Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The obligations of a Jedi.

Kixi, recently promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight, along with her master [member="George O Rourke"] were onboard Kixi's prized starship, the MXS Morihei Ueshiba. After just a few days of planning, the two Jedi would return to the Sith controlled world of Glee where her master's now adopted daughter Nena's parents had been last seen. This would be a rescue mission in which the two Jedi, with the help of two of Kixi's warriors, would attempt a daring rescue mission. It would be a long shot, but Kixi had felt that it needed to be done, that she owed it to the child. She had the backing of Jedi Master Coci Heavenshield and the Jedi council on Voss, so she was confident that what she was attempting to do would be a good thing.

Kixi stood in front of Kes's own Mandalorian Kom'rk-class fighter/transport, the Assassain's Shadow, alongside her Master George.

"Braj'tec, Kes, this is my Jedi Master George O Rourke. Although I am your captain and commanding officer, whilst on this mission, he is in command. That includes giving me orders as well."

Kixi winked at her master as she spoke.

"Now I have all my stuff ready and have put it on board the ship already, I take it if the rest of you haven't already, then you'll be taking whatever you have on you now and in your bags that you have with you now. Before we board and depart, I would like you to get acquainted with Master George. As of this point, he's in command."

Kixi then stepped back so she could stand behind George and hand gestured for him to formally introduce himself and take command.
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As George stood within Kixi's own starship it was an interesting place. Nothing he had ever seen before. They stood in front of another one of her ships, this would be the one used in the mission. Another daring rescue on Glee. It sounded all too familiar and the dangers that came along with it were severe. This time Kixi had decided to bring two of her warriors along, neither force sensitive so that was a bonus. But George had never met them, and this troubled him slightly.

As Kixi spoke to her crew, introducing George he smiled and looked at the two that stood before him. Kixi made it clear that George was in charge, although it was Kixi's ship and crew George as leading Jedi on the mission was in charge. That brought a bit of relief to his face.

"Hello Kes and Braj`tec, as Kixi said am Jedi Knight George O Rourke." He replied as he introduced himself as well to the pair. "I am ready if you are." He continued as he looked around at Kixi and then back at Kes and Braj`tec. George never carried much, his lightsabers by his side was pretty much all he needed.

"Alright here is the plan Kes and Braj`tec. We are going into Glee as Bounty Hunters, accompanied by a Sith Lord. Do not engage unless you must and keep your heads down. People don't just talk to other people for the sake of it down here. Now you'll need your rebreathers and com channels synced. Once we are in there we will head directly to the house where we found them last time, it won't be too difficult to find. From there we'll see how it goes. Any questions?" George finished as he looked at the two in front of him seeing if there was anything they wanted to know. Kixi knew the plan and helped design it so it was doubtful that she would have any, but George waited to see if there was any.
No one had any questions as no one really spoke except Braj'tec who politely acknowledged George. Kes simply just stood there and Kixi could tell by her face expression that she wasn't happy about the fact that George had just been given command of the mission. Kixi knew her too well and knew why. George signalled for all of them to board the ship and entered first followed by Braj'tec. As Kes was about to board, Kixi quickly grabbed her by the arm and pushed her on to the wing of the ship which was facing upright, as the Mandalorian ship was in its landing configuration.

"You better cut that crap out Kes! You respect my Master and follow his orders to the letter. I don't care if you don't like non humans. This mission is critical and I need your full cooperation, got it?"

Kes starred at Kixi before responding slowly and with a very low pitched voice.

"Sure Kixi no need to get so rough okay."

Kes replied, but it was clear she was being forced. Kixi then roughly let go of her and motioned for her to get on board. Once Kixi also got on, she motioned Kes to get into the pilot's seat. Since it was her ship, she would fly it. Kixi then invited Master George into the co-pilot's seat in which he took his seat.

"Okay Kes, you're flying, Master George will give you the coordinates."

Kes acknowledged Kixi but did not turn to face George. She began firing up the ship's engines as Kixi spoke into the comm unit to get the all clearance to depart from the MXS Morihei Ueshiba which she promptly got. Kes then lifted off and left the hangar bay, she would await George's navigational input but still refused to look his way and starred at the view point of space. Clearly Kes was awkward not just having to take orders from a non human, but also having him seated right next to him. She crunched her forehead as she thought to herself. Oh dear little Kixi, I hate you so much that I so can't wait to see the day that I finally get to slit a knife through your throat and out of your mouth.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

With no further questions George motioned for everyone to board the ship. George entered first followed by Braj`tec, Kixi and Kes followed soon after. George could feel Kixi anxious already, they had just boarded the ship and she already felt that way. However George didn't believe it was because of the mission at hand.

Kixi motioned for Kes to take the pilots chair, she then motioned for George to take the co-pilots chair, he would be helping Kes who was yet to look at the Nautolan directly, always focused on something else. Although it wasn't an uncommon thing, great many people hated non-humans, but George never let that get to him. "Here we go Kes. The coords are in and we are ready." He said to the woman in the chair beside him, she still didn't look over. She concentrated on the space outside the ship before engaging the engines and preparing to take off.

As the ship began to leave the hanger George shot Kixi a quick glance as it was clear that there was already a problem aboard the ship. George needed 100% cooperation from all members aboard the ship and in George's mind, Kes wasn't in it.
As Kes engaged the ship's drives to make the jump to light speed shortly after George had entered the set of coordinates in the ship's Nav unit, he would then look over to Kixi, his face stating the obvious concerns. Kixi who was standing behind the pilot gently put her hand on her shoulder. She slowly turned her body around a fraction so she could face Kixi face to face.

"Kes, this mission is very dangerous. The Sith are a force to be reckoned with. We__"

There was a pause as Kixi looked at her Master and then back at Kes.

"We can't afford any cock ups whatsoever. Last time my Master and I went to Glee, we barely escaped with our lives. Do you understand the severity of the mission at hand Kess?"

Kes would momentarily stare Kixi in the eye as she thought. I can normally seduce you easily, but with him around I guess he'll catch me out and I can't have that. The bigger picture is what counts. I'll pretend to be nice then. After all you think I'm your friend you dumb arse.

"Okay Kixi, I'm sorry for my initial behaviour. I reacted inappropriately. For this I am sincerely sorry."

Kes then turned around to face George and stretched out her cold hand to shake his hand in a gesture of friendship. Even though deep down she wouldn't mean it. Yet she had to contain herself and she would. Afterall she had to play along as Kixi's friend to continue to secretly transmit vital information regarding both the Republic and Imperials to Lord Xiz'Jhan. In the long term it would be worth the reward, and Kixi was so naive that she was always nice and polite to her no matter what. Kes would no doubt per severe and strive to achieve her long term objective, unknown to Kixi and most but few people, whom she would use and then dispose of once their services were no longer required.

"Very good then. I'm glad that is sorted out. Now that things look like they're all like tickety-boo between the lot of us, I think we start discussing the mission in full detail. We have a two day drip ahead of us, but we need to be fully up to speed. Remember no cock ups can we afford whatsoever."

Kixi then would indicate to George and Kes to follow her to the small room onboard the ship, a room that would be used as a war room. She called out to Braj'tec on the way who also followed them in. Once in the war room, Kixi, Braj'tec and Kes all sat down along the sides of a long rectangular table. George would remain standing in front of the table to begin a detailed explanation of the mission. He was after all in charge. In the centre of the table was a large holoprojector that could also be used to further detail aspects of the mission.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

Kixi recognising the glare that George had shot across at her spoke to Kes. She apologised and reached out her hand to shake George's. George followed suit, reaching out and grasping her hand firmly, George felt any handshake should be firm, anything less and it shows weakness. "I am glad we got that out of the way then." George commented as Kixi motioned for everyone to join her in the war room. For now George would allow Kes on the mission, but any more trouble and George may have to reconsider.

As they entered the war room with a table in the centre surrounded by chairs. Whilst the other three sat down George stayed standing down the other end. Preparing the mission briefing. "Alright her we go." George pulled up a map of the Glee surface on the holoprojector. "We'll land the ship here and then head down under the surface." George said, pointing to a small land mass on the surface of the planet. As the map changed to a lay out of the city George used his finger to show the route they would take to the house where the parents were last seen. "Now once we leave the ship we'll follow this route, last time we were here there were some thugs here..." He said pointing to a specific point on the map. ​"Try to avoid confrontation, but if they do, let me handle it." He continued as he looked up making sure everyone understood.

"Now there is a possibility that the parents won't be in the room, from there we'll investigate the room and see where they might have gone, or in the worst circumstances, been taken. Now, everyone understand the plan? Hide your faces as much as possible, we don't want you identified. I'll be going in as a Sith Lord, and you three will be going in as Bounty Hunters." George finished his briefing as he looked around waiting to see if there were any questions. It was a long journey to Glee, once this was over it would be time to get in some rest, as the days that follow were not going to be easy, or fun.
No one had any questions after George was done with the mission details. It seemed simple enough despite the perils it would present. Kixi stood up and spoke to her two warriors.

"Okay that's it for now. Since we have a couple of days journey ahead of us, I suggest you take a rest and do whatever you like. Prep your stuff slowly and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to see either Master George or myself at anytime."

Kixi waited a moment to ensure that there would be no more questions and dismissed her crew members. As they left to do there own things and preps, Kixi turned to her master.

"Before I retire to make my own preparations, is there anything between us that you wish to discus? Extra mission details, any concerns......Kes perhaps?"

Kixi said the last part with a bit of concern in her voice. Although Kes had apologised, she didn't sound all that convincing and the fact was apparent to both master and apprentice.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As Kixi dismissed her crew she moved over to George, asking him if there was anything else that he wanted to discuss wit her, Kes especially. "Kes seems like a suitable warrior, but her self-centred ego isn't what we want on this mission. I just need you to know if she is out of line through the mission that I will bring her up and punish her accordingly." Kixi could feel the seriousness in George's voice, he had deep worries about the mission at hand. Braj`tec seemed fine, capable and loyal. Kes on the other hand seemed loose and destructive. Something non of them needed.

As he finished speaking he looked around and sighed, knowing they soon they would be back on his home planet once again fighting the evil that now haunts the planet. The Sith destroyed his family, he wanted revenge, but he knew that it wasn't going to be today. Or the next day, his hatred for the Sith would have to take a back seat to the mission.
Kixi nodded to George in acknowledgement as he spoke of both Kes and Braj'tec.

"You have my full support to punish Kes if she steps out of line Master. As for Braj'tec, you will have no problems with him. He is as loyal as they come, and highly skilled and experienced too for that matter."

Kixi could sense the slight frustration building up in her master regarding something else.

"I sense small amounts of hatred building up from within you Master. None of us like the Sith, but hadred is what fuels the Sith and the dark side. Let it go Master, or slowly you will let the Sith win. One day Glee and your people will be free again. As long as we believe and continue the fight, there will always be hope. Hope starting with Nena Ka whom we have already rescued from the hands of the Sith.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

The words Kixi spoke were true, vengeance and hatred was the path to the darkside. George understood, but at times it took hold and control. "Yes Kixi you're right. One day Glee will be liberated. One day we'll return and live as we once did. Nena will return home one day to a safe and free home." George's mood changed slightly with the thought of Nena.

"Well I am going to get some rest. Need to get ready for round two. Hopefully the Sith think we're done there." George's sarcasm wasn't great at the time but he tried it anyway. He knew what he was in for and if anything the Sith would have increased their security. George needed the time to re-cooperate and prepare not only his body but his mind to allow for the extensive use of the Force Stealth, the only way they will get onto the planet unnoticed. "I would suggest you rest too. Prepare your mind, you need to be able to hold the Force Stealth for long periods of time, it will take alot out of you." George finished as he looked at Kixi and began to leave the room.
"Speaking of the Force and hiding from it, but do you sense it Master? The small quick voids in the Force? I haven't said anything because, well I thought I was just imaging it. However it seems that for a few split seconds, something is causing a void in the Force and then it disappears again."

Kixi would wait for her master to respond and then signal for him to follow her to somewhere else on the ship. The cargo compartment.

"Master follow me. I think I know where the disturbance is coming from."

They both would then make their way to the cargo holding area where by this stage the void in the Force was very strong. In fact she could no longer sense the Force, and most likely that would be also the case for her master too. Braj'tec was there kneeling to the side of a cage, in there was a creature. Master and apprentice quickly made their way to the cage.

"Umm Braj'tec, do you mind explaining to me what in the name that small creature is doing in here, and without either me nor my Master being informed about it prior take off?

Kixi stood there firmly, arms crossed clearly not too impressed that Braj'tec hadn't informed them prior into bring the baby Ysalamri on board.

[member="George O Rourke"]
NPC Braj'tec

"Oh Captain Rajki, please cheer up and don't take this the wrong way, I was going to tell you about the Ysalamir, but given we were in such a rush, I simply put the creature on board beforehand and then we left. I observed you had some trouble with Kes earlier on as well, so I didn't want to intrude then, and I didn't really want to bring it up during the mission briefing either."

Braj'tec then stood up straight. The man was fairly built and tall and looked like a tower in front of Kixi.

"Besides I brought it along for you two Jedi. It will prove valuable against the Sith. Because the creature is still a baby, its ability to void the Force effectively is only around 5 or so metres. Maybe less. I can carry it with me in a small cage. You two have to hide your presence in the Force anyway and cannot use it. Thus it wont matter if the Ysalamir effects both of you. If a Sith gets close to us while this baby is with us, I can practically just shoot him or her in the head with virtually no effort."

Braj'tec would finish off speaking with a huge broad smile of confidence on his face.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

"Yes I have Kixi, I've tried to ignore it, something like fatigue, but if you're feeling it too... Then..." He replied as Kixi motioned for him to follow her to the cargo area. As they entered George could feel it more frequently, a complete loss of the force. "Can you feel it now Kixi? Its getting worse." He said as he then saw Kixi's crewman Braj`tec half inside a cage.

Kixi went to investigate and ask Braj`tec a few questions. She felt a little disappointed that herself or George was not informed of the reptiles sudden joining. Braj`tec provides some reasons why it had taken such time for the news to come out, but his idea for the creature was creative. With George and Kixi trying to hide their force alignment the creature with a maximum range of only five or so meters could easily be carried around the city without much suspicion. It would also void the force from that area showing with the force that it was an empty area. Although some stronger force wielders would be able to notice the void from a distance, hopefully that wouldn't be the case.

"Interesting idea Braj`tec, although next time please bring it up during the briefing. It is apart of the mission after all. We'll still have to be careful, as myself and Kixi both felt the void in the force, the Sith will too. In that case, I have an idea. We are in the area, selling it... To the right person of course. Which we will not find." This situation found a solution quickly. George waited to see what the other two thought of it before continuing.
"Yes I think that's a great idea Master. If anyone asks us what's with the Ysalamir, we'll make it look like we are selling it. Of course we'll do our best to lay low, however if a potential buyer comes along, we'll just not be happy with the offer or something."

Braj'tec would then agree with George as well and added something along the lines of shooting the guy in the head if it ended up being a Sith, given the Ysalamir would deprive a would be Sith interested in it of his or hers Force abilities.

"Braj'tec we will play out the situation as it happens. Killing a Sith or anyone for the matter may not present itself as a good idea if we're out in the open for the obvious reasons."

She would get no argument from the experienced warrior on the matter. Now that the matter was sorted the three would decide to get some needed rest, leave the cargo area and make for their quarters which they did.

[member="George O Rourke"].
NPC Kes En'jusek.

Kes was lurking around the ship, not making herself noticeable, yet paying much attention. She realised the Ysalamir was on board, not because Braj'tec had told her as he had failed to tell her too. She noticed simply not because the ship wasn't that big, but because it was her own personal ship and she knew it inside and out, thus knowing where to go to listen into stuff and so forth. On that count she also knew that Kixi's quarters were close to the cargo area unlike George's. Kixi she had observed would soon go in there. Kes was certain that Kixi would be deprived of her Force abilities while in her quarters, and while George would not be, his own Force abilities wouldn't sense anything in that small void where Kixi lay.

Kes slowly and quietly sneaked into Kixi's quarters moments before Kixi had actually entered them. The rooms didn't contain much, however this one did contain a small wardrobe like compartment in which she hid herself in. As Kixi soon entered her quarters and shut the door behind her, being deprived of the Force, she did not sense Kes inside. Kes simply waited a few minutes. Waited, waited and patiently waited. By this stage Kixi had taken most of her clothes off and was ready for bed. Then Kes saw her chance, as Kixi was facing her back towards the wardrobe, Kes came out seizing the opportunity, with a small baton in hand, she hit Kixi with such precision brute force on the right side of the back of her head. It knocked her out cold as Kes hit her again in the same spot to make sure she was knocked out. Kes dragged the now unconscious Kixi onto her bed.

Kes put her hand on Kixi's mouth pushing her head back and with the other produced a knife. She had no intention to kill Kixi as that would be suicidal with her master on the ship, plus she did need Kixi around, at least for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless the opportunity was tempting since she purely hated Kixi, despite Kixi naively not knowing her and bending over for her on many occasions. Kes momentarily just wanted to satisfy herself by putting the knife on the soft skin of Kixi's throat, which unhesitatingly she did before getting on with what she needed to do.

"I could kill you so easily, I would like to kill you but you are still useful to my overall plans. This just goes to show how useless you Jedi are without the Force."

Kes was whispering out softly as the unconscious Kixi wouldn't remember a thing of this once she woke up. Kes then reholstered her knife releasing her hand off Kixi's mouth at the same time. She found the small Sajnen communications device she was seeking in one of Kixi's draws.

"I'll just use this while you sleep like a charm you stupid wrench."

Kes would then use the device to contact another Sajnen militant of old. One that was presumed dead as she had been executed by her enemies when she had been captured well over a year ago. Her conscious had been transferred to a clone of her body, so in effect one could say that the real Kajtia Xiz'injhürek was infact dead. Once loyal to Kixi, now she was loyal to Kes. Her existence a complete secret. Kajtia worked for the Imperials, but was really spying on them gathering vital information. The device came to life, a device that would create its own little wormhole connecting them to a person on the other side. Kajtia had such a device and it wasn't long until a connection was made. It flickered and the sound echoed which was typical of this kind of device.

"Kajtia, we are en-route to Glee a Sith controlled world. It's a dangerous mission. Although we don't want to get caught, I want the mission to fail. Not long ago that Jedi Kixi and her master rescued a baby named Nena Ka from Glee. They're going back to rescue the parents. They've brought Braj'tec and myself to help. I don't obviously want you to warn the Sith of our pending arrival on Glee. I want you to tell them that Jedi took the baby Nena Ka and it was her parents that sent the Jedi there to begin with. This will alert the Sith of their treachery and ultimately have them executed. If you pull this off, someone's paying me a lot of credits to ensure it happens. Of course I'll split it with you too."

Kajtia acknowledged that it would be done and after a few more minutes of chat, Kes ended the transmission and put away the device to where she had found it. She checked on Kixi who was still fast asleep, but would probably wake up soon with a massive splinting headache with absolute no idea of what had occurred. She checked up on Kixi who she could tell wouldn't be waking up for at least another couple of hours and then slowly snuck back out of Kixi's quarters and made sure George didn't notice her. Effectively now, even though the Sith still would not know they were coming, the primary objective of the mission had been compromised. Just what Kes had intended all along.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As the situation was now understood by all it was time to move on, get some rest and prepare for the mission at hand. As George left the cargo area he headed back for his room, it was a fair while away which allowed him some thinking time. What are the chances of them being alive? Is this mission worth the risk? These were the questions circulating in George's head. The chances of them getting the parents out alive were slim, damn finding them alive was slim. But Kixi felt it was necessary and George felt it was his duty to at least try and find her parents.

So as George walked into his quarters, he removed the belt from his waist that housed his lightsabers, placed them on the bench and sat on the bed. He closed his eyes, he needed a sign from the force, something to guide him through this mission, somewhere concrete to look, hell, even if they should be there. But it was quiet, the force had little for him, for he either was on the right track, or so far off it the force couldn't help him any longer.
Kixi awoke from her sleep. The back of her head was ringing in pain.Where has that headache come from? She quietly asked herself as she felt the back of her head with her hand. She felt a small lump there and was certain it had not been there before. It was the source of her sudden pain she had awoken to.

She decided to leave the Force deprived room she had been sleeping in. She needed to meditate in the Force to rid herself of the pain. As she walked towards the cockpit she bumped into Kes. As usual she wanted something.

"What now Kes? Make it quick as I'm not feeling all that great at the moment."

Kixi would sigh a little as she spoke and listened to Kes' request, totally unaware of what had happened a few hours ago.

"Sure Kes, take as many as you want. You know that as long as you and anyone else from my crew are happy, that I'm happy. It pleases me to do things for you if it makes you happy Kes."

Kixi smiled at her and she smiled back, acknowledged Kixi and moved along. Kixi's head however still hurt. She decided to go find George instead, stumbling as she walked, grabbing the walls along the ship's corridors a few times to stay on her feet.

George was in his quarters sleeping. Kixi decided to go in and wake him up. Something she normally wouldn't do but felt she needed to.

"Master, Master."

Kixi called to him as she shook him a little and woke him up. Once he had her full attention she described the headache she had woken up with and showed him the lump on her head.

"I can't seem to shake this off Master. Can you try some basic healing technique by putting your hand on the spot behind my head. I need to do some mission preps and I can't concentrate with this headache. I wonder why it has come all of a sudden. I was fine before I had gone to bed."

Kixi spoke looking all lost and confused.

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

As George slept in his quarters he was woken by a distressed Kixi. She seemed to have lump on the back of her head, she could feel it her self, but couldn't see it. She was complaining of a painful headache sourced from this lump. As George inspected it he noticed it was quite red and seemed to be unnatural. Bruising had already begun forming around it and the more George looked the less it seemed coincidental.

"Seems like you have suffered a blow to the head. Quick but hard. It would have knocked you out cold straight away... Any idea how this would have came to be?" He asked, his face seemed a little worried, he ran through scenarios in his head of how this could of happened. Could she have slipped and fell backwards hitting her head on something? With the lack of the force present in the room it was almost impossible to found out that way, it would have to be good old detective skills to find out this mystery.

George followed her wishes, he wasn't strong in healing, but he could do the basics. As he motioned for Kixi to kneel in front of him so he had a good area around her head to work on. As she did so he placed both of his hands over the wound. He closed his eyes and focus the force. Letting it flow through him and towards Kixi. After a few moments the swelling of the wound had gone down, releasing the pressure on her head and hopefully the headache also. "How is it feeling now Kixi?" He asked as he waited to see how his healing had gone.
"Yes Master, that feels a lot better. Thank you."

Kixi would say feeling the back of head, feeling that the swelling had indeed gone down thanks to her master.

"It's not a perfect fix, however it now feels like no more than a little knock. I've healed others before, but couldn't administer any of that skill on myself. Oh what would I do without you Master!"

Kixi would say almost flirting at George and blushing at the same time.

"As to how it happened. It was dark in the room, and with no Force sense, I'm guessing that I could've slipped and hit my head...... Somehow I guess."

Kixi however, was still all bamboozled at how she still could've hit her head that hard to knock her out cold tried to justify how.

"I'm quite the clumsy one without the Force. It's a weakness of mine. However until that Ysalamir is off this ship, I'm not sleeping in that room anymore. I'll ask Braj'tec to swap seeing he's not Force sensitive. I won't ask Kes since she is the ship's captain. Although if there were a need, I'm confident that she would swap rooms. I'm always kind to her and do a lot for her out of my own kindness. And Braj'tec has saved my neck countless times back in the day. I guess that would rule out foul play too."

Kixi concluded and then changed the topic.

"We are only about 5 or so hours away from Glee. I'm gonna start getting ready, you know dress up like the whole bounty hunter thing like last time. Then I can get to hate myself for a little while again."

Kixi finished off saying rather sarcastically.

"Thanks again for fixing up my head Master and sorry for waking you up a little earlier. I'll leave you now to get ready and check up on the other two."

[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

Kixi's head was much better now although it seemed it had taken its toll. As she spoke her face became quite red, this made George chuckle a little. It wasn't a normal occurrence to see Kixi like this, but it was good to see that she could make light of a dull situation. "You're welcome Kixi, just no more tripping and banging your head. Especially if I am not there." He replied with a laugh. She had made the wise decision to switch rooms with Braj`tec for the remainder of the time as it would be on the other side of the ship. Leaving her outside the dead force zone.

As she left to get ready George did the same, although for him it wasn't anywhere near as difficult, a change of robe that was about it. And just like that he was done. The robe was black and quite a bit larger than his normal one. Thus hiding his entire body under a shroud of darkness. Just like the Sith would. His lightsabers once again hidden under his armpit next to his ribs Easily hidden and easily retrieved. He was almost ready. He sat down and began meditating, he wanted to get as much piece of mind as he could before it began. Plus not thinking about how bad it could go was always a nice thing.

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