Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Persistence of Loss

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

It was about a girl. Aeris felt her shoulders weigh down. Her fingers adjusted for a better grip and simply looked at Dagon as he explained the situation, as he cracked the staff and as he opened up to what was on his mind. It confirmed her suspicion that the man wouldn’t be one to crack under the use of words but rather through action.

“--he drew her into my own blade.”

Aeris grip on her staff loosened by her side to let it fall into the sand with a thud. Her bare feet pushed through the grain to bring her up to the man and wrap her arms around him in a tight hug. Maybe she was overthinking it, maybe she was just reminded of her own memory of love, but it couldn’t have been easy to admit what he had just said.

“I…” She exhaled with a weak chuckle, yet nothing about it was funny. “I think I understand.”

“I lost someone too.”
Dagon had zoned out from the spar, his senses so distant that the drop of Aeris' staff remained unheard. Only for the sudden embrace to bring him back to the present. His eyes widened in surprise for a moment, then half-closed as he wrapped his own arms around her. Faint warmth enveloped them and the sorrow they carried. Aeris' words made him pull her closer in his hold, his head falling on her shoulder.

"Who was it?" his voice was soft with no underlying prodding behind it. Simply a call for her to continue unfolding what weighed her down.

Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

“Another padawan.” Aeris exhaled and shook her head against Dagon’s shoulder. “We were young, but… Well, it felt real at the time.”

She separated and took a seat in the sand and motioned for Dagon to do the same. Standing up felt pointless by now. That promise or rather ground rule she laid out at the start had backfired, and now she was the one to tell her story.

“I think I was fifteen at the time, if that tells you anything.” Aeris grabbed a handful of sand to hold onto. “Not quite love, not quite nothing either. That part of your life when you start to wonder about nature and where things get interesting.”

That small shade of red on her cheeks forced her to shake her head in embarrassment for even having brought the idea up. As the fires beneath her skin began to die out she found the will to go on,

“Around this time the Alliance was slowly falling apart around us, but we tried to keep good spirits. The masters had tried to fill us with that ancient idea of ‘They only win if they destroy our morale’ crap. Heck, at this time we didn’t even have a library, we had already lost that to the Sith fires.”
Aeris opened her hand to let the sand scatter in the slight breeze that rolled through the room. “The person I lost was one of the padawans I moved around with. We saw a lot of the galaxy together, a lot of things that no kid really should have to see, but…”

Her head shook again with an aggravated sigh. “There was always comfort in knowing that me and Alex saw a lot of it together. We ran from one Sith raid after another until finally we managed to get ourselves cornered.” She paused for a moment. “Alex stayed behind to save the rest of us.”

“I thought they had died, but…”
Her arms wrapped around her knees. “They didn’t. Somehow the Sith had managed to keep them alive. I don’t know the details of how, but I know that when they came back they weren’t themself anymore. Alex reeked of fear and hate, the very opposites of what I knew them for.”

“I tried to reason, I tried to speak to them but... Alex refused to listen, they had already become one of them.”
Aeris shook her head. “A creature of violence and hate. For an hour, they tried to make me follow them back. When that didn’t work they began to scream about what we had once shared.”

“The Sith had turned what we had against us.”
Aeris exhaled what to Dagon might have seemed like just the smallest of sobs hidden behind a deep, focused breath. “Alex went through so much pain, and it was all because of...”

Her eyes closed, the rest didn't want to be said: It was all because of their attachment to me.
Aeris' openness and her story both pulled woeful strings at his heart and mild surprise on his face. He had not expected her to lay it all out the way she did, neither had he expected her experience to have been so similar to his. Even less so that she and he were far more identical than he had ever imagined. What diverged the two were their choice of output - she had steeled herself behind the Code, the way of the Jedi, while he had steered away from it into a spiral of emotionally-driven action.

Dagon's hand fell on hers as she wrapped herself around her knees. He carefully shifted himself from facing her to sitting beside her. His right arm softly wrapped around to console her.

Sometimes it was better to say nothing.

And let it all drown in the silence.

Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec

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