Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Lost History

Ramatesh - Adoption Center

The gray sky matched her emotions as she slithered in, being greeted by two men at the entrance. Holding Mak in her hands, she sat down with them, going over everything that would happen once he went in. Signing the forms, the moment finally came that a woman slithered out. As she stretched out her hands to take Mak, she hesitated for a second before she looked into his eyes.

Ramatesh - Adoption Center

The gray sky matched her emotions as she slithered in, being greeted by two men at the entrance. Holding Mak in her hands, she sat down with them, going over everything that would happen once he went in. Signing the forms, the moment finally came that a woman slithered out. As she stretched out her hands to take Mak, she hesitated for a second before she looked into his eyes.

"Mak, know that I'm doing this so you can have a better future. My son, you have so much potential in you that I know you're destined to do great things, but without me and your father..." Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she smiled. "I remember when I found out I was pregnant with you, and it was the happiest moment of my life. I wanted so much for all of us, for our family to grow, but now, things have changed. If I ever see you again, just... don't hate me, Mak. I want you to be safe..."

As she slowly handed Mak over, he didn't scream or cry as he was handed off. Gripping her seat, she broke into a wail as the woman slithered off. As the men finished up and left her, she looked at the empty room before she too got up, asking herself what would happen now. No son, no husband, no future, but Mak would. He would have a good family, be raised by someone who could offer him everything. As she got up and slowly slithered away, only with a hole in her heart, she left the building, her mind racing at the loss of everything.

The two men who had handled Rishia's paperwork were now in the nursery as the woman placed him in a crib. They seemed bored as she left and they pulled out a tiny needle. Softly poking it into Mak's finger, he began to cry at the sudden pain as they placed the blood on a small pad.

"Well, his test should be done in a couple of minutes, but we've got some time for food, so what do you want to eat?"

"None of that takeout you've been getting. I've got a new restaurant we're going to for lunch."

"What's the matter with burnt bird? It has a zingy aftertaste..."

As they left arguing, they placed the test down nearby, Mak still crying. A few minutes later, with no one around, a beep emitted with a small number appearing on the screen, all from the test most children were given on Republic worlds, one that few parents ever wanted to see, but one that was perfect for orphans and castaways...

They were deemed suitable for the Jedi...
One Week Later - Thisspias - Ramatesh

As the shuttle landed, he was the only person on the ship who wasn't a Thisspiasian, and the eyes on him clearly stated visitors rarely came to the planet. However, he didn't show any emotion as he got up from the crate he had been laying his back against. Walking down the platform, he was greeted to the capital city. Strolling about, he was interested in it, for this was the first time he had ever been here, but now he could see why the locals had been surprised at him coming. The planet seemed to be only for the Thisspiasians. Large bugs were flying around and unfamiliar smells that didn't seem pleasant invaded his nose.

Walking faster, he finally came into the adoption center, sighing as he approached the front desk.

"Hello, I'm Jedi Master Jundo Mandas. I have an appointment with Mr. Stinzek."

"Yes, Master Jedi. The director has been waiting for your Order to come. Please, follow me..."

As the receptionist got up and showed him through a small hallway, he saw several rooms that seemed to be for holding children, but they were empty. As they came to the end before a large door, he could only count two children he had seen, both of them infants.

As they both went in, the receptionist looked at the figure doing paperwork.

"Director, this is Jedi Master Jundo Mandas. Please, excuse me."

As she left, Jundo took a seat as the director finally finished up, giving a frown as he saw him.

"A pleasure, Master Jedi. We rarely have your kind on our world other than Master Rancisis since he's the watchman of our system. In fact, I asked for Master Rancisis to come, and instead, they sent you..."

"Master Rancisis apologizes, but he's currently on a mission as of right now and asked me to come in his stead. You know, I'm slightly surprised, director. The Jedi Order receives notices from planets from time to time that they have a willing candidate who's in an orphanage, but your planet seems to want to get rid of him, since you asked for us to come right away. It's interesting..."

Sniffing harshly, the director nodded before turning his chair, looking out the window.

"Well, it's merely formal. The mother has given him up for adoption, and we of course are willing to give him to the Jedi. My organization has a great track record of adoptions. Perhaps you saw how few children are here, and that is because we do good work. In fact, only three other children are here, besides Mak Manto, and all of them have been adopted and will be leaving in about a week."

"However, we're not that good. I doubt anyone will adopt the son of a traitor, and here we would remain until he's 18, where he would be released into society, but no one will want him. The military, I doubt, would accept him, but perhaps he would become a miner, or maybe even an offworlder using our abilities to make money..."

"Do you talk about children that way, director, as if they're merely possessions of your world, or is this just the boy alone?"

Turning his chair back, the director smiled.

"We are a harsh world, Master Jedi, and for a good reason. We control our sector with a strong fist, and the Galaxy knows this, for our abilities and skills rank us as one of the best, but failures are not part of the picture. That is all I see from this boy..."

"I'll have to speak to Master Rancisis about this, for he never told me his people hold such a xenophobic view of others..."

The tension was now crackling as they both stared at each other.

"Remind yourself of where you are, Master Jedi. This is my world... We don't want the boy, and his midi-chlorian count is extremely high. He's yours, if the Jedi want him" Handing Jundo the datapad, he looked it over before nodding slowly.

"Well, I couldn't imagine a future where such a child is left on such a planet."

Signing the necessary documents, Mak was finally brought in, and as Jundo was given a list of the needed things for Thisspiasian infants and children to survive, he stood up to leave, but not before the director stopped him.

"There's an old saying on my world, Master Jedi. The failure of one steps on the tails of many."

Turning, Jundo smiled.

"Well, that's interesting, for I have an old saying too. Negative people are only happy when they are bringing you down to their level..."

Walking away, the director merely looked on before taking a seat again, glad to see the man gone.
Holding Mak in his arms, he looked at the infant, alien eyes staring at him. As he babbled for a second in talk, Jundo nodded to himself, stepping back onto the transport. As they found a seat, he pulled out a communicator, turning it on. The ship, which was now empty, still had an hour before it left, which meant he would be alone. It took only several seconds before several figures rose from the device in holo form, the Council looking at him.

"Well, Master Mandas, were you successful in acquiring the boy from Thisspias?"

"Yes, Master. We're on the ship right now, but we have an hour to go before it leaves. He's in perfect health and his count is as high as it was told to us, so I don't see there being any problems. Now, as to what we talked about..."

"Right, you want to take the boy and train him yourself on another world. We've been against this idea from the beginning, especially with someone of your track record. Master Yoda is particularly fierce about this."

"I'm not going to brainwash the boy, but the way I was trained should be the same way the boy should be trained. Unless you're telling me that you consider me as a threat to the Order?"

A female councilor shook her head, sighing. "Of course not, but he should be trained around children his age when he becomes a youngling. Having him on another world all to yourself only shelters him."

"He won't be sheltered, that I can promise you... He won't be in any danger, but I feel this is right."

"Well, we'll talk about it more when the full council is here, including Masters Yoda and Rancisis. For the time being, just return to Coruscant.

Dropping out of hyperspace, Mak started to cry and as Jundo used the Force to soothe him, they came out to the galactic capital, thousands of ships flying around as usual, everyone busy with their lives. Straddling the infant in his blanket, Jundo took one of the public transports that were heading to the district, with the trip lasting a minute before they came down, letting him off as the only passenger.

Coming to the public entrance, the Jedi who were standing guard saw him and smiled, his face known enough despite not being on the planet that much.

"Master Mandas, good to see you!"

"And to you as well! It's been a while since I've come around, and I wish I had time to talk, but the Council is waiting for me."

"Of course, Master. Please, come in."

Walking inside, he noticed the familiar home, seeing how little had changed. Chuckling at this, he walked slowly, still keeping Mak calm as they made their way to the turbolifts that would lead up to the Council. Once again, the trip lasted just a brief moment before it allowed them off, seeing the attendant sitting at his desk.

"Master Mandas, I presume? The Council's been waiting for you, sir. You can go in."

"Thank you."

Stepping in, the weight of the Force changed as he saw that the entire Council was assembled, all twelve of them in real person. Coming to the middle, he bowed low before standing back up. As eyes came to his midsection, to where Mak was, Yoda made a soft noise before he spoke quietly, seeing a young woman come in and pick Mak up. Handing her the instructions before she left, he smiled.

"Good evening, Masters."
"You're late, Master Mandas. Starting to get worried you weren't coming, we were."

Bowing his head again to Master Yoda, Jundo let out a small chuckle.

"I am sorry, Master. The trip was longer then I expected. Really, I'm a bit tired from flying all over the Galaxy. I've been from the Mid-Rim to the Expansion Regions and now back to the Core Worlds. However, I have good news. The boy's in perfect health and his count is extremely high. Plus, with him being an orphan and an infant, he's the perfect candidate to be trained as a youngling."

"Which is where the argument comes in, Jundo. You want to train the boy by yourself on some back world. You know where we stand on this..."

Tyvokka was still as dominant as ever, his personality looming out to Jundo. Despite speaking in Shyriiwook, Jundo was adept at understanding languages spoke by aliens.

"Master Tyvokka, I am not going to make the boy into some kind of Jedi that you have to fear. My own master, Sid'anax'karth, trained me in the same way, honing my skills. Despite the fact that he spends most of his time away from the Order, focusing on the Force, he's still a Jedi."

"To your master about the way he wanted to train you, I also spoke. Against it just as I am now, I was. To be nurtured around others of his age, a youngling needs."

He was fighting a losing battle. All of them were against this, just as he had expected. However, a voice came up from Oppo Rancisis, an old friend of his who studied Jundo carefully.

"This is not related to his training, but how was the boy? Was he treated just the same as the other orphans when you picked him up?"

"I didn't see him specifically in the room he was using, but he didn't seem malnourished or abused. Though, had he stayed on the planet, I was told quiet explicitly that he would've remained an orphan until he came of age, where he most likely would've been rejected from society."

Letting out a small sigh, Oppo shook his head, his beard crumbling slightly.

"I never thought Salazar Manto would be the one to betray his people, though they can be misguided at times. In a way, I still can't believe it; there's some aspect to this I have some doubt on, but that's neither here nor there. I've spoken to the Blood Monarch and the Prime Minister and they both told me they want Mak to be kept away from coming back to the planet when he becomes a Jedi."

As the Council sadly looked on the fact, Omo Bouri spoke through the Force to Jundo.

"Tell me this, Master Mandas. Would the boy ever come back, or would he, as you, be given the rank of Knight and then rarely be part of this Order? You and your master do not partake in the duties of this Order, merely following your whims..."

He had thought on this long and hard, and they were right. However, they needed to know why he wanted Mak to come back.

"Mak Manto will return, when I believe he's ready for greater instruction, and I will instill in him the virtues of service to the Republic and the Galaxy. Though, I think we need to speak of the bantha in the room. This is not about me training Mak on some world far away from the Order, but from where I stand with the Force. This has to do with my following the Potentium."

An icy silence grew in the room and Jundo started to feel a cold sweat forming.

"The followers were expelled not that long ago because of their belief of studying the Force to its full potential. However, I don't believe one should try to study every aspect of the Force, which is why I think you didn't expel me."

"Whatever you think, Jundo, you are wrong. We ant this boy to be alright. If you're promising us that you will do that, that he will return one day, then I don't see why we can't grant you this."

As Master Rancisis looked at all of the Jedi, heads began to nod until it came to Master Yoda, who finally nodded, his voice mysterious.

"Your apprentice he is now, Jundo Mandas. May the Force be with you..."
Preparing for the trip had taken longer then he expected. There had only been a few select times that he had spent on Coruscant in the Temple and he was eager to get back into the Galaxy again. The only question was where he would train Mak, where they would live. He had thought it over for a long time, looking over the strengths and weaknesses of every planet, but in the end he had decided on Tatooine.

It was a tiny world of little importance, and with it being outside the veil of the Republic, it would allow for him and Mak to train in solidarity, honing Mak's skills under the harsh desert. Also, with the Hutts being a familiar presence on the planet, Jundo could also show what corruption and greed was like, illustrating the fact that slavery was still legal on many worlds.

Finally getting everything he needed, he came back to pick up Mak who had gone through a checkup by the healers. As a young knight handed him over, she smiled.

"He's a brave little Jedi. Be careful wherever you bring him, Master Mandas. He needs your guidance..."

"He'll be safe under my watch, I promise you."

Holding him in his arm, he waved to the girl, they took a small trip to the hangars before coming to his ship. As the Jedi loaded everything in, he looked at Mak, nodding.

"Well, little guy, looks like you and I are going to be spending a lot of time with one another for a long time. We've got a lot of work to do..."

As it was finished, Jundo and Mak got in, prepping the ship before it shot out and into the night sky, entering space in a matter of seconds before blasting off into hyperspace.
Two Years Later
Tatooine - Dune Sea

Stepping outside in the morning heat, Jundo looked over the desert sands, mopping his head with his robed arm, trying to understand how some people had managed to live on this planet for their entire lives. He was now beginning to think it was a mistake to come here, especially if he had to be here for another decade. Sighing, he lifted several stones nearby, the size of his head, to the front of their home. As they fell in the sand, Jundo began his work of setting up several smaller stones and several sticks were now sticking out of the sand.

Taking a large swig of water from a pouch on his belt, he shouted to the doorway, ready to begin the day and the training.

The first day of Mak's training...

"Mak, it's time! Come on outside!"
Slithering outside slowly, he peeked his head out first, looking around before he came outside, his tiny tail moving seamlessly on the sand. Seeing the rocks and the sticks, he thought that Master Mandas and him were going to play a game. Feeling excited, he looked up, smiling broadly.

"Hi, Master! Are we playing a new game today?"
"No, we're not playing a game. I don't know if you remember, but I told you once that there would be a day we would begin your training, Mak. Today is the first day of your training, and from here on in, you will become a Jedi."

"It will be very hard work and we have a lot to do to prepare you for the Galaxy, my young apprentice."

In two years, Mak had grown quickly, but despite the fact Jundo thought he was ready for training, Mak still looked extremely small among the rocks. Standing at only three feet tall, there was no beard yet on his face, the reptilian skin appearing out from underneath his deep auburn hair.

"Tell me, Mak: do you remember what I told you about the Force?"

Looking at his tail, he was momentarily distracted by the rocks as they shifted slightly in the sand. Looking back up at his master, he opened his mouth several times before giving what he thought would be the best answer.

"Well, you said it was a great, big power! That it's everywhere! But, Master, if it's everywhere, why can't I see it? I've been looking for it whenever I can but I can't find it!"
Laughing loudly, he wiped his eyes for a second as he understood that a child's mind was one that was still growing and that most likely he would be telling Mak the same thing over the course of some time until it became rooted in his mind.

"The Force is an energy field, Mak. You can't see it, nobody can, but it surrounds everything. It's created by all living things; every person, every animal, every creature and being from the largest to the smallest helps create the Force, Mak. And we, as Jedi, can use the Force. We can do many things with it. You've seen me use it before, and with enough training, you'll be able to use it too."
"I'll be able to lift stuff too?!"

He had seen Master Mandas use it many times, whether he was moving Mak's toys or doing work around their home. He had always been excited to see the objects float silently in the air as his master kept his hand up.

He had even tried to do it himself, but when he had lifted his hand, nothing moved.
"You'll be able to do MUCH MORE than that, but it comes down to patience, my apprentice. Patience means you have to wait for something to come. If you want to use the Force like I can, you will need to study hard, Mak. You will need to train..."

"So, to begin your training, I want you to come over here. I want you to lift these four rocks in your four hands."
Slithering slowly, he came to where the stones were and as he picked one up, he gasped at how heavy it was. Not too heavy for him to hold, but heavy enough. As he picked up the other three, he stood up and looked at Jundo.

"What do I do now, Master?"
Lifting them up, he struggled for a few seconds as he felt tired just by lifting them above his head. A moment later, his hands fell back to where they had been. As the child breathed hard, Mak looked up.

"What do I do now, Master?"
"Keep lifting them, Mak. Lift them up and down until you're completely worn out. I want you to take a drink of water every three minutes, but that's all I want you to do."

Lifting them up again, he dropped them back onto the ground before repeating the process over again. Over the course of five hours, he continued to do this until the sun had crept down behind the rising dunes and the stars had begun to shine above in the black sky.

When he heard Jundo call for him to come in, Mak slithered slowly before coming to the dinner table and sitting down, laying his head on the table.

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