Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The obligations of a Jedi.

Kixi was finally all dressed up. Very much a carbon copy of last time's outing on Glee. Long blank pants with long dark boots, black vest with some grey patches on it. Belt to match at a high waist line level with a second utility belt on the lower waist. Arms were exposed with braces on each side with extra gadgets on them. Her blaster was attached to a brace on her thigh just above her knee, whilst her utility belt packed other weapons such as stun grenades, and a baton. Her lightsabre reminded hidden under her vest which just above her vest in the centre of her chest was her small personal body shield generator. Lastly but not least was her katana attached to her back. She took a quick glance in the mirror and made sure her hair was nicely done, and also her fringe straight. After she was satisfied with herself she headed out to find her other two warriors.

Kes saw her and complimented on how awesome she looked, like it was just like old times and so forth. Kes herself was dressed in a similar outfit. All black too, but she had not only her arms exposed like Kixi's, but her legs as well since she was wearing shorts that covered at least half her upper legs, and similar boots to Kixi's. She didn't really care just like Kixi as she too had a body shield. Weapons she was carrying ranged from twin blasters, knives, poisonous darts and a strangling cord. Braj'tec was fully covered from neck down to feet. His clothing was mostly grey in colour, except his boots, belt and linings which were black. He too had the body shield like the two women did, and packed a pistol, a blaster railgun rifle attached to his back, plus grenades and other gizmos.

"Kes I feel terrible wearing these clothes. I hate it. I really do!"

Kixi could tell that Kes couldn't wait to get out there, more or less so she could kill.

"Braj'tec please keep her inline. We do not need anymore attention than necessary."

He acknowledged her and moments later George appeared at the scene all dressed up as a Sith lord.

"Ah my Lord, any last minute tips you wanna give us before we drop out of hyperspace?"

Kixi asked the question trying to keep the mood high with some sarcasm.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As George entered the room with everyone waiting, Kixi quickly turned to him and asked if there was any tips he wanted to share with them before they dropped out of hyperspace, George had a few. "Alright, keep your head down. We aren't here to fight, its a rescue mission above all." That was it, that was his little speech. It was short, but it was direct. Anyone who tried to start a fight, if they survive, they would hear from him later. He just hoped it didn't come down to all that.

"Everyone get in your positions, we're about to drop out of hyperspace, we'll need to get to the surface as quick as possible, Kes you fly and I'll guide you down." He said quickly as he rushed off towards the cockpit. Ready to get to the surface, the faster the mission finished the faster he could get back to Nena.
As Kes and George made their way to the cockpit, Kixi instructed Braj'tec to go ready the Ysalamir.

"Make sure the cage is the smallest possible and that it's covered. Don't want it to attract too much attention as that will then attract attention to us."

Braj'tec acknowledged her and Kixi then made her way to the cockpit where Kes was piloting and George navigating. The ship very much dropped out of hyperspace as Kixi stepped in and took a seat behind the two.

"Glee looks so beautiful. Pitty that evil Sith scum are in control of it. I wish I could eliminate the lot of them single handed. For you Master and for Nena Ka."

As Kixi spoke, Kes had already initiated re-entry into Glee's atmosphere. The Mandalorian ship shook a little as it skimmed the upper levels of the atmosphere before gently touching down.

"Good landing Kes."

Kixi said patting her gently on the shoulder.

"I guess it's time we start moving out team. Oh and let's hurry as I don't fancy hanging around here for too long if you get my drift."

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

The ship exited hyperspace and within seconds was entering the atmosphere. Soon after they touched down on the ground. It was a rather quick dissent which George was grateful for. "Yes lets move, everyone have their rebreathers handy? Its about to get a little wet." The Nautolan Jedi, Sith said as he quickly exited the ship and within a few steps he was splashing the edge of the water. Next moment he was gone, diving under the water as he scouted the surroundings ensuring it was safe for the rest to follow.

As George began looking around he saw what he loved. The ocean teaming with wildlife and not a Sith in sight. George could see the city off in the distance but for now it seemed that they were safe. George paddled around as he waited for his team to follow.
As Kixi and her two warriors exited the ship, the three attached their rebreathers on and then activated their body shields. This was very much a common practice amongst Sajnen warriors when going through water simply to avoid getting wet. It was a must for Kixi in particular who hated getting her hair wet as she generally spent a lot of time doing it.

Braj'tec held a small water tight cage which housed the baby Ysalamir. Once in the city, he would open it up allowing the creature to breath properly. The water tight sealed cage would have enough air for the Ysalamir to breath for until they reached the underwater city.

The three then jumped into the water where George awaited them. Kixi didn't need to use any radio communication to signal her master. She simply waived him to start moving along. As he lead the way to the city, Kixi, Braj'tec and Kes would follow him there silently.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As Kixi and her warriors entered the water it was time to head down to the city. They moved quickly and quietly through the water, careful not to alert any of the Sith that were around. George's tendrils floated through the water waving with every stroke. He was home, in his environment. No one could see that it was, but to him, this was home.

As they reached the city they began their search. It was later afternoon and the gangs were all hanging around their areas. The Sith didn't really search the outskirts as the outlaws did most of their own justice, including trespassing. However with the numbers and the look of the Sith with them very few even gave them as second glance, and those who did got one back.

"Alright, we'll head to their last known location. Its more towards the centre of town, there will be more Sith there than anywhere else, keep your head down and move quickly." The Nautolan spoke through the coms unit. It wasn't going to be long until they were faced with a Sith head to head, too soon, that is for damn sure.
Kixi and Kes followed George to the right and left of him respectively with Braj'tec taking up the rear holding the caged Ysalamir. Their Force signatures would be non existent for at least a small radius of 5 metres in all directions of where the four stood and walked. It would help them evade the Sith. At least initially anyway.

"Master I have a fix on Nena's parents last known location."

She glanced at a small gizmo on her left arm brace and at the same time pointed to the direction in which Nena's parents house was.

"People are looking at us more and more but looking away. I believe the cover is working so far Master. You a Sith Lord accompanied by three bounty hunters. However I suggest we hurry. The house is just down the road over there."

The three quickly made their way to the house in which they were given custody of Nema Ka by her parents. Little did they know that the Sith awaited them. Kajtia Xiz'injüsek had indeed alerted them of Nena's parents treachery when Kes had secretly contacted her en-route to Glee. However the Sith were far too treacherous and dangerous to be trusted. Although Kajtia had only told them of Nena's parents, the Sith had decided to send someone to her parent's house once they had apprehended the parents, knowing that someone or somebodies may return for them. Fortunately for the two young Jedi Knights and co, it would initially just be one single Sith awaiting them, and fortunately, unexpecting to the awaiting Sith, Braj'tec's Ysalamir would not be anticipated.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As the group made their way through the city the looks from the Sith seemed dangerous, but in the end came to nothing, which was good for the group. As they turned the last corner they could see the house where Nena Ka had previously lived. The windows boarded up still and the wooden door resting on the door frame. George had a bad feeling about it, but without the force to guide him, he couldn't anticipate what was going to happen.

As they reached the door George grabbed his off hand lightsaber from under his robe, this one wasn't his main one and was a simple silver hilt. The crystal colour inside of it was any ones guess. "Alright Braj`tec watch the rear, I'll open Kes and Kixi, take point." There was no way of knowing what was going to be on the other side of the door, so George had to take precisions to ensure the safety of his team. "Weapons ready." He said as he pushed the door open. Kixi and Kes rushed in, it was dark and George couldn't see anything. The little amount of light that was in the room came from behind them. Illuminating them to anyone who was inside the room. "Kixi light." George ordered, he couldn't see, he couldn't feel and he needed the light.
As the team stormed into the house, Kixi illuminated the room with the small but powerful light on her left arm brace. And to their surprise stood a Sith Lord himself.

"I've been awaiting you Jediiiiiiii".

The Sith said with a mocking voice and evil smile on his face.

"Braj'tec come closer with that cage!"

Kixi yelled at him, although it was unnecessary as he had already moved within several metres of the Sith with his blaster rifle trained on him.

"Oh my dear, by the name of the Force, the very same Force has disappeared. Now you feel it and now you don't."

Kixi countered back at the Sith in a laughter of mockery as she put both arms out to her side in a I don't know gesture and then took out her concealed lightsabre. She didn't ignite it though but instead holstered it on her belt and instead took off her katana that was holstered on her back and pointed it at the Sith.

"Speak up scum bucket, where are the parents of Nena Ka? I demand to know now!"

The Sith Lord starred at the young Jedi and continued with his evil smile before talking in his soft evil voice.

"I'm afraid young Jedi, that you are too late. The traitors that you seek are DEAD! Soon all of you will be too."

Kixi starred at him with pure disdain.

"You........ You will not see that day you scum are ridden from this world."

The Sith although not able to feel the Force due to the Ysalamir remained extremely calm and in fact began laughing. An evil wicked Sith laugh filled the entire house.

"You feel hatred for me young Jedi. Strike me down with all your hatred and then one of us you'll too become."

Kixi snarled at the Sith and moved forward quickly and then behind the Sith, went to strike at him with her katana to decapitate him, but stopped short of the mark. She whispered at him in a soft voice.

"The dark side, I've been before there in another timeline. No thanks."

The Sith of course had no idea regarding what that had just meant and looked at her dumbfounded, as Kixi half smirked at him and pulled back the Katana and holstered it. She turned her head to Kes and nodded. Then without hesitation Kes lunged at the Force deprived Sith Lord first hitting him across the head several times with her baton. Then she pulled out her strangling cord and finished him off. Once he was dead, she kicked him in the back as he fell on his knees and dropped him head first to ground.

"Thank you Kes, now don't ever say I never let you kill anyone."

Kixi said to her patting her on the shoulder as she turned to face her master.

"Master looks like the fate of Nema Ka's parents is obvious. Furthermore we have been compromised. I would say it's time to go unless you insist on staying around that is."

Kixi finished of sarcastically. Kes herself wasn't too pleased however. Sure the parents were taken care of and the mission had failed as a result. However the Sith were not supposed to have known that they were coming. She most certainly would be contacting Kajtia later. Assuming they all got off Glee in one piece that was.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As Kixi illuminated the room George could see the Sith Lord standing across from them, Kixi took control of the situation and order Braj`tec to move within distance so the force of the Sith would be removed. After this George sat and watched as Kixi interrogated the Sith, however without much luck. All that we had found out was that Nena's parents were dead. The sad truth of it it all. However as Kixi gave the order for Kes to kill the Sith George couldn't help but hesitate. Was this the right course of action? Of course it was in some ways, but George was sure that more information could be received in keeping him alive. However that opportunity was lost.

"Yes we have Kixi, and I will need to talk to you when we get back to Voss." He said clearly displeased with the situation, but this was not the time. They had to leave Glee once again without dying. "Alright lets get out of here. Quickly and quietly." He said to the group. As George opened the door a band of 4 men stood in front of them. "You kill our Master..." George just looked at the young apprentice of the late Sith Lord. "Unless you want the same fate I would suggest you leave now." George replied firmly, retrieving the other lightsaber from within his robes, but not igniting either one, just yet. "No, no we will kill you. We will avenge our Master." The Sith apprentice replied. "Get them!" Another screamed as all four ignited their crimson blades in unison. It was an even fight, four verses four. But 4 Sith acolytes against two Jedi Knights and two strong warriors? The odds were not in their favour.

George ignited both blades in unison. "Eliminate the vermin." He ordered to Kixi and her team as he performed a somersault over the four Sith striking at their heads on the way past. They all managed to stop it, but George was on the attack. Furious strikes went out in their direction, pushing them back. But in this case towards the team that was Kixi, Kes and Braj`tec.
It was clear by George's tone and facial expression that he wasn't happy with Kixi at giving Kes the order to kill the Sith without further investigation. However Kixi would later disagree in that the Sith wasn't going to talk in the small limited timeframe they had. She was also aware that Kes was going to lunge at the Sith sooner or later to kill him, and then George would have had to have displined her. Kixi felt it as her duty to protect members of her crew given she was their captain. She gave Kes the order to protect her from her own bad tendencies to just want to kill. Kixi was always extra good to Kes, unknowingly to the fact on just how much she despised and hated her. George would now have to deal with Kixi later on as he made it clear that he now wanted to speak to her once back on Voss, assuming they ever made it back.

It wasn't long until four servants of the Sith Lord caught up with them. Eager to avenge their master's death and not willing to negotiate. George immediately jumped over the four of them pushing them towards Kixi and her two warriors. Now to close to Braj'tec's Ysalamir, all four were instantly deprived of the Force. Braj'tec and Kes didn't hesitate to open fire. Without the Force, neither Sith Acolyte could block the blaster fire. Braj'tec killed two with his rifle and Kes claimed one with her blaster pistol. The last one lunged at Kixi who decapitated him with her katana. However this was after the Acolyte took a stab at Braj'tec's Ysalamir with his lightsabre killing it instantly.

"Great, just frakken great. The Ysalamir is dead. Now we lose our glorious special advantage."

Kixi began cursing.

"Well the creature did give me the creeps anyway. Still it would've been nice had it lived just a tad longer. Master I suggest we start running. They know we are here so no point to further hide ourselves from the Force."

Kixi re-holstered her katana as she spoke and decided that from that point on she would only use her lightsabre and the Force to fight like a proper Jedi should. With her master already not impressed with her, there was no need to further displease him with the further unnecessary use of her non Jedi methods and weapons.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

George's plan worked somewhat well, although this time, the casualty of war was the Ysalamir. They were no longer hidden by the void in the force that it created, for now they were visible to all of the Sith who covered the planets surface. "I like your idea Kixi. But here is another one. Kixi, me and you double back through the city. Kes and Braj`tec, get back to the ship. Your way should be pretty much clear, but if you do run into anyone, I am sure you'll have no problems dealing with them, hey Kes..." The Jedi gave her a blank stare for a few moments before nodding and heading off.

Splitting up would give Kes and Braj`tec time to get to the ship without to much opposition. If they were all to go back it would be near impossible, instead with George and Kixi luring the Sith away it would make their survival chances increase ten fold.
Kixi didn't want to hang around any longer than what she had to. Double backing would mean that she herself would have to hang back just a tad longer. However her master was right. Splinting up would give at least Braj'tec and Kes a chance to escape, as the Sith would hunt down and focus on the two Jedi. As the captain of both Braj'tec and Kes, their safety was always her responsibility. Also it would mean that any resistance her two warriors could encounter would be non Sith. Nothing they couldn't handle and the way they were armed, an act of insanity for any would be attackers.

"Braj'tec, we intend to make it back, however if we don't, make sure you take care of Mako and continue to watch over her."

Kixi tried to sound reassuring as she momentarily starred at Kes who was the main concern in Braj'tec having to watch over Mako, and then again faced Braj'tec directly who acknowledged Kixi's request.

"And one last thing."

Kixi would activate a small advanced tracking device attached underneath her clothing.

"Stay on the ship until we get back. If we run into trouble, fly the ship under the water and to the city to come get us. We'll be together so you'll be able to locate us with the tracker on me."

Both acknowledged Kixi and then got going making for their ship, as both George and Kixi headed back the other way.

"Master, I have a terrible feeling, and it's not because we're headed back into the city. The Sith were waiting for us. They knew we were coming. Yet not many knew of our mission. Someone tipped them off? This can be the only explanation. Yet I have no idea who or what could have done so Master?"

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As Kixi gave the warriors some last commander before the split George had to interrupt Kixi's negative behaviour. "Kes, Braj`tec, we'll be back. Don't worry about that. Get the ship warmed up and ready for it." He said as he turned to Kixi with a gleaming smile.

As it was time to split Kes and Braj`tec headed off towards the ship and George and Kixi headed off towards the inner city. Kixi gave some more thought about the journey and the mission, she came to a worrying conclusion. Espionage. Someone had tipped off the Sith to their mission, someone on the inside. It was a worrying thought for George as well, but now as not time to dwell on information slipping into enemy hands. "That it is my young Jedi. But that is a worry for another time. For now we worry about getting out of here alive." Just as George finished his sentences they rounded a corner and came face to face with two Sith. "I had to say something like that didn't I..." George said sarcastically.

"Mmm, two Jedi over here... One seems to have returned home..." One of the Sith spoke. Noticing George's species. Their paring seemed similar to his own. A Nautolan and a Mon Calamari Sith were standing in front of them. Waiting patiently. "Any ideas Kixi?" He asked as he watched the Sith. Knowing that if they ran they would follow and no doubt call in backup. But attacking them would leave them vulnerable, but it would be doubtful they more Sith would show up in the immediate future. However in the end, the Sith made up their mind for them.

"Time to meet your maker Jedi." The Nautolan Sith spoke igniting a double bladed lightsaber. The other ignited his single bladed lightsaber. "I guess its time to fight." George said turning to Kixi. George also took his hilts off of his belt and ignited the blue and green lightsaber.

Kixi spoke out not caring, and with little respect to the Sith who was speaking to both herself and [member="George O Rourke"].

"You want us to meet our makers, do you? Well that can be arranged, I've got a free ticket for the four of us. Quick one way frakken trip you scumbag!"

As she said those words she took out one of her grenades and primed it.

"Move aside and allow us passage now!"

The Mon Calamari Sith spat and then laughed at Kixi.

"You don't have the guts Jedi."

As he spoke his words of rage he then lunged at Kixi at an alarming speed assisted by the Force. He was right though, Kixi had no intent of killing herself or her master. As the Mon Calamari advanced forward and took a swing at Kixi, she moved at the last second as the low body strike from the Sith's strike skimmed her lower hip area. Her body shield helped prevent what would have been a fatal blow. However being a close range strike, the Sith's sabre still injured her as she dropped to her knees and spun and managed to shove the grenade up his robes at the same time blowing him up into pieces. Her body shield protected her from the close range blast but flickered out. Her face and clothes were now full of sprayed blood and Mon Calamari flesh. She got up as quickly as she could igniting her lightsabre with one hand, and holding her hip with the other where a small slash cauterised wound now was. Her master was already busy dueling the other Nautolan Sith. Kixi was injured but she could see that the Nautolan Sith was way stronger than the Mon Calamari Sith she had just defeated. Despite her minor injury, she jumped into the fight. Now it was one Sith vs two Jedi.
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

The Sith jumped at George swinging his double blades lightsaber at George. He easily deflected it and the duel began. George fought back with strikes of his own, utilizing both of his sabres against his opponent, but his opponent was also utilizing both of his blades. It was an even fight. Swing for swing, punch for punch. However as the battle raged on an explosion was seen and heard only a few meters away. The Mon Calamari had been blown to smithereens. Blood and body floated through the water making its way to the surface. With the explosion distracting bother only for a few seconds it was time to get back to business.

George's focus quickly turned back to the Sith realizing that Kixi was alive and not the one to have exploded. However he was unaware of the damage she had sustained during the fight. She quickly jumped into the fight engaging in a now two on one duel. The Sith was outnumbered and now out skilled. Two Jedi Knights against this Sith. He was no Lord, but also no apprentice. He was tough but the two of them had the upper hand.

As Kixi and George stood side by side fighting the Sith George jumped, with the aid of the force over the Nautolan who was now surrounded. As George's feet hit the ground he unleashed a powerful force push. Pushing the Nautolan straight at Kixi. With her purple blade raised, the Sith drove straight into it. Impaling himself on her blade. George swiftly moved in slicing the arm that held his sabre as they waited for the Nautolan to die. It was a swift death as only moments later the Nautolan Sith slumped over Kixi motionless. George extinguished both of his lightsabres and returned them to his belt.
"Ha! Nice going Master. Good thinking to throw push him straight into my blade."

As Kixi said those words, she once again dropped to her knees putting her hand onto her lower hip and extinguishing her lightsabre with the other.

"Master I'm sorry."

She pointed to her injury using her head, however George could already see it. Kixi extended her other hand out to him so he could help her back onto her feet in which she then did so promptly.

"Master we need to go now, back to the ship. Braj'tec and Kes should be back on it by now. I can walk on my own, sort of anyway. If we get waylaid again and you can escape and I can't, then leave me behind. No point two of us dying if we don't have to."

Kixi began to walk and then slowly run. Alongside George and always keeping her hand on her lower hip in agony.

"Oh and that Sith Mon Calamari bastard, he ruined my hair!"

Kixi decided to add that last comment more the less to be sarcastic given she didn't fancy her chances on her own, and now was totally relying on her master to get her out of the city and back to the ship.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

"That was the plan Kixi." George replied, smiling as he chuckled. However as he realised the situation that Kixi was now in George's chuckling turned to stone and George's smile turned to worry. He could see Kixi clutching at her hip and the blood pouring out over her hands. It floated in the water as it slowly made its way to the surface.

As Kixi extended her hand out as she looked for help getting to her feet George spoke. "It is alright Kixi. You'll be fine. You did well in beating the Sith. But we must get you back to the ship." George helped her to her feet and they slowly ran back towards the ship.

Kixi commented on the how the Mon Calamari ruined her hair, Kixi was a different girl. In all the pain she was and still able to crack a joke. It was good to see and brought a smile back to George's face. "Thats alright Kixi, you showed him who was boss." He finished with a chuckle.

As they continued off towards the edge of the city George sent out a coms message to Kes and Braj`tec. ​"Kes, Braj`tec it's George, have you made it back to the ship yet. We need a lift right away. Kixi's been hurt. We are enroute back to the ship the longer we are out her unprotected the lower our chances are." George finished as he looked around making sure there was no Sith around.
"As long as we don't run into anymore Sith, I should make it back. I've been in similar situations before. The wound doesn't feel deep but it hurts. If it wasn't for my personal body shield, I would have been dead. These Sith are definitely a force to be reckoned with Master."

Kixi's breathing got heavier as they got closer to the edge of the city. Then two men, both Nautolan appeared out of nowhere. Lucky enough for the two Jedi, neither were Sith, however neither were intending on being friendly either.

"Stop right there the both of you!"

One demanded. Kixi even though injured and struggling had already anticipated both going for their blasters. As a result, she already had hers out and shot the one who had spoken in the head killing him outright. Then she pointed her blaster to the other Nautolan's head but stopped short of firing.

"Drop your weapon and run. Run and don't look back if you want to live."

Kixi snarled at him as she held the blaster to his head, breathing heavily and had her other hand on her injury, barely able to stand. Despite Kixi's vulnerability, the Nautolan decided it was best to comply by dropping his weapon and running. After all, Kixi had without pity slain his companion, had a blaster trained to his head, plus the Jedi [member="George O Rourke"] was standing there ready to fight.

"Wise decision."

Kixi would say as he ran off and she put he blaster away. She quickly grabbed on to George as once again she was about to collapse. She laughed sarcastically as she did so and spoke.

"Well Master, if I die I guess I deserve it as I've done some not so great things in my past too."

Suddenly she began to feel cold and began to gurgle her words, as she wrapped both arms around her master's bigger body trying not to pass out.

"I feel so so kuh, kuh, cold."
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

Kixi's condition was getting worse, every step she took the wound was taking its toll on her body. Soon enough they encountered more Nautolans, fortunately for them these were not Sith... More hired muscle than anything. As one reached for his blaster Kixi without hesitation grabbed her own and show him square in the head. Instant kill. She quickly trained her blaster at the other Nautolan. She advised him to drop the blaster and run along. All this she had managed to do in the time it took George to pick up his lightsabers from his belt.

George was surprised by Kix's ability to move so quickly whilst also being so injured, it was quite a achievement. Although just as George though about how well she was doing it took a turn for the worst. Kixi latched onto George as he face went pale she began to collapse. Her body was giving up. They needed to get back to the ship and fast. "Hold on Kixi, we'll make it." He said as she progressively got worse. She lost consciousness as her body began to loose heat. George picked up the limb body in his arms and started carrying it. "Kes Braj`tec. Where are you. I need you right now." He shouted through his coms, clearly frustrated with the situation. His emotions were getting the better of him. He couldn't help but feel responsible for her injuries. And without help. Her death. George continued to move towards the ship as he waited for a reply from Kes and Braj`tec.

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