Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Meek shall inherit the Earth. (Open to OS and Allies, others can PM for invite)

It had been a Long time since the Battle of Naboo, [member="Cadan Tazi"] saved the Day in that battle saving the lives of not only the Jar'Kai Guard but a large number of Gungans who survived the onslaught and were now found without a home.... Mythos however.... Saw in them something much more powerful than what the rest of the Galaxy had seen. Gungans were considered weak and for the most part that assumption was not far off the Mark however Lord Mythos, The Emperor of Atrisia saw in them something akin to his own... Pride.

"Gungans are Proud, Gungan Fight to the Death"

The main Guard of the Gungans was Wilo Shut spoke those words to Mythos earlier in the day, noticeably still rushed by the Loss of the Gungan Grand Army and the Death of Boss Nosso at the Hands of [member="Draco Vereen"] and his mighty force. Mythos knew it was a necessary disaster in order to move on with a more powerful plan of action.

The surviving Gungans numbered only in the Hundreds, exactly three hundred forty six Gungans survived unharmed and still capable of fighting another day....These were all gathered in the Training grounds of Mythos' Own Palace. The Jar'Kai surrounded the Force as they looked about to catch the image of Mythos.

He walked to them with his Axe and his Sword in his belt and the Mighty Jar'Kai at his back facing Wilo, the Commander of the Force. The Gungans were poorly armed and poorly trained, This was the first thing Mythos had come to address.

Hand to hand combat and the Specialty of Atrisia the Jar'Kai style of Fighting was the First order of business here. Mythos walked towards the Gungan Force and took the stance of K'thri along side one of the Many masters of the Style in Artisia. Jugo Machete was brought from a very distant land here to teach this simple yet intensly effective Martial Art style to this Gungan Force...

"Listen up, Yousa about to learn new a fighting way today and soon you will be learning from da Emperor Himself, Gungans form up"

With the Commanders' words the Force was lined up and adopting the tight stance of K'thri alongside Mythos who was not about to say this was a training for him as well, His lack of Hand to hand combat was something he did not want to come bite him in the rear end one day. This Force was to Be Elite.... however the work needed to Make Gungans into a Force to be reckoned with would be painstaking....

Wilo lead the Gungans and gave their backs standing in fort of the Formation and the Gungans behind him prepped for the Training Session. As soon as the First Strike was the Master the Gungans and Mythos copied his strike with a large shout to exalt the movement and bring out the aggression that the Style needed. A Simple Martial Art yet an effective one, concentrating on Strikes and Tight stances the master then moved to his rotation.

Many of the Gungans at first found in intensely difficult to preform and their clumsy nature made this even harder however after a few Hours of repetition and Rotations the gungan force was in unison repeating the same movements as the Master Jugo Machete.

Jugo was a Human male of Dark Skin that was intimidating to look at, massive arms and legs with a Tank like Back and eyes of black coal the Master of the Style was not in any way amused to be here yet for what he was getting payed he showed determination in teaching a sack of untrained Gungans the art of actually fighting in close quarters without getting smashed.

Mythos on his part was working up a nice sweat and getting clear some of the Basics of the Martial art, not anywhere near familiar enough to actually use it but for a first of training the lesson had gone quite well and the Gungans present were already coordinated and familiar with the introduction to K'thri.... There was still much work to do.

After a few hours of the Introductory repetition Jugo bowed and took his leave to the Training quarters and the Gungans were ready to do the same but Mythos was not about to let that happen. "You will rest when you have earned it Gungans."

Mythos removed his cloak and placed his weapons to the Side grabbing two Wooden Poles and the Jar'Kai guard walked about giving out the same Wooden Poles to all Gungans present. The next training Would Be Jar'Kai and just like the previous style of Fighting they would be given an Introduction class. This time it was Mythos who took the lead as Teacher being familiar with the Style thanks to @Damien Daemon, the single greatest Blade master he had ever seen. "Pair up, Wilo you are with me, the rest of you will imitate our rotations"

The Gungans took Minutes to finally pair up and prepare for the Exercise but when they finally did Mythos wasted no time in the demonstration and began to slowly start a rotation with Wilo Shut that the gungans slowly began to copy.... this was going to take a long time...

Nomkneer was watching from a top floor the events occurring with the gungan army, only hundreds survived when the count would've been bigger. Nomkneer still remembers those horrible memories where after seconds of his depart from his forces, the fact that they did not have Nomkneer to guide them through, annihilated almost every single gungan, Nomkneer was the structure that balanced the gungans in the war with [member="Draco Vereen"].

Nomkneer decided to walk down to where Jugo Machete was giving the drills, Mythos was watching Nomkneer was he walked about the room, Nomkneer suddenly pointed with his finger to his mind, Mythos instantly took his sign and used his telepathy to connect himself to Mythos and hear what he had to say "Lord Mythos, since your going to give the gungans some lessons, perhaps you can use me as your right hand man for demonstrations, it would be wise to use me for an exact visual example of the skills you will teach them, and also you could teach me along the way.. what do you say?". Nomkneer relayed a small sentence where his intentions was more to learn than to help teach.

[member="Lord Mythos"]
Mythos was half way during his lesson when Nomkneer arrived at his location and pointed as his noggin. Mythos instantly knew what he needed to do in order to make this work, the General of Atrisia himself would be a great partner for demonstration in the Way of the Jar'Kai.

Many of the Gungans were already prepared for the next set of rotations and were getting an idea of what Jar'Kai entailed and what the style called a base. The room filled with sprawling onlookers and Nobles who gawked at the Massive demonstration of martial skill.

Mythos smiled and nodded, a perfect chance to improve not only his Gungan force but his prized general of Atrisia, a Valuable asset and someone who Mythos wanted well trained considering... This kaleesh was to be his apprentice as well as the Commander of his Forces.

Mythos un-clipped his Lightsabers and the Gungans flinched at the speechless act of Violence. The Jar'Kai Warriors chuckled audibly as they knew exactly what was going on, Mythos had this temperament for brash actions that was widely becoming common and expected from his Guards, they enjoyed the Emperors' Warrior-like nature.
"Pay attention Wilo, You and i must do something like this pretty soon" The Sentence brought a laugh from Martha who knew very well Mythos' abilities were sometimes ultra human and sometimes brutal and Vicious.

Without hesitation Mythos rushed and clashed against Nomkneer in a flurry of Jarkai. First His right hand unleashed Pride, the black Core lightsaber in a angled slice from Nomkneer's shoulder through his torso then Myth ignited to support pride and Deflect or block any incoming attack keeping the Shoto Lightsaber at his back slightly covered by his body angle.

Weather the attack was blocked or not did not matter, Mythos pushed the offense with the Mentality of Juyo and brought his blade up and around shoulder level to slice the Kaleesh's head off then bend his knees and execute and leg strike with Myth to chop his knee off and rise with Pride to thrust at his chest.... Mythos never pulled back, every single training spar had to be deadly with him... it began to become second nature to him now... War... Violence... Death and Annihilation.
[member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Nomkneer was startled by the instant actions of the prideful Lord, Nomkneer leaped back as Mythos charged to him with a combination of Jar'kai and juyo that could lead to fatal injuries if not careful. Nomkneer took out both his lightsabers in the midst of the air and when he reached the ground he blocked the strike from pride to his shoulder with an easy counter from Nomkneers dual-wield Niman style.

Nomkneer didn't know about Exhar Khun, but Mythos did, and he was always intrigued at the kaleesh for his style that combined Niman with two lightsabers as if it was Jar'kai. Nomkneer could very well be the key to the uncovering of a secret style that was invented by one man and the man took the knowledge to his grave. Nomkneer after he blocked the attacks he was overwhelmed by the power of the strike of Mythos, the intensive force from his strike seemed as if he was fighting completely in juyo, while using the Jar'kai form. Nomkneer was impressed with the movements he had seen but he has the skill to counter things like this with ease. Nomkneer then went for a kick on Mythos' chest and a dash to do a dual-cross strike with his two lightsabers that could finish off Mythos if he wasn't careful.
What Nomkneer executed was a simple yet effective Niman technique that used it's own mentality of restraint and moderation as a wall of perfectly placed defensive angles and counter almost every strike using the vast array of counters in the Style of Niman. Niman was rare to Mythos, he once Practiced some of it however he had not practiced enough to be proficient with it.

Nomkneer was almost to the point of being proficient with it's style, yet Mythos attacked with a rotation and as soon as the rotation ended and Mythos blocked Nomkneer's kick with an Outstretched palm strike and sidestepped, he nodded to the Kaleesh and the Gungan Commander signaling the demonstration to be over.

"As you can see, Jar'Kai is about more than just offense but also about defense, which is why Niman" Mythos paused and looked at his Prized General for a second before continuing. "Is a Style that compliments it. because it teaches moderation and restraint, i teach fury and destruction for my path is of Juyo. Relentless attack"

Mythos took his stance with Nomkneer and began a simple rotation Of Jar'Kai involving Two Strives to the Upper body and Two strikes to the Lower body consecutively and began getting faster. The lightsabers would replace the wooden poles the Gungans used and the power in which they were implemented slowly but surely get stronger and faster until the four simple strikes looked like an infinite flurry.

[member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Nomkneer took his stance and used his defensive style with the niman-dualwield techniques, and could block the attack, but the attacks were too strong to counter, Nomkneer had a hard time just blocking he hits themselves, Nomkneer was just centimeters away from having his shoulders cut off with his arms. Nomkneer had only one thing he could do and try to counter him with something maneuverable and tactical that can get Mythos off his guard.

Nomkneer did a backflip with the intention to hit Mythos with a kick and so continuing the rotation until he reached his position and aims a pierce with his left lightsaber as the right one is in a scorpion tail form over his head in an offensive battle style that delivered a flow of strikes much like a wall of spears ready to launch and rip through Mythos' body
The Good General was taking the training much faster an powerful than Mythos intended, for the first time it was Mythos who was surprised at the viciousness of his enemy. Mythos intended to make a simple rotation and continue to make it faster yet Nomkneer intended to make the training a bit more fast paced and violent, dictating the speed...Mythos was more than up to it and Smiled.

"I see you want a more contact demonstration... "

Mythos spun on his heel and ducked away from the kick the Kaleesh unleashed upon him and when the Kick lost it's momentum Mythos rushed forwards with a rotation of Jar'Kai that tensed the muscles of his elite guard. Mythos brought up his lightsabers in an "X" ad rose them up to push the Thrusts of the Kaleesh to the side then slide Pride at chest length to slice Nomkneer's head off in the final slice.

"I have no objections to this" Mythos laughed as he fought with vicious intent. Mythos let himself be consumed by the mentality of Juyo and the viciousness of it's rotations and brutality of it's movements. He executed strike after strike overhand and with all his strength fed by the power of the axe.... Mythos was not a big man... but his strength came not from his body but from the Dark Side of the Force.

[member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Nomkneer held his own against Mythos, Nomkneer had gained his stance and blocked the cross attack Mythos had stricken with. Nomkneer was a very difficult opponent to get off guard, the fact is that the Dual-wield niman style has a very strong defensive technique, even if it was only in almost proficiency, Nomkneer had the capability to maintain his side of the battle.

Nomkneer switched from Niman to Jar'kai by watching a few of Mythos' movements, Nomkneer can only imagine just what type of open minded techniques of juyo and jar'kai will Mythos whip out next. Nomkneer went in for a fake attack from his left lightsaber, it was only to be blocked for a secondary strike would be inflicted after by a horizontal strike that would be targetted for the neck.

[member="Lord Mythos"]
[SIZE=12pt]Ren pretty much lived on Atrisia now with Mythos, she had left the Silver Sanctum without a word, none would probably miss her. Today she was looking over the gardens of the palace it was said to be peaceful that the design was meant to instill peace. She however was thinking of Naboo.. She loved Naboo the water, the country side everything about it told her a story.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She had walked along the streets, looking up the thoroughfare remembering the tiny clips she saw as they mourned Padme Amidala Skywalker. The wife of Vader, the mother of Luke and Leia. She was an iconic figure in history this small petite woman who died far too young. Ren remembered the face of the woman she was beautiful and yet in many ways so ordinary. She had come to power young, 14 though not the youngest and still at that age she saw the need of the people, and what was best for Naboo. It was her insight into such things that made her extraordinary. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But she was instrumental key in the lives of two of the strongest force users ever known. Naboo had been her home. When she was able Ren would have to go and search where they laid the former Queen and Senator to rest. Would[member="Lord Mythos"] be able to go with her?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Course she had a thing to tell him, a thing he would likely know, a thing that perhaps he expected, but still a thing. She looked upon the garden what was he doing today anyhow?[/SIZE]
Nomkneer was undergoing a defensive style of fighting mixing Niman with Jar'kai like the ancient lord Khun had once been said to do, Mythos smirked at this, Niman was something he did want to learn and as he watched Nomkneer he practiced Niman by keeping up. Mythos held back most of his strength as he wanted to keep this a sparring match... for now.

Once Mythos crossed his sabers with Nomkneer he executed a switch axekick to his nose and back flipped to distance himself from the Kaleesh and back to the Gungans giving his back to his opponent... seeing if he would attack his back...

"You see what we are doing do you not? This is what you shall execute with your partners, Wilo! Lead the gungans into formation and make sure they follow along, today is all about physical exercise, use what you have learned,better your selves... We will be here until the sun rises..." He smiled and nodded... The gungans began to throw themselves at each other...soon Wilo would single out the better ones and help those who needed guidance.

He felt something... a disturbance in the force.... he shrugged it off quickly but he did not dismiss it.

[member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Nomkneer was kicked to the ground and he fell unconscious even though he was able to block the impact up to a thirty percent with his hands. Nomkneer was not able to move and all he could hear was random noises, the noises however, was Mythos explaining the rest of the training to the gungans. Nomkneer after a few seconds, he gained consciousness and pain wasn't the problem, so he could get up.

Nomkneer stood up aside Mythos as he gave his explanations, 'i should kick him in the can, but if you dont respect your leader, being the general, it would strike a great impact on Mythos' respect and pride' Nomkneer knew better but he knew that he would get to punch Mythos in the face some day...

Nomkneer was waiting for Mythos to give explanations and then, "Lord Mythos, i'd like to suggest for you to practice Niman with me and i learn Jar'kai from you, even though i do a mix of them, you can use Niman for it teaches you to make right decisions at the worst of times". Nomkneer wanted to keep practicing to increase his ability within the Niman dual-wield style he has. "soo... you wanna fight!?".
The afternoon breeze was cool but Ren felt none of the cold a quick turn from the balcony back inside to find Izumi. She found the handmaiden preparing some broth for the afternoon meal.

The moment Ren entered the kitchen everyone stopped and lowered their gaze, Ren felt very uncomfortable. "What's for lunch?" She smiled trying to move past all this as quickly as she could.

"Kogo Ren are you hungry?" Izumi tried to hide a small smile that threatened to curve her thin lips.

"Yes I have been starving as of late at the strangest hours" Ren came over and could smell the broth. It was undoubtedly a dish from the sea Ren however had a craving for a different kind of soup, she wanted chicken soup like her mother use to make.

There were times her thoughts were confusing to her, the visions adding into the confusion of what lay ahead. Nothing seemed to be as it was. The gardens below had become her favorite place to go whenever she craved solitude it was where she escaped to
Honor, no matter the situation, never forsake it. The general took the blow and staggered back, Mythos fully ignored him while he addressed the troops yet he did not under any circumstances discard the possibility of an attack from the back, yet it did not come. Unlike so many other sith who would have pounced seeing the exposed and easily exploitable stance, he did not strike Mythos while his back was turned, the kaleesh did not know it, but this earned him Mythos' respect and trust.

"Gladly" Mythos responded, he knew how the kaleesh held himself to a very huge regard like others of his race... he could relate.

He extended his arms wide, holding the Rudis in one hand and the Axe in the other, brandishing the legendary weapons in the calm and composed way of Niman. His stance was balanced and his eyes locked on to his opponent. "Shall we begin?"

[member="Nomkneer artzhul"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
"lets" Nomkneer saw how Mythos suddenly got into a perfect Niman stance, this was great now lets see how he does in actual spar. Nomkneer went with increidable speed towards Mythos in an attempt to to do a dual clash of lightsabers with his weapons, he wanted to see what Mythos was gonna do. This was to see and test Mythos if he could remain in a Niman form during our battle. 'lets see if he can keep it up'

Nomkneer after the dual clash would go for a knee kick that would hit his stomach and pounce from him to the back, Nomkneer always maintain focused on his style while doing all of this so he can easily dodge many things, except that hit from Mythos before.

Nomkneer was extra focused knowing that the sith lord could do much damage with just one strike, he was great indeed. Nomkneer was just attempting to do an imposible. Strike Mythos hard enough to bring him down and impress him, maybe that will give him more apreciation of Nomkneer. 'hehehe' Nomkneer may be a primitive species but his brain is as smart as anyone.
A clash of blades and the sound of combat engaged his ears, a simulation of what they had heard while surviving in the battle of Naboo, the general himself was also present and thus promoted for his excellence in the battlefield. Not for his tactics. His blow came like a wild bantha giving in to the desirable flow of combat that was Juyo. It was a style that demanded one thing, to enjoy the combat in some way, niman was it's antithesis in Mythos' point of view... bias as it may be.

When Mythos wielded niman shortly as it may have been he did so in the search of focus rather than emotion and thus able to control his strikes and better aim his defenses while keeping his stamina and effort to a minimum, needless to say it was harder than its sounded. He breathed in and out as the charge came and crossed his lightsaber with his own while he held the axe at bay.... at task that almost snapped him out of focus along with the roar of the gungan fury behind him.

When the kaleesh charged he stood to watch his movements and form, angling the axe downwards to block his midsection and tilted his lightsaber forward maintaining distance and angled his body to let the general pass right by him when he attempted to dive a knee kick to the stomach. Twisting the lightsaber in hist wrist upside down he pulled the lightsaber of his general in a way that resembled the way one pulls with the force and impales his opponent, while bringing the axe in an uppercut motion to split him in two... no mercy. His eyes glowed with a red tint and a yellow amber blaze given by the constant use of the darkside yet his face was passive and his strikes though far from perfect, were bathed in calmness and contemplative focus.

[member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Izumi brought Ren a bowl of broth truth be told Ren enjoyed the crackers more than the broth. But knowing that Izumi would become upset if she did not eat after claiming she was hungry. Ren smiled at her an nodded, "Thank you Izumi"

She stood with the bowl warm in her hands looking, thinking.

"Izumi what do the people of Atrisia need?" She looked over to her, she knew that Mythos concentrated on building the army, and recently a hospital had come up. but what else did they need. Atrisia's history was laden with names and deeds, warriors, and war lords. What did any of them do that had left the indelible mark upon history? If Mythos was to hold this seat, and the people he needed to find a way to endear the people.

"Kogo Ren the people seek strength in their leader, and vision for the future"

Ren grinned, "Izumi you sound rehearsed, I want a true opinion" Very true one that shone out the eyes with truth.

Ren sipped the broth, "The lower castes seek to be acknowledged for the work they perform."

Ren grew still, "Has no Atrisia always had a caste system?"

Izumi nodded, "Does not mean the people do not seek change"

This brought to mind something, what was the population of nobility to the others? Were they a minority? Should a focus be on the people?

Ren felt her stomach growl, making her laugh. "Ok Izumi thank you" Yes thank you.

[member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Nomkneer saw both things, Mythos grabbing his lightsaber and the axe heading towards him, as the seconds passed Nomkneer focused more on the axe than the lightsaber being taken. The kaleesh managed to grab the axe before the swing would kill him, but the force pushed him against his back a few feet away. Nomkneer felt enraged and his instincts of pure hatred came out like a blossoming flower upon the first hint of sunlight, the kaleesh would soon rush in like a wild beast of destruction.

Mythos was a strong opponent, as strong as any powerful lord, the only thing in question is if he is able to control the ravaged beast. At this form of enragement Nomkneer gets a speed and a power boost that comes directly from the darkness of the force. Instantly he used telekinesis to grab a sword hanging to the wall, intensive force aura was being exhaled through all cells on the kaleesh body. He now had no thought in his mind, his clever intuition was gone along with any rationality.

Nomkneer went with one lightsaber on the left and a sword on the right, unknown of its material he rushed in for an attack, a barrage of fast and strong lighsaber and sword strikes were being sent out to Mythos like never ending rain. The kaleesh would be an unstoppable force if you weren't very good at dodging of defenses, his ofensivity was quick and only fast movements could block his endless strikes.

[member="Lord Mythos"]
The kaleesh came upon Mythos swing after swing just milliseconds after the axe swung by. He took a step to the side and ducked his head as the generals lightsaber whizzed by letting the axe control his midsection to create some distance between the two combatants. He held his defensive stance in niman, coupled with jar'kai to make up for the dual wielding of both his axe and the rudis of the dark lord.

Mythos smiled as soon as the general rushed forward, again using juyo as his prime stance of offense, not amateurish in any way yet predictable as only a practitioner in the style could be. Mythos held the axe and the rudis tight to his sides in a wide stance ready to defend rather than strike, djem-so gave the sith lord the uncanny ability of counter attacks....
When Mythos saw that he used the telekinetic energy of the force to send for a blade he knew basically the angles his strikes would come from lead only by the positioning of his feet and the angling of his wrists. When the general charged he could sense the force inside him, giving him a boost in speed via force enhancement. Mythos took the cue to do the same to a smaller degree, making their speed equal even though Mythos could have been faster... yet strain himself more with the force.

When the first strike came Mythos took a step back and let it pass right by him, when the second strike came he used the momentum of the back step to bring himself forward calmly, using only a portion of his strength to clash with the lightsaber in an 'X' formation, then snap the two weapons apart from each other and chop down on an 'X' strike meaning to decapitate the kaleesh. He kept his stance tight and strong, making use of the defensive angles and offensive thrusts of niman to keep his guard centered and his attacks strong, yet not so strong as to fatigue him.

[member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Nomkneer was using juyo quite well since he has an urge or destruction every now and then, the kaleesh was observing [member="Lord Mythos"]' movements and he saw that he maintained his defensive stance quite well. He knew that his movements wouldn't be the best against him since he does not posses enough experience in yuyo to use it as fluently to be unpredictable. Nomkneer saw the x strike and with the lightsaber and the sword he managed to maintain Mythos' strenght even though he saw that for an instance he broke his balance of the niman style.

he maintained quiet as to his respect towards Mythos was not to be doubted but he maintained his watch to see if he could keep his balance again. Nomkneer jumped back after the clash and he looked to the sword quickly and he noticed it was made of some material that could resist lightsaber and it was strong, strong enough to resist not being destroyed by the axe. After he moved back he was focusing on a way to not be so easy as an opponent of yuyo, he at some point deduced that he was too predictable and he had the right amount of anger and he loves battles but he needed a little bit more spice.

Nomkneer put the blade at the side of his waist and the lightsaber facing forward, he was on a stance that Mythos has not seen before and he is counting that what he knows would let him make a quick judgement and do a move that would be unpredictable. as he ran he used the lightsaber pointed forward to pierce through as he hoped and did a spin to try to slash the arm of Mythos which holds the axe, and while in the air using the momentum of the spin to kick the back of his head that could severly damage his skull.

'juyo and Jar'kai, heh im getting attached' Nomkneer thought

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