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Approved Starship The Raven Interceptor

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Affiliation: Red Ravens
Manufacturer: Ticon Defense Industries
Model: Starfighter
Modularity: Yes Swap between Seismic charges or Nano missile Pods
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, Quadanium
Classification: Starfighter
Length: 12.5m
Height: 7.9m
Width: 3.0m


2x- Wing mounted Laser Cannons

2x- Twin Linked Z-6 Rotary cannons - 5000 Rounds per side 10,000 rounds total before refit and rearm.

Modular Load-outs-

10x Seismic charges


2x Nano Missile pods, 8x Each, 16 total before refit and rearm.

Squadron Count: 12

Special Features: No special feature besides the modularity and the fast engines.

Maneuverability Rating: 2.5
Speed Rating: 2.0
Hyperdrive Class: 8.0


+Fast and manoeuvrable
+Versatile weapons systems
+Strong armor


- Slow hyperdrive
- Requires a lot of refit during dogfights as projectile based weapons run out fast.
- No shield Generator

Using outdated fighters and foreign products is never a good policy. due to this fact Colap knew that the Ravens would need their own go to fighter as they could not avoid a fleet battle forever. When the time came he drew up designs for the Raven Interceptor.

A versatile little fighter, much akin to an x-wing the Raven Interceptor can bring a plethora of options to bear on enemy fleets.

In addition it was decided that there would be a modular system based on mission requirements. The Raven Interceptor could carry Nano Missiles to home in on targets and maim it's prey or carry seismic charges to inflict mass casualties on the ground and in space.
[member="Colap Ticon"]

Alright so the first problem we have is your non-standard weapons. Your minigun needs to be a canon weapon or a SWRP sub. Just linking me to an empty search is not sufficient. Secondly, your nanomissiles are not going to be approved with 100 of 'em when the average starfighter has an average of 8.

As well, a slow hyperdrive is not a sufficient weakness to allow for a fighter to have firepower, armor, and speed in spades. Needing refits between fights is similarly insufficient to warrant this. Your strengths grossly outperform your weaknesses and that has to change or I'll be forced to deny this.
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