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Rimward Trade League

A better, brighter Outer Rim through commerce, cooperation, and diplomacy

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The Irregulars: ORION, Privateers, and the Underground

A holdover from the days of the Outer Rim Coalition, ORION was founded by Veino Garn to coordinate the various intelligence-gathering agencies of the Coalition. While they were crippled when the Coalition was dissolved, Veino has rebuilt them as the League's primary intelligence apparatus. They have their own special operations group, one of the best trained in the Outer Rim, but also work covertly through a wide variety of smaller agencies from which they funnel information to the top. Organized into cells, ORION is fluid, flexible, and prepared to wage guerilla war against imperialists, identify far-ranging syndicates and target them for elimination, or stage raids against enemy locations.

Originally cobbled together from various local intelligence agencies, the League has helped it reform and streamline its operations into something more akin to a centralized intelligence agency. While still operating via local system intelligence agencies, ORION has begun a standardized training program and resources to help make the process more efficient. ORION ACTUAL is the organization's center, acting as the primary headquarters, decision-making, and analysis group. Not bound to a specific location, ORION ACTUAL is those who perform these tasks, often operating out of various locations across the League.

Beneath them are the various intelligence agencies of the member systems, who operate in their own way and with their skills and abilities, reflecting the emphasis on diversity and flexibility the League prioritizes.

The Huntsmen work directly for ORION ACTUAL, highly trained in infiltration, special reconnaissance, and covert special operations. ORION ACTUAL often works directly with the privateers, with many League observers being undercover ORION agents, helping keep the privateers abreast of the most recent intelligence and information.

Additionally, there are five more divisions of ORION ACTUAL:

  • Analysis: Focuses on collecting gathered intelligence and analyzing their meaning, accuracy, and reliability.
  • Technology: Focuses on developing new technologies for ORION and developing means of countering hostile technology.
  • Signals: Focuses on electronic and holonet communications, and comprises most of ORION's non-field slicers. Performs cyber-ops and cyber-defense.
  • Infiltration: The overarching department for most ORION operatives, Infil focuses on human intelligence gathered through direct spying, networks of informers, and Huntsmen recon missions.
  • Naval Intelligence: A recent addition to ORION ACTUAL, the naval intelligence division consists of a combination of elements from the other four divisions in long-range roving intelligence-gathering vessels, generally called Q-Ships, but as in the Seswenna operation, can also tap into naval assets to work undercover and from hiding.




Not as well known or professional as the Defense Forces, the privateers are the long arm of the League. Former pirates, merchants, adventurers, or level-headed professionals, these are those who accept a letter of marque and reprisal from the Rimward Trade League Council, authorizing them to target, raid, capture, and destroy ships belonging to those the Council judges to be a threat. They are bound by strict contractual stipulations on who they can attack and how they are permitted to behave, but in exchange, they are paid prize money for ship and cargo captured from the enemy when they are sold at auction, and they are often not bound by the strict chains of command and discipline of a professional military force. They also work as a buffer between the League and the actions of supported Underground cells, generally being the unofficial liaison between them.

The League Council & Admiralty Court recognizes privateers' right to operate anywhere across the galaxy in pursuit of their designated targets. Likewise, it recognizes the legitimacy of privateers from other governments, considering them auxiliary combatants. Many of the privateers within the League focus on hunting small-time, local pirates, but the biggest can be sizable private military corporations with shareholders, boards of directors, and steady wages. The boldest will go after hostile militaries, preying on their supply lines, logistics, and lightly defended outposts or working with the Ranger Service and Joint Strategic Command as auxiliaries, scouts, or guerillas.

Authorized Targets:
The Sith Order
The Final Dawn
Black Sun (Known crime syndicate)



Dating back years, the Underground was formed from the leadership of many individuals during the One Sith War, notably Jorus Merril, as a grassroots resistance movement that struck against the One Sith.

It has evolved and grown over time, eventually becoming the foundation of the Outer Rim Coalition, and even after its dissolution, the Underground remained scattered throughout the galaxy.

With the resurgence of both the Sith and the Imperials in the galaxy, the Underground awakens to be ready once again to ensure the torch of liberty never dies.

With the dissolution of many of the galaxy's superpowers, much of the galaxy finds itself free from the control of massive governments. Still, many take advantage of that- warlords, megacorps, syndicates, and cartels. The League can only do so much and many of their resources are tied up in protecting against the Sith.

But the rest of the galaxy is not left alone. The Underground has always been grassroots, decentralized, and fought against oppression.

That has not ended- with new Underground cells being established on Dolstan, Dorin, and Kal'shebool. Cells operate independently but may coordinate, working out of shadowports, stations, and local communities.

The League and the Underground are separate entities but have close historical connections. Many preceding governments and groups that helped establish the League can be traced back to the original Underground started by Jorus Merrill. The Underground was established well in the Western Reaches and Trailing Sectors.

Many members of the League government services may have once been members of the Underground and likely still have strong sympathies. Officially, the League does not recognize the existence of the Underground but may occasionally send intelligence and resources to known Underground leaders and do what they can to support further flung Underground cells in other areas of the galaxy. The League's Joint Strategic Command may also send special forces to connect with local Underground cells to assist or provide critical training and supplies, but technology also designed for the Underground has found its way into the League supply chains.

Primary Role:
Any Specialty:
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