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The Order of the Righteous Flame [Feedback & Critique]

Let me begin by stating that I know my history on this site, along with my behavior is one of a touchy subject. I understand that that alone may be the cause as to why my ideas (while sound), do not gain the traction they need; coupled with my constant jumping from idea to idea.

I have in recent months attempted to otherwise keep myself in check and to tone down such behavior (though I am still finding myself biting my tongue from time to time and wanting to scream). With that said, this is meant to be a posting on how the community views the Order of the Righteous Flame.

While I have jumped from idea to idea before, this is one idea that I have been sticking with. While it has waned in terms of activity and I have been attempting to combat this, there is only so much I can do to keep that going. I find that there are those who show an interest in the Order or who like the idea of the Order of the Righteous Flame, though they do not join.

Recently I removed a large portion of the members from the Faction. Those removed were accounts that hadn't been active in the last month, with some showing no activity since August and others showing none since earlier in the year.

I would like to see the Order of the Righteous Flame succeed and to prosper, I really would; thus I am coming before the community to ask for your feedback.

I would like to know what you feel about...
  • The Order of the Righteous Flame
  • The idea that the Order is founded upon
  • How you think the Order should be
  • What you think the Order should do to get more of a following
  • Are there things that should be changed, added or removed
  • In general how / what I can do to help the faction succeed

I will even open this to Critiques about the Order of the Righteous Flame and myself.

I may not want to hear what you have to say about myself; though it is what I need to hear...

Additional Note: Please do not include any joke posts. If you are not going to stay on topic, please do not post.

Tanomas Graf

There can only be one Order.
I didn't think I would need to state this.

Please leave out any joke posts. If you are not going to contribute to the feedback and critique and stay on topic, please do not post.

[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
It's a cool, but niche, concept. However, that's not where the issue lies.

I'll be frank: You have a reputation. One that has stuck, and will probably stick, for a while. That being, well, your general flakiness.

You've jumped from idea to idea far too frequently, and its made you seem unreliable. It makes people weary of investing time, and effort, into the faction, because you could just suddenly move on from it, as you've done in the past.

I have some suggestions: Stop with the passive aggressive status updates. Stop with status updates that promise that posts are coming. Stop with status updates in general.

Just start doing threads. Start building up your faction. Get it out there.

It'll take time, and considerable effort. You'll have to accept that it's a fairly niche concept, and won't grow as quickly as many other factions would. But if you stick with it, eventually it will grow. Writers will see that you aren't going to abandon it.

Please, don't take any of my post as an insult. It's not intended to be as such.
I think it might be beneficial to look inwards at what made the previous attempts fail, as opposed to - at least initially - looking to the outside for ideas on how to make it succeed this time around.

The site has a very long history of factions that have served only as a vanity project for the owners. I think factions should inherently exist with the community-oriented mindset, as there isn't a lot of wiggle room for a faction to be successful without a wholly dedicated and committed owner. Faction admin can't pull all of the weight.

I suppose that is my bit of positive feedback/criticism towards the Righteous Flame. Make sure you are doing and pushing it for the right reasons, instead of for the ego of being helmsman of a faction of whatever size. Otherwise, you will end up with another failed attempt that turns into what other people initially considered it to be -- a joke.
For the second time [member="Tanomas Graf"]. If you are not going to contribute anything constructive to the primary subject, and are merely using the thread to post your insults and jokes, then please remove yourself from the thread. If you have a problem with me, then bring it directly to me in a Private Message. This is not the time nor place for such action.

Thank you, [member="Isamu Baelor"]. I understand that I do have a reputation and it's been one that I've been attempting (albeit failing) at fixing. I have attempted to stay and do my best to otherwise change it, however at times I can not help if Real Life steps in without prior warning and pulls me from the site (though it is not an appropriate reason or excuse due to the LOA forum).

[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"], The Order of the Righteous Flame is the descendant of a previous idea that had been implemented though (due to my own shortcomings) failed, titled the Knights of Kal'Shebbol which was a similar idea. A faction for Non-Force Users that was a Knightly Order akin to the Jedi Order. It was wholly meant to provide for story and a place for others to gather with their NFUs. It was never meant as a vanity project or to place myself solely in the position of helmsmen. I have even at times attempted to find others to take over or who would like to lead the faction so that I could enjoy it just as much as others could.

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