OOC Information:
IC Content:
Kitsune stood aboard the ISS Mitoshi and gazed upon the frozen tundra of Arkania. She had recently hired an Arkanian huntress [member=Ciara], who stated she had expertise knowledge of its unforgiving terrain. Donning a luxurious, translucent fur coat of a D`oemir bear with powerful heating and personal environment units and underlying airtight undersuit for additional protection, Kitsune was properly dressed for the sub-zero temperatures on the surface. Leaned against the side of terrain-grip boots, a compact arctic-colored backpack, which housed a central heating unit, powercell, communications unit and tools and supplies necessary for surviving on the tundra.
Sensing a sensation of immense danger in the near future, Kitsune sighed and looked at her guardswoman, Zenko. She wore a black body glove with two thin orange stripes going down the sides seams of the glove, while a dense, baggy orange jacket slung over her upper body, with the detailed, almost living print of a fox adorned the entirety of the jacket. Her orange sport sneakers were spotlessly clean, equipped with built-in repulsor generators that Zenko had installed and calibrated herself. She gave Kitsune a slight, reassuring nod, feeling Kitsune's uneasiness. She adjusted the straps of her backpack, which was similar, but much larger than Kitsune's, and began a quick check of shock stick katana.
She tapped the ground with her left foot, emitting a loud echo through the interior hulls of the ship and turned towards Ciara, who was monitoring the ship's sensors and locating the best landing zone. Kitsune inquired, "Now, upon the terms of our contract, I promised to forge you a weapon out of you have anything in mind?"
Creation of a dev thread with 10 posts will be used to make: 1 Unique WeaponAmount:(the amount will determine whether a dev thread is required. Think carefully and do not abuse what you pick.)
- Small - Allows for unique items and cannot be mined for semi unique or above.
- Medium - Requires a dev thread of 25 posts to have and may be used for semi unique or below
Creation of a dev thread detailing a dangerous mining operation in the Far North regions of Arkania.Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain phrikite ore from any of the following planets: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate, Val'hala
IC Content:
Kitsune stood aboard the ISS Mitoshi and gazed upon the frozen tundra of Arkania. She had recently hired an Arkanian huntress [member=Ciara], who stated she had expertise knowledge of its unforgiving terrain. Donning a luxurious, translucent fur coat of a D`oemir bear with powerful heating and personal environment units and underlying airtight undersuit for additional protection, Kitsune was properly dressed for the sub-zero temperatures on the surface. Leaned against the side of terrain-grip boots, a compact arctic-colored backpack, which housed a central heating unit, powercell, communications unit and tools and supplies necessary for surviving on the tundra.
Sensing a sensation of immense danger in the near future, Kitsune sighed and looked at her guardswoman, Zenko. She wore a black body glove with two thin orange stripes going down the sides seams of the glove, while a dense, baggy orange jacket slung over her upper body, with the detailed, almost living print of a fox adorned the entirety of the jacket. Her orange sport sneakers were spotlessly clean, equipped with built-in repulsor generators that Zenko had installed and calibrated herself. She gave Kitsune a slight, reassuring nod, feeling Kitsune's uneasiness. She adjusted the straps of her backpack, which was similar, but much larger than Kitsune's, and began a quick check of shock stick katana.
She tapped the ground with her left foot, emitting a loud echo through the interior hulls of the ship and turned towards Ciara, who was monitoring the ship's sensors and locating the best landing zone. Kitsune inquired, "Now, upon the terms of our contract, I promised to forge you a weapon out of you have anything in mind?"