?" He let out against her as she kissed him passionately, obviously unsure how to react. When it turned into a hug, at the very least he would wrap his arms around her and hug her back, listening to her words. He would move his head a bit so he could look her in the eyes before he responded.

"I understand why you couldn't, Nimue. But I was serious when I said I was willing to help" He spoke softly, letting out a sigh. "When innocent lives are at stake.. Well, that's what I do. That's what I live for. That has nothing to do with the Jedi, their Code, their tenants... Anything. That's just me. My life has always been based around bringing peace to this galaxy, to helping people, like I was helped when I had nothing left" He said, taking a breath. "Still, I'm happy to see you regardless. Even if I wasn't expecting all of this affection" He would admit with a soft chuckle, scratching his head. He had figured that their "pleasantries" were long over after their last meeting. Apparently, he'd been wrong.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
As he lifted her head to see her Nimue had a more deepend look towards him. She was glad that he knew her ruse in the main hall was merley an act in front of everyone else. Though he didn't seem as passionate about the reunion as she was. The Empress was just so glad that she could see him again. The last time they'd met seemed like too long ago.​
After he finished she said "I know, I know. But things had become dire. I needed to prove to my people I was strong. I couldn't let the Jedi, or even you, hinder that image. They needed to know their Empress could fight, not only lead." She only hugged him again before saying "None of that matters. I'm just glad you came. I've never been more happy to see you until now." She reached up and kissed him again before noting "How I've missed that feeling...."
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]​
After all that affection that had been showered, it was pretty easy to see that it was a ruse. He pondered the politics of royalty and why they had to act like such stiffs in public, hiding themselves only to show their true selves in private. It was strange, really. But politics were always a mystery to him. It was one of the reasons he had left the Republic behind. He couldn't keep putting out fires for people who didn't want peace as much as they claimed.

He would nod after she spoke. "That's understandable" He said, taking a breath. "You needed to be strong for your people. And now you've proven to them that you are. Next time... Please don't hesitate to call me" He said, with a small smile. "Sometimes... We have to sacrifice our pride to do the right thing. I've had to many times. When innocent lives are at stake.. Well, thats when you can't think about yourself anymore. A nation and its people are more important then just one person" He said, playing with her hair a bit. "I'm glad you came out of that safely. That's all that I can be thankful for" He would add.

"But enough about politics" He said as he would return the hug with a smile. "I've missed you as well, trust me" He said with a chuckle, though when she pulled another kiss, he would have to admit to something. "I... Do have to admit though. I'm sort of surprised by the amount of uh... Affection, after the nature of our last parting" He would admit, scratching his head. "I didn't even think you wanted to see me again, much less shower me in kisses the moment we had a moment" He would add. It wasn't meant to dull the mood any, of course. The Jedi Master was just honest to Force confused. And rightfully so.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
Given his response to thier last meeting she sighed and said "I know... Last time I wasn't acting like I should have. Things were different. I was different. But this war...all this fighting and struggling. I opened my eyes. I realized how wrong I was about many things. Especially to those whom I might have offened. Like you." She turned away for a moment, saying "I've had time to think. Time to realize." Then she looked back and said "And this is me saying 'I'm sorry' to you." She then pulled him in for yet another kiss, only now her hands were pushed against his chest.​
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]​

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