Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Imperial Navy

Tythish Imperial Navey
"For Crown and Country"

Tythish Female Naval Officer
Tythish male Naval Officer

Role: The Tythish Royal Navy is the forefront defense of the principality, keeping the borders safe from smugglers raider and in the unlikely case an invasion. Though the neighboring planet of Nevlaan fields and impressive navy which could easily safe guard both plants Chikako has made firm action towards fielding their own.

Cores: Unlike the Army the Royal Navy is not large enough to be separated into different fleets and thus is designated into Corps, i.e. Star Fighters, Capitals and Marines.


1st Fighter Corps-Hurricans: This fighter corps is made mainly from space superiority fighters and interceptors.

2nd Fighter Corps-Anvils: This corps is made from mainly bombers and heavy fighters.


1st Capital Corps-Cutter: Primallry made from corvettes and frigates the 1at Cpatial crops handles scouting and escort missions, sometimes being sent off to support CIS engagements in other systems.

2nd Capital Corps-Hammers: Made from large battle ships and cruisers the 2nd capital corps forms the major defense line for Tythe, also being sent to help in CIS engagements for military experience.


Fleet Troopers: Trained solider for borading and internal ship fighting along with being a general quick deployment imperial military force
1st Fleet Trooper Regiment: Lightly armored and armed fleet regiment that is usually places on smaller craft, their main role to reply boarding parties or if needed act as light quick response infantry for ground units in a tight pinch.

2nd Fleet Trooper Regiment: Heavily armed and armored fighters that are used to repel boarding parties from enemies but at the same time perform their own boarding actions against enemy vessels. They may not be fast by their solid wall defenses make then a hard opponent to overcome for most regular troops.


Praetorus Eliteis: Heavily armored and expertly trained from birth super soldiers decked out in power armor and table to take on the toughest or missions that comes the principalities way. Each region of Tythe bears an individual chapter were said Marines are trained and based.
Chapter: Infinitus Praetorus- The first of the Praetorus Eliteis to be assembled, their development personally been over seen by Chikako herself, the ruler making certain changes to mold them into the perfect super solders. Due to this they act in a similar sense to the royal guard being a personal fighting force for the Empress where needed, willing to carry out any order she wishes.​


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