Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The New Regime

[member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Boan Rein"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Tomas retracted the claws, now clean of blood, back into his armor and took his seat in front of the Holonet transceiver. Admiral Tregessar was not someone he had formally met, but the word in the wardroom, as it were, said that he was more competent than the now former leadership had either acknowledged or wanted. The same was said of Admiral Rein, and now everyone saw why you didn't discount competent underlings for long. Competence breeds the desire for new challenges, and with each new challenge came the chance to better oneself.

Cyrus Tregessar said:
"Anyone can advance, provided they are willing to work for it. By coming here, you've already taken the first step. Will you follow where we lead?"

Lora Onone said:
"If by Follow give my everything to advance myself and not end up where the others before me did sir then yes. I will follow the path you have laid until it ends at which point I'll have to forge my own. It's what we all did and still do I believe. So the question is whats first on your new agenda? The Events of the recent past are devastating to both sides both lost many good useful people. We now have to decide how we move forward on multiple fronts. Way I see it we best choose our next steps carefully the road to ruin or victory is razor thin. Hmm guess it's like back home only it's not Ten families jockeying to see who spent their daddies money better."

He waited a moment as the various others who were telecommuting into the meeting spoke before he did as well.

"You have the loyalty of myself and my crews, Admirals. It is finally the time where skill promotes over position in a social hierarchy. With a skilled leadership, and promotion by merit alone, we should soon have a competent officer corps strong enough to make up for the former Admiralty's past mistakes." The mild irony of his own words was not lost on Tomas. He was born into the social hierarchy at a high enough level that he could have been an Admiral by now. Instead, because his parents had instilled it in him, he worked for everything he had. People might know of the now retired Admirals Raynor, and they might know that Tomas was their son. However, no one would be able to look at Tomas's record and see any string pulling. For one, his parents refused to pull strings where the military was concerned, and for two, Tomas would refuse any promotion he didn't feel he deserved.


She waited for a moment, seeing if anyone else would speak up or arrive.

When it was evident that they were waiting on her, she nodded. There was much still to do, much work that had to be completed and even more planning. Cyrus and herself would likely be working tirelessly for the next few weeks to overhaul the entire system. Yet in the end it would be well worth it. The navy would be a meritocracy, it would strive to work on its own without Sith intervention.

“Very well.” She said finally. “You must all understand that by doing this, we set ourselves on a course in direct opposition to many of the Sith Lords. It will create a barring line in the sand between them, and us.”

Her lips thinned. “Some will try to interfere, some will stagnate and attempt to return the old system, injecting their favorites and pushing their own favorites into command. That we cannot allow. Those that try to interfere must be dealt with, through any means. This path will be dangerous.”

She wasn't talking about killing them of course, that would be outlandishly foolish. There would be other means to be rid of them. The Lord Wrath for instance had made it clear that merit was something he valued, and while Boan wouldn't trust the Sith Lord, she could certainly use him for her own means.

“Vice-Admiral Tregessar.” She offered the other man the floor so to speak.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Cyrus took a moment to review what he knew of the individuals present. All appeared human, a holdover from the ancient "New Order" tradition, no doubt. The Tregessar family had long clung to the concepts of human supremacy, but Cyrus had never cared much for tradition, the only thing he respected was skill.

He at least recognized the names of the two ship captains, [member="Hans Vaiden"] and [member="Tomas Raynor"]. Both had respectable service records, and the Raynor name was relatively well known, at least among former Sith Empire officers.

The Stormtrooper commander he knew of only because of her association with Val'ryss' Inquisition. Her record had been a longer read than the others, and he had vague questions with regard to her loyalty and trustworthiness. Not that he was one to judge others for changing sides.

Only the lieutenant was an unknown quantity. He hadn't known she was going to be there, and hadn't even pulled up her file to review it. Her presence was almost certainly Vice Admiral Rein's doing, Cyrus typically didn't waste much time on junior officers, but it was a smart move on Boan's part, to provide a voice among the masses of lower ranking officers and enlisted.

"The flaws of the old system were many, as evidenced at Kashyyyk and Manaan. It was overly centralized, with the top echelons given too much authority and responsibility. It also relied too much on Sith involvement, and was nearly incapable of functioning independently. Finally it was not based on merit, but instead political connections to the Sith Hierarchy."

None of this information would be new to any of those present, it had always been clear that the Admiralty was flawed. Cyrus hesitated to call it inevitable, but it made sense given how rapidly the Sith had conquered Republic space and how quickly the administration of the region had been cobbled together from existing organizations. It was tempting, perhaps, to blame it all on Republican collaborates, but sadly stupidity and incompetence were more likely in this instance.

"Sith Fleet Command will retain a central authority, but the power of individual fleets to operate independently, whatever their size, will be significantly increased. Command by negation is to be the standard, with a great deal of autonomy placed on operational commanders. Our expectations are very high, and those who fail to meet them will not be dealt with kindly. A great deal of trust has been placed in all of you, and you well know the price of failure."

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