Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Heart of the Jedi

Other planets.


Had ever a greater statement been made than that?

She didn't reply to him at first, as they got ready to leave the cantina. Her mind was aglow with all the possibilities out there, the different places she'd visit, the creatures she'd find, people she'd meet, food she'd get to try. Going from her first new planet to another so soon, though, she leave her feeling a little more deflated than she otherwise might have been.

"Will we get to see D'Qar" - this time she actually said the planet's name correctly - "again? I bet it's lovely!"

She wasn't necessarily looking for a definitive answer, though, so when Cotan focused more on getting them on their way she didn't press the subject further.

The grin she'd expressed upon asking about her new position only grew when he affirmed her suspicions. It likely meant she wasn't going to visit Crystalsong again for quite some time, which in turn meant no more crystal trees, but it was worth it to see what else was out there in the Galaxy.

She hastily waved to the lady who had brought them their food, calling out a quick "thank you!", and then stepped out of the establishment alongside her Master until he decided to pause. She followed suit, glancing up at him curiously to try and figure out what he was waiting for.

When he asked his question she pondered on it for just a moment. And then she nodded.

"Yes Master!" she retorted. "I think I am."


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