Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Iris of Ligier

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The Iris is open...


  • Name: Iris of Ligier
  • Manufacturer: An ancient and unspeakable evil millennia ago
  • Affiliation: Darth Voracitos, the Coven of Gluttony
  • Modularity: NO

  • Production: Unique (Only One Character)
  • Material: Gold, Alchemical Gold
  • Classification: Artifact
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Gateway to Lieger, Hell's Green Sun
  • Rift of Horror - Before the Rifts of Akala, there was the Iris of Ligier, an artifact that acted as a gateway directly to the netherworld of the force, specifically Chaos. Unfortunately for the evil thing which constructed this Rift, it was not aware of the exact contents of Chaos, or that it possessed a repressive and seemingly sentient being of malignant dramatic energy known as "Ligier". There are some things in this universe no living mortal was intended to see, and the "Green Sun of Chaos" was one such thing which would drive any living creature to the limits of sanity to comprehend. Its rays of belligerence pour out of the Iris and cause a blight upon all it touches, freezing and boiling, chilling and burning. Additionally, the eldritch nature of Ligier's relative distance and place in time creates an everlasting void between itself and the gateway to the Iris, a void not only of space and time but of the force itself. The void, needing to be filled, will then cause the local influence of the force to fall into the Iris of Ligier, at such a rate as to metaphorically "devour the force itself" from the material plane in a localized sphere. This unnatural stripping of the force creates in its wake, wounds in the force so potent, as to make even the inanimate temporarily force dead. Luckily, the Iris is prone to shutting on its own (perhaps from the influence of Ligier itself?), or else terrible things would happen...

  • Rift of Horror - It would seem to be, that attempting to open a portal nearest to the paradoxical approximation of a "Star" in the spiritual hell of the darkside of the force, is a notoriously bad idea for everyone involved. In fact, it might even be worse for the one who decides to open it, as a prerequisite to opening the Iris requires that one create a force bond to it before they can physically open the Iris (note, this must be done physically and specifically by the bonded individual, no amount of force power will open the Iris and activate its effects). A force bonded individual will also incur additional adverse effects if they are (inevitably) caught in the blast radius, their force bond taking priority over everything else when it comes to the destruction of the force energy present around the Iris, immediately removing their ability to turn the Iris off through their connection. So it comes as no surprise, that once it opens, it almost certainly spells doom to the one who opens it. The range of the actual rift, however, is rather limited (though inconsistent), causing havoc in an area no larger than a castle, before promptly shutting itself at its most "dramatic" moment.
  • Temporary - For all the shock and awe of tearing a hole through reality into the Eldritch Star of Chaos, the harrowing effects of opening the Iris will eventually subside and be returned to its natural state over the course of years or decades depending on the length of its opening time, and the severity of damage to life it has caused.


The lengths to which an individual may go to control their destiny beyond the grave have been extended further and further as time has gone on, but the farthest reach has always been immemorial. It is suspected that this artifact of... horror, was once the first step in understanding the true nature of the force and its various realms of existence. Perhaps the maker believed that in creating this rift in space, time, and the force, would give them access to a new plane of existence in which that individual might be given a power unlimited in the material realm, god-like influence over reality itself.

Their ultimate fate was far shorter and ultimately not nearly as dramatic.

The legacy of their folly, however, would continue for an eternity, as this dark side object would sit in waiting, or wander in the hands of the mundane, blissfully ignorant of the terror they held in the palm of their hands. It wouldn't be until some foolish cult of the dark side would sense the dripping wrongness of the artifact, that the Iris would be opened again, wiping out its "wielders" and starting the cycle anew. The destiny of the Iris was to consume those foolish enough to think they could control theirs.

All destiny's lead to the Iris of Ligier, inevitably, either in the material plane or upon their death and reclamation in the Netherworld of the Force... or under imprisonment in Chaos below the dramatic ironies of Ligier, the star-thing.

Somehow, some way, the Iris of Ligier found itself unopened in the deepest bowels of Moridin's Citadel. Despite the power of the artifact, it was deemed useless to him, given its patently self-destructive nature... and thus left there as a trap for some foolish cult to fawn over it in ransacking his former bastion.

That cult, of course, would be the Coven of Gluttony, in the hands of Darth Voracitos...


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Voracitos"]

This is, um, powerful. And y'know, potential for abuse, yadda yadda. To avoid that, I'll need you to address some questions/issues.

Darth Voracitos said:
The void, needing to be filled, will then cause the local influence of the force to fall into the Iris of Ligier, at such a rate as to metaphorically "devour the force itself" from the material plane in a localized sphere. This unnatural stripping of the force creates in its wake, wounds in the force so potent, as to make even the inanimate temporarily force dead. Luckily, the Iris is prone to shutting on its own (perhaps from the influence of Ligier itself?), or else terrible things would happen...
  • How quickly does this portal to Chaos drain the Force from its surroundings?
  • Can people actually willingly walk through said portal to enter Chaos?
  • How long, at most, can the Iris stay open?
Darth Voracitos said:
The Force Bond will not only be severed, but will drag the very spirit and force energy of the bonded individual into the depths of Ligier, regardless of their spatial or "temporal" distance from the object. Space and time are no object to such an aberrant entity.
  • We can't force effects on people, so I'll need this passage to be less absolute.
  • How does this artifact behave with regards to Force-nullifying effects (Ysalamiri, Voidstone, Yuuzhan Vong..)?
  • Does its alchemical nature confer any other traits to the artifact beyond its ability to open a portal?
  • How does Force Light (and similar Light-sided powers) affect this artifact?
  1. Rate of Consumption: I would quantify that the rate at which it consumes the force to the point it creates wounds in the force, would be one square meter per second. However, one would feel the force weakened fifty meters away once it opens.
  2. Portal to Chaos: Beyond the physical constraints that the medallion is the size of a fist, the only place they would be going is to the infernal radiance of Ligier. They'd be unable to "fall" anywhere else.
  3. Maximum Time Opened: Based on the rate of total consumption above, I would say that any time less than ten minutes (600 seconds = 600 square meters) would be the maximum amount of time it could potentially be open. A large castle is generally within the range of 30,000 square meters and upwards, and although within 600 square meters the force is most effected, the force will feel "weaker" at an absolute maximum range of 30,000 square meters assuming it is open for the full amount of time. Since this artifact is intended to be found in Moridin's Citadel, I want it to be an environmental hazard that can be felt from far away even if no direct effects are attributed.
  4. Absolute Passage: So, I'm not sure how to make it less absolute, as the entire point of that weakness was to prevent someone from remotely causing it to open outside of its range, and thus avoid all consequences of unleashing this terrible power. It is intended to be so horrendously dangerous, that no one who values their life and knows the effects of the artifact, would open it. Only someone who would willingly sacrifice themselves to open it, would be realistically able to. I am open to suggestions here on how to change the language, or to altogether achieve the same desired effect through a different less absolute (and more implied) means. For instance, would making it only capable of being opened physically (not through the force) be acceptable, so that the above is still true (they will be within the direct range of the device and will likely parish as a result of their actions) but without absolute language?
  5. Force Nullifying Effects: Since the Yuuzhan Vong already live with an absence of the force (Force Dead individuals included), they will be unaffected by the effects of the force drain or the wound in the force that results from it. They will be however, effected by the radiance of Ligier (burn/freeze) should it strike them (similar to how they are vulnerable to force lightning). Void stone will effectively slow down both the rate of consumption and dampen the effects of Ligier's radiance the closer those effects reach the center of the void stone (until they are unable to exert meaningful influence beyond it). Ysalamiri however, live in the force and their "force neutral" effect is generated by their influence in it, thus when the environmental force is drained into the Iris, their bubble will eventually go with it (and thus will parish once their bubble completely dissipates), especially the closer to the Iris they are. Their bubble however, for however long it lasts, will completely block out the effects of Ligier's radiance (similar to force lightning). One thing though: If the artifact is placed into a force nullifying field of any kind prior to it opening, it will be rendered inoperable, and physically be incapable of being opened.
  6. Alchemical Nature: It confers the usual durability of alchemy whenever the Iris is closed. Once it is open, it is effected by itself just like everything else. Perhaps this is what could be the cause for it closing, that over time eventually the alchemical enchantment that creates the rift is temporarily suppressed by the rift itself, causing it to close. So, theoretically the Iris could be physically damaged once it is opened, given enough time and damage, causing it to close prematurely.
  7. Force Light: While the Iris is closed, Force Light will destroy it outright. Once it is opened, there will be very few if any force users capable of commanding the force into the influence of the rift to destroy the artifact, unless they had access to something like the Marrow Talismans that allows them to command the force in a Force Wound. Since the Talismans are created by and for the Sith to begin with, the likelihood of a Jedi or lightsider destroying the Iris with Force Light while it is open, is basically zero.

I hope I have answered all your questions to satisfaction, and I will make the accompanying edits should they be satisfactory.


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Voracitos"]

Darth Voracitos said:
Rate of Consumption: I would quantify that the rate at which it consumes the force to the point it creates wounds in the force, would be one square meter per second. However, one would feel the force weakened fifty meters away once it opens.
  • So just to be clear; this 'Force consumption' is only temporary, correct? Once the Eye closes again, the area and/or people return to their previous state in the Force. (Although they're probably disoriented, weakened, maybe a tad crazy, etc.)

Darth Voracitos said:
For instance, would making it only capable of being opened physically (not through the force) be acceptable, so that the above is still true (they will be within the direct range of the device and will likely parish as a result of their actions) but without absolute language?
  • That would go a long way, yeah. Because as it currently stands you could have someone open this from far away and screw over a bunch of people standing next to it, or some other similar scenario.
The rest is fine. Make the edits, tag me, and this should be good to go. :)


Well-Known Member
Moved to Factory Archives - If you want to remove from the archives, please feel free to tag [member="Jamie Pyne"], [member="Zef Halo"] or [member="Lily Kuhn"].
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