The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister

Image Source: http://media1.gamein...hipsAnn-610.jpg
Affiliation: Judas Zambrano
Manufacturer: Darkthrone Arialyard
Model: None
Modularity: Whatever Judas feels like adding to this baby.
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel,
Classification: Spy Ship
Length: 300 meters
Width: 75 meters
Height: 40 meters
Offensive Battery: 8
4 - Quad Turbolaser
4 - Ion Cannons
Orbital Battery: 0
Missiles Launchers: 0
Defensive Battery: 8
4 - Flak Cannons
4 - Sparkers
1 - starfighter
1 - small freighter
Special Features:
Universal Transceiver Package
Maneuverability Rating: 10
Speed Rating: 10
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Spyware - This thing was built for spying. and holds above standard sensors
It Standard - It maybe a personal ship, but its not built for warfare. Anything for war could easily destroy this ship.
Description: The Iscariot was built for the Crimson Agent's spying missions, built to be fast, and in conspicuous, it holds spyware inside to scan coms, and locate ships from afar.
Its got a standard everything but its sensors.
It's a one of a kind in it's design, and built to his specs.
Development Thread: N/A
Who Can Use This: Judas Zambrano
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