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Approved Tech The lieutenants blades

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King of Pumpkins

  • Intent: To create lightsabres for Rex's lieutenants
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Lightsaber
  • Manufacturer: Rex Taff.
  • Affiliation: Rex Taff Closed-Market
  • Model: The lieutenants blades
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Songsteel, lightsaber components.
  • Classification: Lightsabre
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Can cut through many materials with relative ease.
  • Operates under water.
  • Incineration Crystal’s blade can cause targets to burst into flames.
  • The blade won't be affected by Cortosis
  • Can Cut through cortosis
  • The blade has a thinner core almost half the blades width is gone making it harder to block blaster bolts
  • The fact that the blades are curved will have further blaster deflecting downsides
Rex created these in the same way he had the lightsabres that eventually went to his son Tom Taff. Except this time he made 10 of them for his 10 lieutenants. These Ten were to defend him and be his hands, eyes and ears within the galaxy and as such at times Rex realised they would go up against many people who would uses all kind of weapons including ones with cortosis blades. He had also heard his son had made some of them. Not that they should fight him but if they have to at least they are prepared.

The lightsabre Contains a Blackwing crystal making it's blade a smokey black colouration. Rex thought this colours were in fact perfect to show the way he taught his lieutenants with the Dark. The Lightsabre's blade can cause opponents to burst into flames however it does cause the blade to have a thinner core. Due to the Mestare crystals makes the lightsabre's blade immune to cortosis, as if the sabers had been made without dimetris circuits.


Well-Known Member
[member="Rex Taff"]

Rex Taff said:
Blackwing Crystal Incineration Crystal Mestare Crystal.
  • Link these crystals, please.
The Mestare wiki page has this:
It was said that lightsabers which utilized these crystals could cut through cortosis, a lightsaber-resistant metal. The unique crystals were also known to make the lightsaber blades curved.
  • You need to add under strengths that this can cut through cortosis
  • The fact that the blades are curved will have further blaster deflecting downsides, so make sure to include it under the existent Weakness.

Rex Taff said:
Hilt is shorter than normal, allowing for only a single handed grip on the shoto.
  • If they are shotos, wouldn't they have shorter blades as well?


King of Pumpkins
Linked the crystals
Added the weakness and Strength
That last weakness was a hold over from the prior design I had in mind. I however wish for them to be proper lightsabres and not shotos
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