Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Master Savan,
If there's one thing we share, apart from ambition, frustration, and a certain tenuous relationship with mortality, it's a love for the upper hand, so I suspect you'll understand the anonymity of my approach. I also suspect you'll take it as a frustrating and possibly entertaining challenge. Though you'll make no headway in tracing this message, I intend to offer you opportunities to discover my reasons for contacting you, make avenues toward those within my sphere of influence, turn my knowing or unknowing associates to your own advantage, or insulate yourself against further contact, as you see fit. I find such possibilities add spark to any relationship.
We've met before, but it's been a regrettably long time. The means of this message's delivery don't allow for a response. Should you be interested in further contact, a woman named Selka Ventus will be having dinner on the cruise liner Boca Ranui within the Transitory Mists in one week's time. Miss Ventus is a piece on my gameboard, though what role she plays is up to you to determine; I suspect you'll find her interesting.
Most sincerely, and with apologies for the Fontana affair,
Master Savan,
If there's one thing we share, apart from ambition, frustration, and a certain tenuous relationship with mortality, it's a love for the upper hand, so I suspect you'll understand the anonymity of my approach. I also suspect you'll take it as a frustrating and possibly entertaining challenge. Though you'll make no headway in tracing this message, I intend to offer you opportunities to discover my reasons for contacting you, make avenues toward those within my sphere of influence, turn my knowing or unknowing associates to your own advantage, or insulate yourself against further contact, as you see fit. I find such possibilities add spark to any relationship.
We've met before, but it's been a regrettably long time. The means of this message's delivery don't allow for a response. Should you be interested in further contact, a woman named Selka Ventus will be having dinner on the cruise liner Boca Ranui within the Transitory Mists in one week's time. Miss Ventus is a piece on my gameboard, though what role she plays is up to you to determine; I suspect you'll find her interesting.
Most sincerely, and with apologies for the Fontana affair,