Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
The day to come will be filled with bloodshed and violence that will shatter the peace Ruusan has held for quite some time. The sun had yet to rise as everyone prepared for their raid at dawn. Fort Nowhere stood off in the distance, hidden by the nights shadow. Housing a pirate and his men who dared to cross the most notorious one of this era. It was a foolish move, if it were most other people they might have to slide it off as a loss. Rayl was a very powerful man though. He had armies and fleets to back him if need be. And pockets deeper than most. Mostly the latter was to be used for this instance. Mercenaries and old cohorts from his homeworld Kira were hired to bring this fort to ruin, and kill the occupants. It was a good old fashioned raid with the element of surprise still on their side.
Their camp was hidden by a nearby landmark locally called Katarn's Hill. If he had any siege equipment this would be where he'd stage an attack. That wasn't the plan though. Some were outfitted with climbing equipment. The rest would destroy the gate and rush in to help clear the garrison. Once they'd killed everyone and recovered his property they'd be done, and everyone could get their reward.
"Right ladies and gents. Listen up. I've told you the, risks and you've all decided to fight anyways. I very much respect you for that. My officers have assigned you to squadrons. You'll each be relying on these people with your life. So have some faith in them". A few of the older battle hardened laughed quietly. As did Rayl along in tune. "Once we breach the gate that whole fort will be up in arms. Lucky for us most of them will be up on their ship and breathing void soon after we begin fighting. Thank my Star Destroyer for that. Once the walls and courtyard are secured we move inside and sweep out the rest of the bastards that didn't rush outside. Take no prisoners, show no mercy. Whatever gods you pray to know they won't give you any. Now grab your gear and meet on the edge of camp. We set out in five minutes, we don't want to lose our cover". Rayl stood where he was, already prepared and revving to go. It almost seemed he could smell the burnt flesh and spilled blood, just like the good old days.
[member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Chris Tolaran"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Rylan Turow"]
Their camp was hidden by a nearby landmark locally called Katarn's Hill. If he had any siege equipment this would be where he'd stage an attack. That wasn't the plan though. Some were outfitted with climbing equipment. The rest would destroy the gate and rush in to help clear the garrison. Once they'd killed everyone and recovered his property they'd be done, and everyone could get their reward.
"Right ladies and gents. Listen up. I've told you the, risks and you've all decided to fight anyways. I very much respect you for that. My officers have assigned you to squadrons. You'll each be relying on these people with your life. So have some faith in them". A few of the older battle hardened laughed quietly. As did Rayl along in tune. "Once we breach the gate that whole fort will be up in arms. Lucky for us most of them will be up on their ship and breathing void soon after we begin fighting. Thank my Star Destroyer for that. Once the walls and courtyard are secured we move inside and sweep out the rest of the bastards that didn't rush outside. Take no prisoners, show no mercy. Whatever gods you pray to know they won't give you any. Now grab your gear and meet on the edge of camp. We set out in five minutes, we don't want to lose our cover". Rayl stood where he was, already prepared and revving to go. It almost seemed he could smell the burnt flesh and spilled blood, just like the good old days.
[member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Chris Tolaran"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Rylan Turow"]