Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hunter Becomes The Hunted[Ask]

The Republic was currently dealing with a lot, there were rebellions, assassination attempts, threats of war, and a Jedi hunter running around. Instead of participating in the other issues related, Jedi Master Sochi Ru was sent to find, and arrest this hunter since she was more experienced in the subject. She was the only one to survive an encounter with this assassin. The Council however would not send her alone, she was dispatched along with her fellow, Jedi Master Vulpesen. They were to take a Republic cruiser and pursue the assassin in the Chorlian Sector. It would seem the enemy has taken recent refuge on Malachor V.

This pursuit had become one that was extremely dangerous; This is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, and drowns them in the power of the dark side. It corrupts all life, and it feeds on death. This wasn't a mission the Council could freely send whomever, one had to be sure of the self; their alignment.


Sochi remained stationary on the bridge of the Republic cruiser they were given to transport them to the Chorlian Sector. She looked out the viewing glass of the ship and onto the image of the corrupt planet that was Malachor V. She could feel the dark influence resonating from it, it made everything else seem quiet. Soldiers, maintenance, droids all crossed in front of her, and moved all around her, but it was only the planet she could focus on. She closed her eyes, and then after a couple of minutes she ended her deep meditation and moved to the mor wooden section of the ship that had a Holoprojecter. She stood there in front if it, as it flipped from slide to slide showing images of the surface of the planet. She had a couple of higher ranked officers at the table as well, trying to offer the best action of course seeing as the ships could get to close to the planet.

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Erebus"]
Tallia stood statue still in the main hanger, waiting for her team to arrive so they could head planet side. Her face, while soft and youthful, wore a scowl that would have stopped a Gundark in it's tracks. Today was not a day for Jedi robes, she wore a mesh jumpsuit that was plated with durasteel armor. Her hair, which usually hung loose down her back, was tied into a bun that clung closely to her head. An assassin had tried to kill Jedi, justice had to be served. She was going to do all she could to aide the Jedi Master's with her services. Out of all the bad things that were happening lately, this mission gave her a sense of clarity that she hadn't had for a long time.

There were no decisions to make, no lesser of two evils, only what had to be done. She gripped her lightsaber. The Force would be her guide, to whatever end.

"Master," Tallia said over her commlink. "Have we triangulated the position of our target?"

@[member="Sochi Ru"]


Erebus and seven of eight assassins remained. Malachor V had been the hunting grounds and training area that Erebus and his people had been using for months. They knew the area well, they had a base. A small imperial outpost had been set up, however when Erebus and his assassins grew bored of hunting animals, they hunted down their own men. Storm trooper corpses lay scattered throughout the valleys and trenches of Malachor. However, Erebus was no fool. The Jedi were coming, so they had left a little surprise for them. On a relatively high up mountain, three jedi knights whom had recently find missing. Spikes protruding from their chests as if they were set up like trophies. Storm trooper bodies had been collected and thrown all over the mountain, however many still lay within Malachor. Erebus and his assassins however waited patiently within, the dark side was strong here and with that the assassins around him grew in power and fed from it. He however did not, he was a machine, a hunter, a predator. And tonight, his prey was most exciting.

@[member="Tallia Farn"]
@[member="Sochi Ru"]
Vulpesen stood up and started preparing himself for the descent. He had taken his own private ship and was thus a bit separated from @[member="Sochi Ru"]. They might have held a common goal, but he liked being responsible for his own escapes. Nothing against the other master of course. Speaking of the other master, it was probably a good idea to contact her. Tapping into his comm system, Vulpesen greeted his fellow jedi. "Torrevaso here and ready for a bit of action. Any idea how long it'll be before we drop down?" He had heard of the attempted jedi assassinations. Perhaps thats why he was so itchy to get down there. The temple was his home and the jedi were his family. For him, family was something to not be taken lightly. Go after Vulpesen's comrades and you might as well have struck him directly. Either way, it was recommended that your next action be to run... unless of course you enjoyed jail time and whatever food substitute they served in such places.

@Erebus @Tallia Farn @Sochi Ru
"The wait is a crucial part of life"
Xanthanatos sagely muttered to himself in a tone detectable only by the most trained and/or sensitive of ears or such sensory organs.
Terror is known to be the overwhelming sensations of dread and anticipation caused by the awareness of some impending and inevitable receiver of antipathy. Sensations that the mercenary had a very familiar connection with due to the...environment he had to grow up in. As such, the mentally twisted man had a peculiar perspective on the act of waiting. He admired it's connection to terror as he commonly uses the latter in his work. It's like another limb to him he can call to his aid at will.
He patiently waited beside @[member=Erebus] and his assassins, having been hired by some wealthy man with a grudge to kill a certain jedi. His loyalty being to credits, the bounty hunter agreed and joined with the jedi's targets, letting his prey come to him this time.

@[member="Tallia Farn"]
@[member="Sochi Ru"]
Conversing for a while with the many advising fivers around the holo projector upon the bridge, there was a voice that came across the comlink. It was a voice she was familiar with, a comrade who had accompanied her on this mission, Master Torrevaso. Her arms were behind her back, her hands hidden in her sleeves. She leaned over slightly to project her soft spoken voice just a bit more.

"Master Vulpesen, this is Master Sochi Ru. The task force is preparing to launch in acouple of minutes." She said softly, then she pressed a button on the table, "I have sent you the coordinates to the randevouz point, I will see you on the planet. Sochi Ru out." She said softly before closing that channel.There was multiple voices that had came through after that, but one specific one stood out amongst them, Jedi Knight Tallia Farns.

"Jedi Knight Tallia, we have our position, I am on my way to the hangar, we will randevouz with Master Vulpesen. Then we will begin the search. Sochi Ru out." She said softly, and removing herself from the Table. Enough time had passed, just enough for her to make her way to the hangar and meet up with Knight Farn. Walking towards her, with her robes trailing behind her, she approached and slightly bowed to her before stepping into the ship. She made her way to the center as a couple of troops trailed behind her. Once Tallia boarded they would be off to Malachor V.

@[member="Tallia Farn"]
Tallia boarded the shuttle behind Sochi, and took a seat close to the exit hatch. She studied the troops following behind the Jedi Master. "Won't soldiers just slow us down?" She blurted. Tallia probably should have kept her mouth shut, but this was a Jedi affair, and she thought it should be Jedi who finish it. "No offense, but we're faster." She said to a trooper with his helmet at his side who had turned to give her a glare.

Again she addressed Sochi. "Just an opinion." She sat back in her seat as best she could in her armor. Sitting must have not been considered when they designed it for mobility. At least it was better than that beskar stuff the mandalorians wore. That looked downright painful to more around in.

@[member="Sochi Ru"] @[member="Xanthanatos"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Erebus"]
"I believe their are strength in numbers, if I hadn't known this assassin, I would have the same thoughts as you." She said softly. As she sat down in her seat. There were only 6 soldiers max, and still in Sochi's mind she still wasn't sure that was enough. Last time, she was well unprepared, the sheer strength on the metallic killer himself was more than enough, but his allies who had strength in numbers were also a problem. Surely she had made the right choice,

The transport they were on would quickly make its way for the roughness that was Malachor V's atmosphere. Just landing a ship was dangerous enough. The consistent, and strong force it exerted upon the minor ship was strong enough to cause a massive turbulence; it shook more than normal, possibly due to the added lightning effects as well. She brought her hand up as to grip a strap that hung from just above her. Bracing herself even more. She could look out the multiple miniature windows and see lightning strikes happening all over, not only that but the hollowness of the planet, and the dark influence beginning to shroud all over them. They had arrived.

They landed at the randevouz point, which was flat on the surface, between multiple sharp, pointed rocks that would lead them to the caverns below. The landing wasn't as bad as she would have thought, the doors opened, and slammed against the ground full off rubble, and gray, heated rocks. She stepped down, and awaited the others, seeing troops scatter all around her as they exited the ship, she began to converse with one of them.

"Just scout the area, while we await Master Vulpesen." She said softly.

@[member="Tallia Farn"]
Vulpesen continued his descent to the ground, grinning as he started to land. Walking to his ramp, Vulpesen moved out of his ship, calling Ace to his shoulder. Walking over to @[member="Sochi Ru"], the master reached his hand up to pet Ace. "Torrevaso, reporting for duty. Where do we start?" He was eager to start with the action and to be honest he found it quite amusing to see the contrast between Sochi and himself. A calm quiet master, and a shadow who lives in the spotlight. Turning to the other jedi, Vulpesen nodded in greeting. "Hello, miss Farn." He hadn't ever worked with @[member="Tallia Farn"] before, but he was confident in her abilities. He hoped that such confidence wasn't misplaced.
Tallia stepped off the ship behind Sochi and the troopers. As the Republic soldiers scouted the surrounding rock formations, Tallia waited patiently, despite how eager she was to get going, for Vulpesen to land his ship. She watched his slow descent to the surface, and his exit from the shuttle. As he approached and greeted her, Tallia smiled. "We've met before. It was on Zeltron, wasn't it?" She gave a slight wink. That had been quite the trip. "It's good to see you again." The look on her face changed from cheerfulness to anxiety when a sudden chill passed through her. It was pure dark-side energy. "Anyone else feel like a icy tentacle is slithering up their back?" She let out a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood on this dark chunk of rock. It was too bad her armor couldn't protect her from the aura around this planet.
[member="Sochi Ru"]
Sochi smiled to see a friend of hers arriving to the scene. Now that everyone was around they could begin their mission. She bowed and greeted Vulpesen with her usual subtle smile. She knew him, and it seemed like Knight Farn, and himself weren't quite acquainted. She would give them their time seeing as this mission would require everyone to work together and be on the same page. As she watched them both greet one another she noticed the expression on Tallia's face completely turn itself around, this struck Sochi as odd, and then there was that ominous feeling again. This was Malachor V. She squinted her eyes, and shook her head slowly. The influence was stronger than she would have thought, but she was sure the wills of those around her was just as strong.

"Yes, I feel it too. I think we should get underway, remaining in one place won't do us much good. Let us capture this assassin and get out of this dark place." She said softly and sternly.

The small group of troops they did have along regrouped and made their reports. They found some passage ways which lead further into the caverns below, and thus the search would begin. The trooper pointed in the direction, and she followed his motion. Surely the others were behind her. As she moved forward she could see the darkness, and shadows move about as what minimal light there was, jumped from wall to wall. The air was thick, and it was humid. She still followed the wide passage leading on.

[member="Tallia Farn"] [member="Vulpesen"]

[member="Xanthanatos"] [member="Erebus"]

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