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Approved Tech The Gun(s) of Command.

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NOTE: As powerful as this submission claims to be, there are ways for this to be defeated and cannot take control of another character without their consent.

  • Intent: To submit a personal reward for participation in an old rebellion thread.
  • Image Source: Falcon Pistol - Command and Conquer Wiki.
  • Canon Link: Gun of Command (Pistol Version.)
  • Restricted Missions: Return of the Heritage Council - Hapes Rebellion.
  • Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles.

  • Manufacturer: Royal Armaments Guild of Charubah (Original Design and Production.) | The Golden Company (Modifications.)
  • Model: Gun of Command. (Various Serial Numbers.)
  • Affiliation: Khonsu Amon | The Golden Company | Closed-Market.
  • Modularity: Yes, Power Cells and Exterior Aesthetics and Attachments.
  • Production: Semi-Unique (Ten Pistols.)
  • Material: Durasteel, Electrum, Textured Rubber, Various Internal Sonic and Electromagnetic Components.

  • Classification: Mind-control Device, Advanced Biomagnetic Pistol.
  • Size: Small Rating.
  • Length: 0.254 Metres, or 10 Inches.
  • Weight: 2 Kg, or 4.2 Lbs - Average Rating.
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell, or Power Pak, or Rechargeable Power Cells.
  • Ammunition Capacity: Three Pulses per Charge.
  • Reload Speed: Average Rating - User Dependant.
  • Effective Range: Point Blank Rating - (Five Metre Electromagnetic Cone.)
  • Rate of Fire: Low Rate of Fire. (Ten Second Recharge Rate.)
  • Stopping Power: Very High - Target Dependant: See Below.
  • Recoil: Very Low Rating - Minor Accuating Parts.
  • Advanced Biomagnetic Pulse: Through the curious properties of biomagnetism, the Gun of Command emits a directional pulse of gathered energy that can interrupt the cognitive centres of the target’s brain, potentially making them highly susceptible to suggestions, or following through with verbalized commands. These direction can range from jovial pranks, to eschewing the natural instincts of self-preservation. However, this control lasted a small measure of time, depending entirely on the target in question - as everyone's willpower varied. The mean average noted from the Thyrsian Trials ranged from five to ten seconds, or nothing but momentary hesitation with those trained in the mental arts.

  • Advanced Mind-Control Device: Like their unmodified variants, these Gun(s) of Command are powerful mind control devices, able to alter the biomagnetic properties of one’s mind to potentially open them fully to external suggestion. While this was a simplistic explanation of what transpired, it was a technological alternative to the mind-altering powers that were displayed by most trained force-wielders; like the Jedi and their Sith brethren. These external suggestions could range from anything simplistic to utterly detrimental, as the affected target would happily comply with whatever order they were given - even if it was to terminate their own existence with an offered weapon.
  • Disciplined Mind: While these weapons were formidable in suppressing the will of another, opening them up to accepting ideas other than their own, they weren’t perfect in any sense of the word. As every mind was different, and the willpower that sustained them ranged from non-existent to Iron-clad. Should an individual be strong of mind, or trained in the mental arts of the Force, they’d be able to negate the weapon’s effects and retain control of their body and mind.
  • Short-Range: Simply stated, the Gun of Command is ineffective at ranges longer than five metres, as the conical pulse degrades rapidly afterwards and is unable to effect anyone. Thus, to see that the weapon is used effectively, it’s highly recommended that the bearer places themselves within point-blank range of their target, before pulling the trigger. An act that may end up costing their lives, if the pulse isn’t successful in suppressing their target’s will.
  • Specialized Battlefield Weapon: Although every weapon on the field of battle is effective in some manner or another, the Gun of Command is classified as a specialized armament; due to the fact that it had a low charge capacity and is only useful in certain scenarios. Therefore, it’s recommended for the personal safety of the bearer that this weapon be used as originally intended as both a method of execution and interrogation.

For their clandestine service in the Hapan Cluster, the Golden Company was awarded with several hundred thousand credits and a small crate of Gun(s) of Command. While this was an unusual reward from the hereditary and matriarchal society; it wasn’t one that they really knew about. In all the tumult that followed the chaos in Ta’a Chume’Dan, the Thyrsian Commandos were able to pillage a nearby warehouse and escape without drawing any attention to themselves - this yielded a handful of biomagnetic pistols. However, as it turned out, they were on their way to be decommissioned and needed to be heavily overhauled in order to be considered serviceable again.

Not wanting to risk the chances of discovery, the Thyrsian Commandos believed that their Armourer’s Guild could make something from these venerable husks; something that mirrored their modern and serviceable counterparts. When they returned to their vessel, the Technicians began disassembling and swapping out critical parts, hoping to understand the various properties of this weapon. As their confidence had reached its peak, the Guild reassembled the collection of weapons and began their extensive trials; hoping to achieve the same results with a Thyrsian spin. Naturally, this degraded the consumptive capacity as several wires were crossed in order to keep the weapon’s suggestive power intact, but it was believed to be an acceptable loss.

Despite the trade-offs, the Gun(s) of Command were still a potent method of execution and interrogation tool, as their willpower betrayed them in the grandest sense. This mind-altering process worked by the sonic device forcibly subjugating their cerebral centres governing their disciplined centre of self. While there were those that could defeat this biomagnetic pulse, provided they proved themselves adept at combating powerful sources of suggestion, those that were unable to resist - would find themselves under the bearer’s control for a limited amount of time before their natural wits assumed direct control.

It was during this brief period of time, when the target was under the command of the bearer, that they would be open to any suggestion - even one that imperiled their natural self-preservation instincts. However, like the consumptive capacity the conical range suffered and required the bearer to be within point-blank - meaning that the weapon would see little use when employed on the battlefield.

Well, unless it was utilized as a last means of defence to turn one’s aggression against themselves.
Khonsu Amon said:
gathered energy that interrupts the cognitive centres of the target’s brain
Throw in the word can here.

Khonsu Amon said:
making them highly susceptible to suggestions
Put the word potentially at the start of this

Khonsu Amon said:
able to alter the biomagnetic properties of one’s mind to open them fully to external suggestion
Put potentially between to and open
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