Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Nether Council

"Less Dirty, More Freedom"
Take a Hutt Cartel, make it a little more civilized, splash some high tech advances, clean off the dirt, and don't expect suits and ties. The Nether Council is comprised of multiple members who all play a role in the advancement of the Council. The lowly basic soldiers are all Synth Droids provided by Mighty Lord Pos who came into ownership of the Loronar Corporation. Of course, if someone wanted to run missions with these Synth Droids, no one would argue. "Sentient" Synth Droids in the Nether Council are rare, seeing that the only ones that would ever think for themselves would have been privately owned.
Synth Droid Soldiers are infiltrators, hackers, data collectors and assassins for basic enemies. When it comes to major league players, there are the Special Operators, who get a major cut of any rewards from any mission that occurs, even if they had not participated.
Next up are the Corporate Members, who get a bigger cut, and help supply Special Operators and work in conjunction with the rest of the Nether Council and get assisted with anything they need to bring something new to the table.
Finally, the Council Members, who make the decisions on growth and expansion, and who obviously get the biggest cut. Without them, the Nether Council would fall apart, people would fight each other for control. The Council Members and their strength make sure stock holders behave.
Special Operators and Synth Droids mainly do infiltration or assassination missions, via contracts, or if they feel like putting some credits in their pockets. Remember, Head Council Member is still a Hutt, greed is obvious. Operations are usually planned well in advance and not executed until perfect timing. Kidnapping high ranking personnel to interrogate, and then steal their faces for the Synth Droids. With the complex designs of the droids, it's hard to hack them or alter their programming, they are a pretty penny as well, so it isn't like anyone else has a decent number to figure out how they tick.
Synth Droids being ... walking computers who can walk, talk, and disguise themselves can also hack into most mainframes pretty easily and quickly to gain intel that can be sold by the Nether Council for easy credits. But when the Synth Droids fail, is where the Special Operators come in. Obviously more fearful than a lowly Synth Droid, Special Operators are not mere pirates, although they can still be rough around the edges. They get the job done where it got stalled.
What, you thought the Nether Council was all about pillaging and plundering with a little class? Every venture opportunity has been taken that gives more credits and less work. Synth Droids are not only well suited for espionage, they look sexy. The Nether Council, in conjunction with Loronar Corporation, use Synth Droids in their private sectors of dinner partners, parties, and "private get-togethers." Synth Droids are paid to be built, but after that, they cost minor repairs every so often, they don't cost a single credit to work. Whether you like a hunky alpha male escorting you in the night club, a sultry Twi'Lek in a dress clutching your arm, or want to hit the back room for adult-rated clothing in dances and fun, The Nether Council has Nether Clubs popping up in all the right places.
So why not get some easy credits, relax, have fun, maybe show of your amazing technology, or show off your skills in the Nether Council? It's discrete, it's small, and it always nearby.
Come on and check us out.
"Somebody's Got To Have It, Why Not Us?"
Disclaimer: The Nether Council is a Neutral Minor Faction, and does not get involved in wars unless all Council Members absolutely feel inclined to and it benefits all members. Majority is neutral to any parties and will work with most depending on the Contract. Force Users be warned, as you are almost always on the very hard opposites of the spectrum when it comes to criminal organizations, which means there may always be unfortunate tension.

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