Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The heist in Bespin

[SIZE=10.5pt] "Yeah yeah" Mara and Vanadis took the money, putting it in black hand bags "You know that killing the guards will cause that the owners put some high bounties on our asses right?" Three bags were full, Mara and Vanadis carry two of them. The other was in the table "You take that if you think that we arent going to make an even cut. I will be defending you three. I dont want any more unnecessary killing" four deaths and a robbery of a bank. If they found out that they provoke the explosion and catch them alive...the spending their lifes in prison would be the least of their worries...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The last minute passed but he didnt feel any police horn as he went to the hall, followed by the sisters[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]. No lights on the streets beside the yellow ones. It was disturbing "Why they havent arrive yet?" it would take him some real fighting to cross just one street with the cops shooting at him, but they werent there "Or the guards didnt get to communicate or the police are planning something. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Doesnt matter. We will go up grabbing the rope" Garoth grabbed the rope and climb, reaching to the second floor "Come on. We need to get to the roof. We will jump to the next building" said waiting for him. The next thing they would do is running until they arrive to the hangar and go separate ways.[/SIZE]

[member="Zarack Arkaos"]
"Preaching to the Choir, my friend..." Zarack uttered his response with a sort of cheerful sarcasm, his hand taking a hold of the bags straps and hoisting it off from the table he slung it over one shoulder before following the others towards where the rope hung from the whole in the ceiling. "I don't know what's taking them so long..." He responded to the comment over the policing unit that had yet to show themselves, "But I'm not in the habit of mocking a good thing, best we count our blessings and get outta here, eh?" He gestured for them to start their climb, choosing to wait in the main lobby while Garoth soon climbed up after Mara and Vanadis. [member="Garoth Ursull"] had convinced Zarack so far that he'd not decided yet whether to turn on him, the fact that he'd told Zarack to take a bag, his share of the heist more or less was a good move that kept Zarack's head in the game and a team player for the duration. "Right, no one else dies..." Zarack repeated, nodding once in agreement and though not saying it, feeling irritated by the connection he'd felt to the Guard now motionless closer to the vault.

It was soon his turn to climb, taking the rope into both hands, the pull was much more difficult with the bag loaded with cred's slung over his shoulders but he somehow managed; hauling himself up into the second floor and slowly moving to get to his feet. "Roof to roof huh..." He considered the idea, far less potential in being seen than on the streets, "Lead the way then" he agreed once more and moved in behind them as they all intended to leave the bank. "How far is your ship..." Zarack asked as they reached the open air of the nights breeze, "Might pay for us to split up after we get some distance away from the place, far less suspicious than a group of us with two bags full of cred's and I'm docked not so far from here, just on the other side of the district".
"Several block away bu...." he stopped speaking as the sound of sirens getting closer and louder "To the roof, quick!" well two minutes and thirty seconds wasnt a bad delay. Garoth kicked the door of the department they were in. It had a stair way that went up at least seven floors "Give me the bags" ordered to Mara and Vanadis "Run to the roof and examine the zone in search for any danger" they could get there fast enough but wouldnt win against a police squad, so they needed to hurry up.

"Alright splitting sounds good. Where is the rendezvous point? I wont do that in this planet" Garoth was climbing the stairs a fast as he could. He meditated for a moment of the weigh of both bags he had. Less than a hundred thousand credits. With the three bags together, they could easily reach that number. But he wasnt going to call victory until they entered their ships and got out of the planet. The most disturbing thing was that the sirens didnt stopped at the entrance of the bankn they just passed along.

"Could it be that the explosion in the bar...Zarack, we are standing in a bomb" he stood on the last floor "Those were firefighters, not cops. The explosion provoked a gas leak on that district. We got ourselfs plenty time or none as the city could go boom in a matter of seconds" after arriving to the roof, you could see the other building was six meters away. To their back, a fire was getting bigger, with black smoke getting higher.

[member="Zarack Arkaos"]
[member="Garoth Ursull"] had now struck Zarack as rather panicked, talking something about the earlier explosion sparking some sort of gas leak, presumably down within the City's integral pipes and maintenance shafts, "Calm down, you don't know that..." Zarack replied quickly, his brows furrowing a little now as he found himself surprised by the assumption of his partner in the crime, "Whatever you did probably just caught something on fire, whatever it was, be thankful it's not the authorities, we need to get going...". It was reassuring that Garoth was open to the idea of splitting up in order to lesson the chance of being discovered, "Good, I'm glad you agree, I'll be taking this bag with me just in case something happens to you. In the event, I'm discovered, you've got two of 'em so I'd advise you not hang about...-If we haven't met up within the hour, you can assume I'm not going to make it and get the hell off this floating tank".

With little more to say on the matter, Zarack paced forward, quickly quickening his step before reaching the edge of the roof and gathering the force at his feet, enhancing his jump to climb and soar across the six meter gap, landing upon the other side with something of a stumbled landing, the bag over his shoulders weighing him down some. "I'll meet you at your docking bay, I'll find you soon enough, we can work the rest out there!" He called back across the space before turning to move off on his own, free of the trio and able to move far easier when there was no one else to consider or concern himself with being held up on.

Scaling the next ledge, Zarack lowered himself down upon one of the many fire-escapes made for those civilians escaping a potential blaze. It led down into one of the many alleys that ran between the buildings, a dank labyrinth that felt very familiar to Eriadu's where Zarack had once spent so much of his time on as a child. 'This is better...' he thought as he quickly moved with a hastened step to avoid the main streets en-route to the edge of the district where Garoth had claimed his ship was docked. There had been a good reason he'd suggested the split, not only to diminish the chances of his capture but also due to his counter-parts tactics. The initial explosion may have slowed down the authorities but it also likely awoke half the district to the mayhem that was ensuing. While it meant they had had a diversion, the chances were high that not only was the area where the bomb had gone off, panicked but this level of destruction spoke terrorism in Zarack's mind, thus the bigger companies and locations would be alerted to a potential attack...-Such places as docking yards and hanger bays where others were likely to go to in order to avoid being caught up in the affair. Zarack would keep to his word and meet Garoth there though on the chance that he'd arrive first, he planned to keep his distance and ensure he wasn't walking straight into an ambush, by the authorities or Garoth himself.

[member="Julian Valentine"] | [member="Ghorua the Fish"]
Garoth nodded and jumped to the other building. Mara and Vanadis had done that, receiving the bags full of credits from the bank roof "Get into the hangar! The AT-360 isnt far away from here!" Once they got into the streets, they saw people, citizens running away with some police man yelling to them, marking the way into the hangar, making it easier for them to escape, but dispelling any doubts. The explosion did affect not the hole district. The city itself was gas bomb, and that it didnt explode meant that the firefighters and authorities were doing a nice job "Or meant that they breathed gas and died..." The feeling that you could die in any moment gave life a hole new look.

The hangar wasnt too far away. Close for a fast for a escape. After the girls grabbed the bags, he took the front, guiding them through the maze of streets "Quick!" just a few blocks away. After they got close, guards and policeman were guiding people to civilians ship in an attempt to get everyone out of the city. With a swift attack to the groin, one of them felt to the ground, leaving the way for the girls to go to the hangar. Garoth strecht his arms "This was easy" the smell of a complete mission make him smile.

[member="Zarack Arkaos"] [member="Julian Valentine"] [member="Ghorua the Fish"]
Ghorua leaned passively on the wall as chaos erupted around the city. He and Julian had been waiting there for some time, and it looked as if things were happening around them. He saw security forces begin to usher citizens into escape vehicles. Thankfully, they hadn't gone around to talking to the Hunters yet. Then he saw a couple of girls run past, carrying bags of money, into the ship they were watching. He pointed it out to Julian. "Bags of credits, I assume. I think our guy's close."

The Herglic pocketed his rock from Bakura, and reached behind his head. Slowly, so as not to attract attention to himself, he pulled the Spinster from his back, and rotated the barrels, ready to nab their guy the second they saw him. The Herglic bent down to his fellow Hunter, and whispered. "Looks like we're about to have some action." Ghorua smiled under his helmet, waiting for imput.

[member="Garoth Ursull"] [member="Zarack Arkaos"] [member="Julian Valentine"]
Anarchy had taken a grip on Bespin. Sirens far away were roaring into the night sky, and the shrill cry of terrified citizens drowned out any other noise. Julian was perched against the ATC freighter, calm as ever. You didn't become a Bounty Hunter if you were easily nerved. He looked down at his fingernails and picked at the dried blood that flaked the nail. He had cut his fingers on a pallet back on his ship when he and Yee were moving cargo around. It was nothing more than a nuisance, a thought at the back of his mind that nagged at him.

He huffed when the girls ran past. They weren't his targets, but with the bags of money, the sirens, and all else, it was easy to put a picture together. Ghorua made a passing mark that their man would be near, Julian could only silently nod in agreement. His eyes peeled away from his friend and back to the ship the girls had fled into. "I'll investigate." He pushed off from the ship and walked up the ramp, he began to dial the local security codes to access the emergency centre on his datapad. "I've got a possible burglary suspect at my coordinates, transmitting them now." He cut the call.

Whatever these thieves had been up to on Bespin, their party was about to be crashed by the full force of the Bespin Wing Guard, and two very successful bounty hunters. Julian couldn't help but smirk as he boarded the freighter, hands draped his new twin JV-1 heavy blasters. They were polished and new, they had that new product smell to them. Courtesy of Arceneau Trade Company after Julian had completed a series of successful hunts, earning ATC in excess of 200,000cr. Designing him a blaster was merely a small favor in return.

[member="Ghorua the Fish"] | [member="Garoth Ursull"]
'This is getting out of hand...' Zarack thought to himself as he moved from the alley and into the street to join the crowds of civilians being hoarded in different directions by the authorities. Standing out within broad public and open sight, the authorities seemed too concerned with containing the confusion and panic of their people to notice Zarack, much less identify him as a criminal entity. Carrying the large bag over one shoulder, he pushed his way further in the direction of where [member="Garoth Ursull"] had told him they were docked.
Explosives, mention of some criminal syndicate that Garoth and his friends had pissed off somehow, the policing unit out in the streets on the way to their evacuation point. While Zarack had killed a couple of the officers in the bank, at-least that had been isolated and away from prying eyes. This was something else entirely, it was mayhem for the whole of bespin to see, bound to reach the holo-news sooner or later.

His head felt tight, as if there was to much pressure beneath his skin, his mind difficult to settle and the force, the Force around him he could feel flowing chaotically about the many peoples of the city, frenzied and scared. Zarack was not a hugely gifted user in the way of the physical arts of Force use but he was quickly discovering (not always to his delight), that his ability to connect with other people on some sort of a mental level was becoming easier and easier as time was passing him by. It was like the world around him spoke memories of people sometimes, even their thoughts or feelings but it was never clear, never distinguishable with any clarity, often times they just came in spouts, uncontrolled moments where he would feel or read to much into another life as he had at the bank and panicked because of it. There was far to much tension here, to much chaos.

"Garoth..." He'd found his communications device, the comlink and raised Garoth's channel, he felt to exposed and with his nerves high and something distant telling him to cut and run, he tried to call the other not wanting to leave him in the dry. By no means were the two friends, Zarack hardly knew him but he'd been a partner for the job and he wouldn't just abandon the guy. The women, they were debatable, they didn't seem to like him much anyway. "Something's not right here man...-I'm standing in the thick of the street and I'm getting a really bad vibe about all this..." He waited to hear back, some kind of response through his com-link from the other.

[member="Julian Valentine"] | [member="Ghorua the Fish"]
He heard something coming from his radio "Zarack? I dont hear you well" "...m getting a bad vibe about all this..." he opened his eyes. In other days, he would just dismiss the commentary and just get to his ship, the problem was that everything went almost to the plan "Except for the explosion of a city with six million of civilians just for a heist" thought stopping as the crowd run to space ships, while others sell a sit to theirs for scary rich people "Lets assume that the there is someone looking for us...they would have attacked or engaged when we were in the bank. Or in the street running towards here...Alright they are lazy..." Garoth laugh thinking about that, but became serious "I cannot stop just because he got a hunch"

Just to be sure he contact the girls through the radio "Mara, any news? Anything?" "Well i picked up the guard radio when we were in the bank, since then nothi...wait im receiving something..." "...transmitting them now" Mara and Vanadis looked at each other outside the hangar, where the ship was. They werent stupid, as the hole purpose of the training they had was to make them adaptable to any situation, and the meaning of that was always trouble.

"Dad, someone gave out our positio1n" "Doesnt matter, in this chaos, the rich people always keep the police to them when things get rough" screams, the crying of people, several steps, the sound of the alarms, the ignition of the ships. There was only few city policeman that didnt run away and even less the ones capable of stopping mugglers. Garoth touched his lightsaber meditating. The actual problem was finding out who they were "Alright listen up. I need you two to hide between the crowd. With your size no one unless they kill a dozen of civilians will catch you" "Roger dad" Mara and Vanadis followed the orders to the letter, running away until they reached a group of people that were running away, waiting further instruction.

"Zarach, i need your ass over the entrance of the hangar, that will be our rendezvous point...It will be just a moment" he hide his hands in his pockets and walked towards the hangar. He got a plan. He always got a plan. That would be fight his way out.

[member='Ghorua the Fish'],[member='Julian Valentine'], [member='Zarack Arkaos'],
It had all suddenly become a morale dilemma, Zarack hated those. "[member="Garoth Ursull"]! Listen to me for a second, you don't need to trust me but this is going south and I'm sticking my neck out enough as it is....-Look, I don't know how well trained you are, I don't care, I know better than to hang around when the kriff is getting above waist high, we're wading in fodder here, it's time to cut your losses. Get your friends and get the hell out, there's something really not right going on..." With that, Zarack closed the channel and severed the contact between them entirely. On Garoth's end, he would know that Zarack had shut him off via the Comlink and hopefully assumed that Zarack had called it quits. While not the case, it was certainly the smarter option than what the younger male was planning. The problem he'd run into was that trust between himself and the other three was not well secured and he couldn't be sure if the others were one-upping him and ready to pin this whole conflict on his head. Though it wasn't the case, Zarack decided best to stash the bag of credits that he held in a place secure and far from the prying eyes of others, as insurance more than anything else, just in case he really was about to walk into an ambush from his partner in the crime.

Talk was cheap, his own Master had taught him this much and though his mentor she wouldn't be for much longer, the few lessons he'd picked up from her methods were enough to know that he needed to continue to serve his own interests above those of others.

Approaching the nearby docking yard where Garoth's vessel was stationed, he did not obey the request of his counter-part. Instead he chose to wait, choosing to look out for himself first and foremost, both of his lightsabers held within his palms, ready to be activated on a moments notice. While he'd met Garoth within the old Covenant, loyalty was something that had been yet to be found within the organization. This made the whole incursion that much more dangerous and meant that waiting and biding his time with a good eye over the area, would suffice for the time, to ensure there were no mistakes, no unwanted appearances or back-stabbings unforseen. If Garoth were to meet with resistance, Zarack would choose his precise moment, on his plan and his actions alone. If the older male would prove to arouse suspicion however and offer a share hint of willingness to turn on Zarack, he was certain he would know it when the moment would present itself, and be able to turn and leave without further incident.

It was all a matter of time, from here. Time and the utmost lack of movement to reveal his position atop the perch.

[member="Julian Valentine"] | [member="Ghorua the Fish"]

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