Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Old Republic: Am I the Only Person Who Likes It?

John Harrison

I cannot play MMOs for any sustained amount of time. I just... get... so... bored.
@[member="Avadreia Lacroix"] @[member="John Harrison"] @[member="Dark Onyx"]

Avadreia Lacroix said:
I like it, but it's somewhat difficult to stay engaged.
Dark Onyx said:
I thought the same till Hutt Cartel was released. They need a new expansion.
John Harrison said:
I cannot play MMOs for any sustained amount of time. I just... get... so... bored.

The trick to this is simple; Voice chat with the party you are in. (we do this in skype)

I do this with @[member="Jonathon Patches"] and @[member="Noxu Za'tire"] all the time.

If you do a voice chat with people in your party, level together and simply... hang out -- -it's not just playing an MMO, it's hanging out with your friends, teasing each other, having a blast. It gives another measure of connection and bonding that REALLY makes the difference in gaming.

I like TOR enough to play it with myself; but it makes it all the more better to have patches and Nox there with me--- aggravating me into yelling at them for teasing me on voice or me yelling them to "heal me!!!" . :)


Togorian Barricade
Well yeah having a fun party with you at all time turns any lame coop game into a blast.

A good party is hard to come by, but what your saying does make sense. If you (a star wars geek) is on a forum of star wars geeks, and a few of you have TOR. Its very likely you could get a memorable party together. :p

Darren Onyx

They need an expansion bringing Revan back. Unless they are going to wait with KOTOR 3. Doubt it though. KOTOR 3 is the Half-Life 3 for Star Wars fans.
The Heals...

It's never enough... NEVER ENOUGH!

*shrugs* Anytime my healing abilities come into question though, we just let Nox take a turn... and then we all feel better about ourselves... our very dead selves.
If you do a voice chat with people in your party, level together and simply... hang out -- -it's not just playing an MMO, it's hanging out with your friends, teasing each other, having a blast. It gives another measure of connection and bonding that REALLY makes the difference in gaming.
Oh so true.

Still play it, too. Rather excessively at that.
Man now I want to play it again. lol. looks like I'm gonna have to insall it again and make a new character. Maybe I'll make one like Darren. Sith begining to a Dark Jedi.

@[member="Dark Onyx"] I think they have a small part where you see Revan in a vision? not to sure.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
I play TOR a hell of a lot. I'm in a fairly high-end raiding guild on Jedi Covenant - but I'm thinking of transferring my legacy over to Ebon Hawk. I have a couple chars there already but they aren't even 20.
skin, bone, and arrogance
I'm on a roleplay server (forget which -- I think it's RP-PVP but not sure). But if anyone wanted to play in a party on another server I'd be glad to participate. I don't usually use voicechat but I'd be glad to be in one and listen to direction.
Usually on Vanjervalis Chain, german speaking and all. Just some low level scoundrel on Ebonhawk, though I'm still considering transfering one of my VC chars.

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