Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mother daughter conversation

What Rianna had been witnessing in the youngest Ordo child was a bit disturbing to her lightside senses. Was there a danger a touch of the darkness rising up in Ginnie, Rianna didn't know.

Ginnie's fierce need to protect, and to serve the mandalorians, to be a good mandalorian warrior were all good intentions, goals. But for a lightsider someone whose emotions began to rule them it could open a door that let something in that could begin a journey that could be filled with hurt, and despair.

Rianna who loved Ginnie dearly needed to talk to her, needed to see if there was a danger, and if there was could it be diverted before it was too late. Before Rianna could even send the message, word came to her that Ginnie was hurt.

She read the message again, and again. Her child was hurt, Ginnie was being brought home to her. There was more to the story than what was being told in the message.
[member="Ordo"] was bringing their ad'ika home as fast as his ship's 'drives could take them. Straight from Ziost, the Aliit'Buir had frothed at the bit to save his daughter and now that the Ordo Ranch was in sight, the child in question was curled in the fetal position in the co-pilot's chair. She'd insisted. She'd screamed and cried.

Don't leave me alone, Daddy. Don't let them take me. Don't throw me away. What could a father do against the pleading fear in his youngest child's eyes? Her Buy'ce nestled in another seat, the girl was for the most part still in her Beskar'gam. Hands freed, crush gaunts beside the buy'ce she clutched at her stomach and bellowed as the retro engines fired for their landing. Wembley continually paced around her chair, the faithful Sith Hound moving back and forth as if guarding against invisible assailants.

Invisible assailants there were many. The Sith Magics the girl had tried to unlock were too vicious and Dark for the child's conscience and worldview. Ginnie was no Sith, but she was fit for it. As fit as her brother [member="Isley Verd"] had been those years before when Ginnie's abandonment started, when he ran away from home. Her eyes shut, Ginnie fought against her body's inner conflagration, the spirits and surges of alchemical awakening pouring through her veins less now than they had when Ordo found her, but enough to drive the girl into whimpers and sobs.

Ordo brought the girl out of the ship and into the house, laying her down on the nearest flat surface. Ginnie's brow would be cold to the touch, her heart racing and her pupils (should [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] deign to check) were wildly dilated. Images flickered within them. The Dark Side had made it's bid for the girl's soul and body. New burn marks coated her hands and neck, her one shoulder hung ill in its' socket. Ginnie's eyes flickered open before shutting with a wince. The girl whinnied and clutched her side. "Mommy. . . Maaamma help me. . mama-aaahh!" Her voice drifted to a tight-fisted scream, the blood in her veins appeared to glow in ambers and oranges for a split second before dying off again.
Rianna was making entries in her journal regarding the new herbs that had been discovered and what medical properties were within each one when she felt it. A great disturbance, screaming fear. Without a moments hesitation she stood and turned she could hear [member="Ginnie Ordo"] Mommy. . . Maaamma help me. . mama-aaahh!" Rianna felt her own heart rate lurch her youngest was in trouble in terrible agony.

She watched as Jas'ika put their ad'ika on the table, Rianna's trained eye immediately scanned Ginnie for the most obvious burns covered the child on her hands and neck. Anything clothing that she was wearing was melted into the skin Rianna called to her hand her medical bag. She looked up at [member="Ordo"] for a moment, "What happen?" He began to recount to her the events on Ziost. "Ginnie" Rianna tried to keep the tones of her telepathy soft trying to soothe her child. "you're home now, I will take care of you. You're such a brave girl, what I have to do is going to hurt. I will do what I can to stop it, but you must hang on love, you must continue to be brave"

Brave what Rianna was asking would cause anyone to pass out, but there was something else here, something elusive something that was lurking watching. Rianna had many times see corruption the dark presence that seeped into the souls of children of the light. This felt very similar. Carefully Rianna was cutting the clothing of Ginnie away she needed everything to be away from the burns, her hands trembled slightly the ache in her heart at hearing her child cry out was tearing into her soul.

Rianna's telepathy was strong but was it strong enough to penetrate the agony that Ginnie was in. Rianna kept talking to Ginnie the whole time, "I'm getting your clothes off to prevent anything from getting into the burns"
The child was beyond forming words. Pain made frantic the most avid of the brave and to a runt of a teenager that pain nearly pulled Ginnie's brain from her body. As [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] worked her daughter whimpered and cried out, incapable of hearing the noise she made. Yet there was relief to be found. The cloth of Ginnie's attire was natural fibre, it charred and stuck to the fresh burnt wounds but did not melt like synthetics. Tearing the pieces from the wounds wouldn't be nearly as caustic as a nylon-based napalm-cloth. Thank the Force for small mercies.

Trying to brave it out, Ginnie had reached her tiny fingers for her father [member="Ordo"]'s hand. Tears spread across her eyes and face, she grit her teeth and tried to face the pain. All she could feel was the fire. It burned and seethed in her bloodstream, as Rianna pulled into her daughter's mind the Jedi Master would be confronted with a raging inferno of Sithly souls. The Alchemical processes Rianna's little girl had tried to ply were raging inside the girl. She'd given half her soul to make a single, indelible attempt:

Ginnie had attempted to find an Alchemical solution to her father's damaged spine. The Dark energies bit and ate at her muscle mass, sliced into her blood. Steam began to coagulate on her skin, too hot. It was too hot. The little forge girl's back arched, her head flung back and she roared.

Fire spewed from her mouth, vaulting into the air around her parents. Inside the fire were shadows and voices spewing lies that the soul of the girl was gone, that she was already beyond their reach, that she'd been promised to the Dark Lord as a demon of fire, that she could never be rid of the burning taint of the Sith Alchemy in her veins. The lies spewed and continued until exhausted and spent, Ginnie's mouth shut and her head rolled back unconsciously. 'I just wanted Daddy to be better. I wanted to fix Clan Ordo before we got named Dar'manda. Don't let me die Mama. I don't wanna die.'
"you're not going to die" Rianna had to think clearly now Rianna's eyes widened as Ginnie spewed forth fire. She had not seen this before they would use saline to clean the wounds as she took the child's clothing off [member="Ordo"] poured the saline to wash out any dirt.

Daddy will be better it will take time, Oh Ginnie. We aren't dar'manda. I won't let you die" Rianna put her hand to Ginnie's head as much as her body was in pain what was plaguing her daughter was within her. Rianna brushed her fingertips across Ginnie's brow. What was inside, Rianna looked to Jas'ika, "just keep pouring the solution, I fear that what is happening isn't of the body but of the mind" She knew Ordo could field dress the burns, and that would do for the time being.

Rianna cupped Ginnie's chin, turning her head until Rianna could look into her eyes, Rianna stepped past everything. She stopped to sense out what was there, and was immediately pushed out. Rianna gasped, "oh..aren't you a tough one"

Rianna got a chair and sat down, she began again this time she went into meditatiion and from there she worked her way into the mind of her child.

FIRE blazed everywhere, Rianna squeezed her eyes it was so hot GINNIE WHERE ARE YOU

[member="Ginnie Ordo"]
Inside Ginnie's mind, Rianna would find a simple Mandalorian firing range. Ginnie was seven years old. The shade of Rianna's daughter was putting a blaster rifle back together, she held it up. A dark hand snatched the gun up and threw it to Ginnie's older brother. "Do it properly. The girl's a dunce. Shove off, your mother made you a cake." Ginnie's biological father stomped off toward the edge of the range, his little girl stumbling off behind him. "Daddy! Daddy thank you! Thanks for the gun I love it!"

"If you loved it you'd have assembled it right."

"I'm gonna fire it good, Daddy! Promise!" The girl's body was whole, her ears unblemished. Her father put a thin bottle to his lips and swigged. They were passing an ammo vault. A woman with Ginnie's eyes and Kiffar tattoos glanced down from the Elder Verd and smiled for her daughter, offering her ad'ika a hand. Too slow. Raki Verd grimaced and pushed his wife and daughter out of the way, but Ginnie's boots were too new - too big. She tripped. Ginnie tripped and fell into the ammo vault, her grasp on her mother's hand causing the woman to fall in with her.

She hadn't meant to catch her hand on the box of grenades to stop her fall.

Ginnie's eyes went wide as she shrieked, as the voice of her mother filtered through her ears as the last natural sound to hit the girl was the mixture of unholy explosion and her mother's choking, cauterizing, dying voice. Ginnie pushed her dying mother out the blast door as it shut.

Everything went white.

Ginnie is now thirteen years old, daughter of a new family she still loved perpetually in the place of horror in her mind. Rianna would see it played again and again, taunted into Ginnie's mind at varying angles by the Sith spirits within. Perhaps then the woman would understand what fear had driven Ginnie to spend her first months sleeping in armour. Ginnie Ordo had never left the fire.

The explosion which stole her mother and her ears had stolen the child's soul. She lived within the pause between conflagration and afterburn and inside that pause the demonic influences roiling around had found their endless fuel. Uncontained and unloved, Ginnie would be a potent and never ending supply of the Dark Side of the Force, yet as her mental presence reached out for Rianna, the Jedi Healer would find that more and more Ginnie's mind was beginning to shift.

Ginnie was beginning to leave the destructive fire of explosions and death knells behind for the constructive nature of her father's forge and her mother's loving arts. With time and dedication, Ginnie would be as any young girl could be: Whole and adored. [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]
The mind of her daughter was blazing with fire and memory. Memories that Rianna was only slightly aware of. [member="Ordo"] had told her as much as he knew it had helped to prepare her for some of the concerns with raising [member="Ginnie Ordo"] the first was understanding that Ginnie could not hear and telepathy was the main way to talk with her.

The scars the poor dear bore Rianna wished she could wipe them away but much like Ordo Ginnie wore them like badges of survival.

And now having to watch and feel her going through more tore at Rianna. This memory that played out before her watching Ginnie so eager to please just as she was today always so eager as if acceptance demanded she be so.

Ginnie's father so this is what he looked like to Ginnie. His words and manner were hard everything that played out next shocked, and pulled every emotional heart string she had. The death of Ginnie's mother, and the answers as to what had happened to her ad'ika.

Rianna turned away having to grasp onto the force harder or risk her emotions severing the moment. Rianna needed these memories needed to be able to understand her child. Yes her child, Ginnie was her child.

Slowly she turned back to look watching the same scene over and over, this is where Ginnie lived each day this was her reasoning, her focal point.

Rianna had to find a way to get Ginnie out of this, to mend her body would be simple, to mend her mind complex.

Softly Rianna called to her Ginnie dear it's time for tea their time to talk their time to bond. ner ad'ika I miss you Rianna could feel the crystal working the focus of the force. Mommy is here for you

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