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Private The Purity of Propaganda

In Umbris Potestas Est
Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
Cademimu V

Ord Mantell's transformation from junkyard world to paradise planet in record time was, if not a miracle, than a story worth promoting. So it was that Onrai had decided to actually pay attention to certain circumstances and take a visit to the world of Cademimu V. She was fortunate to have been able to inveigle herself within the hierarchy of the Empire to make the trip to Cademimu V far easier than it otherwise needed to be. It was also how she was able to get into said office without spending an eternity waiting outside the office doors.

So it was that the young blonde in simple robes that was Vanessa Vantai once more waited for the press secretary to get back in touch. Perhaps he wouldn't be as blind a follower as others.
Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tag: Onrai Onrai

Prard'ras'ath carefully reviewed the scrolling text on his dataslate "Vanessa Vantai? No, no I can't say I have." he responded to another individual via commlink "Push the lunch. I'll take her now. I didn't feel like a trip down there anyhow today. Right... yes. Great, alright. Yes, yes - long live the Empire" the Press Secretary sat down in his rather comfy chair, straightened his clothing, cleared his throat, and then pressed a button on his desk which caused the office door to slide open.

There in the comfortably lit room was Prard'ras'ath, the Press Secretary to the Grand Vizier, and a total newcomer to the highest echelons of the Imperial ruling council. Merely a high ranking staffer for now. On either side of the interior of the door were two KX-series security droids. Their motions were smooth yet still characteristically robotic "Miss Vantai, welcome. Please, have a seat." he motioned gracefully to the chair before his desk.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa gave the newcomer a smile as she sat down across from his table. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prard'ras'ath - or is there an abbreviation you would rather I use? Certainly there's no need to be stranglingly formal in such a context." She smiled, seeking to remain as cordial as her seemingly youthful form suggested she could be. The secretary would likely have seen that she was easily in her 60s if not 70s according to galactic records, perhaps a question to ask if he so desired.

"I did come here to talk more regarding the recent developments of Ord Mantell, after all." She said. "How familiar with the planet are you, Secretary?" Now was the question of how big the achievement could be inflated.

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tags: Onrai Onrai

Drasa gave her a kind smile though his expression and gesture clearly declined her request for an abbreviated name "In Chiss culture a Core Name is for familiar or friendly relationships - and we have only just met." the secretary moved on from that point rather quickly to lead into the topic at hand "Of Ord Mantell I know only as much as it's general location. As I'm sure you're aware... the histories of the planets and the people that call them home have been in consistent change since around a century ago at my last count. Give or take a decade or two." Drasa put his hands together on his desk and canted his head at her "Recent developments do peak my interest though... what kind of developments Miss Vantai? I assume that you have been intimately involved with these changes since you're the one representing them."

Prard'ras'ath made a conversational gesture towards the woman, welcoming her to share "I know so little about your professional career. Aside from your age and image, the information I was given concerning yourself is lacking." his red eyes searched her features for a moment before scanning over her clothing "You do not wear the trappings of a Sith, Mawite, or Knight of Ren ... you seem wholly unaligned with the Imperial armed forces and yet you have been able to command the attention of the high office I am so fortunate to occupy." the hybrid brought both his hands from his desk to lay them in his lap as he leaned back in his chair "And with you telling of not a mere project but an entire planet to my desk? Interesting, is it not?" for better or worse this 'Vanessa Vantai' had Prard'ras'aths full attention
In Umbris Potestas Est
"A valid assessment." Onrai said. "The planet has essentially been transformed from a junkyard world of acid-seas and wreckage piles into a paradisical planet, the core of the tiara that is the developed Bright Jewel system. The world is now a shipyard, a supplier of metals, minerals, and alloys, and hub of tourism and commerce - perhaps one of the few locations in Imperial space one would be willing to come to, given the terror long instilled on the rest of the galaxy." She said.

"I was a Sith at one point. I suppose I was also a Mawite, though neither as feral nor as bloodthirsty as the current tribes beneath the Khanate. I have never been a Knight of Ren, though on occasion they have proven somewhat conflicting to say the least. Perhaps it's my age." She laughed, the sort of laugh that suggested both humor and a deeper, perhaps more intimidating motive buried beneath it. "I belong to no one but that which I choose to associate myself with. I intend to aid Solipsis and, regardless of whatever views I have regarding his decisions, negative or positive, the Empire has my loyalty until the end." Her less-than-blind statement of loyalty could be a shock - though she was unsure as to whether the Chiss hybrid was as reflective of official Imperial policy as was the Grand Vizier herself.

"I have seen much, touched much, learned much, lost much, and understood much. Sometimes too much. And yet there is still so much to know."

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tags: Onrai Onrai

"I see." he replied to her information of Ord Mantell and her true past both "Then let us reacquaint ourselves truthfully this time. I am pleased to make your acquaintance my lady and even more so to hear of your exploits in regards to Ord Mantell." despite the more equal standing between Imperials and Force Users, Drasa, was one for a bit of flair. Which is why he opted to use the old method of addressing the Sith "Your commitment to the cause is appreciated, despite your own reservations I do believe this regime will see us all lifted to a greater future."

Drasa leaned forward in his chair while resting his elbows on the desk "You have my assurance that Ord Mantell's rejuvenation will be made known, within appropriate measures for Imperial interests of course. Aside from what you have already spoken of, is there a particular focal point that you'd like to see addressed? Perhaps a particularly valuable member of your team? An upcoming Imperial company? An ally of yours?" the Press Secretary lifted his chin a little and spoke up as if speaking to the ceiling "Activate." there was a soft blip noise that eminated from around the entire room "Have the externs make contact with the officials on Ord Mantell's orbital station. Schedule a priority flight. I want a hangar, with a view, blocked out for three days." after a moment of silence a woman's voice replied "Of course Prard'ras'ath, is there anything else?" Drasa returned his attention to the former Sith "No, that will be all. Deactivate." again there a soft blip sounded as the intercom call ended
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa nodded in response to Drasa's comment in question. "Oh, I'm just Vanessa." She said surprisingly humbly. "No need to be so formal. The important thing isn't flair or decorum - it's ensuring that the Empire continues to make gains, for as long as it can. Always remember that which has a beginning also has an end - and in due time, even the Empire will. The questions are how, why, and what we do next when the pendulum of fate yet swings away from us - a question we will be forcing the Alliance to answer very soon." She looked forward to the invasion of Coruscant. There were plans she had for the underworld, plans involving the past and the dead. Hopefully, those plans would be resolved sooner rather than later.

"Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing, my old company, was placed directly in charge of all infrastructure management. It operates the shipyards on Ord Mantell as well as the mining and manufacturing interests on the planet. It also has a stake in the Ord Mantell bank and the world's casinos as well, as well as in the Bright Jewel system's mining and other operations. Other than that, and the work of the loyal worshippers of Onrai, Queen of the Stars and Goddess of the Galaxy, the work has been mine and mine alone. Plenty of resources from my own repositories of credits, and people who have served me for decades - even generationally - were responsible for this." As the press secretary yet planned out his trip in question to Ord Mantell, Vanessa merely sat and acknowledged that such a trip would be made. She would be sure to serve as a suitable hostess.

"So, what's the story behind your coming into this new position? Was the Grand Vizier inspired by your ability? Your fanaticism? What was the particularity that encouraged her to choose you above any others who may yet have applied to the role of her press secretary?" Vanessa asked, somewhat curious about the man's background.

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tag: Onrai Onrai

Prard'ras'ath took a mental note of the company's name and the others that she gave him "A lengthy list to be sure, of course it is always advantageous to recite the litany of names for those that aid our efforts." no doubt there would be cuts made to the list of congratulated parties "As for why the Grand Vizier chose me I am not at liberty to disclose that information. Suffice it to say that I am qualified for the vision that the Grand Vizier seeks to bring to fruition." Drasa's face was the picture of professional kindness despite his unwillingness to answer Vanessa's question.

Then the Press Secretary stood and smoothed out his clothing "Well, this has been a very productive meeting, Vanessa. Truly. Though I have other meetings to attend and events to plan as I am sure you understand." he gave her a polite nod of his head while motioning with an open hand towards the door, past the two security droids "Until we meet again above Ord Mantell, do take care - Long Live the Empire."

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