Galactic City; North Landing Pad
Coruscant, Coruscant System
Set 3hrs after http://starwarsrp.net/topic/47397-from-coruscant-with-love-republic-pre-sith-invasion/
Established and thankfully now integrated with the Republic, ready for operations, Fixx Kearney stepped out of the Army HQ building and slipped on his dark sunglasses to shield the low lying sun. It had been 3 hours since entering but it felt like 1. Still, his credentials had been checked, his history with the CSF and intelligence operations verified. Meeting a few new faces also, it had been a good start to a new career.
With plenty to think on, including the formation of a new intelligence unit, Fixx didn’t wait long for a cab to arrive in the docking station. Throwing his bag in the plush back seats, the agent stepped in.
”Galactic City North Landing Pad.”
The human pilot nodded and waited for the queue to disperse before moving out into the evening traffic.
Fixx went for his jacket pocket and straight to the small card there. With his other hand, he pulled out his PAC20 comlink, free of the wrist strap, and entered the frequency in to reach Tyven Heavy Industries. He looked around the city as a voice answered a few seconds later.
”Tyven Heavy Industries, Meredith speaking.”
”Good afternoon, Meredith. My name is Fixx Kearney, Arlington Industries. Could I speak to Lieutenant Kayleigh Tyven please.”
”I’m sorry, Mr Kearney, Lieutenant Tyven is away on duty. May I take a message?”
He smiled. ”No. Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.”
”No problem. Thank you for calling Tyven Heavy Industries.”
Pocketing the com, Fixx started to think about what and how he should say if the girl was on the landing pad still. Looking into the distance, he noted Tyven’s mighty assault ship still docked, looming ahead and dwarfing other ships around it.
It didn’t take long for the cab to circle the ship and come down gently to the landing pad, where credits and thanks were exchanged, and Fixx stepped out with his bag and looked around for his target.
[member="Kayleigh Tyven"]