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The Iron Imperial Navy [The Iron Empire]

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Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm


Faction Link

"From Iron, comes Strength

From Strength, comes Will
From Will, comes Faith
From Faith, comes Honour
From Honour, comes Iron
This is the Unbreakable Litany, and may it forever be so."


What is the Iron Imperial Navy?

The Iron Imperial Navy, also known as the Iron Imperial Fleet, is the space warfare branch of the Iron Imperial Military. It was among the first branches created, following the Iron Empire's inception. Initially, the bulk of the Navy was comprised of former-One Sith personnel, and ships. Defectors, who had followed their Military Executor into exile. However, following the liberation of such entities as the Chiss Ascendancy, and Republic of Mayferria, the Iron Imperial Navy welcomed them among their ranks.


What are their duties?

In essence, the Iron Imperial Navy acts as the shield which protects the Iron Realm. Their mighty ships patrol the borders, defend the vital trade-routes between planets, and bolster the planetary governments in times of crisis. They do so, to protect the Iron Empire's worlds, from the threats beyond.

What forces do the Iron Empire's vassals contribute?

The Chiss Ascendancy

As the largest of the Iron Empire's vassals, the Chiss Ascendancy supplies the bulk of the vassal-contribution to the Iron Imperial Navy. Currently, it is estimated that one-in-eight Iron Imperial ships, hail from the Chiss Ascendancy. Additionally, the largest of the Chiss Ascendancy's shipyards, the Copero Shipyard, aids the Iron Empire in the manufacture of new, and powerful, warships.


The Republic of Mayferria

The single-planet Republic of Mayferria stands as the smallest of Iron Imperial vassals. As such, the planet only contributes a handful of vessels to the Iron Imperial Navy. Though comparatively weak, the small Republic has begun the construction of new vessels, with the aid of the Iron Empire, so that it may better defend itself, in the event of another attack.
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