Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Myth Of Miriskin

Location: Olbio Forrest on Myrkr
Time: 23:14

Mission: Capture Ysalamiri


Iziz using the Phasma Class interceptor of his station had managed to slink through the gap between GR and Mandalorian territory, moving from planet to planet to avoid their blocade coming from Urkupp following the assassination of Dashade leadership and the subsequent framing of the Jedi as those who had performed the deed. Iziz had been careful so to avoid detection, closing off his outward systems so to avoid detection from scanners and sticking to pirate routes which had been used in this area since 500BBC and during the clone wars, he had remained relatively hidden in the scheme of things, though, the planet in which he was now to make port was one which posed a greater threat than any of the others he had landed on... this planet was close to mandalore, not to mention that the presence of the Ysalamir meant that were he in the vicinity of the forest he would not be able to rely on any of his force powers within the bubbles of the creatures which hugged the trees there.

It would be dangerous, but, worthwhile if successful.

Moments before he came within range of planetary sensors, Iziz activated the stealth Drive of the Phasma, floating down towards the planet and heading towards the location of one of the Olbio tree forests, using his scanners and heading for the direction he was 'unable' to detect, remembering that the presence of the tree and the materials within and near the forests played with scanners, meaning that at the very least, the mandalorians of the sector would not be able to find him. Iziz came to the conclusion that he would not be killing anything on this world, the risk was too great as he was already fleeing from a successful assassination. Though the path that he had taken was not with the origional Republic freighter he had been seen leaving the scene from.

No doubt long apprehended on alderaan.
Coming in for landing, the trip down was uninterrupted, sailing down in an area far from any civilization, the Jawa donned his assassins robes. Though, not wearing them normally, and instead turning them inside out so that they would not show any of their insignia or unique colouring. It was a simple tactic, but one that he was sure would suffice for the mean time. Feeling free to take his light-sabers and staff as well as his thermal detonator and coiling his tail under his robes, as he understood that the scanners and rangefinders that mandalorians normally employed would not be able to function as they would on other worlds. meaning that the Jawa was at no risk of having his equipment scanned by those who would wish him harm...

At least there was some good news.

What Iziz did discover about the planet however was that Myrkr had normal gravity and a normal atmosphere, would meant at the very least that he would be able to breathe normally on the outside of his ship. He always hated the claustrophobic feeling of a breather around his mouth and the weight of the oxygen tank that he would have to take with him on planets like Gand and others with a Toxic or inhospitable atmosphere.

So finding a clearing within the woods, the phasma class interceptor touched down, remaining cloaked.

Stepping out into the world the Jawa would see for the first time what a Jungle world was truly like... massive ancient trees expanded as far as the eye could see, making Iziz feel smaller than he really was. Looking around he needed to look for the kind of trees these Lizards crept on. Immediately he could feel the presence within him mind withdrawing and using much if not all of its power to simply remain there... the Jawa smiled at this, feeling lighter than he ever had, the influence of the dark side having almost completely disappeared.

"Is this... really the power of these lizards...?"
The feeling of this estranged freedom was both liberating and new for the Jawa, who began to dance and twirl happily in the woods, overwhelmed with joy and excitement as he ran. Laughing and yelling to all those around in his native language, not scaring the local wildlife as much as one would have thought but rather enticing them... the animals being able to sense or smell the pheramones of joy and glee that the Jawa produced in such excess as was native to his species seemed to make the animal population more curious than anything else. Several strange birds and mammals came out from hiding and began to gather around where the Jawa had ultimately fallen, looking up at the sun peppered canopy as the dancing rays of the planets sun filtered down in solemn beams of dazzling light. The light dusting of pollen in the air extenuating their beams much like dust wood but painting them in a subtle golden hue.

This was freedom.

Never had Iziz felt this way, ever since he was an infant the power of the Dark being in the inner recesses of his mind had been there, waiting, plotting, whispering in his ear. But not he had fallen into a deep Torpor thanks to the presence of the Ysalamiri and all was as it should be for once. He had his mind to himself, able to think his own thought freely without ridicule and experience joy without it being met with an inner feeling of disgust in himself. So, for the first time in his natural life, Iziz held back from the pressing mission, deciding that now, above all, was the time to take a well deserved break from the sith, and a break from the trials and tribulations of the Galaxy in order to recharge his psychi.

After all...

Even the Sith needed a mental health day.

he was sure of it.
Hours later,
Or was it days?​
It may have even been weeks.​

He couldn't tell... Though when he finally became aware of himself, and of the mission, Iziz was laying on the trunk of a fallen tree somewhere in the center of the forest, far from where his ship had landed. Looking up at the sky and at the animals which wondered around him and passed him by. Iziz to some extent felt light-headed, like his perception of time had been warped by some outside force, or perhaps he was only experiencing the normal flow of time, but without the training and the worrying about his missions and the mission of the Sith Assassins, time seemed to move so much faster than normal... But slowly, the thought of the mission came back to Iziz with a feeling of hunger, looking around the forest he waited, until he saw some of the berries and sap that the animals were also eating and decided to partake in the same fruits they did. Coming close and picking the blue berries from the tree and tasting them, finding that while the berries outsides were bitter to the taste, they were truly sweet and succulent on the inside.

Smiling, Iziz began to look for the Lizards, it didn't take long to find the large trees they hid in.

Looking up, he could see several of the Ysalamir walking along the tree and feeding off the sap which was within them, it was hard to imagine that these small creatures were strong enough to hold back even the most potent of Sith with their aura, potentially forcing either opponent into a match of skill rather than power in the force... Such a powerful ally there has never been, surely. this bought an idea to Iziz's mind... he was taking these animals for their alchemical properties, but, if he could find one of their nests, and a group of their eggs, he would be able to not only have what he wanted, he could raise the Ysalamiri, perhaps at least one of them would be able to imprint itself onto him as a parent, someone which it would want to protect with its bubble, and then no matter the quality of the Sith, they would be forced to face him in a match of skill...

It was a good idea...

And it also meant having a chance to be himself more often...
The trick however, was getting the little guys off their branches, as easy as it would be to cut off the branches with the lizards still on them, it was highly likely they would simply flee from the branch and run back to another tree and plant their claws in again. Iziz walked over to one of the trees and admired them for a small time... on one tree there seemed to be about half a dozen or more on the trunk with others scattered along the branches, many of them looking in his direction, some of them tasting the air, Iziz tried to think of ways to deal with the problem with getting them free, surely as he would reach out towards them they would latch into the tree, a grip so tight that removing them would more likely kill the lizards... which would mean that their power was gone forever... And with them being immune to force power he was not able to simply mind trick them or use a power to pry them free... which was an interesting conundrum.

Iziz observed them for a time, watched how they went about their business and eventually, thought that the best thing to do was simply watch them and see how they lived their lives, perhaps the culture of the tiny lizards would be the key to uprooting them....

Hours passed,

And next he knew he was walking down the path, sweeping a route clean with a large branch in his hands, seemingly cut by the blade of a lightsaber... Finding the whole ideal rather humourous, observation seemed to herald no results. However, as the lizards appeared threatened, it seemed that they locked their claws into the tree like a death grip, refusing to let go. that tether seemed to be in place until they unfroze or felt safe again. It was a bizzare twist of fate, but, removing the branch they were on seemed to be the best solution, as they death gripped the branch, refusing to detatch until such a time that the branch was stationary.

It was funny how life worked some times.
Reaching his ship with the first branch, Iziz took branch after branch from the nearby trees, trekking them back to the hangar bay of his ship and stowing them away, slowly creating what seemed to be a habitat of sorts for them in his ship and routing some of the life support into the new living area for the enigmatic force sensitives. Taking a bowl Iziz would pour them some water in the corner, fresh and full of nice things. The Branches for a while would be a good source of food, though he would need to grow one of the trees themselves if he wanted to keep one as a companion. The next step of the journey was the search for the eggs of the little guys. He had about fifty of the lizards in his ship now, all projecting their force bubbles which combined was extending to about half a kilometer.

Though of all the things he had to look for, the eggs were hard to find, he wasn't a biologist, so knowledge of these creatures and their mating rituals were unknown to him... but there were a couple of common things which simply made sense, the first of which was that the eggs would need to be somewhere safe, and somewhere that the Lizards would need to go to or be in reach of while they were feeding.

That logic would dictate that they would have to be nearby, as they would not be able to get far on their own. Iziz looked around the trees for a while and noticed that there were knotholes upon them which the lizards would go to every now and then, looking into them with the light of his saber he quickly discovered that the Lizards were using these holes to escape the sun when they were becoming over-heated and overactive, using these as shady spots to rest and recooperate, not to mention that the interiors there had a vastly larger sum of sap than the others, so they were good food places. The place the eggs were however, was vastly more clever.
Looking up further in the trees on thinner branches there were a small group of nests. Eyes lightning up, Iziz was confident that the lizards here, like some other tree faring reptiles likely killed the parents and hijacked the nests, or, even laid their eggs in the nests for the birds to look after until they hatched. It was clever, and Iziz soon found himself climbing the tree to get at the upper branches, Looking in them, he could see a couple of small speckled eggs, looking at them and picking some of them up the Lizards did not appear distracted by his presence in the nest. The eggs there seemed to all be of the same size and type so he doubted that the theory of them placing an egg among the bird eggs was true, though, there was only one way to find out. Taking the nest down and ensuring that there were other eggs in the trees, he would sit down on the ground and look for eggs which were a little bit weightier than the others.

here goes

Cracking the first of the eggs open he could see something within them, and to Iziz's own chagrin it wasn't the body of an unformed lizard, but that of an unformed bird, it was evident now that as he replaced what was left of the eggs and looked through the other nests that the eggs and found that similar birds seemed to nest in these trees. Iziz was disappointed but not disheartened. Looking around the trees a little more thoroughly he noticed that something was missing, one of the lizards was gone, looking over the tree he knew precisely how many lizards there were on the trunk and on the branches, and with his presence they had not moved often. But, Even iziz could smell the odor of wet dog on the horizon, it seemed the vornskyr were around, and that was never a good sign for these lizards.

Looking to the Lizards he attempted to count them again, but it was true, one of them had indeed vanished, its marks where it had been feeding from the tree were gone, and it was nowhere to be found, as much ass he was unable to sense where it had gone, he began to look, attempting to pick up its scent...
Once Iziz moved to scent tracking the Lizards and where they had been, the tracks began to light up in his mind, they had been all over the tree and up in the highest stratas of the canopy, but never beyond a certain point as he was sure there just was not the sap they wanted up that high in the trees circulatory system. But it was down low where he had not seen them go, yet there was the scent of the lizards thick down near the roots of the tree. At the base of the tree, like many forest trees with broad bases, the thick roots had a canopy of their own stretching down into the earth... among these roots were small tunnels and web ways which led a little deeper, the strong claws of the Ysalamir would be adept for tunneling should they wish to, and the thick roots of the trees proved to be a barrier against predication.

Clawing down and using the claw on his tail Iziz managed to scratch out some of the less important roots and some of the dirt in order to pave a way big enough for him, and hopefully not a vornskyr, looking in he found the missing lizard, hissing lightly at the intruder. But as Iziz drew closer the fight or flight reflex of the lizard kicked in, choosing flight it scuttled backwards and Iziz took only 3 of its eggs, huddling them close in his fur he would take them back to the ship where they would be put in the medical bay, but first he needed to repair the damage he had done to their nest, looking at the hole he had made, he scooped the dirt back into where it needed to be and placed a metal pole in place of the root between the trunk of the tree and deeper into the ground which the vornskyr would not be able to get past.

Finally, using his tail, he guided it down what was left to the tunnel as he patted down the earth to ensure it was firm, as well as the tunnel being secure for the lizards to move freely in and out before retracting his tail.

It wasn't perfect, but it was more than what other Sith would do.
The trip back to the ship was pleasant enough, with the other Ysalamiri there, the Jawa thought about handing them the eggs to care for, but remembered that scent of yourself on your young tended to mark them, and mothers and fathers in the animal kingdoms, and even in the worlds of sentient creatures tended not to regard children whom were not theirs with kindness when it came to it. The three large eggs each of which were large enough to fill his whole palms looked big, but remembering that the creatures could grow to be comparable to himself in size, and the Jawa thought that the size of the eggs made sense. He could not help but to smile at the eggs and once he loaded them into his ship he looked up at the sky, knowing that once he got to where he needed to go with these living spoecimens it was likely that the force presence inside of him was going to come back and have an influence on his actions again.

So before he would head back, he would move to his room and open his own personal holocron, moving past the guardian and recording something there for himself.

"My name is Iziz Vei, and as of this moment...
I am free...
I don't know how much longer this is going to last, but,
I had a good day today, surounded by nature on a distant world and collecting the most fascinating creatures.
Ysalamiri are extraordinary.
Much of the day I spent watching, thinking about everything that I've done...
And with Sound mind I have come to this conclusion...
That I... Iziz Vei, am not a Sith... not really.
I don't believe in the rule of two of the old days,
I believe the code of the Sith is flawed.
I believe that sharpening a weapon, and crafting it with care,
is better than discarding a dull blade.
I believe that life and order are sacred, and chaos to be fought against.
I believe that the Jedi are the Greater of two evils.
​Their bureaucracy, fence sitting and inaction are by far
the greatest villains of the galaxy.
They perpetuate the cycle of light and dark with their authoritarianism and blindness to the needs of people.
They are a poison that needs to be cleansed.
And I believe that the One Sith, are those who can do it...
So, if you are feeling lost within the Sith,
If you feel trapped, isolated, scorned and filled with darkness.
The one sith... are a path to freedom.
And gain power.
And you can free yourself.
With the freedom and power you earn, you can change the one sith
Challenge its edicts, as the Sith are fluid
change its traditions like many before you
And balance can be restored.
I believe in you..."
The take-off was finally the easy part, looking up at the skyline which extended from horizon to horizon, the Stealth ship lifted off the ground and began to move upwards, blowing away some of the trees which were nearby. it was only now for this brief moment that the ion thrusters of the ship in the atmosphere would put a hole in the stealth drive, as it would be something that scanners would actually be able to 'see' rather than needing to rely on their scanners. before taking off for the great unknown where the radiation leaving the ship behind would almost disperse entirely. Lining up the routes to get home, Iziz recieved some word that the Sith assassins were attacking a location and he was commanded to be present, looking to the things that were on his ship, if it was to be their new home, he needed help from one of the alchemists which were among the ranks of their people in order to make the shroud he intended to create.

Looking at the pieces of the puzzle which were stored in the medical bay of his ship, the living tissue of the Dashade, Terentatek, and the small deposit of songsteel which was there also... it was going to make an armour which would hopefully make him feared as a Sith even more than he was now.

Looking to the stars he prepared his weapons for the fight which was to come, he hoped that the presence of his ship would not throw off the other Sith assassins in the area, but, then again, it might make them think twice about the Jawa, making them wonder why they would not be able to sense his entrance into the system at all.... the sith could be a paranoid lot, and the fact that one of them could enter the system, then the planet beyond the detection of their minds might be worrying to them.

This could be fun...

[exit thread.]

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