Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mead Hall [Open]


Fast forward in time...

It had nearly been a full year since Saga Björk was in Mead Hall. Since that time, the slave girl had gained her freedom by the kind act of Ragnarson the Younger. The noble son had persuaded his father, Earl Ragnarson, the Chieftain of the villages Reykjaa and Hüsavik in the northwestern providence of the Realm, to set the young maiden free so she could follow her dream to become a shield maiden of Midvinter; just like his mother once was before entering Vahalla as a great Valkyr warrior should.

Taking a seat at an empty table near the fire pit, Saga loosened her furs and adjusted her sword in its scabbard before enjoying the pint of honey mead that had been served to her in the meantime.

TAG: Any
[member="Saga Björk"]

After his return to Midvinter, and taking up the rank of Chieftain of Clan Sabina, Thaerd had settled once more. His cousin Aerin, off somewhere within the galaxy and would return home soon, she had promised him that. He loves his cousin and misses her when she is away.

But tonight, he would come and visit the mead hall, to sit and relax and see what the night might bring. Entering with his fur around his body, sprinkled with a healthy coating of snow, the Thawbearer cast his eyes around to find the place all but empty save for a girl sitting by the pit fire.

"You have something I need", he greeted the warrior woman as he stood nearby her and order his honey mead which quickly arrived. As the mead is placed on the table, Thaerd removed his fur laying it on the seat away from them, revealed is his great sword on his back and his lyre.

"Well met, young maiden. The mead is especially good here I find. I am Thaerd", he bowed his head to her.


An azure gaze lifted from where it had been dreaming into the warm orange-red glow of the hearth to where a male voice called to her. From his fine stature, manners, and clothing, the Valkyr was a noble being. What could she possibly have that he would need? Gods she hoped it wasn't that...

"Good eventide to you, Thaerd… I am Saga," the blonde maiden greeted back with a cant of her golden head.

"The mead is indeed good here especially on such a cold night as we have before us. How may I be of service to you, my Lord?"

[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"]
[member="Saga Björk"]

"Service?", he turned to face. "No no. Lady Saga, I would be honoured if you would simply keep company with me, as we drink our mead, nothing more to pass the time of night in conversation", his head lifted upward, his eyes looking darting about the rafters of the Hall, listening to the whistling wind.

"I believe a snow storm approaches', he grinned "Now that is a surprise here on Midvinter?", a silly jest.

"Tell me, from where do you hail?". he placed the tankard of mead on the table and let his head tilt to the side and his long white hair fell around his face as he regarded the lady.


[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"]

"Oh… Please do forgive my impertinence, my Lord. Past experiences have made me a bit weary of male intentions. I would be honored in like to share in companionship of that nature with you," she nodded humbly, then took a sip of the rich amber drink that was before her.

The honey mead helped to warm Saga's chilled body and console her aching heart. News that plans for Ragnarson the Younger to be betrothed to another of equal nobility had not settled well with her. Even though the former slave knew nothing meaningful could ever come of something between the Earl's son and her as had been agreed upon with the Chieftain per Saga's release from his service. She must move on, it was that simple.

"I hail from the northwestern providence of the Realm. The port village of Hüsavik to be precise. We are well-known for our fine catch and seafaring ways. Thus, I am a fisherman's daughter and know much of the sea, though crave to know more of the land. A shield maiden I am to be now, the gods willing," the blonde maiden smiled, then inquired in return.

"And you, kind sir… May I know the same?"
Illness had come to the house of Ragnar. The Earl himself was ill, extremely ill. Death was at the door and the family was doing everything they could to keep the rumor of it from spreading. Eddval feared the war which would break out in the region should the truth be discovered before he could fully assume his father's position and title. For now, Eddval performed his father's duties with a letter making it appear Eddval was being prepared to assume the role. This would only hold for so long.

He stepped into the Mead Hall, shaking the snow off the fur cloak which he had worn to keep him warm. The stomping sound of his boots filled the room, though did not seem to carry over the loud thrum of intoxicated conversation. Edd needed the false joy which was brought on by drunkeness. He moved to a table and sat, flagging a wench as she came by with the mead his land was known for. Unlike most men, he was not grabby. Her wares were safe from his grasp. The man was betrothed.

Betrothal was why he drank. Eddval did not love this woman, but she was of noble birth, and chaste. A long sigh was all the Valkyr managed before draining the tankard. It wasn't that didn't want to wed, just not her. Edd had given his heart to another, to one who left him the day she gained her freedom. There had been no goodbye, no explaination. [member="Saga Björk"] had left with his heart, and had broken it by doing so. Edd would wed, but only to her.
[member="Eddval Ragnarson"] [member="Saga Björk"]

"You are a long way from home, Saga. I cannot say I have visited your homeland", he said as the double doors open and a stiff cold wind billowed into the mead hall. Riding upon the wind was a young man, who entered coated with the drift of snow. He appeared ill tempered, or at least sad of soul, who appeared to want his own company.

"Lady Saga, I come from Rildonmark, in the south. I am chieftain of Clan Sabina. I have returned recently from exile". Picking up his lyre, Thaerd checked his instrument and began to tune it. The soft picking sending a lyrical sound around the Hall. However, he sat it back on his lap.


[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"] | [member="Eddval Ragnarson"]

Saga's back had been turned so she did not see who came into the hall from the cold. If the former lover of Ragnarson the Younger had, she would have become uneasy for the young maiden still held the noble son high within her heart despite knowing they could never be together.

"Clan Sabina? You are well-known across the Realm for your great equine warriors. I would very much to see your land and train with your kind," the blonde smiled softly with a controlled eagerness shinning in her blue orbs.

Noticing the lyre resting upon Thaerd's lap, Saga motioned with her hand to it.

"You have a beautiful instrument, my Lord. I should love to hear you play, if you would do me the honor this evening."
[member="Saga Björk"] [member="Eddval Ragnarson"]

"I have heard of your lands as well Saga, most notable for providing the fishes that grace our tables", he said regarding the young girl. "While you are so far south east, you must visit the Isle of Tears before you leave, they are steeped in much history and mystery that I think you would find interesting, they too are seafarers but it is the wailing stones that would be worth a visit".

Thaerd raised his hand and beckoned the serving woman to them, "The young Lady and I will partake in some of your finest stew and bread, if you will good woman", he shot a smile to Saga as he took up his lyre. He set about inspecting the lyre checking it was tuned and the strings in perfect condition, he would also wait until their food arrived and that Saga could feast while he played for her.

The hot steaming stew soon arrived and placed on the table accommpanied with a plate of breads. "The honour is mine Lady Saga and Clan Sabina would also be honoured by your presence. There is someone most dear to me that would be able to help you with training I am sure".

Thaerd's fingers rested gently on the strings and he began to play.

As he did so, Thaerd became lost within the music.
As the music began to play Edd looked up. Happiness, it was something he no longer knew. His father was sick, and the one person he wished was with him was nowhe... The blonde woman that was with the musician, it was her... He knew it. @Saga Börk was there. Edd was going to need more mead. The wench was on the way to their table with the stew, and Edd decided to intercept her.

"I'll take that. You may have my mead."

Carrying the tray with the bowls Eddval stopped at the table and set the bowls down without a word. His heart was a flutter and his stomach was in knots. It felt as though there was weight on his shoulders he could not bear.


[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"]


[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"] | [member="Eddval Ragnarson"]

The music Thaerd played for her was beautiful. The Chieftain was indeed a very skilled lyrist, which didn't surprise the maiden one bit. He seemed refined in all ways. Saga closed her eyes while she listened and lost herself in the sweet melody; letting all her troubles simply be washed away by it, well at least for the moment. The expression upon her face would indicate she was truly enjoying being serenaded. A rare treat indeed for the former slave.

Saga was so enthralled with the music she had not noticed the noble son of Reykjaa walk up to their table, a tray of food in hand for the couple, until his all too familiar baritone voice spoke her name.

Eyes fluttered open quickly, then the blonde's blue gaze went to those that had asked of her; Saga's breath catching in her throat as they connected once again.

"Edd?" Saga stammered out in nervous surprise, then the maiden quickly schooled herself looking over briefly to her companion at the table, who by now had stopped playing his lyre. She got up and took the tray from her former lover. He should not be serving her.

"My Lord… May I introduce Eddval Ragnarson of Clan Ragnar," she offered, then continued the introductions between the two noble men. "This is Thaerd Thawbearer, Chieftain of Clan Sabina."
[member="Saga Björk"] [member="Eddval Ragnarson"]

Thaerd stopped playing the lyre with the arrival of a young man. It is clear to him they know each other, and well at that. As Saga introduced him, he stood to greeting the young noble with a half bow at the waist and arm set across his chest in salute. "Another far from home", he began. "I am Thaerd Thawbearer, Chieftain of Clan Sabina to the south, well met good fellow".

"Please join us, there is always room for friends at the table to share a meal and stories".

Long enough she had been away from her own clan members to know when to come back. As if the whispers of winds blowing stired inside of her to come visit. One and only thing now is would those still remember who she was, after all she wasn't the same meek one she been. No now she was training in what one would see as the gods wisdom in powers, she herself been give the born of those powers.

Just as she entered into the play hearing her own cousin speak this pulling down her hood and putting the shoe off her fur boots. "Is there room for one more cousin".

[member="Thaerd Thawbearer"] [member="Saga Björk"] [member="Eddval Ragnarson"]

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