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Approved Location The Night District

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  • City Name: The District's name is "Night District"
  • Classification: Coruscant's Underworld sector on floor 1329
  • Location: Coruscant
  • Affiliation: No-one. It is a mainly self sustained District
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics: The District is home to many of Coruscant's usual species, with the Human population having a very slight head way than others. This however, doesn't produce any Xenophobia or the opposite.

  • Wealth: Low to Medium. The majority of people around here have a decent amount of wealth. However, the District is often a place for homeless or those without a consistent place to stay to live for a while. Thus, the amount of people with nothing to their names have increased since the many hostilities of the surrounding wars with the many major factions.

  • Stability: Medium. There is a growing Thug group called the, "ARATIZENZ". This low life group has made a mark for their group on the shadier sides of the Districts. Many have fallen into their territory, and as such have to give 'protection fees' or be evicted and their belongings taken. There are many who oppose them, causing some skirmishes or quick fire fights to break out. Due to this, it is sometimes best to get to know someone in the District who is not a member of the Thugs. This is why Night District has gotten a decent name for being so welcoming.

  • Freedom & Oppression: With this Sector of Coruscant's Underworld, Night District follows the same amount of Laws and Restrictions that most of the higher floors do. However, there is a lack of patrols or officers that enter the area. This is thought to be because of the Thug's forces or bribes. Regardless of this, most people live Freely as they would on other floors.

  • Description: When you first venture down to the lowly District, the main feeling is one of controlled Freedom among its inhabitants. Shops that promote weapons, armor and even Cybernetic Enhancements exist along side the usual contributors such as food and basic supply vendors. There are a few Cantinas and Bars, with the most notable being a usual hang out for Bounty Hunters and anyone who wants a Job. That job however, could very well be a rather illegal one, so you get all kinds of offers. The District runs for a good few miles with metal pavements and roads for vehicles to pass through. The area is in some disarray and lacking of repairs. Neon lights give each store a welcoming or obvious presence. There are many apartments and stores around, with a tons of self-sustaining businesses around.
  • Metal Rancor Cantina: One of the first sights upon arriving at the District. The Cantina has a mostly hardened and sturdy image, with equally so patrons. Some Bounty Hunters make it down there for business and to meet up. The lack of law gives way to some infrequent bar fights, which get sorted out quickly. The Bartender for this Establishment, is a repurposed Protocol Droid, ZX41B. Whilst a charming droid with a well spoken voice and manners, treating everyone like the owner, they hooked to a system that controls multiple short ranged turrets and defensive measures.
    Vang's Comments: "Good place for a Drink or Business"

  • Chrome Your Dome!: Anyone with any knowledge of Cybernetic implants or limbs will instantly know this place on sight. The shop, often nicknamed "The Chop Shop" by Anti-Cybernetic individuals, is run by a Human named Mr, Galvan Steel. The man is a well known opposition to the Thugs of the District. He is all human still, except for his left leg, which was taken by the Aratizenz for the Black Market on Lower Floors. You need any kind of implant, he's your guy and the Chrome Your Dome is the shop for it.
    Vang's Comments: "Handy, sometimes literally."

  • Ready, Aim, Buy: This Blaster store is owned by a rather formidable Rodian named, Miss Maltizen. She may be old, but she is a rather old battleaxe as her neighbors would say. Her shop sells just about any kind of Blaster. Need a Pistol, she's got tens. Need something with a punch, she can hand over any Turret or Sniper for the right price. Positioned near the middle of the District, every local knows she's the place to get a weapon. However, her a Gelvan Steel have gotten to know each other well because of the Thugs. She has an almost entire body made of Cybernetics. She tends to hide them from customers, but those closest know how angry she gets around those Brutes.
    Vang's Comments: "She's like a Godmother to us all."

  • Night Stop Workshop: A known Mechanic shop ran by Yours Truly. The Night Stop Workshop can handle almost any kind of fault or damage to your Airspeeder, Speeder Bike, or even something heavier. The shop alone has two large up opening doors with a smaller standard one to the right. The small door is the main customer room with a counter at the end. The two large openings lead to the main garage of the place. Filled with vehicle lifts, equipment and even an R3 Astromech droid named "G3-G3" or Gee Gee for short by Vang Azusa Vang Azusa . If you want to meet up with Vang, whenever she isn't Racing, she's working in the shop. Most people who pass by or live locally tend to drop in with their vehicles. The Thugs or even Coruscant as a whole tends to leave a number on them. At the far back is an office and storage space for the place.
    Vang's Comments: "Great place, if I do say so myself."

  • Shade Way: No one really goes to the darker areas of District. This is primarily where the Aratizenz gather in their groups. These are the most derelict of places along the District and have never really seen a good days work in their lives. Most people who live there are Thugs, or people who are highly desperate for Spice. They act like they don't sell it, but everyone knows otherwise. The only real spots of notice are the small cave like areas made of broken tech and buildings. Nothing much to say about it.
    Vang's Comments: "Spice Freaks."

  • Drop in, Gear Up: Everyone needs armor on them in a place filled with uncertainties. That's where this protection heavy place comes in. They sell most Light to Medium grade armor styles. Some desecrate, others for everyone to stare at. No matter what you need, the old Cloddogran, Langerd has you covered. A rather unusual inhabitant on Coruscant, but a welcome one. Without him, most people would constantly be in hospitals around the floor. The store is lined with bar locked cases of armor with the counter equally so. Too many robbery attempts if you ask us.
    Vang's Comments: "Good gear. Not so great owner."
The Security level of the Night District is considered as Low. This is because of the lack of Police involvement or action regarding the Aratizenz's actions. Whilst a fair amount of locals carry light weaponry such as blaster Pistols, most of the Thugs carry higher grade gear. The only Establishment that has higher defenses, is the Metal Rancor Cantina. Their turrets are short ranged, yet quick and rapid. Whilst some doors that lead to apartments have been upgraded since, they are easily hacked or broken down with the right amount of force.


Given the large amount of floors along Coruscant core, it was always likely that an kind of gathering of people would have come about to make something for themselves. That was how Night District came to be 80 years ago. It was during this time, that turmoil around the hundreds of planets around the galaxy that this small, welcoming place for Refugees came to be. Over the next few decades, buildings and establishments were built and refurbished. Things were great, until a group of thug like people full of greed and most likely high on Spice, came into town. They caused trouble after troublesome situation. Eventually, the local police force stalled its response time due to the highly violent nature of the crimes. Thus, the people took up arms for themselves and fought for their freedom to live in peace. That is a fight still going on today. The streets have decades of marks and wounds from countless blasters and strikes. It's not a lot of history recorded for this small gathering, but it is a somewhat welcoming life. To live freely with less control on your lives from the law, but with the increased hostility of the Aratizenz.
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