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Approved Lore The Great Galidraan Imperial State

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'Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar.'- Winston Churchill

  • Intent: To build upon and continue the narrative of Galidraan from its time as a sith vassal state through to its war of independence and into the present with a sub reflecting the current state of affairs.
  • Image Credit: Custom made, tank gif from here
  • Canon: Galidraan.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Propaganda, Imperial takeover of Galidraan, various Imperial invasions and other content etc.

  • Organization Name: The Great Imperial State of Galidraan
  • Classification: Government(formerly in exile)
  • Affiliation: NIO.
  • Organization Symbol: The original symbol of the free state in exile was the monarchist lion. However, over time, the new Imperial banner has taken precedence as the military-dominated faction of the free state gained more control and preeminence in the diaspora.
  • Description: The Galidraani Imperial state is the new Government in control of the Galidraan system, having overthrown the sith vassal state government in the process after a nearly decade long struggle that saw thousands killed and many more wounded or displaced. Unlike the vassal state and the state before it, the parliament has largely been deprived of the powers it once had in favour of a ruling military transitional junta that rules by decree and the sword.


  • Headquarters: The Government is based within the traditional parameters of the Galidraan system and has a sizable presence on Archais and other areas with a sizeable Galidraani diaspora. In part because of its origins as a largely illegal guerilla formation that was banned and hunted down by the Sith Empires secret police and counter-insurgency elements.
  • Domain: The Galidraani Government claims legitimate rule over the Galidraan system, largely uninterested in expanding those claims or conquering other systems. In that regard, it is because of the Government's nationalistic nature, although it also claims jurisdiction over the diaspora living abroad. But wherever or not the Galidraanis in Dosuun and other places come to acknowledge Tal's authority remains to be seen.
  • Notable Assets: The Government largely inherited the former Galidraani security forces' arsenal and other weapons and assets from the New Imperial Orders lend-lease policies.


  • Hierarchy: The Government consists of a military council and can be defined as an authoritarian military junta. At the top of the Junta is the Lord Protector Willan Tal, who rules by decree and dictates affairs to the members of the transitional council who largely enforce the Government's ambitions. The Lord Protector holds extra-legal powers and can dismiss government officials at a moments notice,
  • Membership: Anyone can be a citizen of the Galidraani state, but the recent conflict has seen a sharp decline in immigration. Many other members of Galidraani society have also fled the planet, with fears of reprisals against former members of the Sith government growing by the day. Membership within the security forces and Junta is primarily dictated by loyalty to the regime and personal conviction towards the Imperialist ideology. Aliens are mainly left out of the military, with many former members of the security forces being forcibly retired or their units disbanded. However, near humans are somewhat tolerated in the armed forces and Government for the most part. Alien rights activists accuse the Government of using near humans for cannon fodder, something government spokespersons strictly deny despite holonet news footage contradicting said statements.
  • Climate: There is strict militarism within the state, emphasising the armed forces coming to the fore once more. One could argue an air of paranoia and tension exists, with many civilians and former employees of the Sith administration living in great fear of the day men come knocking on their doors. But to the average citizen of Galidraan, the Government is but a distant figure that remains in the corner of their lives. When walking the streets of Galidraans cities, it is hard to avoid the propaganda posters and nascent cult of personality that has developed around Willan Tal and the various Generals and martyrs of the war.
  • Reputation: Galvanised by the cult of personality and the atmosphere of victory in the wake of the Sith administration's withdrawal, the Government enjoys a popular image at home, particularly within the lower classes and traditional military society. However, there is a distrust of Tals administration among the aristocracy and diaspora and a fear that the new Government is more sinister than the clean-cut patriotic face it presents to its own people. To many independent holonet news networks who have done programs or sent reporters to the frontlines of the Third Imperial Civil war, the Galidraani Imperialists are deemed as being nothing more than a front for the New Imperial Orders interests in the region.
  • Curios: Membership in the Government and the ruling party is symbolised by party membership cards; more hardcore cadres show their loyalty by adorning themselves with tattoos symbolising Galidraani history and party symbols.
  • Rules: Like any competent planetary government, the Galidraani Imperial Junta swears by the laws of the land. On paper, that is. However, like any other government entity, they engage in foul practices to cement their rule and control of the home system. With many opposition figures turning up missing, pro-Imperial militant organisations popped up in the rural areas and refused to disband. It would seem the law is quite flexible as far as Tal's men are concerned.
  • Goals: With Galidraan coming under the control of the free state and the subsequent transition of the free state from a rebel force to an official government, the Government's immediate goals lay in the restoration of Galidraans prestige and de-sithification of the Government and society. Tals faction in the Junta also seek to establish firm control over all aspects of the state, and entrench themselves politically to prevent counter coups and further chaos and threats to the regime.

Members of the Junta as of the late 868ABYY are:

Willan Tal Willan Tal - Lord Protector and ruler of the Galidraani state

DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran - Major General

Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart - General

Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter -General

DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie - General

Eskel Ravenot-Naval Commander

Arcturus Tal Arcturus Tal - Naval Commander

Ollis Barran Ollis Barran - Commander in the armed forces

Berach Ulrand- Commander in the armed forces

Enedina Tal Enedina Tal - Captain in the armed forces

Morgana Sinclair Morgana Sinclair - Captain in the aerial forces

Gabriel Taggart Gabriel Taggart - Captain in the armed forces

Michael Barran Michael Barran -unknown

Hiran Avola Hiran Avola - Captain in Unit 44

Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran - Squad leader in Unit 44

The beginnings of the modern Galidraani Imperial state began in the genesis of the Third Imperial civil war; what started as a few isolated incidents of defiance against the ruling sith administration soon boiled into open acts of violence, first in the form of disorganised gun attacks and bombings that soon mutated into a far more violent situation. However, the time was not right, and with a swift response from the local authorities and sith garrison, such dissent was swiftly crushed. But such outbursts did not lay dormant for long; voices and whispers of revolt spread in the underground and the urban sprawls of Calavar and Thames. Survivors organised themselves into cells and began siphoning weapons from the local law enforcement and the ever-present crime families. The criminals watched the embryonic conflict brewing with lively interest, their pockets soon becoming full with the credits of Galidraans spurned and lost.


And in this brewing cauldron of conflict emerged the beginning of the Galidraani civil war. Monarchists, nationalists, and military members all began to take up arms both abroad and in the shadows of the Galidraani home planet. As fractured as they were and outgunned as they seemed to be, the various parties united their fledgling forces and became known as the Galidraani free state. One might've deemed it a romantic albeit lost cause, but the Galidraanis were a tough cunning breed, and the leaders among them turned to outside help. Willan Tal, the leader of the nationalist faction within the free state, made contact with the New Imperial Order, who was all too eager to arm and support another rebel army to gain an advantage in the brutal quagmire known as the Third Imperial War. And so it was on Archais in the year 863ABYY, that a small band of men and women known as the free state army formed, armed and equipped with New Imperial Order armaments and stolen Sith gear. Though small and often the underdog, the free state forces made their name in the rat race that was the later stages of the Third Imperial civil war, scoring victory after victory and triumph after triumph as Tals band fought their way home and out of the chains of exile.

Such success led to the swelling of the free state forces, with careful propaganda and holonet reports helping amplify the free state's successes in the eyes of the diaspora and at home. Coupled with the growing anti-Sith insurgency on the homeworld, Tal's forces edged ever closer to their goals. However, the propaganda extolling the military successes was intentional and deliberate. Tal utilised his battlefield successes to create an aura of myth and a borderline martyr cult around the various dead Galidraani's that fought in the name of home; this served to also discredit many opposition groups and monarchists and paint the nationalists in a positive light as being the real saviours of Galidraan.

Years of sacrifice and struggle culminated in tangent with the Sith Empires overall collapse, burdened by years of brutal attrition warfare and incompetent leadership. The once monolithic entity that ruled Galidraans shores collapsed overnight, seemingly throwing not only the local administration into a blind panic but its own garrison forces as well, who promptly fled in the days that followed. Many officials fled the planet; others ended their own lives while some stayed in feverish anticipation of the change that was to come. And indeed it did arrive, Tal's forces took the planet with relatively little resistance aside from the odd holdout of Sith army personnel left behind. The exiles returned to much fanfare in Calavar and, wasting no time, a grandiose military parade not seen since the time of the Galactic Empire was held in the gilded streets of Calavar. Thus permanently cementing the gains of the Free state and enforcing the Galidraani victory in the eyes of the wider galaxy, the military council was established on that same momentous day, and with it, the end of the Sith backed administration whose members were either jailed or largely disappeared. Galidraan was reborn once more, in a hail of fire and glory, built upon the bones of the nationalists enemies both at home and beyond.

Long live Galidraan...

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Fixed Archais, and changed the tank image as there is no real way to credit something from 70+ years ago from a film still. Couldn't find the first order sub for Dosuun, so linked wookiepedia article instead. You can however find a lot of subs relating to Dosuun that are Galidraani themed. Darth Machinus Darth Machinus
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