Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Imhalayan conspiracy

The sun rose over the emerald Imhalayan oceans, the birds chirped and their voices were carried down the tendrils of wind to a sleeping city. Shutters started to open and screens flickered on in front of shops. A new day started and all was peaceful yet this ideal landscape of peace and progressiveness was not completely innocent. With the recent return of their Queen the Imhalayan people are still no wiser to the darkness that is seeping through the planet. A strange and fragmented remains of the lost One Sith order and there shadowy grasp remained in the galaxy and had found a new system to spread fear and chaos. People had been going missing and with only a single lead on the group the queen had followed a lead to the Corruscant system.

Eventually After a few days of investigating she found her way down through a winding ventilation system and came across a Lone prisoner moments away from torture. Outsider reports recount saying that they heard blasters and explosions from within an alleyway and saw a group of worse for ware men and women running away. Not long after this the Queen and her new counterpart an imprisoned smuggler slowly made their way back to the home world, with a some idea of what they are facing and a new lasting friendship.

Queen [member="Stardust Raxis"] has since taken the smuggler, retired lieutenant Avin Starfire on as an apprentice after noticing his ability within the force and teaching him the basics within the weeks leading up to now. Meanwhile Avin had been busy whilst both exercising his force leanings but being physically run ragged by his new Master. And yet it was simply his bloodline that held the real answers to the darkness that would soon envelope them all.

Elsewhere in the Galaxy a lone sith Acolyte was enclosing on the planet to which this had all started. His name was [member="Varren Kesk"]


[member="Avin Starfire"]

Another day, another session of training, she had woken up early to take care of things, feeding her child, feeding herself and tidying things up reading messages and sending some back before being fully awake by 10 local planet time

She stepped out to wait for avim, she had to admit his company was beyond a good thing...and she had a few feelings she was sorting out odd ones per say that she wanted to make sure were time however in time

For now she waited unknowing that today would be....the day in which she fought evil on this planet again

[member="Varren Kesk"]
I am a son of the Mountain.
Varren's investigation of Coruscant had bore a fruit he pleasantly accepted. After searching the bowels of Coruscant the man had found the remnant of some forgotten cult, a cult founded by his late Master before the slaughter of Atrisia. This cult had foolishly worshiped the Sith as if they were some form of deity or mystic power. After the destruction of the Sith reason gave way to madness and the cult lashed out in an unsystematic manner. Varren, who had cast away his tether to the Sith and their ways hunted this cult, seeking to destroy them in his own vendetta to destroy the Sith he once was.

The man returned to the trappings of an Inquisitor, pulling his gauntlets over his hand as he made his way to his ship's cargo space. His hand came over the door panel, causing the door to recede into it's hold as Varren passed through.

"Please, let me go!" A voice called out to Varren as he parted the darkness with the light beaming from the cockpit. Varren's eyes lifted to see a man with grizzled features bound on his knees before him. His skin had been scarred in a manner to mimic ancient Sith markings. A pretender. No more than a mindless cultist whose life expectancy was now bound to Varren's patience.

Rather than speak Varren approached the man, examining the scars that he found so bizarre. His hand gripped the man's chin, enclosing him in fear. "Please....Don't hurt me." Again Varren responded with silence before finally releasing the man.

"What is your name?" He questioned, turning from the human as he moved to lean on one of the nearby crates.

"R-Raiyar..." The old man's words came out quick and clumsily, hinting that his nerves were all but shot.

"Raiyar. What were you doing on Coruscant?" Again, he questioned while crossing his arms over his chest. The acolyte's gaze fell to the ground as a soft mumble escaped him. Unable to make out the mumble Varren tapped his foot, gaining the Acolyte's attention. "What?" The word was spoken with a great deal of annoyance, causing the cultist to whimper before clearing his throat.

"We-we were looking for sacrifices." The Cultist finally divulged before his eyes returned to the ground.

Sacrifices? What the hell for? Varren mused before uncrossing his arms and gesturing towards the man. "Sacrifices? For a ritual?" The cultist shook his head in silence as revelation finally came to the young Inquisitor. "Sacrifices for the Sith Order?" This time he was met with a curt nod of the head before once again the cultist returned to silence. Varren exhaled, he knew these cultists were stupid but even now he found himself surprised.

"Was that the all that remained of your cult on Coruscant?" The Inquisitor questioned as he approached the man, his hands moving to the small of his back as he spoke.

Another nod left the man as he spoke. "Yes sir....You killed them all when you took me...there is no one else left." Varren ran a hand over his head before retrieving his lightsaber from his waist. A loud hiss erupted from the weapon as the violet blade sprang to life, hovering over the man's head. "You wouldn't be lying to me would you? Who else knew of your cult?"

Panic and fear overtook the man, it dripped from him and Varren could sense the unrest and tension that had gripped the man. His eyes began to well with tears as he spoke. "No one! No one! We worked alone!" The blade came closer to the cultist's head as Varren leaned forward. "Wait! There is one!"

The Inquisitor paused his advance, a brow arched at the man's call for pause. "If you know something, now is the time." He stated, his eyes filled with condemnation.

The cultist nodded, spitting out his words as quickly as possible. "Two people! Targets. [member="Stardust Raxis"] and [member="Avin Starfire"]." Varren nodded before deactivating the blade of his lightsaber. "Thank you." He stated before turning away from the man.

Raiyar exhaled before looking up towards Varren. "Will y-." His words were cut off as the force started to slowly constrict his throat, cutting off his breath. Moments passed and the cultist slammed into the floor of the ship, dead. Constricted by Varren's hold through the force.
Avin stepped outside onto the balcony, his cigarra smouldering between his lips. They called it a dirty habit but the different plants they had on his new home took the edge off of the aches from his days of exertion. Stardust had been running him ragged on his basic force training his body hurt from the continuous physical training and his mind was adapting to a new outlook. He had learnt about so much more than what was there before. The mere basics he had learnt included becoming more and more in tune with the force, learning to sense the force within other entities and building on what he had tried before.

Avin exhaled a plume of smoke off the balcony into the incoming breeze. He focused on the stub of his cigarra and controlled it slowly out of his mouth before he stubbed the ash into the ground and made his way back inside, picking up his coat and putting his holster on even though he seemed in almost complete security old habits still die hard. After all Avin wasn't ready to fight anyone with his ability in the force yet.

The journey back up the mountain was slightly displeasing today, the sky now grey and overcast with chilling winds moving through his bones. The path was slick as the morning dew had soaked into the grassland that led out of the city towards Stardust's house. He decided to jog up there and clear his head before training. He remembered back to phase one officer training. A healthy body equals a healthy mind!

He made his way up the final straight of the path and slowed to a walking pace. He saw stardust standing by the door and gave her a wave as he approached.

"Good mornin'"

[member="Varren Kesk"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
She watched the skies become overcast and frowned, definitely the weather was a bit odd, she shook her head arms crossed as she thought about why...she didn't feel anything wrong with the planet....maybe it was just a sudden change in weather

She looked forward as she straightened up and smiled at [member="Avin Starfire"], she walked forward as she bowed

morning avin I presume still sore? If not I'm not doing my teaching correctly

She said teasing lightly with a snile on her face, she pulled a box forward and motioned to it

today we will work in using a saber, a lightsaber is a force users weapon, a elegant weapon used way back to the old republic, but has changed over time

She threw him a training saber and pulled one out herself

stand by me
[member="Varren Kesk"]
Avin came closer and heard what she had to say.

"Yeah well I never realised how out of my prime I was."

Avin moved forward to catch the Sabre, he used both palms to judge its trajectory and scooping it between his hands. He weighed the small metal cylinder and threw it between hands. He then made his way towards [member="Stardust Raxis"] whilst taking close study of the simply designed device.

"Ok what next?"
She smiled as she got into a stance, one foot forward anoth3r back behind her planted firmly, she looked at him as she activated her training saber

copy my stance and activate your blade, follow my motuon, won't be as smooth but practice shall make it so

She moved her blade in a strike down motion then to the side, she did so slowly as to allow him to see so then did so in a faster manner twice
[member="Avin Starfire"]
Avin, looked over the cylinder finding the switch. He thumbed the switch and a blade of light blue energy came rushing out of the hilt. Avin looked over the blade and waved it around a little before turning and watching stardust.

He Half assedly copied her stance and used to hands to strike down with the blade. Yet it looked very forced and his body seemed not to flow through the strike it abruptly comes to a halt at the end of the swing and comes back up again. He tried again, this time he allowed the blade to swing through like a bat, the strike was slightly diagonal but the technique improved.

He swiped once more, this time using his momentum from the first swing to continue into the second, for a second he lost his step but managed to regain it with a shift in his feet.

He held the blade back out in front of him and looked to [member="Stardust Raxis"] for further guidance.
I am a son of the Mountain.
Varren's ship dropped out of hyperspace over a planet he knew very little about, Imhalaya. Regardless his mission was one that had already become apparent to him. His targets had dealt with this idiotic cult and now they were the only people who had witnessed the sad tragedy that was his Master's legacy. To bury the past he may very well have to take a cut at the present. Once again Varren abandoned the duty gear of an Inquisitor, returning to the garb of a mercenary in its place.

The Inquisitor set his ship to land at the planet's main city, slumping down into the pilot's chair as he did. Varren, who once sported long thick lockes, ran his hand over the clean high and tight that he now wore on his head. Over time he realized his lockes were giving him trouble with his helmet but even he had to admit he missed them. The ship entered the planet's atmosphere, setting a course for the nearest spacedock.

After paying his docking fees and changing his ship's ID number and code he made his way into the city, curious as to how he was going to find the two he was searching for. While he had never heard of [member="Avin Starfire"] before he knew that [member="Stardust Raxis"] was in fact the Queen of this planet. That title alone made it easy for you to be tracked, and once he found out where they were he would be able to work from there.
[member="Avin Starfire"] [member="Varren Kesk"]

She watched him as she walked around him, she had expected it to be a bit riight but from the looks of it the man made a little improvement

not bad per say I expected it to be a bit rough but a diamond shall always be found in the rough And be smoothed into a jewel

She said as she took her blade and got a training droid, the droid would fire a small blast enough to sting

this part is focusing on a target, what I want you to do is keep it within your sights, once it fires move your blade in the way of the blaster to block it...go

She stepped back as the droid started floating around him waiting to find a opening
Avin spun the hilt around in his hand before facing off blade extended towards the droid. He adjusted his footwork. Rear sitting parallel with his shoulders and rested on the ball yet his front left foot facing the droid head on and flat. The droid carried on encircling him yet Avin used his movement to turn with the small ball just as if he was turning with an opponent within a boxing ring. The first small blast of spiteful yellow energy came Avins way. He watched waiting and when it came Avin swiped for the bolt. His arms crossing his body, missing the bolt and taking the burning pain directly to his lower abdominal.

He grunted and rubbed his stomach before squaring back up to the droid. This time he squared to it, his eyes locked and trailing the moving ball yet his head sat locked not moving. This time Avin lowered the angle of the training sabre. The ball changed positions and spun a few more times yet Avin's dead-eye stare trailed its movement. The bolt released again. This time Avin worked in an entirely reactionary manner, his whole arm swinging round with the same lightning speed as his pistol draw. To Avin's delight he connected and absorbed the blast into the blade however had over extended his defence which cost him another blast in the thigh from the droid.

"Kark!" Avin exclaimed and hopped shaking one leg.

He squared off once more and felt the saber hilt in his hands. He felt and got used to the weight before closing his eyes and shutting out all other objects from his mind. He established a link between himself and the droid in the force's flow. Avin's feet shifted unconsciously and he moved in an orbit around the droid allowing his senses to guide his strike. His mind lit up! The blade swung forward to meet the stun blast and yet met only air!

Avin shook his right arm off after the blast and carried on trying. Every once in a while he looked over to [member="Stardust Raxis"] for guidance.
She watched him proudly, at first he was doing so by Sony watching the droid, she didn't say anything, she wanted him to figure out how to block a shot she moved around him opposite of the ball as she gave a nod to herself

After a first few shots she could feel him using the force, she stopped looking at him as a smile grew on her face...there it was the first baby steps alone, she had to admit he was doing quote well bow, when he looked to her she bowed her head and deactivated the droid with a simple hand wave

That's enough, I'm sure a break is in order

She said as she picked the droid up setting it off to the side
[member="Avin Starfire"]
His finger slipped down the main hilt, powering off the training saber and wiping his forehead before taking out his canteen. He gulped in a few swigs before throwing it back onto the grass and lighting a cigarra. He sat down against a tree stump and looked over the training weapon's hilt.

Avin looked up to Stardust and nodded before exhaling a cloud of peach flavoured smoke from his mouth into the ground.

"Whats next?"

[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Varren Kesk"]
[member="Avin Starfire"]

She Sat down as she gave a smile looking at him, the wind blew gently past as she thought for a moment and then spoke

we've done saber training and blaster deflection training, we need to work on sparring, when your ready get your blade up and attack me

She said and moved away both of her training sabers activating as she took a loose stance

[member="Varren Kesk"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]

No rest for the wicked Avin said in his mind before climbing back to his feet. They had been at it for days now without rest, force practice and now over and over again with sabres. He nodded towards Stardust.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you." Avin said through a veil of cockiness and sarcasm. He obviously knew he was about to get his ass kicked into the dirt by her years of training.

His hand drifted towards the ground where the Training sabre lay, he focused and reached out for it and levitating it towards his hand. What in his mind would have seemed very cool in reality took about 30 seconds and she was impatiently changing stance by the time it sat in Avins grip. The blade ignited once again from the handle.

Avin closed his eyes and let his body adapt a natural stance. He had been reading books on the old Jedi order and their lightsaber use from the city library and thought back to them now, he remembered he was to move in an orbit around his opponent and in turn orbit his blade around him the same way he had done earlier when deflecting blaster bolts.

Avin started moving, slowly to stardust's left and maintaining eye contact between her and her weapon. Then, he darted forward thrusting his weapon towards her tip first with all his speed and strength.

[member="Varren Kesk"]
[member="Avin Starfire"]

She watched shin with a careful eye, she had to say even if it took a little for his blade to get to his hand she was proud that he had took the time to do so

Now she watched him moving to her lefr, a loose stance taken on her as she kept a eye on him, her blades spun once in a nice flash of blue and green before they rested again

Once her darted towards her to jumped to the left and spun around him pushing him forward and shook her head

never rush a opponent, if you do make sure and stop a foot away and choose a different attack..stabbing a opponent is only when you have the advantage and their guard is down
[member="Stardust Raxis"]

Avin acknowledged her word before he rushed forward and his velocity was increased as she pushed him causing a further stumble and roll in the dirt. Avin rolled back to his feet and levelled the saber in her direction. This time Avin created small circles in the air to her front trying not to give away his next strike. Which came from the top down two chops in quick succession, though they didn't connect. She seemed to sweep them off again with relative ease. The adrenaline now pumped through Avin as he came at her again one slash from the bottom right upwards and back down again. History repeated itself, she used one blade to throw it up before her other blade levelled at his chest.

He walked backwards. His eyes came to a shut and he focused on the forces surrounding him. He used his place in the flow to increase his own ability, three faster strikes followed in his moment of focus. He surged forward and made his first, it was parried and so was the second by her other lightsaber. He reeled back and made a last one handed flick towards her right leg.
[member="Avin Starfire"]

Her eyes focused in hin, blocked blocked, then the strike for her keg came, she jumped over up and spun a blade as she put it close to his neck

dead but you kept with me, very impressive

She moved her blade away and deactivated her blades as she tossed them to the side setting them down...sometjing in the force had been bothering her and no was only evident to her...darkness was coming....soon...very very soon

I sense a disturbance in the force...ib the planet that is...
Avin sighed and stared down the blade to see [member="Stardust Raxis"] staring at him. She dropped her weapons and sat down, a troubled look seized her face from its normal focus.

"You think they are coming back for more? Cus I gotta few bones to pick with em." Avin said in reference to the cult encountered on corruscant.

Avin sat down himself and powered off his own sabre. A strange beckoning feeling swept over his body, it was cold but powerful. Much the same feeling as he had felt during the library on corruscant. The dark...
[member="Avin Starfire"]

She gave a gentle nod as She looked on wards to the space port as she looked over to him, she wondered if he was ready...but it seemed she'd have to give him something sooner then she thought

if they are let them try and strike, they will feel the wrath of these people fall upon them with my own blades

She stood and went inside, for what seemed like ten minutes, then she came out with a box and sat it down, then she removed a few things that looked like pieces for lightsabers, different hilts and crossguards, she sat a box out that was closed, inside was several different colored crystals for the saber

it is to soon but I find it right that you make your saber won't do much with a training saber...i shall set here and observe you whike you make it

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