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Ready For Judge The Holocron of Darth Vird


  • Holocron Name: The Holocron of Darth Vird
  • Alignment: Dark Side
  • Origin: Darth Vird
  • Affiliation: Darth Vird
  • Gatekeeper: It is guarded by several droids, traps, and methods of concealment. On top of that once someone finds the vault on which it is held, then there's the final defense, that Vird put into place, that of the many Magnaguards upgraded with the latest hardware available.
  • Description: The general purpose was for giving a power that is ancient and mysterious, to modern Sith.
  • Accessibility: You can only access it if you are aligned to the Dark Side.
  • Security: If the holder of the Holocron is unworthy then it would bring the person to a brainless state and the person becomes nothing more than a vegetable. If the person is worthy of opening the Holocron then the worthy candidate can unlock the secrets it holds

This Holocron has a power that is ancient and mysterious that most Sith can only dream of having, a power that only one has achieved in its entirety. The power known as transfer essence, this power was a power that Darth Vird learned quite instinctively. If one opens it then one can learn how to transfer one's essence to another body.

The power of transfer essence, is a power that Darth Vird learned quite instinctively. Vird is an ancient being and has gone through many bodies over the course of millennia but this power is the one he hordes about all other Sith powers, he was around during the era of the Old Republic and he has made several texts and manuscripts from his many exploits but his Holocron is his most prized possession, he keeps this Holocron safe on Exegol, where he keeps it in a highly secure vault.

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