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The Outer Rim Imperium [Feedback]

[member="Tasgetius Blackwood"]
This is just a question - because I haven't really looked in the open RP boards in a long time (probs since last year before I got dragged into private threads) - but do you have any Public threads for the faction up?


I don't know anything about it or which was made first, but there seems to be a bit of a conflict over locale *points to signature*. :p

(Oh, derp, COR = Confederacy of the Outer Rim, I mean)

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I have been pushing for a move active presence on the board for a while now. This has been difficult when you take into consideration RL issues that pop up (that one has no control over) and otherwise people and threads stalling out. This however has not deter my determination to get this faction going.
One of the problems that I've had with Public Threads is that they often are looked at, yet no one posts on them and they get quickly buried in the forum under the other threads. In the coming days however multiple Public threads involving the Outer Rim Imperium will be submitted and I am hoping that they will garner some attention and interaction by other writers.
I've spoke with [member="Solan Charr"] about that, and we have / had a plan to involve the two factions with mutual threads. This had not / has not come to fruition due to other incidences that have at this moment put the possibility of these threads on hold until it is sorted out. Likewise, the location of the Confederacy of the Outer Rim and the Outer Rim Imperium are hexes away from one another.
[member="Kass Zyn'meshurok"]
[member="Tasgetius Blackwood"]

Due to our being minors, distance is no problem and we are still wide open for conflict as it inspires interest and activity if you so desire as well. *Poofs back to disapppearing*
Tasgetius Blackwood said:
One of the problems that I've had with Public Threads is that they often are looked at, yet no one posts on them and they get quickly buried in the forum under the other threads. In the coming days however multiple Public threads involving the Outer Rim Imperium will be submitted and I am hoping that they will garner some attention and interaction by other writers.
Your visit to hutt space has been picked up by hutt radar and someone has even answered you in that thread. While your post in itself was good and of high quality it might however have been a good idea to do some research and make sure that the sort of character you were looking for was made OOC aware of the post. It could just as well have been dropping down into the abyss since it had no @mentions.

So, to get the IC going you will probably also have to get hold of the OOC prior to getting things going. Just my five cents.


Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
This also brings up the simple fact that I've run into problems on the ooc front as well. I've posted faction discussions, recruitment threads, discussion threads and looking for group threads all in a bid to bolster activity for myself and the ORI, only to watch as those threads as well seem to slowly fall under the piles of messages. What bothers me the most with those posts is that while people do look at that, garnering in the 30s to 40s, no one posts in them.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]​
I recognize that myself as well. I got a ton of threads that has gone unanswered but I am also very much impressed with your focus on this. Perhaps the faction lacks something to make it stick out? Perhaps it is not star warsy enough? Perhaps you have just had bad luck in recruiting the right writers to your idea.

It definately not your dedication or writing quality. You would be a boon to any faction or story as far as I can see.
Maybe you just need to hang in there and give it more time.

Regardless, you got cadans interest in the hutt oriented post you wrote. It will be interesting to see where it goes.

[member="Tasgetius Blackwood"]

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