Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Remains (Zandra)

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
"Oh, you'll get your share, all right! Money isn't going to be a problem at this rate."

Ren continued to scrape the dirt off of the side of the vessel, revealing a very worn out Imperial insignia. He whistled in awe and took a moment to stare at it. The power it once held was terrible and mighty, spelling doom for anyone who dared opposed it.

Until here.

Milo pressed his hand against the hull, respecting what this terror of the Empire once stood for.

[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
Zandra was busy clearing the hatch. If she could get in, who knew what sort of goodies were inside waiting!

"So, this is a big deal fer you, huh?"

She chuckled, shaking her head. She was glad. Made her feel... like she contributed to something.

"This is gunna be near impossible to get open..."

[member="Milo Ren"]

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
"Keep trying! I can't just slash it apart with my lightsaber."

Ren kept cleaning up the ship, using slight bursts of the Force to speed the process up. He then continued, nearly yelling to Zandra.

"This is THE big deal! This is my life here!"

How would they get that thing popped open?

[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
She had to laugh. He was so emotional! About an old ship! It was hilarious. She fiddled with the hatch, sighed as she could not figure it out.

"Ya know, couldn't you use yer, uh, space magic to get this darned thing open?"

She needed a cigarette. Badly.

[member="Milo Ren"]

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
Coming to her side, the Knight looked at the hatch door curiously. Looking at the rusted mechanism, he cocked a white eyebrow and placed a hand on the hatch. Ren sent a pulse through, and the door popped off.

"We can fix that later. Ugh, that stinks! Is that a body?"

Indeed, it was. A dead Imperial pilot sat in the cockpit, armor rotted and skeleton exposed.


[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
Oh good! A body! She put a hand to her nose, coughing. That was many, many years of decay. A stench unlike anything she'd ever encountered.

"Well! I think our new friend here needs a kriffin' shower!" she moved from the door, trying to get her eyes to stop stinging for a moment, "Never get that smell out. Interiors completely ruined. Ya might'a gotten somethin' for these leather seats otherwise."

[member="Milo Ren"]

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
The Knight put his mask back on, trying to forget the horrible smell that violated his nostrils. The filters automatically neutralized odor, so his next breath was clean and odorless, albeit a bit stale. He swore underneath his breath at the pirate's diagnosis.

...karking hell....It's fine, we're not going to fly in it, any way. Once we get rid of the corpse, I can throw in some odor neutralizing spray that'll do the job. Stand back and cover your mouth and nose."

Ren reached out with the Force, picking the decayed mass up and moving him down to the jungle floor. He took off his right glove and extended his hand towards the body.


A brief, yet intense, bolt of Force lightening went through the husk of armor and bones, flash-frying it and replacing the scent of death with that of cooking plastic and burnt bones.

"You can go ahead and light a cigarette now, Mrs. Tal'verda. Half of the planet probably heard and is going to smell that."

Ren turned to the Echani woman and removed his mask again, then began chuckling, which turned into full laughter a second later.

How ironic.

[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
Oh thank the stars. She didn't need to be told twice. Her hand was in her pocket and the cigarette was in her mouth before he could even finish speaking. She lit up with a satisfied sigh and breathed out a bright plume of smoke.

"You have no idea how badly I needed a cig, Kid."

It was agony. She started to pace around the craft, sucking in lung-killing smoke. Ah, the simple things in life. Slowly killing herself was so sweet.

"So, I'd call this a success."

[member="Milo Ren"]

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
The Ren perked up at Zandra's comment.

"I'd say so too. This isn't going to fit on my ship. I'm going to stake out this area and call an official team of excavators to recover these artifacts."

A couple of taps on a datapad and his location was recorded and ready to send to the individuals aforementioned.

"Why do you call me Kid?"

The mask was off again, and Milo's grey eyes penetrated the pirate with an intelligent stare. His natural curiosity was at play.

[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]

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