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The Hutt, The Pirate, And The Criminals [Hutt Cartel]

The Scope

Location: Sriluur - The White Palace - Throne Room
Local Time: 21:27

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

It had been over two decades since Rayl had stepped foot on this world. As he was escorted through the ancient halls of this palace by the thugs of Sempra The Hutt; he tried to bring any memory of this structure to the surface of his thoughts. Something so big should have gotten even a passing mention. Perhaps it was just a well kept secret for whatever purposes the Hutts and Weequay had in doing so. Certainly it was serving as a bustling base for this new incarnation of the Hutt Cartel. Since the old one was brought down by Black Sun; the Pirate had his worries of being here. Hutts lived long lives and rarely forget the past. Knowing that risk he took it anyways, but not without having a hidden card to play in case anything happened.

Rayl entered through the grand throne room doors. Central to the decor was the Hutt in question, Sempra. Surrounded by servants, his criminal friends, slaves no doubt, and some entertainers were doing there job providing music for everyone pleasure. Lastly someone was whispering in the Hutts ear, an adviser? Probably reminding him of the meeting, who he was and all that jazz. The Cartel had certainly been busy the last month, taking a few worlds under their influence. They were quick at it, seemed efficient as far as he could tell at a distance. Most of all they had what he was seeking, that being ports able to handle large ships and a criminal acceptance. Rayl stepped forth before the big guy, arms open but that smug smile he always had on showing. "Great Sempra The Hutt, reviver of the Cartel, and hellraiser of The Rim. I must say you have impressed me with what you've accomplished so quickly. If you keep this pace you'll control everything south of Mara to the Union within a year. Maybe more. And its that kind of action someone like me would want to get in on. Thus me being here".
Jemba slid along the floor, his entourage of servants following him carrying various plates of foods. Jemba of coarse went straight to Sempra and quietly offered him a large bowl of Chuba stew with a large pedunkee mufkin to soak up the delicious stew.

Once done, the Hutt would slide back into the kitchen and contine you to cook more foods.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Rayl Wilded"]
The chain in Sempras hand yanked lightly. To it the hutt had a severely intoxicated slave. A muscular chiss male. He was destined to become food for Sempras favourite pet, the Garguanta. Somewhere deep inside, his drugged mind, the slave realised this and tried some futile efforts to escape. Sempra enjoyed the sensation the chiss helpless and utterly doomed position offered. Therefore he prolonged the wait allowing himself the pleasure.
A cruel and dark trait to most others. A perfect natural way to kill some time for the supreme mogul.

When [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] appeared with his stew Sempra locked the chain to his throne leaving the whimpering of the chiss to provide an athmosphere for the dinner. The hutt eagerly grabbed a pedunkee and dipped it in the stew.

As [member="Rayl Wilded"] appeared Sempra licked his fingers clean from his favourite cousin. He listened to the pirate, first casuallt, there were many presenting themselves before his throne. Most had little of real interest to offer but this one punched a tone that intrigued Sempra. He was honest about his own ambition but yet understood the necessity of subtle submissive behaviour. It was the key to gain the supreme moguls attention.

"Then I bid you welcome to the white palace mr [member="Rayl Wilded"] "

"I have been informed that you have certain skills that might indeed give you a place among us."
Sempra replied and dipped another pedunkee.

"Tell me, in what way do you think you will strengthen the cartel? Hum?"

The Scope

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]

The gluttony of a Hutt never ceased. As one of their own kind slithered out; bringing food to serve the master of this place. Rayl of course lead on nothing to his distaste for Hutts in general. One named Rasho the Hutt, a Sith Lord but unaligned with the ones he hated. Seemed to be the only one with true self discipline to not stuff his face. Rayl began pacing about in front of Sempra, hands waving to exclimate points. "I can bring a great many things to better The Cartel. And of course do many things myself for it as well. My spies, informants and contact networks have been kept. For the most part these last six years. They stretch across the galaxy and are of of my greatest assets. My knowledge of worlds, leaders and what made the former Sun worlds tick is known to me. And I can share that knowledge, and use my influence to gain you cause as you spread into them". These were his best, non military bargaining chips. Though it all could be used for fighting. Even with these he'd probably have his in. Sempra should realize being the smart Hutt he should be, just what that would all mean coming from a former Underlord. The knowledge he could gain, the tactical advantage he'd have, would be extensive.

"Of course that is not all I can offer. Truly the least I should say. So I will get to the meat of the offer. I will reform my pirates. Using the assets I have stowed away from Black Sun, and with new additions purchased. They will terrorize your enemies, my enemies. Capable of striking anywhere in the galaxy as they could before. And they will be lead by my ship, Thus Unto Tyrants. One of the few capital class stealth Star Destroyers remaining in the galaxy. With me at her helm. I will be the only one to command her though, deploy and otherwise operate. That is a stipulation of my services, iron clad, unbreakable, and with the ultimate toll put upon any who try and break it, death. Or actually worse, and I assure you there's something worse. This is not the only thing I want. I want the freedom of Cartel Space to operate out of, access to all dry docks and repair facilities, stations, matters like that. Ones you have now, and those acquired in the future. In return, you will have my services, and those of my subordinates". Rayl crossed his arms as he'd stopped centered to the Hutt. It was a grand offer, and in return he'd get what he wanted. It was for Sempara to decide now.
Sempra leaned back. It was no secret that this man spoke of an organisation that at one point easily could match the cartel. Times changed though, as it had done for the cartel as well. These tidings were not unknown the hutt who had seen the organisations grow and decline over the centuries.
Despite that these two organisations had roots in being competitive this might be what they needed not to dwindle down into nothingness again. A joint effort.

Sempra placed his plate to the side and faced [member="Rayl Wilded"] with a very serious face.

"Your offer is as generous as one can demand Mr Wilded." he began. "I hold your organisation in respect and do not pretend this to be a small matter. Not at all. You seek the freedom to operate in cartel space as the leader of this pirate fleet. I approve. You seek the connections that the cartel offers. I approve. It would be foolish of me to decline such an offer." Sempra drummed his fingers on the armrest of his high backed chair.

"But you should know that I demand a certain fealty of those who seek us out. Your fleet and yourself wil be called upon to defend the cartel interests. I will be expecting your total support on those matters.

"As for the Tyrant ship. We both now that you do not have the resources to operate your ship without the support from an organisation like the cartel. I will agree to you captaining it, but it will be under my flag. In time, you might even find your fleet expanded upon mr Wilded. Naturally depending on how well your endevours fare."

Sempra smiled and waved forth a slave carrying a tray of wine glasses. she offered one to the pirate as Sempra himself took his own chalice twirling it under his nostrils.

"I believe this could be the start of a very profitable cooperation mr Wilded. dont you agree? hum?"

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
Like in most cases of meeting potential organizations to add to the Cartel's ever growing list of contacts, Ashalah was present. She stood at [member="Sempra the Hutt"]'s right hand, feet shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind her back. The woman stood as Sempra's body guard, and her posture made that fact obvious. She stood tall and focused, her clear blue gaze never leaving the captain of the Thus Onto Tyrants. She had to admit, his offer was impressive, but he had a lot to learn about business with the Cartel. One did not simply receive connections with the Cartel without offering something of themselves in return. Outsiders may say that potential business partners had to sell their soul to have their requests granted. They weren't entirely wrong. Ashalah had been lucky she was born into the Cartel; she had nothing from the outside world to give.

[member="Rayl Wilded"]
[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]

The Scope

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]

"As service calls her to war or endeavor your flag shall fly. As with the fleet. But as I sail her freely only the black will be hoisted above the bridge. As is the tradition of us pirates. And to keep from directly involving The Cartel of course in our business. I don't want to be the one to accidentally start a war now". Rayl kept up his smug smile. He was quite enjoying himself today. One of the slave girls brought him a drink, he gladly accepted the glass of... wine he assumed by the aroma. "I do indeed. Here's to a profitable cooperation Sempara the Hutt. May fortune, power, glory and whatever else we desire in this galaxy be ours". The glass was raised high in a toast to their agreement. Its base just cresting the height of [member="Ashalah Ky"] in his sight, which his eyes were on. Rayl would get what he wanted. Sempra would gain a very powerful ally to call upon. It was good business.

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