Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Primeval Fleet

Corporation Name: The Primeval Fleet

Headquarters: Bastion

Locations: Dubrillion,Telos, Echoy'la, and Chiloon Rift

Operations: armours, starships, weapons, vehicles

Rationale: The Primeval operate industry out of their military and thus it is necessary that its organization stays true to the ranks of their armed forces. The religious nature of The Primeval structures their forces under the Host Lord, the first chosen Harbinger of the four Lost Ones. This placed Anja Aj'Rou -- the latest to hold the title -- in-charge and gave her full control over the interests of this organization.

Tier: 4

Description: The Primeval Fleet at first glance is just a collection of warships and various supporting craft but at its heart the fleet is the very driving force of The Primeval. Mobile, destructive, and industrial The Primeval Fleet harvests resources from the world it orbits. Building temporary and occasionally permanent factories on the world below. The Primeval Fleet currently produces armours and small warships but is continuing its endeavors in recently explored biotech and weapons which will likely be an addition to its industry in the near future.

With the resources and manpower provided on Gulamendis, The Primeval Fleet is continuing to expand its industrial prowess and build up the military it needs to expand its influence across the stars. Under the guiding wisdom of Anja Aj'Rou, with the technological benefit of their new found talent, and the resourceful boons of Gulamendis this small factory fleet has the potential of becoming far more.

After Anja Aj'Rou's death Catalys assumed control over the holdings of the Primeval Fleet. After carefully maneuvering through several governments Catalys was approached by Cerita for an experimental opportunity. Now Catalys works as Cerita's right hand in her plans for stability and progress

Subsidiaries: N/A

Links for Tier 3

Misc Threads:
Mass-produced products:

  • The Primeval (faction) is a fully-owned subsidiary of them.
  • Titan Industries (company) contracted development of a new starship.

Pertient Development Threads: For Tier 4

Additional mass-produced products:
Misc Threads:
Sizable Projects:

Modification Made: A change of ownership.
Rationale: Was given it.

Pertient Development Threads:

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

You will need to add more to the rationale, one paragraph should be enough.

Also, a tier 2 can't have that many operations, especially not when they are so far removed from one another in terms of specialization. Pick two and axe the rest for now, you will always be able to add them later on with development threads.

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