Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Opening Curtain

Tracinya chuckles at her question, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms ad he continues to look over to her. She seemed nice enough, but... Something told him she wasn't so nice underneath. Call it paranoia, but his instincts have saved him numerous times. Of course, he keeps his suspicions well-hidden when he answers [member="Ruby Rose"].

"I may or may not have killed a few minor Hutt lords."


Well-Known Member
So the Mandalorian bounty hunter kills several Hutts and gets his ship stolen, and the Iridonian gets framed and lands in jail. It was nearly comical, and yet Tachon couldn't help but be impressed. Minor or no, Hutt lords tended to be well-guarded and in-the-know on most operations. The fact he was still alive, even without a living, spoke for itself. Jokingly, he leaned toward [member="Ruby Rose"] and spoke.

"You should sign him on for your Alliance," then turned to the armoured man and said, "I'm surprised you're still living. So what did you hear that made you want to tag along, and I'd just like to say it's very disconcerting talking to a helmet."

[member="Tracinya be Gra'tua"]

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
Rose let out a soft chuckle nodding at [member="Tachon Zur-Ksi"]

"Well bounty hunter, at the very least you're lucky, if not a bit careless with your ship. Tachon here could use some of your luck, tends to get thrown in jail for other people. What is your name, I'm Ruby."

The Jensaaria leaned back into the chair, eyeing the bounty hunter with an evaluating eye. Did this guy really manage to kill some Hutt lords all by himself? If so that was a notable feat, perhaps he was skilled in combat but just a little lax in keeping guard on his things.

[member="Tracinya be Gra'tua"]
Giving [member="Tachon Zur-Ksi"] an indifferent shrug, he removes his helmet, revealing a pale, scarred face with an olive green eye. His left eye was grey, probably from the weapon that caused a scar going from the top left to bottom right of his face. It would look like a burned scar, yet is in the pattern of a sword, which could mean one obvious weapon caused it. His hair was a dirty blonde, and was shaved down in a classic military cut, with just a half-inch of hair left before the scalp. His mouth, however, was turned up in a smirk as he regards the woman looking him over.

"Tracinya be Gra'tua. Or, Flame of Vengeance in Basic. And if you want me, you'll have to do more than look me over."

[member="Ruby Rose"]


Well-Known Member
"A strong name," Tachon said, ignoring [member="Ruby Rose"]'s comment about jail, "I'm going to check our location. It's a distance between Sluis Van and Abregado-Rae, but the Avril should make excellent time along a trade route." he said, then he stood, stretched his legs, and made for the cockpit.

This served two purposes. First, he really was curious about how well his ship was making time. Second, it would give [member="Tracinya be Gra'tua"] and Ruby some alone time. He seemed vaguely flirtatious, and the Iridonian wasn't interested. So he'd give them their time while he checked readouts. Then he'd come back, and try and discuss what to do once they got back onto a planet.

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
"Hmm, not a bad name indeed Tracinya, however why should we want you? We're on our way to investigate someone and so far you've only just slipped on board unannounced. Explain to me why we should trust you? Apparently you don't have a thing for force users already," She nods towards the scar on his face, ignoring the man's obvious flirt. What is it with mandalorians and always hitting on her? If he wasn't careful she'd give him another to match...

"Alright Tachon, thats good to hear, I'd hate for someone to get too... overeager at being penned up for too long."

[member="Tracinya be Gra'tua"] [member="Tachon Zur-Ksi"]
[member="Ruby Rose"]

When the Iridonian had left, Tracinya simply leaned back in his chair, openly studying the jetii who shared the room with him. She wore no armor, as is expected of most Jedi. Of course, he does not approve of wearing no armor at all. Light armor is better than simple robes! But, its her life, her decision. As for her face... Not too bad to look at.

And there I go. All hormonal and osik once more... I really need to grow up.

"Oh, this was from a dar'jetii, specifically some unnamed Sith Acolyte. I didn't have my beskar'gam yet, and he was lucky enough to get a hit in. Put him in the ground for it, though."


Well-Known Member
"Faster than usual..." Tachon muttered.

The glow from his readouts illuminated his face, while his eyes trawled over every little detail he could take in. He understood the technical information of an astrogation system rather well for a simple spacer. Maybe he just spoke the same language as his Avril. Once he was satisfied with what he saw, he watched the vortex of hyperspace swirl past for what felt like hours, but was only a handful of minutes. When he was done taking solace in space travel, he returned to the little chamber where everyone was gathered and took a seat.

"We should arrive at Abregado in four to six hours. Her hyperdrive's old, so it has a little bit of an approximate window for an ETA rather than a permacrete time." he shrugged and let the other two continue the conversation he hadn't been present for.

[member="Tracinya be Gra'tua"] / [member="Ruby Rose"]


Well-Known Member
[OOC: Given the lack of activity in this thread over the course of ten days, I'm going to advance the thread somewhat. You're welcome to continue on if you so choose, or I can just move along. I'll wait at least another three days to give you folks a chance to read and write, then continue on.]
[member="Tracinya be Gra'tua"] // [member="Ruby Rose"]

Some time passes...

Tachon took his place in the pilot's seat and strapped himself in. Next he flicked the switch to silence the real-space reversion alarm and prepared for arrival. The ship lurched slightly as it slowed to a normal speed. The planet was aglow with activity. Ships entering and exiting the system, lights from the dark side of the world illuminating it nearly as much as the starlight from the local sun. After a short instance of communications with the local aerospace control officer, the Firespray swooped down toward the world, in the relative sector of where Zur-Ksi had had his interaction with the contractor for his raw deal.

The ship came to park at a landing pad, and the loading ramp slid open.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of if the others would tag along, Tachon did have a score to settle. He was goal-oriented now, and he strapped on his blaster, knife, and light combat vest, then threw a jacket over the vest. He stepped out of the ship and into the city. The lights and sounds met him immediately, and he breathed in the filtered city air. It always smelled somewhat stale, but he'd stopped recognising the fact a long time ago. He rolled his shoulders and went to the nearest info terminal. The crowd filtered around him and he tapped in his new target's name. The address came up, and he linked the map to his datapad. He tapped the display off, put on an earpiece that linked up to his datapad, and turned on a guidance system.

With a target and map, he hopped in a rental speederbike and jetted through airspace to the return station closest to Halcyon.


Well-Known Member
The speederbike came to park, Tachon paid the fee, and he strode up to Halcyon's penthouse. First he buzzed the gate. When there wa no response, he kicked in the door. The security guard stood up, saw the Zabrak, and simmered down. With Tachon bearing semblance to a bounty hunter, a mere private security officer wouldn't want to go toe-to-toe off the mark.

"How can I help you, sir?" he asked like a secretary.
"I'm looking for Alstar."
"He's upstairs," Tachon started moving, "But he's not receiving!"
"He is now."

Tachon marched up the hall and entered the lift. It rose, dinged, and he exited the small box. He was greeted by two armed guards, with Alstar Halcyon behind his etched glasteel walls. Tachon dropped, drew his blaster, and fired two low shots while their high shots sizzled overhead. They dropped to a knee in pain, he set his blaster to stun and knocked them both out. He wouldn't be painted as the villain today. He reset his weapon to lethal, and blasted the door down. Tachon reached up with his free hand and made a gesture that looked like he was adjusting the cuff of his sleeve. He was activating a recording device.

"Ha! You think coming here will fix anything? You're still on a watch list!"
"I couldn't imagine why." Tachon replied, unamusement in his voice
"Oh, you're such an idiot. You haven't figured it out? Sending you off to Sluis was the best business decision I ever made! And you're still taking the fall!"
"Look, he was in the way. You opened the door, and bounty hunters are cleaner to erase than my own security, or even assassins."
"Uh huh," Tachon flicked his blaster to stun discreetly, shut off the recording device, and aimed for the man. Fear instantly filled the human's face.

"I want quintuple my payment, for the inconvenience. I'll need the money to disappear." he would play the ruse.
"You can't! I've had you place everywhere!"
"Then erase it. Six times the payment."
"You can't charge more and ask a favour!"
"Seven times, we are talking about your life on the line, after all."
"Fine, fine..." Alstar typed into the terminal in front of him. He transferred the credits and removed Tachon's name from warrant lists. Zur-Ksi had moved around to keep an eye on him, then when he was satisfied, he pulled out his datapad and set it on the table.

"What are you doing?" Halcyon probed.
"Something worse than death for you," Tachon explained, then uploaded the recording to authorities, "They'll dissolve your business, hold you accountable for the man you made me kill, and all your money with dwindle away while you rot in some cell."

Alstar moved to attack with a yell of rage, Tachon pulled his trigger and the human fell unconscious over his desk.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Mister Halcyon."

[OOC: Not my best work. Rushed. Closure reached, thread accomplished. Fin~]

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