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The Mandalorian Enclave

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The Karjr | Roster & Information


[ Updated 6.29.2023 ]

The Mandalorian people are the type that self-govern. No government intervention is needed when each and every citizen is able to defend their life, property, and family. Petty theft does not occur when the punishment is the smoking end of the barrel. Quarrels are settled through honorable duels, in controlled environments. In such an armed society, peace is ironically found.

But the Galaxy does not conform to Mandalorian cultural norms, and there is no region more chaotic than that of the Outer Rim. For decades criminals have run rampant, warlords have subjugated helpless systems under their tyranny, and the people of the Outer Rim have suffered. Under the Mandalorian Enclave, this persecution will go on no longer.

With this mandate, the Karjr make their mark on the galaxy.

What are the Karjr?
The Karjr are warriors of the Enclave that work as lone wolves patrolling the Frontier. A mix of Journeyman Protector, Bounty Hunter, and Spy, the Karjr are dedicated agents who work to enforce the Enclave's will and maintain order along the Frontier.

Karjr spends their time patrolling different worlds, hunting after high-value targets posted on Enclave's bounty board for monetary compensation, and managing the Enclave's intelligence network. Most often Karjr work alone and improvise as they go, as opposed to the battle units in the Enclave's military. Overseeing their operations, coordinating hunts and intel is the Karjr Guildmaster, Vren Rook Vren Rook .


  • Law Enforcement: The Karjr are the marshals of the Enclave, and as deputies serve as lawmen on worlds without. They are given the reins and authority to curb criminal activity, and Karjr are most at home on frontier worlds where their presence is the only sort of Justice that its inhabitants know.
  • Bounty Hunting: Karjr are often commissioned by Guild headquarters to hunt high-value targets, whether these be Sith or troublesome criminal individuals. These priority targets are often notorious individuals that have eluded capture or are wanted for crimes against the Enclave.
  • Covert Intelligence: The Karjr make up a good degree of the Enclave's intelligence network. It is their reconnaissance reports that allow the Enclave to survey potential threats throughout a galaxy and keep tabs on the shifting tides of the underworld. Mandalorians who are adept at slicing and data manipulation also find their home in the Karjr Guild, putting their skills to use to slice into holonetworks and keep tabs on enemies across the stars.
As a Karjr completes mission objectives and works for the Enclave, they gain a reputation in the form of Infamy. Infamy tiers indicate Karjr who have performed valuable services as well as showing their level of profession, skill, and dedication to their duties.

As the roles and lives of a Karjr are not strictly bound by rule or procedure, neither is infamy. To earn infamy levels, one must write in a thread against another writer who is adversarial towards the Enclave. It may be the completion of an Enclave-sanctioned bounty, or the defense of an Enclave territory against smugglers, pirates, and whatnot. It may come in the form of espionage in a thread with player-character opponents. So long as it consists of a completed thread against other writers, it will earn your character infamy.

As your character progresses in their reputation, special signature bling is available to display your infamy for the galaxy to see. Currently, there are three tiers beyond the base tier, but that may be subject to change.

Tier I - Base

  • zZPhR8Y.png
Tier II - Vaunted
  • 9j815Jz.png
Tier III - Renown
  • rxsjdyO.png
Tier IV - Infamous
  • xwHWT8G.png

Use the below template to apply for Infamy level rank-ups. Happy hunting!
  • Current Infamy Level: [Put your current infamy level, numerically or by its title].
  • Thread: [Link the relevant thread here].
  • Action Report: [Give a brief summary of the thread. You can be creative and treat this as an IC report filed or not, but be sure to include named characters involved, setting, location, mission objectives, results, etc.].


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Current Infamy Level : I // Karjr
Thread : Blood Debt
Action Report : Siv Dragr, Volo Dragr and Obran Dragr all engaged in combat against the King of Panatha and the Imperial Guard during the Invasion of Panatha. The entirety of the Imperial Guard, as well as the King of Panatha, were eliminated.

Following this, the Dark Lord Carnifex unexpectedly arrived, and engaged the Mandalorians in combat, as well as sudden-appearance. Eternal Empress Ingrid L'lerim.

The Death Squad was considerably successful given the losses of Unknown Soldiers, however, failed to capture or eliminate the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord was, however, successfully removed from the Battlefield through the sacrifice of Volo Dragr and Obran Dragr, who are claimed to have dragged the Sith Lord to the Netherworld with their bare hands.

Volo Dragr returned from the Netherworld at a far later date, having spent a period of roughly a year in the Netherworld, equivalent to less than two months in Real Time. Volo Dragr emerged with an amputated right arm, and an advanced, gangrenous infection requiring the amputation of both legs below the midthigh.
  • Current Infamy Level: I // Karjr
  • Thread: Blood Debt
  • Action Report: Siv Dragr, Volo Dragr, and Obran Dragr encountered VIPs Darth Carnifex and Ingrid L'lerim. Both VIPs were injured but escaped via a conjured Netherworld portal. Said Netherworld portal also consumed Volo Dragr and Obran Dragr, leaving Siv as the sole survivor of the encounter. Volo Dragr would later return from the Netherworld.
Current Infamy Level : II // Vaunted
Thread : Cloning Business

Action Report : Guildmaster Volo Dragr, after being diverted from a lesser bounty on the planet of Roon, engaged a faction of raiders belonging to an unknown organisation disguised as the Maw. Volo Dragr, along with fellow Enclave forces and Planetary Defense Forces, successfully defended the planet of Kamino from the raiders. Guildmaster Volo Dragr was singlehandedly responsible for over twenty raider casualties within the opening of combat, as well as the retreat of a sizeable raider group; including a bladewielder, and atleast one transport ship.

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