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Approved Species The Luminous

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  • Name: The Luminous
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: The Force
  • Average Lifespan: 2-3 hours. Since these are beings which are summoned by the Force User, their existence is dependent on the strength and skill of the summoner. A Padawan could create a Luminous, but it would likely only last for a few minutes at the most, whereas a Master's Luminous could exist for a few hours.
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique; generally speaking, a Light Side User may only summon one Luminous at a time, with very skilled and experienced FUs able to summon, at the most, seven of them at once (and that not for very long).
  • Description: The Luminous can come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, but they are always beings of light rather than darkness. Their forms seem to glow, emanating light from within, and they are ghostly, able to move freely through air and space and even pass through solid matter.
  • Breathes: The Luminous do not breathe and can survive even in a vacuum.
  • Average Height of Adults: Varies, but generally they aren't much larger or smaller than a typical humanoid.
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Can come in any colors, so long as they glow.
  • Hair color: Some may appear to have something resembling hair, while others will not.
  • Distinctions: Some Luminous may appear to have typical humanoid sexual dimorphism, while others may appear androgynous or non-humanoid. The shape they come in is dependent on the summoner, influenced by their will and emotions at the time of summoning.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All; these are beings made from the Force itself, so they might technically be classified as Force Entities. As far as what they can do, they are as capable as their summoner in the Force, no more and no less, but they lack initiative and must be ordered by the summoner to do something.
  • Beings of Light: The Luminous are summoned from the Force at the will of a conjurer. They may also be "converted" demons and other such beings summoned by other Force Users. Their powers are based on the Light; they will actively seek to cleanse the Dark and combat Dark-aligned beings. They can be controlled directly by an FU, given orders and such, or behave in a reactive manner based on the environment.
  • Your Sword Cannot Help You: Standard weaponry (devoid of Force imbuement, enchantments, or alchemical enhancements) have little effect on the Luminous.
  • Non-sentient: The Luminous lack free will or agency and must be told do something. They cannot act on their own.
  • Strange Magic: While impervious to most standard weaponry, the Luminous are vulnerable to Force attacks. They can even be converted to the Dark by a skilled sorcerer, making them turn against the one who summoned them.
  • Null and Void: If the conjurer is exposed to anti-Force weaponry or naturally occurring anti-Force matter (such as ysalamiri and void stones) will result in their summoned Luminous ceasing to exist - or more accurately, their energies will become one with the Force again.
  • Diet: Subsist on the Force energies of the summoner; for more inexperienced or weak FUs, summoning a Luminous can be very taxing, so be aware that you will feel very fatigued afterwards.
  • Communication: They can be given telepathic commands and relay information back to their summoner, but have not been observed to communicate with others or amongst themselves in any way.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Beings created from the Force, the Luminous function much like familiars or generic demons. They can be used to defend, attack, or cleanse an area, as well as being employed as scouts.
"The Shadow stilled, but did not die. Rather, its body started to glow pale white. It turned on the other Shadows, fighting them. Starlin's eyes widened. He had just been playing around, not really expecting anything to happen, and now the Shadow had become a... a Luminous being? Was that a good name for it?" - Starlin Rand, "Apprentice to Metal"
Starlin's experience with the Force has only gotten weirder the more he's learned and experienced it for himself. While on the planet Taris with his master Syd Celsius, Starlin encountered a shadow-like being after triggering a magical trap. The Shadow attacked him, and after he fought and defeated it, it released a little puff of black smoke. Acting on a sudden impulse, Starlin inhaled the smoke and was able to purify it inside his body, releasing a new being of Light from the remains of the creature he had killed. Crazy, huh? After figuring out how to summon his own beings, he's taken to calling these creations of his "the Luminous" due to their glowing appearance (and after Yoda's famous quote: "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.").
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Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

This is a very good submission, and I have only a couple minor tweaks that you need to make here.

Estimated Population | Since your explanation makes it seem there is more than one, unique is not applicable here. At the smallest you could go here would be semi-unique. I'll just quickly reference the template for you.

Unique (Only One Member), Semi-Unique (An extremely small number, first or last of their kind), Rare (A few groups, often limited to a single world)...

I do see what you are trying to do here, and think Semi-Unique is your best option here.

Weaknesses | As you have mentioned this all members of this species are force sensitive you need to account for force nullifying effects. Since they are conjured by a light sider I would also explain what would happen to this species in that scenario? Would an ysalamir simply make it disappear?

Once you address these quick edits, we can get this approved for you! Tag me when you're ready :D
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