Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Green House

  • Image Source: Deviant Art by Travis Anderson (x)
  • Canon Link: (N/A)
  • Development Thread: (N/A)
  • Primary Source: (N/A)
  • Corporation Name: The Green House
  • Headquarters: Aldera
  • Locations: Aldera
  • Operations: The Green House grows and cultivates annual, perennials, medicinal, and rare flowers.
  • Tier: Tier 2

Rianna moved about regularly knowing she had to keep busy or her mind would linger too much on the past. She serves as the Head Gardener, and CEO. They have multiple green houses constructed paying refugees looking for a better life. Using the local companies for materials.

There is a teams of gardeners working the greenhouses, but only Rianna tends to the rare and unique.

The Green House would accept orders for annuals and perennials for bouquets, banquets, weddings, or any other event.

The Green House is quiet and leans towards the light but it has been said certain individuals aligned to the darker side of life have made orders without revealing who they are. The Green House is benevolent their goal to provide a bit of beauty and reminders of anything can survive. Anyone for House Organa has use of the Green House.

Upon the Death of her beloved Ordo Rianna returned to the one thing that had always given her pleasure. Her garden. Over the many years she had brought home different seedlings, and planets in hopes of them flourishing. It seemed only after thinking how much she enjoyed it that it become part of MandalMedical where she could sell the medicinal herbs she used so often in her work.

She also knew that there were some that she could not sell that they would have to be for viewing only. Not all flowers were just for beauty some were quite deadly.

Then there were the rare ones the ones that took years to cultivate. Delicate blossoms that only a gentle hand and caring heart could nuture. All the love that she had shared with Ordo radiated from these flowers.

  • Not at this time.

Parent Corporation: N/A


Well-Known Member
Rianna Ar'klim-Organa said:
Parent Corporation: MandalMedical

As a Tier 2 company, MandalMedical cannot sustain a subsidiary. If MandalMedical becomes a Tier 3, then this submission could be a subsidiary, otherwise it will need to be removed from this field. Tag me once you've got that sorted and I'll take another look!
[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"]

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