Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Legend of the Sword - An Enclave Story

Hey Vren great memory there. I'd almost forgot that. As for when to start and post, I'm good with anything considering I'm usually able to check this website at least once a day to catch up and respond. So whenever you want to start, I'm ready to play...

Oh and hi Jhira. I've missed you as well. :)
Sounds awesome. I'd love to jump in and have Corbin meet him (BTW, Corbin's grandfather's name was Kel, which makes Corbin's father a "Kelborn" lol) but I'm still building NPCs and equipment for his background. Don't yet even have the ship built to leave Susevfi, nor an actual reason to leave (other than adventure).
Sounds awesome. I'd love to jump in and have Corbin meet him (BTW, Corbin's grandfather's name was Kel, which makes Corbin's father a "Kelborn" lol) but I'm still building NPCs and equipment for his background. Don't yet even have the ship built to leave Susevfi, nor an actual reason to leave (other than adventure).

That sounds fun. We're pretty loaded up for this adventure, but if an opening turns up i'll let you know. :) Nice to see another Clan Kelborn member. Feel free to check out my clan sub in my sig.

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