Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hunt For Jedi - Open To One Person

Many in Yangcong's profession wouldn't go out of there way to hunt jedi, specially if they weren't a force user. Some may choose to hunt them if they were of equal standing like the Sith. Yangcong however was a born assassin trained with daggers. His purple armor that made him look like a super soldier from an army wasn't just for show, it is made of a strong material that is far better than what the standard trooper wears. His signature golden daggers were on his waistline and on the sidelines. He was here on this unknown planet to hunt down any jedi that he comes across. He stood on a high building and using the heavy rain to his advantage and hiding right under their top ledges so that the rain didn't hit him. He started to scan around to see if he could spot anyone who seemed out of the ordinary. The 6'0ft cloaked man with a hood over his face and both his hands holding onto the hilt of his golden daggers was ready to track them down. All he had to do was wait for one of them to show themselves.

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