Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Obsidian Falls

WD-334 arrived to the room that it had been directed towards. But the war droid found no Sparklords. None of the leadership, all except one that stood before the droid. Something about them was familiar to the droid. Yet, it could not figure out exactly what it was familiar with them. And instead of a room, it were a corridor. The figure was in armor, with a cloak over them. And something glinted in one of their hands, what exactly was it? WD believed that the droid knew what it was.

"Rebel, lay down your arms for the Empire. It has been demanded. Your station shall not last." The said station rocked upon the continuous fire. WD did not realize it, but the ships that belonged to the war droid were failing in their assault. Already the Obsidian Fist had lost half it's functionality, the Tartan-cruiser was gone as well as several other ships.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

The older droid didn't reply to WD's demands that he would lay down his arms. Instead he would just start working towards him, staring WD and his forces down from beneath his black armor, equally black cloak softly flapping into his movements as the old machine clutched a lightsaber hidden within his clenched fist. HK watched them carefully, waiting for any audible command to attack, or just the movements of fingers pressing in against their triggers. It was a tough situation, but not an impossible once, since rarely things were impossible around HK.

Every second counted and if HK was going to stop the invaders and allow Sparklords, Ra, and other Lords enough time to retreat from the station, then he had to be flawless in his every move.

So he continued to walk closer towards WD through the corridor that separated them as a battle in the void beyond the durasteel walls around them raged on, at least the bright side was that even if WD succeeded, it seemed that he would be stuck aboard the station with most, if not all, his ships destroyed by the time they were finished.
WD-334 saw the other beginning their approach. As soon as their approach began, WD ordered for a shield wall of his security forces, just in front and kneeling. Standing over them, the war droid readied his cannon. "One last warning, we will open fire" the droid ordered. It's cannon was readied. If the other continued forward, then WD would do what it believed it were forced to do, even though it was programmed to do so anyway by the one that had changed the droid.

The war droid would fire if they continued, firing over it's shields. The ships outside continued to be torn, all but one of the Abregado war vessels ripped apart and the Obsidian lost half it's decks.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

HK holstered his lightsaber, clipping it on his belt before raising his hands up towards WD to show that he was unarmed. His fingers were outstretched, palms facing the war droids assembling in a defensive position with their various cannons pointed towards him. The old droid kept on walking towards them however, at this point being about halfway through the corridor, by the alcoves on the sides that lead towards shut blast doors.

The question was whether WD would fire on HK even though he did "disarm" himself or not.
The other holstered their weapon, and continued their approach. As WD had in mind to fire, the droid did not as it saw the other raise their hands. "Surrender is best option" it said, gesturing for two of it's shields, on the outer sides to move in and cuff them. None would stand in the war droids way. It would never allow such things to occur, and would not be tricked. Or, at least the war droid would do it's best, but at least it kept it's weapon trained for any trickery.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

It seemed like WD should not have calculated that he would not be tricked so quickly since apparently HK managed to trick him to a degree. As WD's two shield-bearing soldiers closed in towards the droid and he walked towards them still to cut down on the distance, the droid's fingers would fold in and extend in turn, forming a series of hand gestures and arcane signals before closing them into fists. Before he would let WD's soldiers cuff him the older machine sent out two gravitational anomalies within their torsos in order to try and crush their central motor and computing systems from the inside out, bypassing their armor completely.

"Not letting me get so close was your best option."

HK taunted, if his attempt was successful and WD's two soldiers sent out to intercept him went limp from the attack, the older machine would bounce up, propelling himself as he spun in the air to deliver a roundhouse kick to one of would-be bodies and sent them back towards WD and others as a makeshift mobile shield and projectile to disrupt them. From the result of the kick he would bounce aside, knowing very well they would probably open up fire against him at this point.
WD-334 watched the gestures, and thought the other was signalling nearby forces. It looked behind to check, only to miss that it's own droids had fallen. Not till the war droid turned back did it see. And to see one of them was flying at them. WD-344 fired at the body of the fallen droid, trying to fire through, only just too late seeing the other had already moved away. It's cannon tried to trace the target, and the other droids were firing as well. All except one which had collapsed under the weight of the thrown metal carcass.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

In his bounce to the side HK managed to avoid a stream of blaster bolts as the other machines tried to track him over the confusion of having one of their own thrown at them as the other collapsed. There was a series of miniature plasma explosions as the bolts left a trail of scorched metal on the steel floor and walls behind HK while he traversed from one side of the corridor to the other, running along the wall before pushing himself off to jump to other side as he grabbed his lightsaber once more.


There would be that signature whooshing sound of a lightsaber activating as the white blade of HK's old lightsaber cut through the air. The machine stood his ground then, meeting the barrage of bolts sent towards him in their proximity as his arms moved quickly. In calculated, precise movements his lightsaber would cut through the air and whoosh about, managing to catch a series of bolts and send back portion of the barrage back at WD's forces, trying to target their own guns to either disable or detonate them in order to take out more of WD's forces.

Not all of HK's blocks were successful in the face of the numerous barrage as plasma impacts would be heard on his body, sneaking in through his defense they would leave glowing hot scorch marks here and there, like molten lava on his black, chitinous armor.
WD knew what the weapon was now. A lightsaber. "Focus fire!" In WD's mind, this were a Jedi disguised as a droid, wearing the armor of a droid or something like that. An honor like this, to take down a Jedi. One droid had dropped it's guard slightly, receiving a deflection to one of it's eyes. It fell back, leaving more and more of an opening. Many plasma bolts scorched WD-334's shield. The droid ordered his forces to begin to move forward, to form somewhat of an arc in an attempt to circle around. But in a hall like this, it was not the wisest.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

HK was beginning to be pushed back just from the sheer power exerted on him by the continuous barrage of rapid fire blaster bolts sent on by the other droids. He started to slide back, large Phrik claws extending out from his feet to anchor himself down as his armor was starting to get real hit from the attack, plates of it starting to crack and fall apart as they were being molten through.

However HK spotted an opening in their defenses as one of the droids fell to the bolts deflected right by it. Using that HK extended out his free hand, activating his Gauntlet of Gravitational Mastery, slinging a gravitational mastery and grabbing the gun from one of the droids farthest on the side of the firing line WD set up. HK would then swing his arm to the other side, attempting to pull the other machine's weapon aside suddenly as well and rain a barrage of its own bolts against its companions as they tried to arc around.

HK would push himself forward then, trying to use the opening from WD's soldier falling back and now hopefully a distraction from another one being forced to fire upon the rest of his forces, to slide forward on the ground under their plasma fire and pop up among them.
WD-334 focused on the 'Jedi' alone, not seeing one of it's own begin to fire till it was too late. Up the side of it's armor and a bolt to it's head directed the war droid's attention, and two more of the guard fell. That left only two more of it's guard left, and WD was quick to slam the malfunctioning droid into the wall, smashing them and the weapon between the shield and a hard place. It then turned back to the 'Jedi'. It ordered the remaining two to push, to try and force the 'Jedi' to focus while the war droid prepared to sprint, ready to make itself a ram.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Popping up by one of the droid soldiers, HK would bring down his lightsaber towards one of their guns, however he would not cut through it. His lightsaber was always set in a permanent training mode, making it more of a laser mace than sword. Slamming the white blade of his lightsaber into the gun he would force it down and aside, side-stepping his enemy as he opened their body up, HK would launch his free arm towards their exposed arm. A Phrik blade extended out from his arm, from below the chitinous armored plates. HK would use this hidden weapon to lodge it into the other droid's now exposed joint, cutting deep and hard, slashing to the side then to cut the soldier's gun-arm clean off.

Spinning to the side he would try to use his lightsaber then to sweep another droid off of his feet with a nice low slash and knock them down to the ground. He would pull his wrist blade out of his last target, poised to finish off another machine, if he managed to knock them down to the ground.

However, his attacks left him vulnerable to WD's charge as he could not focus specifically on protecting himself from the war droid, especially since last HK saw WD, he was busy dealing with the droid he managed to manipulate into firing at WD's soldiers.
WD-334 watched as one of it's droids weapons fell from it's hand, and then saw the arm cut clean off. The droid was left with only it's shield. So the only option it had was to swing the shield, try to whack the 'Jedi' with it. The other droid was down on the ground and done for, the blade finishing them. WD took the chance, to begin to charge. Just as the droid swinging was uneven on it's own two feet. Ending up between the two, soon to be sandwiched between two hard places. Not that it bothered WD in the least.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

There was a terrible sound of two metal bodies colliding with each other as WD charged HK and rammed him, managing to catch the older droid off guard and lift him up on his large shield. Carrying HK over the charge would not stop until WD slammed the other droid against a nearby wall. There would be another harsh sound of metal slamming against metal as HK was pinned along with sickly cracking sound of his chitinous armor being broken from the impact. HK pushed back against WD, pulling his legs up to plant them against his shield and kick off on it, trying to force the other droid back enough to escape from the pinned position he was currently in, get enough space to manouver around him if possible.
WD-334 made the charge successful, and was pushed back after slamming into a wall. It was pushed back some, and went in to slam again. But there was space and time for the other to move, and WD had not calculated this. It would no doubt end up slamming against the wall itself, unless the 'Jedi' was made hesitant, then would be slammed again. Such miscalculations on both sides was keeping this fight rather even for now.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Although the fight was even so far, HK wanted to upset that balance and end the combat between them quickly. Pushing back on WD's shield with his legs, HK would strain and struggle, forcing back the hammer-like large object far enough to get the breathing room he needed. Before WD managed to slam his shield back in against him with another charge, HK managed to slip off beneath it, letting WD miss if he followed through and slam into the empty wall.

HK would try to get behind his shield then, popping up on its other side. The old droid would shot his arm up then, punching it out towards WD's torso as he, hopefully, got behind the war droid's defenses. If all went right, HK's arm, adorned with a Phrik blade extending out from beneath his armor, would pierce WD's armor like a spear, and the old droid would be clutching in his hand WD's droid brain.
WD-334 missed it's target. Then it realized where it's target was too late, once more. A bone-shattering punch was delivered to the metal torso, and the droid bucked back. But the droid was inactive after that. It stood still for a moment, frozen as it were. And there, it remained. It's brain within the other's hand. Sparking where it had disconnected. The empty shell of a droid now stood still, like a statue as it was posed against the wall.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

HK stood still for what seemed like eternity in silence, his arm embedded deep within WD's torso, the troops his opponent brought were laid about around them in various stages of deactivation or destruction, both of them were heavily damaged and neither was moving. Finally WD started to rock as his body was about to fall backwards. HK pulled his arm out of WD's chest at the same time as the war droid's body fell backwards with a mighty crash, joining his companions who were laying strewn about on the ground as well. HK's arm was covered in motor oil and hydraulic fluid, a colorful mix that extended down to his elbow, dripping onto the floor, but in his long, sharp fingers the old machine was clutching a full, undamaged droid brain. It was all of WD's mind, and memories, now disconnected from his body, held within HK's grasp.

HK would open up a comm channel to @Ra'a'mah,

"It is over. I have captured WD prisoner and his boarding party was stopped."

The old machine would announce. The outcome of their duel would be reflective of what was happening outside of the station as well, with the naval battle long ago turning in favor of the Metal Lord navy protecting Denon, there would have been little remaining of WD's forces by now.

HK would not destroy him of course, instead he would preserve his droid brain and bring it back to the Council of Lords so they could analyze and work on him. It was pretty obvious that someone meddled with WD's mind or memories so the machines had duty to their companion to work on his droid brain in turn to reverse those changes and restore him to the droid they knew, as well as rebuilt or reactivate his defeated body.

And the rest was history.

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