Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Imperial Seeker - Bastion

"Hey, I told you I'm not going to kill you. Not into that particular kink... but if you are I'd be happy to comply," she said, nudging him with her elbow. Made her wonder about the Sith's fetishes. Perhaps she'd ask later. "Just because you can't do something doesn't mean you can't be interested in it. Why do you think people read, or watch holoflicks?" She didn't really want him asking questions.

But for the moment she listened to him describe the Sith Academy, and she was interested to say the least. A cutthroat learning environment? Sounded like her kind of thing. "Cool," was all she muttered.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"I don't.. No. I don't have kinks. Just, no." Kahlil was even more flustered then before, his voice stuttering. He was certainly uncomfortable with how much the woman clinging to his arm was teasing him, and relished in the change of subject. "I can't say I do. I'm focused only on my studies of the Dark to better my spells. If I'm strong enough, people don't try to kill me." A simple get stronger to stay alive, that was the whole of his life.

"Cool? I really misjudged you. Perhaps you should try to be a Sith, huh?" There was a dry chuckle as he thought about it. A non force user as a Sith? Would be pretty interesting to see.
Kelsie simply chuckled at his reaction. Men. Ha.

"Strength, huh?" The young woman went along with the change in subject, not particularly bothering with it. If he was comfortable talking about himself, sure, so long as she didn't need to talk about herself. "I mean, the best way to get stronger is to have people after you. Maybe I could help you out," she said with a little grin, nudging him with her elbow again.

"Pfft. Me, a Sith? Not my kind of thing, bud. I'm just some little nobody, probably always will be. Being some spooky Force-user is bound to get me on a watch list, and after what I just went through to get off them it's not really top of my priorities."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"Sure. Always alone, always strong." Kahlil muttered a response, a rather solemn look taking over his features. He barely reacted to her elbow, lost in his own mind for a moment before snapping to. "Yeah, sure. You can shoot me in the back again." The Sith glanced down to her with a dull expression, still not completely pleased with how this.. Date, was going. He never did like being at the mercy of another.

"It's good you're not on a watch list anymore. Maybe you can finally be free enough to be more."
The young woman paused for a moment, watching Kahlil's expression. It was true, in a way. It was what she'd been raised to believe. But now she knew otherwise. "Y'know, that's where you're wrong," she stated. "Being alone leaves you weak. Most people don't get that."

She didn't really comment on his little jab, returning the rather deadpan expression with one of her own. Just to let him know she was entirely willing to do it again... not that she actually wanted to, of course. Shooting people didn't give her the same rush as... other ways.

"Yep. But first I want to be free enough to go to a cafe and get some caffeine. You're supposed to be leading me, mm?" She nudged him again, basically handing him the reins to lead her to wherever the place was.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
Kahlil raised a brow curiously as [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] spoke, his eyes suddenly scanning her features with an actual interest in who she was. What she said aloud was something he had been thinking on ever since he had become a Knight of the Sith. "You're surprisingly sincere when you want to be." For the first time since the pair started this weird adventure he gave her a genuine smile.

He turned his attention back to the task at hand. They had actually been walking towards a guard post, Kahlil subtly guiding them in a way that would hide it from view until the last moment. But they'd pass right by, heading towards a little Cafe that Kahlil had mentioned seemingly so long ago. Near one of the wide windows to overlook the spaceport he sat them at a small lone table.

"What do ya want?"
"Mhmm. Just happens sometimes." She paused once more, then flashed her cheeky, disarming smile. She really didn't talk sincerely often enough, perhaps this was time to start... to live a more real, fulfilling life. After all, what else was there for her to do?

Kelsie hadn't really noticed the guard post, but she didn't really care, either. She walked alongside him and eventually let go of his arm as they reached the table of the cafe. She sat down across from him but shifted in her seat to look out the window at the spaceport, watching the little ships come and go.

"Oh, you're paying? The most expensive coffee they have," she said in a rather joking tone, flashing that perfect smile again. "Just some coffee. Or caf. Double double either way."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"You sure? I could get some gold flakes put in. Make it super expensive." He offered a kind smile before turning from the table towards the counter. For a split second the idea of turning on [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] crossed his mind. As he stopped before the Barista Kahlil knew he could turn and simply wipe the woman away at this range. The Sith pushed down the idea though as he brought their drinks to the table.

Hers, a double double caf.

His? Some starbucks crazyness with whipped cream, some sort of swirl, and a headache for the poor Barista who made it.

Kahlil idly sipped his own drink, staring out at the ships with the faintest of smiles. For the first time since she shot him he seemed relaxed. "Sorry about your ship by the by."
"Gold flakes? Pfft, I bet you put milk in your cereal too," she joked, still with that cheeky little grin. She watched as he went off to the bar -- and for a moment, her hand began to move into her jacket to rest on the handle of her blaster. But as soon as he returned her hands were placed on the table, eagerly taking the cup of caf. She drank, let out a small, satisfied sigh, her gaze following his as she looked back out at the spaceport.

"Eh, it's fine. I can get it fixed later... nasty stuff, that sorcery of yours," she said, taking another sip of her caf. Sweet enough, creamy enough. Bastion sure had some nice cafes.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"As a matter of fact, I do." Kahlil gave a grin, watching her for a moment before turning his gaze back out to the spaceport. He had spent some days actually doing this without being held at gunpoint. It was.. Relaxing to watch the people who's only concern was themselves, going about their daily lives without a concern of the greater galaxy around them. What he wouldn't give to have a day like that.

"Sorcery is a dark thing. Destruction, fear. That's all it's good for."
Kelsie chuckled softly. Spaceports were curious things to her. As much legitimate, head-down day-to-day business happened here there was just as much shady dealings and crap like Kahlil and Kelsie messing around in the hangar. She could never have a normal life, no, at least not with what she knew. Maybe someday she'd find a way to wipe her own memory and settle someplace quiet. Big open spaces... and she'd farm. Wouldn't that be something.

"So why do you use it? You don't strike me as the evil dark lord type." She put down her caf and then raised her hands, forming sorts of paws and acting like some giant evil lizard. "Raa! I am Kahlil and I am here to destroy you all with my sorcerous powers!"

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"Because my father's the Emperor." The smile Kahlil had was completely gone now, replaced with a more.. Resigned look. The look of a man who had decided he could not go against his fate. "As a Zambrano I'm expected to be strong. The strongest of all Sith's blood is in my veins. But unlike my brothers and sisters who could crush a man with one hand or cut someone down in the blink of an eye, I'm weak."

The young Sith looked down at his hands. Soft hands. Hands of someone who hadn't worked a day in their life. In truth he hadn't, but only because his body couldn't handle the strain. "But these spells, that I can do. With them I'm not the failure of the flock."
"Right." Too bad, she was trying to lead him to believe that she didn't know who he was. She hadn't, at least, until a few minutes ago. But by watching Kahlil's expression and hearing his words she realized how little she knew.

She'd been raised to believe that the child of an Emperor was a position of prestige, the sort of thing she should work towards. It was too easy to forget the struggles of others. "You work too much towards the expectations of others. Maybe instead of... trying to be the Emperor's son, you should try something else. Something that isn't so strong or weak, but rather... for yourself." She spoke softly, almost wistfully. Kelsie now had a chance to do that. To be herself, to do things for herself. Others should be like that, too.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Kahlil forced a smile to [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] . To him it wasn't that easy. He was marked with the name of his father, the knowledge that no matter where he went someone would recognize him. He sipped at his drink again, as if trying to distract himself from the thoughts in his head. "I've nowhere to go, nor the slightest idea on what I could do. The most I'm good for is being a monster."

The Sith then blinked, rubbing the back of his head in a rather embarrassed manner. "Ah, but I'm suppose to be showing you a good time, right? That's what a coffee date is from what little I've read on it. Despite you shooting me in the back, it's been nice. Nothing like the threat of death to get rid of the mask right?"
Kelsie listened to him, his rather resigned attitude bringing her down a little, too. "That's wrong. You have a choice." It was true. Everyone has a choice.

His little comment broke her slightly more serious tone and she smirked. "Nothing like it... but who reads about coffee dates?" She paused to take a sip of her caf, thinking about past coffee dates. When was her last one? Probably too long ago. "Actually, it's fine. People don't get real enough, especially around me. And hey, if I can help you figure yourself out, it's worth my time," she said, flashing... well, a genuine, warm smile.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"Well, I like reading. There were a couple romance books I got my hands on in between my studies that were of some interest." He offered the simplest of shrugs he could muster before drinking his frozen monstrosity that was an iced coffee. Was she right? Was it as simple as choosing to live free? He toyed with the idea in his mind for a moment, almost missing what [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] said.

But he heard her. He turned back, blinking slow at her smile. It was different from the others she had given. "Might be a bit forward of me, but do you need a crew?"
"Pfft. That's no way to learn about how to go on a date," she said with a small chuckle. Kelsie learned from experience... it was odd experience, but she practiced for years to be the unflappable, beautiful young woman that sat before Kahlil then.

His question caught her slightly off guard, and she blinked several times as she processed what he just said. "You... want to be crew on my ship?" She had no crew, and she didn't exactly need any, but she did have an empty room. Did she trust this guy enough? She thought back to long ago... try to be trusting, open. Core to being a good person, a wise person. The sort of person who could change another's life.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
There was a nervous laugh from Kahlil as [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] questioned his intention. He awkwardly stared out the window again, scratching at his cheek. "Ah, yeah. I figure the best way out of here is with someone who's planning the same. Though, I guess that'd be a bit much. You're tryin to escape all this. Last thing you need is someone like me tagging along and getting you caught."

He laughed, forcing a large smile. "Forget I asked, yeah?" As much as he wanted to get out, he couldn't just push himself onto the woman's ship and life. She had come here to delete herself for her own freedom after all. Who was he to tread upon that? But even as he smiled he couldn't help but want to go along with her. To be something more then another weapon in his father's arsenal.
It took her a few moments to process what he was saying. She'd been running solo for a little while now, could she really support another person? Then again, she'd wanted to buy some droids or something to run the guns on her freighter... but no, she wouldn't forget. "You kidding me? I'd love to have you tag along!" She grinned. "Being so lonely gets boring, as I'm sure you know. And I need someone to scrub the decks, mm?" She found the thought of this tall guy mopping the floors of her ship to be pretty funny.

"And I'm sure I can help you... you know, not get caught. I'm supposed to be pretty good at that, y'know?" Kelsie grinned again. Teaching a Sith a thing or two, but this time it didn't involve kicking his ass.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"Yo.. wait.. Huh?" Kahlil was in a stunned silence when he heard the womans response. He just sat there, staring with a rather confused expression on his face. That wasn't even close to the answer he was expecting. He smiled faintly, his gaze lowering to his glass. "Thank you. Really." The Sith mumbled, idly tapping the cup in his hands. He really didn't know what to say now. He wasn't use to kindness.

He liked it.

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