Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hour Draws Near-But it May Already Be Too Late


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was glad that both [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] and [member="Mig Gred"] kept their cool. It was far better to deal with people that weren't so easily triggered, than with those that were ready to snap at a moment's notice.

"I wasn't suggesting an alliance with the Confederacy. I know what some of them are like. They've even threatened genocide of Zakuul over something so simple as a title. Even the First Order wouldn't go that far...." Not over Zakuul anyways. They know of it's value and are only trying to regain what they had lost. She didn't blame them for trying. If anything their stubborness was admirable.

"If I can somehow ease the tensions between the Clans and the Jedi, I will do so. But I'll need your help. Any future raids or attacks must come to an end. And if there are people impersonating you to try to continue this war, gather strong evidence like recordings or the impersonators themselves. There are some that are desperate to have this war and have it continue. It's time to find out who." More than likely it was the exiled Mandalorians. More than likely this was all revenge.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig gave Kay a shocked look. He hadn't heard of that. Why would they.... His curiosity got the better of him.

"Why would anyone be ready to burn a world of something like. What grounds would that be? Have you tried bringing it to the Silvers, see what they think? I may be Mando'ad, but my clan has had a respect for jetii for centuries now. If they really are still jetii, they would take something like that seriously."

Kay then said she'd need help. That the raids would have to stop. That was easy for Mig and his clan. Greds already only acted in slaver raids anyway. The issue though....

"Ma'am, my clan hasn't engaged in raids against anything but slavers, so heeding your request will be easy for us. I just don't know how much I could sway some of the other clans. Clan Gred is one of the smallest. Many forget that the Clans still act independently, despite being of one culture."

[member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]
ease the tensions?.. a slight grumble came through her helmet, though it was more static than voice.

"I was On H'ratth with kaine. Despite the words of your confederate friend there," she gestures to the door karsan had left through "I know what he's like... my mother was a westralian, I'd heard stories of clan australis before, But I got to see firsthand what happens during their raids. He wanted to remind the jedi that we couldn't be threatened without consequences, I don't think the fool realized he'd start a bloody war... They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, let's just say that I plan to keep kaine pretty close when I can.. But more importantly, I saw the exiles on h'ratth, mandalorians working for jedi. I saw the Jedi too.

I was always told that the jedi taught "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering”, real pacifists i always thought, never took it seriously. Till H'ratth. I saw, We all saw, folk vengeful, bloodthirsty enough to remind us of early mandalorians, of the exiles that sabotage us even now. You've been around our people before, I'm sure you've seen what my people are capable of at times...

For a woman who's seen the things I haven, Done the thing's I have, To have concerns about these people...
Your silvers will toss their written ideals for what they really believe, any day now. I'm afraid you'll see that soon enough.

I'll do what I can to ensure that my house and clans loyal to us will hold off on aggression outside of our territory. And I pray to whatever gods, or even force is out there, that I am wrong, and it doesn't bring you harm"

she hated saying that.. treating the force and it's witches like they meant something, helped ANYONE in a sentance like that.. but it was true, to a certain extent, in the sense that she hoped, despite her better judgement, she hoped that she was wrong. but she was a woman, who until recently, lived for revenge. her own struggles in life had revolved around killing those who had killed someone she cared for, and taking from them what they had taken from her, both metaphorically and physically..
She knew what someone would go to for the sake of vengeance, and as a mandalorian, she knew all to well the life of war and those who seek it. and In the jedi she had encountered, she saw that they were no different from her. and that scared her. not for herself, but for her people. she wasn't wrong, how could she be? of all the things she had ever been wrong about, a man's desire for war and vengeance was never one of them. to deny to herself what she had seen, was pure folly, weather she wanted to admit it or not..

"...If there are no other alliances to discuss, I must leave. the confederacy will be above tanaab any day now.. and they bring your silver jedi with them"

after speaking to [member="Kay Arenais"], she turns and gives [member="Mig Gred"] a nod before making for the door.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay shook her head in response to the questions that [member="Mig Gred"] had posed. "No, I haven't brought it up with the Silvers. I don't think that they'd be bothered. As my husband pointed out to me a while back, there are many that see me as just an escaped convict. They would only treat me as such. So I don't think that they'd be of any help." Even an alliance between Zakuul and UCM couldn't happen. As always, politics got in the way....

She turned to [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] as she spoke, hearing her comments on [member="Kaine Australis"] . Kay had met the man a few times, and her daughter Loreena adored him. He had been an unofficial part of her family even before he married her niece, Yasha.

"They are not my Jedi...but I know that they can lose their way as individuals. War can do bad things to even the best of people. But I thank you for your efforts. Both of you. I just hope that what I am about to do will help to bring about a ceasefire."

There was much riding on her. The burdens that she carried weighed heavily on her shoulders. But still she would give it her best effort. Not doing so might get her to question the 'what if' of the situation for the rest of her life. No one wanted that.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig sighed, shacking his head. "How jetii of their leadership." He heard the unknown vod say that she had to got to Taanab, and nodded with Kay's response as well. He had to make his way there too. He had volunteered his fleet to escort the Tal Fleet. The evac fleet. Mig then looked over to Kay before extending a hand to her.

"Best of luck ma'am. I hope the jetii are at least willing to listen. Oh, and if I may ask you something, could you give a message to a friend? An Echani named Kat Decoria. If you can, tell her I said for her to keep her honor, and that I hope this war ends soon." He had seen Kat recently, but he knew what war could do to people. Ilik was a Mando'ad'jetii before he made himself Force Dead after falling deep into the Dark Side. After that battle he always told the Alor about. He sighed a bit, looking out. "And maybe a message to the jetii as well. Punishing all clans for the actions of a few isn't justice."

[member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

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