Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hive [Adrian]

Another day, another team.

The Galactic Shockball League was slowly but surely becoming more populated with teams. As each one came, though, their own complications came forth. Complications that commissioner Cady Arwyn had to solve, mostly, on her own. The newest team of the league, the Geonosis Gnasps, were in need of sponsorship for their stadium and Cady had just about exhausted all her options for a sponsor.

That was until a message had reached her desk.

Vandiir Consolidated Holdings had sent word that they were interested in providing the sponsorship towards the newst GSL team's stadium and their CEO wished to discuss terms. Things began looking brighter for Cady. She had her office set up for the meeting then had a reply sent to the CEO of Vandiir COnsolidated.

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the new Shockball stadium, Mr. Vandiir. I would like to invite you to my building on Adumar to further discuss the details of the contract.
Yours truly,
Commissioner Cady Arwyn
[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
In truth, Adrian cared little for Shockball, or any sport, really.

He did, however, care about his company's PR, which was why he had leapt at the opportunity when his sources had reported that GSL was struggling to find a sponsor for their most recent team.

Not long ago, his shuttle had landed at the spaceport, his influence putting him on the fast track through customs. Well, his influence and the fact that he was wearing a fine grey and purple doublet befitting nobility and wore a stylish vibrorapier on his hip. It wasn't a blastsword, but it nevertheless served to make the locals more positively inclined to him. Appearances were important, even if the sponsorship would be the clear focus.

As the speeder arrived at its destination, he made his way to the Commissioner's office, accompanied by his friend and employee, Director of FInance Bix Porith. The Muun was remarkably skilled at negotiations and finance, even for one of his people, and was here to ensure that a potential sponsorship agreement benefitted the Company as much as possible. While Adrian was a skilled enough negotiator, his grasp of finance was... subpar. Having the Muun around would certainly be highly advantageous in that regard.

[member="Cady Arwyn"]
"Ah, Mr. Vandiir. Welcome to Adumar. I trust your journey was swift and safe?" Cady rose from her chair behind her desk and walked in front to properly greet her newest potential business partner. She held out a hand to shake Adrian's. Once he did that, whether or not he did, Cady leaned back, resting her buttocks on her desk.

"Let's talk business, shall we?"

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
"A pleasure, Madam Commissioner. Our journey was indeed pleasantly expeditious." Meeting her halfway across the floor, he took her hand and shook it firmly. A soft smile revealing his amusement at her unusual directness. There was something to be said for getting down to business immediately rather than exchange empty pleasantries.

"Let's. That's why we are both here, after all." Spreading his hands slightly, palms upwards, he continued. "You are in need of a sponsor, and we are looking for an opportunity project an air of benevolence around my company. The real question is, what exactly would such a sponsorship entail?" Emperor knew they needed it. Having the company be publicly owned and supervised by himself, a Sith, made PR even more important than usual. Not that his PR department wasn't already doing an admirable job, but a little extra never hurt. Especially a bit of unsolicited charity, or, in this case, a sports sponsorship.

[member="Cady Arwyn"]
"Well, allow me to show you." With a press of a button on her desk, Cady would unveil a hologram of a standard Shockball stadium from a projector beneath them. "Your company's name will be in the big lights at the top of the stadium. All will see the name Vandiir up there and know who brought the greatest form of entertainment to their planet."

Cady waved her hand once more, changing the hologram to one of a line of fans outside of a stadium. "As the primary sponsor of the stadium, you will receive 20% of all profits the stadium makes. This includes food revenue, memorabilia revenue, ticket sales, et cetera. Along with that, lifelong passes for you and your family should you have one and your own private parking and box to watch the games from."

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Not bad. Not bad at all. He would get the positive publicity he desired, and would even get some revenue on the side. He had no doubt the Muun at his side was already running the numbers, thinking of possibilities and obstacles. That was why he was here, after all.

Nodding thoughtfully, he rubbed his chin slightly. "That does indeed sound promising. What of the team itself? The Geonosis Gnasps, I believe." The team, was, after all, quite important. The better they played and the more the crowd liked them, the more revenue and publicity they would generate. There was also the location to consider. Geonosis was far from where his company usually operated, but that might prove to be an advantage. After all, he already had numerous PR ventures, large and small, in Sith-Imperial territory. Broadening one's horizons never hurt, especially when one intended to expand one's operations.

[member="Cady Arwyn"]
"A work in progress. You'll have to peak to the coach about that once the draft happens."

The GSL was still a new and fresh rebirth. None of the teams had members quite yet. No one would show interesting in joining a sports league with only a handful of teams. Once the league was filled with teams, though, the potential players would come running.

"I can assure you, though, they will be good. The Confederacy takes damn good care of its people and they'll do it with the first Shockball team most definitely. And every team after them within their sect of the galaxy."

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
"Understandable. Can I assume your plans for the revival of the Galactic Shockball League is proceeding on schedule?"

The team was important, of course, but it was not his primary focus. Regardless of how well they fared, the arena would likely see a great deal of usage due to its location on the Confederacy's capital world. Turning to his companion, he silently raised an eyebrow, receiving a reply to the unspoken question almost immediately.

"The agreement does appear to be in the interest of the Company, but there is still the matter of the arena itself. Are they all built after a generic template, or are they to some extent customised? If the later, to what extent would the Company be able to participate in the planning phase?"

[member="Cady Arwyn"]
"Indeed. Things were slow for some time, but I've managed to pick things up and get everything back on schedule."

Cady waved her and again, bringing back the hologram of the stadium. "There is a base template then changes are made based on the team and the location. For instance, Promenade Stadium, the Eadu Edgehawks stadium, was constructed with a glass roof to protect the field from the endless rain, but also creates a beautiful view for the fans. Any other changes are made by the team owner. You can speak with him regarding any changes to the stadium, but, to be completely honest, it'll more than likely fall on deaf ears. These team owners are rather picky when it comes to the stadiums they're pouring millions into. But, it wouldn't hurt to try."

The commissioner reached back on her desk and slid a paper towards the front of the desk. "Is there more you'd like to discuss, Mr. Vandiir? Or can we consider this a deal?"

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
"In that case, I, or a representative of mine, will take that up with the coach at a later date. I am sure a mutually beneficial agreement will be reached there, just as we have done today." Smiling slightly, he continued. "On that note, I do believe that settles it. The major points, anyway. As for all the minor details, well, I am sure we both have people for that sort of thing."

That would not be the end of his company's efforts, of course. Knowing his finance department, they would lobby hard to acquire part of the construction commision for VCH's up and coming civil engineering division. Perhaps they would take the opportunity to get a foothold in CIS space? Either way, he had no doubt they would be able to wring every advantage possible from the agreement. They always did. It was hardly without reason that he placed so much responsibility in the hands of his subordinates.

"Well then, I suppose the only thing that remains is to formalise the agreement; I take it you require a signature or two?"

[member="Cady Arwyn"]
"Indeed." Cady pointed towards two blank lines on the paper. "Sign here and here and the deal will be complete." The Geonosis Gnasps were mere moments away from getting their home in the galaxy. Cady was moments away from earning a lot of money. Everything slowly came together. Pieces of the puzzle that was soon to become whole.

A droid walked in from outside the office, carrying a bottle of champagne for after the signing was done.

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Nodding slightly, he took the time to make sure that his signature looked as neat as possible; he was, after all, not used to signing documents on paper.

And just like that, the deal was complete. "So it is. It has been a pleasure doing business with you."

As if on cue, a droid walked in, carrying a bottle of fine champagne. A toast, then. A toast to their agreement, and to the future. They both had plans; he sought to expand his power base, she to breath new life into a time-honoured sport. With any luck, both their ventures would profit from their agreement, though to what extent, only time would tell.

[member="Cady Arwyn"]
"Same to you, my friend."

The droid poured the bubbly champagne into two glasses and handed one to Cady, which she took into her hand, then handed the other to Adrian. cady held her glass up to propose a toast.

"And may our partnership strengthen through time. To the Galactic Shockball League!" Once the toast was complete, Cady took a small sip from her glass. A light began flashing on Cady's desk followed by a beep. "Oh, dear. We've run out of time, Mr. Vandiir. I have another meeting to get to. My assistant will walk you out. We'll talk again soon. Thank you, again. The Gnasps will thrive thanks to you and your contributions."

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]

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